SparkIT avatar


Microblogging accounts:

Mastodon: @sparkit
Catodon: @SparkIT

Avatar created by Smashicons - Flaticon

SparkIT avatar

I'm confused about "new pipe links".

Newpipe is an app. Do you have trouble setting it as a default app for youtube links?

SparkIT, (edited )
SparkIT avatar

Oh, I didn't know about the bot. So I guess that's Piped ( which is a frontend like invidious ( and usually when it doesn't work switching instance should do the job.

Newpipe is a different project:

On desktop you can also use FreeTube:

SparkIT avatar

L'immagine ha funzionato :)

SparkIT avatar

Sarebbe anche bello ma ogni volta che lo provo stacco dopo 5 minuti per qualche problema di federazione.

L'ultimo poco fa: seguivo questo account con quello su, poi ho tolto il follow e provando a rimetterlo non lo prende più :P

SparkIT avatar

I have the same problem. I also tried installing the languages in troubleshoot mode but I got the same message.

It seems like it doesn't even try to connect, the message appears instantly when I click on install.

No problem with Firefox.

YSK: a few ways to watch YouTube videos without using

Invidious: an alternative front-end that is open-source and privacy-respecting. Here are a list of open instances. If you are reasonably familiar with docker/self-hosting you can also host it yourself, but be aware it's somewhat resource- and maintenance-heavy....

SparkIT avatar

I'm using SmartTube on my TvBox and live in fear it will stop working xD

There's also a component for foobar2000 (yes, I'm GenX) called Youtube Source. You can search content, add results to foobar playlists and see the video (embedded in the skin or on a different window). Sometimes the video doesn't load but restarting foobar it's usually enough.

Please help with the basics of subscribing to remote communities. (Many ways to do it wrong, included)

Alright I really thought I had cracked this nut, but some of these are still eluding me. I went on a run of subscribing to a bunch of remote communities and felt like I had really mastered the fediverse in theory and in execution... then I was humbled....

SparkIT avatar

You have to search with an @ instead of the !

Here you go:

For the time being, the "owner" of new remote communities is always @ernest because he is the instance admin.

SparkIT avatar


AFAIK it happens because old posts are usually updated only when they are searched (I guess to avoid importing too much stuff) and last time I tried you just needed to search the lemmy address but I tried again and right now it doesn't seem to work.

Sometimes it takes time to sync, so maybe they'll show up in a while but if they don't it could be a bug/federation issue.

SparkIT avatar

It's also a fedi software, so pixelfed accounts show up in the microblog tab here on kbin if they are federated.

SparkIT avatar

Aaand I've searched "best blender" and I found out it's... THE SOFTWARE!

Now that's a fedi answer 😎👍

SparkIT avatar

also, is it possible to move the community/magazine description to the top of the page rather than the bottom, as infinite scrolling makes it a bit tedious to unsubscribe or subscribe to communities

Not sure if it works for everybody but on mobile a tap on the top left kbin logo opens the sidebar so you don't have to scroll all the way down.

SparkIT avatar

That works for lemmy but it doesn't seem to be available on kbin yet.

SparkIT avatar

Uh.. that's unfortunate because many will just interpret it as federation being bad and will go back to reddit preaching against fedi.

That being said it could also be a reason for admins to have conversations about how to deal with these migrations and which moderation tools they need.

SparkIT avatar

I didn't know about UDP xD

I remember being on Usenet but at the time I think the average user would have little to no knowledge on how the system worked. You just had to choose a server after reading a few guides and there was no rush.

I like how federation works but right now people come here with different expectations and when it occurs in waves I think it's too stressful.

SparkIT avatar

It matters if 2 users have the same nickname.

speck, to kbinMeta

So I've created a magazine. How do I decide whether to add an "article" vs a "post"

SparkIT avatar

@Nepenthe I think on as it looks right now a microblog post could be easily missed if the magazine is very active but the thing is that when federation works they could also go on all the federated microblogging instances and on the home of the followers. This way they could get "points" from favs and boosts and be more visible here as well.

They could also be useful to comment realtime events, even though this will probably be a problem for the rest of the fediverse because here you don't need to put an hashtag and it's not easy for people to selectively mute them so they would probably mute the user.


SparkIT, (edited )
SparkIT avatar


Do we really not even need hashtags, though?

I'm not sure, because when you create a new post you have to select the magazine and that's already enough to end in the right place so people that don't care about federation in theory don't have an incentive to use hashtags.

Am I interpreting correctly that if I were to, say, make some random comment about being sick as a dog in a microblog, that might get picked up by accounts interested in dogs? If I understand that, that seems like a disastrous oversight.

I guess the sentence you wrote would be fine if you don't use the hashtag dog but even if you did I'm still not sure it would get picked by magazine fetching that hashtag because you are already posting from "inside" a magazine.


edit: quoting was unclear

SparkIT avatar

When you get the result you should see a "subscribe" button under the avatar/handle

SparkIT avatar

I'm not sure if this is fine but since it wasn't active on every page I've added an asterisk on row 7 like this:
// @match*
and it seems to work.

SparkIT, to kbinMeta
SparkIT avatar

On the first page is usually set on "local" and to see the federated content you have to switch to "all".

On it's (often?) the opposite. To switch to local content, select "Federation status: OFF" in the sidebar (federation icon, near the settings one).

bouddeun, to kbinMeta

How do I view posts ("microblog") only from people I follow?

SparkIT avatar

@bouddeun top right, select "Subscribed" from the drop down menu near your nickname. If you're redirected, click again on microblog and it should work.

Direct link:

SparkIT avatar

@bouddeun oops, sorry, I misinterpreted. Right now I'm not sure if it's possible because the focus seems to be filtering content from other platforms but I think if it's not already available it's one of those options that will probably be added.

SparkIT avatar

I'm no dev or admin but my understanding is that being fully synchronized is not that simple, both because it could be too demanding for small instances and because it's a topic that involves privacy for many that prefer to be less connected but when your instance is pretty active I think the amount of connections should be pretty decent anyway and if it's not you can visit other "federations" and import new stuff.

This is a guide for mastodon but it explains well the concept of federation:

  • All
  • Subscribed
  • Moderated
  • Favorites
  • Leos
  • DreamBathrooms
  • thenastyranch
  • hgfsjryuu7
  • Youngstown
  • slotface
  • ngwrru68w68
  • vwfavf
  • khanakhh
  • kavyap
  • rosin
  • Durango
  • tacticalgear
  • Backrooms
  • anitta
  • magazineikmin
  • ethstaker
  • InstantRegret
  • everett
  • GTA5RPClips
  • mdbf
  • cisconetworking
  • osvaldo12
  • tester
  • modclub
  • cubers
  • normalnudes
  • provamag3
  • All magazines