MastodonEngineering, to mastodon avatar

The second beta of 4.2.0 has arrived. We're getting there! See the extensive changelog and upgrade instructions here:



@MastodonEngineering @tchambers

you could use a chatgpt, bing chat or google bard to explain technical information in a user friendly way.

my bing chat request in 'Creative' mode

bing response:

I made a follow up request to "reexamine my original request and write a summary of changes that end users will see in an understandable way"

Okay, I will try to write a summary of changes that end users will see in Mastodon version 4.2.0-beta2. Here is what I came up with:

Mastodon is a social network that lets you communicate with people from different websites that use the same protocol. In the latest version of Mastodon, some new features and improvements have been added to make your experience better. Here are some of the changes that you will notice:

You can now change your privacy and reach settings in one place. This lets you control who can see and interact with your posts and account more easily. You can find this option in your profile settings under the “Privacy and reach” tab.

When you write a post with hashtags, they will be shown separately at the bottom of your post. This makes it easier to see what topics your post is about and to search for them.

When someone sends you a message or edits their message, Mastodon will automatically refresh their account information. This means you will always see the latest profile picture, display name, and bio of the person you are talking to.

If you are an administrator of a Mastodon server, you can see more information about how your server is using Elasticsearch on the dashboard. Elasticsearch is a tool that helps you search for posts and accounts faster and more accurately.

Mastodon can now understand a new attribute for remote actors. An actor is a term for an account or a group on Mastodon or other websites that use the same protocol. The new attribute tells Mastodon whether the actor can be searched for or not.

There are two new options in the REST API for deleting your avatar and header images. The REST API is a way for developers to interact with Mastodon using code. These options let you remove your profile pictures without uploading new ones.

There are some new environment variables for compatibility and customization of some settings and tools. An environment variable is a setting that affects how Mastodon works on your server. These variables let you adjust some aspects of how Mastodon stores files online, searches data, clears cache, and accesses database.

The follow recommendation materialized view has been changed to be faster in most cases. This is a technical term for how Mastodon generates suggestions for who to follow based on your interests and activity. This change means you will see more relevant and up-to-date recommendations faster.

Some bugs have been fixed, such as blocking subdomains of an already-blocked domain, preserving the language from the replied-to post, making the “Create Account” button in the interaction modal work, fixing the styling of the unfollow icon in the advanced column, showing the “legal” report category in the moderation interface, updating the stats of cached posts, uploading video files with unusual framerate, and matching the avatar and header image preview in profile settings.

These are some of the changes that end users will see in Mastodon version 4.2.0-beta2. I hope this summary helps you understand what’s new and improved in Mastodon!

pivoinebleue, to random

Congressman Hakeem Jeffries on Instagram:

"Don’t agonize. Organize 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸"



{an alternative link that doesn't require login}

vincent, to random

Looks like Twitter is rejecting many requests today. Expect degraded performance until I figure a workaround



googlebot useragent works

simevidas, (edited ) to random avatar

Your tweets can no longer be viewed by people who are not logged in. If you tweet something today, you’re not sharing it publicly.

This basically prevents me from tweeting original content anymore. I cannot have my tweets be behind a login wall. That’s unacceptable.

I cannot even share links to tweets anymore because some of my readers may not be able to easily access that content.

Twitter has made bad moves recently, but this is the worst by far.

ittu, (edited )


if you can't embed the tweets, replace all your tweets with screenshots. theres probably a twitter screenshot tool with login functionality to do a batch process of all your links.


duckduckgo and I use !bangs daily combined with redirector custom !bangs.


didn't even notice, I just like the stories and visuals.


where else were they suppose to run them alongside of. covid-vaccine conspiracies , election fraud claims, boycott tweets or dubious investment advice tweets?


profile pictures. it can lead to bias and even be used as a vehicle for propaganda.

there should at least be an option to hide them.

ittu, (edited )

Redirector can do that

Example URL:

Include pattern: ^(?:https?://)(?:www.)?(?|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||*)

Redirect to:$1

Pattern type: Regular Expression

Description: redirect lemmy instances to my own

replace with your own domain.

i scraped the lemmy instances from the join-lemmy instance list. you can add in a instance just bey separating it with | .

Note: this redirector rule will only redirect domains that has "/post/" in the url otherwise it'll just go to the site. i haven't tested any of the instances to see if they use something other than /post/ .

update: i made a mistake because i misunderstood how the federation links work.. i'll try to fix it.


I think having cloudflare will prevent scripts from scraping the site which will suck if people can't save content they like easily.


duckduckgo is my default search engine and I just use the bang "!greddit" which adds to my search


I don't like discord because it's not apart of the open web and thus not accessible via full-text search. information silos suck.

Kbin Roadmap 2023

A certain stage of development has ended - a prototype was created that allowed me to verify whether such a form makes sense in the #fediverse. Until now, it was a project that I developed in my free time. Now, thanks to the great people from Nlnet, I will be able to devote much more time to it. This time, we have already...

A person pointing to something that resembles the kbin platform's homepage.

I would love an official clone interface combined with reddit enhancement suite functionality.


users should be able to copy external links without having to enter the thread,

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