youronlyone avatar

youronlyone avatar

Probably the “Bot Fight Mode” setting.

youronlyone avatar

It depends on how you look at it. There are thousands of fediverse servers, and there are at least a million active users in total.

Based on the context of this discussion thread/branch, those Lemmy servers mentioned would not even fall near the “dominating the network”, they are very far from dominating the fediverse network.

But, if you are referring to “Reddit-like / Stackexchange-like / Quora-lack”, then sure, those servers mentioned are “dominating” the “answers UI/UX” space. However, the fediverse doesn't work like that, and you probably won't even notice it while using any fediverse software.

In the fediverse, and servers acts like a group. If you have used and groups ( and respectively), then Lemmy and Kbin servers works similarly.

If I post to a Lemmy “community” or to a Kbin “magazine”, that post will be re-shared/boosted/re-posted to everyone who subscribed/followed that community/magazine. Anyone who replies to that post, it will be re-shared/boosted/re-posted also.

In other fediverse software, it will just appear as a regular status update thread. In Lemmy and Kbin, it will appear as a comment to a certain post.

It's the same for, say, . The flagship BookWyrm server is “dominating” the “bookshelf UI/UX” space, however, outside of that, it's just another software. The only difference is that with BookWyrm, you get a shelf, track your book reading, leave reviews to a specific book, and so on.

However, everything else are the same… if you leave a comment or posts an update about the book you are reading, it is no different from using , , , , , , , to post a new update that “I am not at page 879 of the book ‘Shaka. When the Walls Fell’.”

And as far as the fediverse is concerned, BookWyrm is far from “dominating” the network.


youronlyone, to random
youronlyone avatar

It's hard to follow a “magazine” and a “user” from , or maybe from, through another instance (tested on,, It is usually not found,

I'm thinking it's the CF settings. I once encountered errors when I was setting up my / for my blogs. It is related to CF's “Bot Fight Mode”, from my experience it should be turned-off because it is blocking everything, and it doesn't allow any CF bypass settings to bypass Bot Fight Mode.

Again, just a wild guess.

youronlyone, to random
youronlyone avatar

Is “random” like its own community section, or this will appear randomly in any community?

and understanding software

youronlyone avatar

Ahh… “random” is simply a generic category for anything microblog that has no fitting “magazine”.

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