tree, (edited ) to worldnews in US Soldier Sets Himself on Fire outside Israeli Embassy in Washington to Protest Gaza War

It’s a bit of a beleaguered point, but it’s very telling that this will assuredly get almost no coverage on big news networks like abc, cbs, fox, etc. and virtually no coverage in the larger papers like the NYT, sure the press agencies like Reuters and the AP will cover it and then redistributors like your source will publish this, but little thought among the media class/commentariet will be given to the man who decided there was so little hope of being able to do anything through legal/electoral means to stop a genocide that he could no longer stand idly by and had to do something to protest the sheer inhumanity of what’s going on. Barely anyone probably still remembers the person who did the same thing and died in 2022 on earth day protesting inaction on climate change/destruction, that story was absolutely buried. I don’t support any kind of self harm, but doing something as drastic as this requires a pretty compelling reason, most people remember Tibetan monks doing the same thing, but the same importance was not extended to that person in 2022 and will almost definitely not be extended to this person now. I may end up being wrong, but I expect this to be out of the news cycle/discourse in days at most.


They didn’t even share his name, either it is something middle eastern sounding or they just want everyone to forget about him.


From what I recall on Twitter it’s a white dude, but they didn’t want to share his name.


He’s definitely white from the video but they probably want to scrub his social media history before they release his name.


I saw he was an anarchist? Not much info that I saw but yeah I could see him having a hard time in the military. I was an anarchist when I was younger too.


He has since died, and releasing his name was pending notification of next of kin. His name was Aaron Bushnell.


From lower down in this post, his name is Aaron Bushnell.

There’s already a Wikipedia article about the incident.


A person I know wrote a song about Winn Bruce, got lots of play on SoundCloud. He definitely wasn’t forgotten

Shinji_Ikari, avatar

doing something as drastic as this requires a pretty compelling reason

I’ve already had a couple people immediately retort “wow mental health is scary”, then say “nobody will remember his name”.

These people will shamelessly undermine any action then act disappointed that these actions are quickly ignored.


I got a notification for it from Washington Post. Reuters and nbc has it on the front page.


Few people will remember him, but if any are spurred into action by his act, then it won't be a completely wasteful loss of life.


Yeah, I’ve seen some discourse that things like this when done by an individual as opposed to a group effort like the Tibetan monks are primarily to take their own life and the message is secondary/additional, but I would like to think that on some level something positive will come out of someone doing something as drastic and sad as this. Dying or taking your own life is not something positive or to be glorified, but when someone feels so hopeless to the point that they turn to this, I hope it’s at least a wake up call for some people to take this seriously and not just ignore/tune out one of the biggest genocides in recent history.

sab avatar

I was listening to BBC World Report this morning. They made quick mention of it along with some other things happening in the conflict, then went on to introduce their "expert" who would illuminate the situation.

Their so called expert was an employee of some Israeli institute of security or whatever, and he talked on for ages with minimal push-back about how the israeli army is doing everything by the book and how "Gaza is safe for civilians, and if it's not it's the fault of Hamas".

That was all the coverage they did.

What a fucking joke.

GammaGames, (edited )

If anyone would like a bit of an overview about the conflict I found Shaun’s Palestine video interesting (and infuriating). I also thought Shattered Dreams of Peace by Frontline was informative on the further background

(putting it here because the parent is about misinformation and lies)

PolandIsAStateOfMind, (edited ) avatar

most people remember Tibetan monks doing the same thing

Out of political selfimmolations there were 7 Tibetan cases, but dozens of others including many Americans. I wonder why “most people” remember particularly those. Would it be that US media wasn’t fair to report not only this one here?

krolden, avatar

It was on a cover of a rage against the machine album.

PolandIsAStateOfMind, avatar

Lmao that’s what i was talking about, the one on this album cover wasn’t even Tibetan, he was Thích Quảng Đức, a Vietnamese buddhist monk, selfimmolating in Saigon in 1963 as protest against US-backed South Vietnam government persecuting buddhists.
So why people like you think he was Tibetan if not for media misleading you? This was literally the most famous of public selfimmolation and the one that started it all for in XX century.


Yes, my first thought was, "Crikey! Has anyone in the united states self -immolated, before?!"

It's a horrific way to call attention to a cause. I'm sure after his best possible recovery, his military unit will rally to prosecute to add to his anguish.


This is the first case. We’ve witnessed something that’s never been done before.


The first case of an active duty serviceman self immolating in the US. Alice Herz was the first one in the US, but there have been a dozen or two since then.


From the wikipedia page: Self-immolation of Aaron Bushnell

This event marks the first time that a member of the United States military on active duty has immolated themself.


Right, which I confirmed. The person you replied to asked if it had ever happened in the US before, without specifying the military service. That’s why I clarified that this is not close to the first US self immolation generally (not even the first in response to the same thing), only for active service members.


That's right. It says a lot, either way and this thread makes me feel very sad. It says a lot, and not on the actors. It's rather too much to bang out on social media but it gives one a long pause for deep reflection. It feels about like one little old self confronting the collective unconscious again.

PolandIsAStateOfMind, avatar


livus avatar

@Maeve i
He died. It's actually not as uncommon as you'd think.

Quite a few US Americans in this list of political self immolations.

MajikalMonkey2000, avatar

Thank you for sharing this list, we should probably be more aware of the sacrifice these people have made. The vast majority of the Americans have done it for honorable causes.


I’m sure after his best possible recovery

I don’t think he’ll recover. (In fact, apparently it is already being reported that he died. But even if he hasn’t yet he will.) He was taking deep lungfuls of flame and smoke to continue his chant. He’ll have destroyed his lungs. He knew going in that he wouldn’t come out of this alive.

What a brave man.


I’m aware of one:

but there are certainly others.


Winn Bruce last year


Honestly, the megacorps will only allow this on main TV when pushing regulation against protesting.

Like, "think of how many innocent moneys lives we would save if we shoot protesters’.


I get so tired of this talking point. New York times, Washington Post, and even Fox news each have an article (or multiple) on this event.

tree, (edited )



This post smells like mad.


God, an unironic “you mad bro” go back to reddit lmao


you managed so thoroughly to miss the point I was making, I’m impressed

the_post_of_tom_joad, (edited )

“There’s no global warming stuuuuupid, lookit all the snow!”

edit: /s ? do i need an /s here?


What fucking show? It’s almost March and it has snowed like four times.


that was the joke


I was rolling with you


i wasn’t the joke guy


You made an objective point, then a subjective one.

The objective one: “it’s very telling that this will assuredly get almost no coverage on big news networks like abc, cbs, fox, etc.” They addressed the objective one with their links.

The subjective one cannot be addressed yet, as it’s so soon after the event. You will probably end up correct that this event will not visibly persist, but you can’t know for sure, time will tell.


fact check! deboonked!

Ooops avatar

Don't confuse people whose whole narrative is build on some conspiracy of media suppression with facts.

I guess skipping the term "Lügenpresse" to avoid the obvious link was deemed enough progress to keep that same 100 years old tactic alive...


They said almost no and virtually no coverege. It’s not anti-semitic to point out that western media is heavily skewed towards Israel. You’re completely delusional if you think that’s not the case.

Obviously there were going to be articles about the man who set himself on fire just as there was for the person who did it in 2022 due to the climate crisis. The point is the attention the media places on WHY it happens that is being ignored or heavily downplayed.


The ABC article felt like satire in how much it avoided context or referencing what was said in the video


“gee why did he set himself on fire? must just be something people do”

it’s laughable how US media attributes self-immolation in Tibet to what must be CPC oppression, but self-immolation in the US must just be a cute little coincidence due to poor mental health

Fudoshin, to workreform in Frustrated Over Being Unemployed, Man Dies By Suicide After Burning All His Degrees avatar

In the UK a lot of people stubbornly believe the unemployed live lives of luxury*. Not helped by reality TV shows just a decade ago like Benefits Street which showed people on social security living it large.

In reality the vast majority of people want to work.

E.g. 3 years ago I lost 2 jobs in 6 months during their respective probation periods. I’d been employed all my life and helped launch 2 successful companies in my 20s. But suddenly in 6 months my entire world view collapsed after losing two jobs.

Since then I’ve attempted suicide 4 times. Had 3 psychotic episodes. Self harmed and been convicted of a crime I don’t even remember committing.

My probation officer has known me 3 months and is already pressuring me to start work.

Have I had help for my mental health? Have I fuck. Well, except being stuck on antidepressants that don’t work. My psychosis has stopped but could start again when I’m under stress (paranoia & hearing voices).

But wait. What caused such a significant spiral? Losing my fucking job - twice!

But I’m being pushed by society and a probation officer to restart work with no mental health support or treatment. I’m being pressured into something that runs the risk of me losing the job and once again spiralling into substance abuse and suicide.

That isn’t fair on the company I may eventually end up at or…and I feel guilty for saying it…me.

I feel guilty every fucking day for being on ‘benefits’. I’ve been almost a complete shut in with no friends or family. I’m utterly fucked.

I want to work. I’d actually love to work in an office cos I wanna be around people again even though my options enable WFH. But it runs the risk of killing me via another psychotic break and no one is helping me except a 3 month waiting list for therapy.

*The UK has the worst benefits in the OECD.


You're a valuable person outside of a job. Life sucks sometimes. I hope you're able to get better

BolexForSoup avatar

Even when I tell people my state (US resident) only give ~$225 a week for unemployment they still insist people don’t work because they get free money and don’t need to.

We’re talking not been $1000 USD a month and these people are just so convinced it’s a life of luxury. When I was on it I could barely afford food.


Don’t feel bad about using government benefits. I don’t mind paying taxes because they go to fund those programs. Please, use my tax money!

Pyroglyph, avatar

I second this.

You’re using them exactly as intended, and that’s a good thing.

Being on benefits alone does not mean people dislike you. I think the way most people see it is that there are two groups: the people who try and get jobs and use benefits to live in the meantime, and the ones who intentionally coast by and live on the taxpayers money without ever intending to work honestly.

You are part of the former group. The good ones. So please don’t feel guilty for accepting help.


Do you are using any antipsychotic and/or mood stabilizer? I’m 90% sure you are bipolar from what you are saying, and from my 27 to 29 I was barely functional in my job and not functional at all in any other area of my life without a mood stabilizer. And my life changed hard after it


Second on the other response about mood stabilizers and bipolar disorder.

Not to internet doctor here, but giving certain antidepressants and other medications to someone who is bipolar sends them into severe mania. That happened to me and I had no idea that anything was really wrong with the drugs they gave me. I didn’t even know what mania even meant.

The psychiatrist at the university health center only had a 15 minute conversation and see you in a few months. If I wanted real therapy I had to go somewhere else. So thus I was pretty out of my mind for god knows how many months until I decided to stop taking them. Maybe almost a year? It was all a blur.

Takeaway is to advocate for yourself, take a look at the drugs they are giving you, and keep calling these doctors to tell them what is and isn’t working. It is an uphill battle and the system is broken here in the US. I don’t want to assume gender here, but I really feel for you if you are a woman and have to deal with sexism in the medical system on top of everything else.

Mental health is hard and it sucks when your life spirals so far out of control all at once. Take the safety net. You got this. I like spending time in cafes, so I can be around people for a while. I always find it kind of relaxing to be there, but not have to interact with anyone if I don’t want to. Be kind to yourself, internet stranger.

Th4tGuyII, to world in Unacademy Teacher Fired for telling students to 'Vote for Educated Leaders' Remark during lecture.
Th4tGuyII avatar

If "Vote for Educated Leaders" is truly a controversial statement, then we're all fucked.

Your leaders absolutely should be educated, not even necessarily in politics, but Bob next door who's only got two neurons in his head fighting for third place shouldn't be leading any country


You want to use water? Like from the toilet?


But it doesn’t have what plants crave


Did you just wake up from hypersleep? We definitely are fucked my guy.

Th4tGuyII avatar

Can I hypersleep until we make our way round to not being fucked?


Make sure to kill Hitler on the next loop.


I’m curious how the timeline would go without Constantine, which would likely also cause Hitler to have never existed.


Go deeper.

Right the greatest wrong of history and make Persia win at Marathon.


The indian PM has a controversial masters degree ( mostly a fake one), so when someone says vote for educated people , he feels its an personal attack on him and his party !

Justly0250, avatar

You forgot to name the prestigious degree: “Entire Political Science”


It’s depressing that people still believe him on anything, but that’s the current state of things

Sabakodgo, (edited ) to worldnews in US Soldier Sets Himself on Fire outside Israeli Embassy in Washington to Protest Gaza War avatar

censored video:

catbox archived:

Couldn’t find uncensored version. Uncensored below


Fucking Christ my hearts beating so fast. Goddamn i didn’t want to see that but i watched it cus i thought i owed it to him… Goddamnit.

And also shout out to the “hero” pointing his gun at his smouldering corpse as if it will lunge at him any moment.



At least one of them went “I don’t need guns, I need fire extinguishers!”


That was fucking something. I’m like you I watch it because we owe it to him.

He kept screaming free Palestine over and over, past the point where his lungs had to be toast, and stayed standing so long.

GnuLinuxDude, avatar

When people perform stunts (stuntmen running around engulfed in flames for movies) the most critical part, aside from extinguishing the flames as soon as is necessary, is making sure those people have oxygen. The fire will consume the oxygen that you would otherwise breathe in.


Yeah, but when you inhale super heated air, it scorches all of your alveoli?, the little fucking airbags in your lungs, and I would just figure that you would pass out very quickly from that lack of oxygen and the fact that you’re working all of your insides.

I know that speech works from the diaphragm and all that but fuck men vocal cords.

When I did my cryo training, they made very clear that you had about two steps into an oxygen free room, and you were done.

GnuLinuxDude, avatar

I read about this and saw the censored version last night. I nearly threw up seeing the uncensored version now. I feel similar to you.

And to all the shitheads on twitter downplaying this as “glorifying mental illness,” fuck the lot of them.


Uncensored version here


I really debated if I wanted to see this, I thought didn’t need to get what he did. Let me tell you watching it made me sick to the stomach and made it much much more real than just knowing what did in text.


I’ve created a torrent for the video if anyone wants to help seed.

nix, (edited )

He specifically livestreamed the video and sent links to the livestream and archive to various journalists and anarchist press so that the video would be shared and viewed. Its a disservice for it to be censored and weird that person also watermarked it with their @

Uncensored version: (GRAPHIC VIDEO WARNING)…It will likely be removed soon so download while you can if you think it deserves to be archived.

Twitter is terrible so heres an upload on that has a torrent and driect download


Because it is censored, more people will see it and more people will get the message so I disagree with you but I see your point.


literally the entire point behind this act is it being explicitly graphic, sharing the uncensored version quite literally goes against that. It’s almost as bad as censoring the message from the get go, except now we’re actively disrespecting his intention.

absentbird, avatar

I think the graphic nature can be shared while also censoring the gore. It’s not like it changes the events in any way.


you can also do what this post and basically every article did, and then post a single frame of the video. No blurring needed, no graphic content explicitly posted.

amzd, to worldnews in US Soldier Sets Himself on Fire outside Israeli Embassy in Washington to Protest Gaza War

as he was engulfed in flames they started yelling at him to get down on the ground. They even drew their guns on the burning man before someone pushed them to get fire extinguishers to extinguish the fire.

Stop killing yourself or I'll shoot you! lmao


They would shoot at the fire, not the person, duh.


It highlights the absolute brutality of the regime, that their first instinct was to try and kill a dying man.


They didn’t know what was going on, could have been a suicide bomber

DarkNightoftheSoul, avatar

The fuck was a gun gonna do about a suicide bomb?


I’m just saying there is no way for them to know what his intentions are, of course they drew weapons

The situation probably unfolded in a matter of seconds


Maybe actually grab him with your hands, instead of going for a gun as a first option. The police in US is brutal.

lanolinoil, avatar

why do we teach everyone to only pull your gun if you’re going to kill someone unless you’re a police – then just pull it any time you’re worried or confused!


I’m confused why my comments are negatively recieved but this isn’t

Lemmy is worse than reddit

lanolinoil, avatar

I dunno – I didn’t downvote you! :)


Yeah, suicide is illegal here… But getting killed by cops while you break the law isn’t.

I’m not joking. Both of those things are true.

noctisatrae, to worldnews in US Soldier Sets Himself on Fire outside Israeli Embassy in Washington to Protest Gaza War

Sigma balls light himself on fire, beta feel threatened at the realization of their cowardice and powerlessness.

treadful, to worldnews in US Soldier Sets Himself on Fire outside Israeli Embassy in Washington to Protest Gaza War avatar

Law enforcement also drew a gun on the burning man during the incident, according to a report by Task and Purpose.

When you’re a hammer…




This would be hilarious if it was satire, but this ain’t the onion.


No, but I’m sure you can get shot by police if you have an onion - that’s basically a biological weapon to assault delicate cop eyes.


You can not make this shit up. Jesus fucking Christ what a world.


Maybe they thought he had a pocket full of acorns.


good point, it’s possible we just didn’t see who he was actually aiming at

the perp


I read that and was like “of fucking course they did.” Honestly the next paragraph makes it even worse, IMO.

Authorities were heard asking the man – “May I help you, sir?” – at first but as soon as he was engulfed in flames they started yelling at him to get down on the ground. They even drew their guns on the burning man before someone pushed them to get fire extinguishers to extinguish the fire.

Threats of physical violence are the only tool they have in their toolbox. THE ONLY tool.


Let’s escalate everything to death


casually j-walks across a non busy street


casually j-walks across a non busy street…/california-police-shooting-ja…

Sheriff’s deputies from Orange County fatally shot the man, 42-year-old Kurt Reinhold, amid an altercation in September in San Clemente, California.

The video, released on Thursday last week, shows two sheriff’s deputies considering whether or not to charge Reinhold with jaywalking, before tackling him to the floor.

Reports say the sheriff’s deputies were on patrol and were assigned to the homeless outreach team, when the shooting took place.

One of the deputies says in the video, “Watch this, he’s going to jaywalk,” before asking Reinhold: "Are you going to stop or are we going to have to make you stop?

"Jaywalking here? That’s ridiculous,” Reinhold adds.


I dunno spreading the war to Yemin, Lebanon, heck even Iran sounds pretty smart. Think of all the jobs or something for Average Americans et cetera


Get on the ground! GET ON THE FUCKING GROUND, NOW!!!

Okay, now roll! ROLL OVER!!! Good, now the other way!! KEEP ROLLING WHERE I CAN SEE YOU!!!

“Officer Johnson’s quick actions saved the man’s life today,” said the Commissioner. “We have extensive firearm training for our officers and Johnson was able to apply what he learned to a firebody incident.”


firebody, one word apparently


Threats of physical violence are the only tool they have in their toolbox. THE ONLY tool.

And actual gun violence. They’re the sniwflakiest and wimpiest of the all, bringing an AK-47 to a civilised discussion and feeling “threatened”.

drolex, to europe in Macron To Meet Scholz, Marking First State Visit By A French President To Germany In 24 Years - News18

We really hadn’t a president visit our closest partner in 24 years? WTF is wrong with us

DrCake, (edited )

I guess they meet quite often at EU meetings so maybe wasn’t too much need for a separate one


Could maybe pop next door for a coffee or smthn can’t be far right


I guess the issue is that it’s becoming far right

Successful_Try543, (edited )

Maybe the last time Macron was in Germany, was on 15th March in Berlin. However, this was not an official state visit with all the ceremonial brimborium.


Yeah I feel like I hear about one visiting the other at least yearly


We can arrange something next year at my place!


I guess Macron was using DB to get to Berlin.

flyos, avatar

First state visit, not first visit. A state visit is something particular with all the honours and the like.

tal, (edited ) avatar

Even so, a quarter-century does seem like an exceptionally long time.

When was the last time that France did a state visit to us in the US?


State Visit by President and Mrs. Macron (Nov. 30 – Dec. 2, 2022)

President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden host President Emmanuel Macron and Mrs. Brigitte Macron of France for a State Visit to the United States, including a state dinner, on December 1, 2022.

This is the first State Visit of the Biden-Harris Administration. It underscores the deep and enduring relationship between the United States and France–the oldest allies–that is founded on our shared democratic values, economic ties, and defense and security cooperation. The leaders discuss together our continued close partnership on shared global challenges and areas of bilateral interest.

Like, a year and a half ago.

How about the UK?


UK welcomes France’s Macron for spectacular state visit

Macron was visiting to mark 80th anniversary of de Gaulle’s famous wartime speech broadcast by BBC in 1940

That was four years ago.

If you’d have asked me prior to me looking these up or hearing that it’d been 24 years since the last, l’d have guessed that it’d have been within the past five years, especially given that Scholz entered during that timeframe.

I guess COVID-19 maybe discouraged travel, was sort of an exceptional period for the past few years. And then Merkel was in office for quite a long time, 16 years, so maybe France didn’t see a need to do a second visit with her.

EDIT: Actually, wait. If it was 24 years, it’s that there would have been no state visit ever under Merkel. The last would have been to Gerhard Schroeder, shortly before she entered office. Maybe it was that Merkel just didn’t want to do state visits.

flyos, avatar

Maybe it was that Merkel just didn’t want to do state visits.

It’s possible she didn’t for the French president she had to deal with. As far as I remember she got along with Chirac, but for a short time, she despised Sarkozy, she didn’t care much for Hollande and she was quickly disappointed by Macron.

Ooops avatar

Not on an official state visit at least...

deegeese, to nottheonion in Thief Disguises As Garbage Bag To Steal Package Off A Porch.

Any way to view without instagram?

ripcord, avatar

I am skeptical.


Somebody in the comments pointed out that you can see someone standing in the doorway watching the whole thing happen. (You can see them at about 1:08.)


I would absolutely watch in amazement. It’s hilarious.


Hilarious, thanks.

gsfraley, to nottheonion in Thief Disguises As Garbage Bag To Steal Package Off A Porch.
TubeTalkerX, to nottheonion in Thief Disguises As Garbage Bag To Steal Package Off A Porch.

You sure it’s not the Tar Monster that killed Tasha Yar?


He wasn’t a monster, just severely depressed.

rubikcuber, to nottheonion in Thief Disguises As Garbage Bag To Steal Package Off A Porch.

Is this an AI written story? At different points in the article it says in the UK, or Sacramento, or Delhi 🤔


All I know is that my phone has cancer now

WarmSoda, to nottheonion in Thief Disguises As Garbage Bag To Steal Package Off A Porch.

I don’t know. If you’re going to be that clever you might have earned the package.

mononomi, to nottheonion in Thief Disguises As Garbage Bag To Steal Package Off A Porch.

amazing ads

What a website. I even missed the popup for notification permissions in my screenshot.


I’m sorry lol


Haha no worries, let me guess you have an adblocker?


I do lol.

over_clox, to nottheonion in Thief Disguises As Garbage Bag To Steal Package Off A Porch.

Well shit, now we know that idea don’t work. Next time I’ll have to dress as a refrigerator delivery box…


Nobody suspects a walking box.

radix, avatar


Should’ve thrown an interesting magazine on the ground.

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