uphillbothways, to enoughmuskspam in Elon's got Putin's back.
uphillbothways avatar

He protected militants participating in an attack. This resulted in thousands of civilian deaths by prolonging the war.
That's the only way to look at this.

He's scum.


Won't someone think of the poor ships sitting in a harbour!

nuke, to noncredibledefense in It's even funnier the second time.

At times like this I like to look back and reflect on old vatnik cope and see just how far we’ve come.

Ah, this one really takes me back.


Thanks for the laugh!


“People brought under the heel of russian empire and against whom Stalin committed genocide by starvation will surely greet us with flowers.”


Genocidal/Politicidal history doesn’t predict political opposition though (e.g. Kazakhstan being struck by starvation campaigns as well, but juggling neutrality now)


Remember that elderly women that offered seeds to russian soldiers “so that at least some sunflowers will grow where they are going to die”. I think that kind of counts as greeting with flowers?


Oh my god how did I forget about sunflower grandma.

Imagine being a fresh-faced recruit to what you still believe to be a noble mission to liberate your own oppressed people. An easy mission at that - go in, march on Kyiv, overthrow the “nazi regime,” go home heroes. You show up, head held high, waiting for the cheers and thank-yous from those you think you’re here to protect. A sweet old lady walks up to you offering a gift! Sunflower seeds - peaceful, bright, lovely sunflower seeds. Then she says it. “At least some sunflowers will grow where you die.”

Absolutely pants-shitting.

Scolding7300, to crappydesign in Hey Google, go fuck yourself entirely

They explain how to make it work again with uBlock Origin

adonis, to piracy in It would appear has blocked this community
adonis avatar

Meanwhile all kbin users: 🫢🍿


Also just anyone on any other instance


Someday maybe there will be a kbin api so more apps can utilize it.

Kevnyon avatar

Yeah man, started on kbin and its been my favorite so far.

GeekFTW avatar

Right? Like oh no, well sucks to sucks l.w lol.

Jay, to lemmyshitpost in lol

I know this has been said many times, but the fact that this clown was actually President of the USA makes me doubt the sanity of humanity.

Endorkend avatar

Was and might actually be again.


No, there’s no way it’ll ever happen. If he’s even on the ballot, liberals will come out of the woodworks to vote for Biden. It also doesn’t help that RFKJr is stealing a sizable amount of votes from the Republican party as well.

IchNichtenLichten, (edited ) avatar

I hope so. If Trump is attracting former Biden voters in enough numbers for him to win, I want off this ridiculous rock.


“Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” Also, “Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.”. Carlin of course.


"none of us is as dumb as all of us"


I was curious, so i googled. I could find a mention that this quote could never be positively connected to Carlin even though (speciallu on facebook) people shared this quote. It most.likely is a wrong one.…/keine-belege-fuer-angebliches-geo…


Lol just go watch “life is worth losing”

Google doesn’t work if you’re an idiot.


That’s what the world told itself last time….


Uncle Bernie to the rescue!

Steeve, (edited )

No it isn’t, tons of people predicted it when the democratic party pushed for Hilary Clinton when democrat voters wanted Bernie Sanders.

Edit: No, this isn’t some propaganda conspiracy people, this actually happened. Lawsuits confirmed it, but they were subsequently thrown out because the DNC’s charter of impartiality was determined to be a political promise, not something enforceable by court. But even before the email leak, anyone who was following the DNC primary knew what was happening long before the email leak, they didn’t try to hide it.

schmidtster, (edited )

And that’s how propaganda works folks.


The propaganda is it being leaked, who said conspiracy…?

Also, that very likely wouldn’t have made a difference in the end result, without that discourse they would have found another avenue.

I’m sorry the propaganda worked so well on you, you now even defending it!

Steeve, (edited )

You’re going to have to be more specific there

Edit: lmao am I crazy here, what does any of this have to do with propaganda? Or did I just go against Lemmy’s doomer circlejerk again


For one thing, telling yourself something doesn’t mean you don’t understand that it can and may still happen.

The best part of propaganda is when you don’t even understand that’s what it is.


What does this have to do with my comment? You’re the one that said the “world told itself” something. I’m saying it didn’t.


The world told itself even though they knew the USA was stupid enough to do it anyways.

Your entire comment could have been a campaign by the opposition to sow discontent to do exactly what you claim it did. We will never know for sure, but it sure as hell has propaganda written all over it.


No, that actually happened. We all watched it happen in realtime, emails were leaked confirming it, but by that time we all already knew what was happening.

This isn’t some crazy conspiracy by the way, lawsuits confirmed there was a clear DNC bias, but they were dismissed because the DNC argued it was their right to choose a candidate and the impartiality in their charter was determined to be a political promise, not something enforceable in court.


Leaked by the Russians which are backed by republicans… yeah reaks of propaganda lmfao.

Propaganda comes in many forms, as I said, the best kind is the kind you don’t even understand is happening.

Thanks for making my point so well!


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. The emails came at a shit time for the DNC for sure, maybe the Republicans were involved, maybe they weren’t, but that’s irrelevant because this actually happened. This isn’t a conspiracy theory, it isn’t propaganda, this is a bed the DNC made for themselves.

Imo it wouldn’t have made a difference, everyone watching knew what was happening before the email leak, but obviously we’ll never know for sure.

schmidtster, (edited )

The propaganda is it being leaked, who said conspiracy…?

Also, that very likely wouldn’t have made a difference in the end result, without that discourse they would have found another avenue.

I’m sorry the propaganda worked so well on you, you now even defending it!

Edit, what do you think propaganda is? Do you think it has be exclusively made up or something?


Can you describe what you think the leak of those emails being was trying to achieve, from a propaganda perspective?


The information in it was used by republicans to show how the DNC can’t choose its own leader, so why should they be trusted to run the government.

It’s not what I think, it’s the tactic they actually used.


That edit is absolutely embarrassing. Is your team winning really more important than democracy? It’s “propaganda” when real emails proving bias are leaked because it was your preferred political party? Come on.

schmidtster, (edited )

Team…? What are you on?

Yes leaking private e-mail exchanges to gain political advantage is textbook propaganda, what else would it be…?

My apologies that you assumed “conspiracy” in my comments that was just talking about the factual leak, that the republicans used to their advantage. Without that propaganda they would have found or made more. This really isn’t a difficult concept, once you stop assuming “conspiracy”… since that was not even once mentioned until you did……


Some mod want to explain why my comments were removed for “misinformation” for sharing the DNC email leak showing bias against Bernie Sanders?


YoBuckStopsHere, avatar

TOS violation for spreading misinformation on elections.


Would you like to explain exactly which aspect of my comment that stated, with evidence, that this event actually happened is misinformation? An event that absolutely happened and there’s not even anyone denying it happened including the DNC themselves?


I take nothing for granted with this clown. The fact that he’s still a free man in the first place makes me weary of his impact on the future.

I hope he loses. Or better gets hit by a car before election time. But if he makes it to the ballot and his name is on the paper in November. He’s a threat.


Weary = tired

Wary = cautious



Both are apt here I think.


sudo apt update

sudo apt install functional-government

… Sorry I’ve been learning Linux this past week


Package not found: functional-government

Did you mean: anarchy from people-are-tired (universe)


Dependency not found: democracy.cfg


Careful with this dependency resolution. I predict lots of conflicts.



Swim, (edited )

leery adjective ˈlir-ē variants or less commonly leary Synonyms of leery : SUSPICIOUS, WARY —often used with of leery of strangers She seemed a little leery of the proposal.

Endorkend avatar

Yeah, I remember the last time there was no chance in hell he'd be elected.

I won't hold my breath.


They ran Hilary Clinton against him, that was a lot of the problem. Just as unlikable and abrasive.




Yet Haley and De Santis could make it close against Biden in swing states according to a NYT/Siena poll. Never underestimate human beings potential for stupidity and or shooting itself in the foot.


A poll out today shows 307 electoral votes for Trump.


Who was the poll through though?


Plus the various psychological warfare / trolling campaigns by Russia and China.


Sanity of Americans*

Gradually_Adjusting, avatar

The popular vote tells a better story than the electoral map, but yeah, the ones that can leave easily, should. I did.


The rest of the world is trending towards American insanity, though.

The UN should have walled us off after he was elected.


Nah, when I see what’s going on here in Europe… These may not be such obvious jokes, but this stupid and dangerous right-wing propaganda, which seems to be gaining momentum everywhere, is frightening.


It only works because more liberal politicians aren’t helping people anymore. Embracing authoritarians is an incorrect response to the correct assessment that the West in general is backsliding. We are collectively putting the interests of the wealthy above the interest of our citizens. Some countries are just further down the path than others.


[I’m not advocating large scale violence]

The worst part is I don’t see any way for it to reasonably stop outside of large scale violence.

And, the side who would need to revolt are the less likely side to resort to those methods, so I see things getting much worse before they get better.


Agreed. While it’s currently bad for a lot of people in a lot of places I think it’s going to have to be more widespread before we hit the breaking point.


The fact that over 74 million people voted for a literal monster in 2020 is what made me doubt it.

Also, the fact that there are women and non-whites who vote republican.


Fox told 'em to


Some people have different priorities or ways of thinking, and this can cause them to conclude that the Republican candidate is the best option sometimes, without being malicious.

I don’t vote Republican, for the record, but such people are out there. Otherwise it wouldn’t be such a major party (unless you think nearly half the US is malicious.)


Hey, don’t lump the rest of us in with the USA.

pomodoro_longbreak, avatar

It was a huge shock to us all, all around the world, watching him go from attempting to run for president of the U.S., to actually attaining it. The best thing I can say for it, is that it shows that Americans have a genuine hunger for change. If it could just be directed in a productive way…

treadful, avatar

That’s a very positive way of putting it. I appreciate it.


As a non-American, I concede that reading his Twitter meltdowns and hearing is asinine takes was extremely funny for the first 3 weeks. Then it just got sad.

Fiivemacs, to piracy in Disney is gouging customers with a near doubling of subscription costs.

Lol expect MORE and MORE hikes. They know how much money you have, they want it all and they will not stop raising the cost because y’all keep paying it.


I just cancelled my subscription. Would’ve cancelled it ages ago if it wasn’t for my wife, but it’s time for me to set sail on the high seas again


Seriously. What is it going to take to get people to cancel? Stop paying overpriced fees until they bring them back down to cost that’s worth it. Otherwise they’ll just keep getting scammed and never stop. I just don’t get it. Don’t they understand how economics work or something? Or do they feel like they HAVE to have it?

Noxvento, avatar

Not me. Cancelled my subscription.


Yep, it feels like we’re about to see the second wave of piracy, and more and more people are going to dust off their jolly Rogers. $80 was worth it for the catalog, but the price hike is completely unjustifiable. I’ve already canceled my sub, and I’m betting there will be plenty who do the same. A 75% increase is egregious.

mossy_capivara, avatar


jeebus avatar

Yo ho fiddle dee dee! It's a pirate life for me!


About to see? My friend, we never stopped. Especially now, more people have started to look into self hosting.

I never stopped once I saw that the shit you pay for is not even yours anymore. Unless it’s indie games, I just straight up download the game. Could care less about online gaming. (Thx ftp)

ClopClopMcFuckwad, avatar

Can you point me in the right direction of where to start? My last adventures of file sharing ended with Napster and Limewire.


This is what I’m talking about. Welcome to the seven seas matey!

SexualPolytope, avatar

You may be looking for 'Free Media. Heck Yeah'.

Mothra, avatar

I thought this community had a megathread pinned with info answering exactly that?


Well theoretically

  1. get a vpn
  2. deluge (others will pile in with apps no doubt)
  3. go to…/best-torrent-sites/

Once you get your feet back under yourself, you can start looking at usenet and such


I agree with this guy.

Look into usenet, sabnzbd (or nzbget) and the ***arr programs.

Cost you a max $10/month, depending on how serious you are at hoarding, and how far back you want to go.


If I were to do such a thing I would find myself quite happily served by the above without the need for a usenet acct, but of course this is an entirely theoretical discussion from the comfort of armchairs so reality may differ for various parties puffs pipe


You don’t even need a vpn, just pirate the shit


eh, depends on your country. VPNs are worth the arse coverage.


Oh wow Usenet is still a good spot? That brings back good memories of sailing the seas.


Right Usenet and IRC all memory lane. Lol.


Naw, lots of us stopped when Netflix streaming came in full swing.


Anime was still not big when Netflix came in. Foreign movies were also not available yet either. Programs, music, and all that stuff was still hard to get if it was not distributed by a US company.


Yeah, but I didn’t care about any of that.


…Second? We’ve had like, 4 or 5 waves by now since the Internet started.


And a bunch of waves before the internet too! In hindsight dubbing media duplication “piracy” in the middle of a romanticization of the golden age of sail was probably a bad call for the media execs.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod avatar

Disney made a movie called Crater that was removed from their catalog after just two weeks. It is only available via piracy.

I haven't watched it because that would be illegal, but it's almost like they want us to pirate. Heck, I would never have heard about Final Space if the animator hadn't raised a stink after it got removed from the WB catalog.

quirzle avatar

It is only available via piracy.

You can stream it on Amazon. Disney sucks, but there's no need to spread misinformation to make that point.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod avatar

To be honest I didn't look


For a while it did disappear. It only recently popped up on Amazon

kamenlady, avatar

Final Space also won’t be available anywhere, forever.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod avatar

And yet somehow I remember watching the entire thing. Must be a Mengele Effect.


They’ll just keep hiking it until the profit curve dips.


This is exactly why publicly funded media is essential to a healthy media market.


And reasonable copyright laws on IP


Ha, good one.

Omega_Haxors, to dankmemes in I need a ride home

The only thing more cringe than hearing people say this shit in the wild is the following lecture on its fascist origins that I follow it up with.


Do you have any sources handy I could use? Whenever I hear someone say that you can probably hear my eyes rolling from space.


Nah lol you’re on your own. I hipfire based on the vibes of who i’m talking to. People in the real world don’t care about backing facts up it’s far more important to frame your points in a way that’s understood, even if the details are a bit off. Those who do won’t listen anyway.


Usually i play really dumb and ask what it means. Usually that's enough, because they often have no idea, because they just heard it somewhere.

WaxedWookie, (edited )

Same deal with woke, CRT, Marxist, or whatever thought terminating cliche is the lunatics’ flavour of the month.

They use these terms as a means of avoiding thinking about what they’re saying - the meaninglessness is the point… and they’re too infected with brain worms to realise.


it’s been at least a year since I first encountered CRT

it still reads as some cryptic gender reassignment technique to me


Cathode ray tube. It’s a type of monitor that’s popular among retro games now, but they’re hard to find after most people stopped making them


Thanks, awesome blog as well.


Great blog, thanks!


I can’t believe you hear this shit in real life.


What, you don’t know any boomers too clueless to know they’re the “weak” generation?


Omfg thank you. Nothing made me cringe harder than seeing Joe Rogan post this bs, like my brother in Christ, it was you and the boomers that wrote and voted on the policies that created our current social/political/economic environment.

Way to accidentally, ignorantly blame yourself for being the “weak man”.

But with all fascist nonsense it’s not supposed to make sense, just feel good to them.


Apparently my boomers are either slightly smarter than yours or know not to say really stupid shit to me.


I just ask mine why grandpa paid for their college on a GM factory wage but they didn’t pay for mine with three times his effective income.


I mean I can afford to live better than my dad did growing up working in the same factory as my grandfather. Granted, my dad has 9 brothers and sisters.


Interesting. The secret to my success has been “not breeding like a particularly slutty rabbit” as well.


Vancouver is a neoliberal shithole. Pretty on the surface, racist as fuck just underneath that.


Every time I’ve heard it it’s followed by the cavite that it’s just a pithy quote, sometimes relatable but not to be taken too seriously.


Yeah if hard times made strong people who fixed things Africa would be doing a lot better than it is.


Africa never stood a chance against the violations from the colonizers. No amount of strong people will help against that, so it doesn’t say much. But as someone with a partner who grew up in Africa I can tell you it is rampant with toxic men and women, misogynism, and inequality.

kescusay, to politics in McCarthy Completely Flip Flops On Need For Vote to Launch Impeachment Inquiry avatar

Yep, but the hypocrisy literally does not matter to him, or to Republican voters.

We need to come to grips with the fact that a large segment of the population - thank goodness not the majority, but still large - is so mentally broken that they simply do not care about reality anymore, in any way. They’re tired of losing every long-term societal battle, from letting black people sit at lunch counters to being called out for homophobia, and they’ve decided that if they can’t have their way, democratically (small-d), the problem is with democracy, not with themselves.

Yes, McCarthy flip-flopped, but Republicans like that. They haven’t got a single ounce of shame, and they don’t care about integrity, honesty, or reality itself. It’s now all about whatever can allow them to keep their stranglehold on society for a little longer.


I’ve been saying this for years.

There is exactly one party that cares about hypocrisy.

And it ain’t the Republicans.


The thing to remember about most Republicans (and Republican politicians especially) is that any arguments they throw out in pursuit of a particular goal only apply to that goal.

Impeachment of Trump was bad, so they said the Speaker didn’t have the power, that impeachment should be only for extreme situations, that high crimes and misdemeanors means you have to break the law to be impeached, that Democrats were on a mission to impeach Trump since he was elected.

But now, impeachment of Biden is good, so the Speaker clearly has the power to initiate an inquiry, that vague, shady insinuations with no hard evidence is sufficient to impeach, that they’re definitely not on a witch-hunt to impeach Biden despite investigating him from the moment they got their majority and moving forward to impeach with zero actual evidence.

You can point out their hypocrisy and they won’t defend themselves. Some of them might even try to convince you the situation is somehow different, but most don’t care. They set their sights on a goal and backfill an argument to justify it.


Can’t remember who I saw lay it out like this, but I think it’s broadly correct: Republicans like the hypocrisy precisely because it is another way to show power. You are beholden to things that you believe or that you have evidence for, I do and say whatever the fuck I want and you can do nothing about it. Changing the party line and ethos the way other people change socks doesn’t matter if your world view isn’t based on consistent underlying principles, but on demonstrating power and superiority. When you view the world and politics like that, being right or wrong in a debate is just showmanship and aesthetics rather than substance.

TWeaK, to enoughmuskspam in Elon's got Putin's back.

The way he phrases it is as if Ukraine asked him to enable them to make the attack. They asked him to switch it back on, because he had explicitly disabled service in the area, after giving the devices to Ukraine in the first place.


So they can Netflix and chill during the Russian invasion. That's definitely what these devices were for. No way Elon could've known there was any military usage in a country desperately fighting for it's existance.


He’s said as much… That’s the really fucked up part. He’s behind

“Starlink was not meant to be involved in wars. It was so people can watch Netflix and chill and get online for school and do good peaceful things, not drone strikes”. -Elon Musk

Like… ‘don’t worry about the war crimes, just Netflix and chill, Ukraine.’

Fuck Elon Musk.

TheKarion, to programmerhumor in they call it gen z c++

Delete your GitHub account



store this gem on Codeberg instead!


no cap fr



Seigest, (edited ) to dndmemes in trickery domain clerics avatar

Please source the material. Its the least we can do for the artists. [NSFW]


Traditional Oglaf disclaimer, don’t click that link at work.

Seigest, avatar

Whoops I’ll edit that in


Its been years since I've read any Oglaf, forgot they existed... Need to fix that asap.

MeowdyPardner, to main in Beehaw* defederated us?
MeowdyPardner avatar

I think it's easy to take this personally but I think it's more about the moderation tools in Lemmy not being adequate at the moment so this is the best bandaid solution for now. We need to quickly put effort into developing better moderation tools like limiting other servers without fully defederating, limiting specific communities, forcing nsfw on communities/instances, proxying reports to origin servers so admins have better feedback on their instance user's bad behavior, and many other things if we want to prevent defederating like this from being the only option.

I think infighting about this decision and differing moderation styles instead of focusing together on moderation challenges and tooling deficiencies risks tearing the community / federation apart and is counterproductive to the goal of being better than reddit.

discodoubloon avatar

Agreed. They do deserve their own points if they want to be that type of community. I’d say for instance if places like AskHistorians arise within lemmy or kbin, federating with just those would be interesting.

There are always going to be more exclusive communities. Humans just work like that. I say we ride with it for now.

Federation should be a gradient. If they want to close themselves off why is it using ActivityPub to begin with?

Entropywins avatar

I ate soup with a fork once. Was it the smartest choice...absolutely not. Did it work... sort of.


its _ federation._ Some communities only want certain people. Once mod tools are better we will see changes. Let it grow.

shalafi, to noncredibledefense in The Russian Black Sea Fleet is getting bodied out there.

Russian warship: “Snake Island, I, Russian warship, repeat the offer: put down your arms and surrender, or you will be bombed. Have you understood me? Do you copy?”

Ukrainian 1 to Ukrainian 2: “That’s it, then. Or, do we need to fuck them back off?”

Ukrainian 2 to Ukrainian 1: “Might as well.”

Ukrainian 1: “Russian warship, go fuck yourself.

Best part, that Russian warship was the Moskva. Pictured top-left, with the red X through it.


sunk by indigenously built ukranian neptune surface to surface missile no less. Very impressive!


One of my favorite memes on the subject came from Sputnik_not “update: the fire is out” [picture of the ship underwater]


On the he ships Wikipedia page (it was called the moslva):

Ukraine has officially declared the wreck of the ship to be an underwater cultural heritage site

520, to agora in [Vote] Should we pre-emptively defederate Threads?

Yes. If it was any other organisation I'd have no issue. Meta is hell bent on having a social media monopoly and will use any means necessary to achieve it.

EEE tactics would be just another Tuesday for them

AllonzeeLV, (edited ) to doctorwho in What is your favorite Dr Who quote?

"Winning?! Is that what you think it’s about? I’m not trying to win! I’m not doing this because I want to beat someone, or because I hate someone, or because, because I want to blame someone. It’s not because it’s fun and God knows it’s not because it’s easy. It’s not even because it works, because it hardly ever does. I do what I do because it’s right! Because it’s decent! And above all, it’s kind. It’s just that. Just kind."

Words to live by.

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