
syntaxseed, avatar

Overheard 2 businessmen discussing corporate office changes so that employees "won't feel like just a cog in a machine."

They came up with these 'great' strategies:

  • Rearrange the cubicles
  • Art on the walls
  • Seat managers closer to employees
  • More team fun events

Notably not discussed:

  • More pay
  • Profit sharing
  • More ownership of decisions & input
  • Recognition of employee successes
  • More PTO and/or work-life flexibility
  • WFH options

Good luck guys! 😆

#business #management #HR

syntaxseed, avatar

I can't understand why the management levels think this is so hard.

Employees want to feel like their skills & expertise matters, and to be seen as human beings with lives, families & needs.

Respect the insight of production-level employees who know your product & users more than anyone else. And give them room to have lives alongside work so they don't burn out or resent their jobs.

Fancy offices & fun parties bring short-term delight at best, but lead to questions about spending priorities.

syntaxseed, avatar

"Corporate threw a big staff party last weekend... but they won't let Marg in Customer Service take the afternoon off to attend her aunt's funeral."

Is a company culture problem and all the art, foosball tables & cubicle arranging in the world won't solve it or make staff care about work.

Nonilex, avatar

it’s Trump’s turn to face questioning in the that is publicly probing into the family business. ’s eldest daughter, who has been in his inner circle in both & , is due on the stand Wed, after trying unsuccessfully to block her .

Nonilex, avatar

Wednesday, November 8, 2023 #NYAG #civil #fraud #TrumpTrial #Ivanka Trump is testifying. She had to follow her father's outrageous, combative & irreverent testimony on Monday, which designed more for the #CourtOfPublicOpinion & #RightWing #media than to convince #NY Supreme Court Justice Arthur #Engoron of anything.

#Trump called the judge a fraud, the NYAG "a political hack" & gave defenses to the AG's claims which were rejected as a matter of law by before trial.

#law #TrumpOrganization

Nonilex, avatar

The testimony went very badly, especially because it was reported that he perjured himself on the first day which would violate his release from for his conviction.

sfwrtr, avatar

Got down to stuff, now that I'm retired and can devote time to the of . First order of business: catalog the unsold novels from after the burn out that need revision and rewrites.

Turns out that disconnecting my Mac from my work VPN messed up my folders. I had somehow mapped (don't know the Mac term) my work Windows computer folders to the Mac, and when I look in documents it tries to find it on the network and fails. If I reboot, so long as I go directly from my user's directory to documents directory, I'm good. If I click on Documents in Finder, it redirects and I'm screwed.

First thing I did was copy all my writing folders to the desktop. At least I've lost none of my old novels and short work.

I thought there were 7 completed books, and I said so online. There are actually 9, three that form a trilogy and one novel with a sequel in the mix. There are two incomplete novels.

Some works are older than others. Pages refuses to open one novel from 1996, a fun space opera that possibly has the highest chance of early sales. I haven't tried the others. Now I gotta install Word, of which I am not a fan, and investigate programs that'll open the really old files. If anyone wants to chime in with suggestions, please do! (I can always find someone with a Windows machine if need be.) Putting Google on TODO. I actually have original copies of chapters from my Apple ] days, but thankfully I updated those to the Mac and to a new millennium version of Word in what were my PowerPC days.

Incidentally, there really are three novellas in good shape.What surprises me though? There looks like about 15 short stories, many complete because I see multiple submissions in the various folders. I completely forgot about these, and was sure I never wrote short-form.

Baby steps, I guess.


stevendbrewer, avatar

@sfwrtr You might find that Libreoffice is actually better at reading old Word files than Word.

sfwrtr, avatar


"You might find that Libreoffice is actually better at reading old Word files than Word."

Yep. Word can't read files prior to 1994.I finally got my links to my writing ironed out and content backed up into the cloud (what a pain), though it is in Time Machine, so I installed the newest Mac version of .

I opened a 1992 file. Check.
I opened a 1989 file. Well, all the lowercase "a"s are converted to circumflex characters, but I can work with that.

I figured out (finally) how to search for dates on my Mac and found a story treatment named "The Revenger" (no extension, Mac naturally!). The date is Mar 25, 1986.

It opened with a few box characters, but otherwise readable. It looks like my attempt at an Andre Norton type SF space opera. It even opened "Tree Castle", which is or probably was a Mac Draw document. It was dated Jan 1, 1986. It's my oldest document. I've a screen cap below of the mentioned documents open in LibreOffice.

Yeah, for document conversion, LibreOffice rocks. The content of some of these old documents is amateurish; weird since I was already published.

Still... No lost IP. This is a good thing.

cc: @taur10 @alan

Nonilex, avatar


Trump banned from doing in for 3 years & ordered to pay $364 million

Nonilex, avatar

Here is the official 92 page ruling from Justice Arthur #Engoron:

Notably on p. 87:

"Their complete lack of contrition & remorse borders on the pathological. …Trump is not Bernie Madoff. Yet, [these] defendants are incapable of admitting the error of their ways."

#Trump #legal #law #civil #conspiracy #fraud #TrumpOrganization #NYAG #LetitiaJames #TrumpTrial #GAAP

Nonilex, avatar

Andrew Weissmann nails it again, “this guy can’t be trusted to run a company for three years without a babysitter?”

But we’re going to let him run the most powerful country on the planet????”

PierreLecourt, French avatar

Linux présent sur 3% des PC après trente années de lutte
C'est un record mais cela reste assez triste. 30 ans de travail, de développement de peaufinage plus tard, Linux reste un système de niche....


@PierreLecourt avec un Microsoft qui cherche à Clouder son OS, avec un Steam qui pousse quand même pas mal au cul pour faire venir du jeu et devenir indépendant de Windows, avec une petite conscience écolo, bobo, gauchiste qui apparaît, je pense que ça va continuer.

Plus grâce à Steam qu'aux bobos gauchistes, mais certains qui s'appuient seulement sur Windows risquent de voir leur modèle disparaître. Winrar pour en citer un dernièrement.

PierreLecourt, avatar

@cyriborne J'ai failli en parler, j'ai écrit un paragraphe sur SteamOS et puis j'ai effacé. Je n'ai pas encore de traces sensibles d'une volonté d'ouverture réelle de Valve. Surtout que j'ai celle de MacOS qui apparait en face sur le monde du jeu.

jwcph, Danish avatar

For once I don't agree with @pluralistic...

We shouldn't ban commercial surveillance - i.e. data harvesting - without explicit opt-in.

We should ban it completely, with no exceptions. Period.

Corporate greed is like hydrogen gas; it can seep through the tiniest of holes - and once it does, everything burns.

"Explicit opt-in" is just such a hole.

jwcph, avatar

@pluralistic Fair point(s) - but it leaves data in a limbo; right now, it's definitely a commodity, which makes it somebody's property, or ownership can't be traded. There's a reason it keeps being compared to oil - but then there's a similar problem with natural ressources, which are commonly considered nobody's property (until someone claims it), when they should more rightly be considered everybody's property. But data can't be seen as a "common" - so where does it land...?


@pluralistic @jwcph

That's all well and fine until the government gets into it. How about if your doctor knows you had a bowel movement 2 minutes after you had one? Easy to do with tech.

How about if you, as is the case now, get a lower credit rating because your address is in an area where many people have bad credit ratings?

What if billionairs who own social media tweek their algorithms so that if you click on a news story about them, they frame you into jail? That technology exists. too.

ChrisMayLA6, avatar

Can it be any surprise that after a decade of stagnant real , the dire state of UK practice, the continued media focus on celebrity culture (where the talentless but 'entertaining' are rewarded) & a government that has made it its to shove money to its mates, that a significant minority of young people increasingly do not see a clear link between hard work and a 'better life'.

The only Q. is how fast is this feeling spreading?

ianbetteridge, avatar

@ChrisMayLA6 It’s one of the things that I learned from working for a German-owned company: British management culture and practices are 40 years out of date, and I believe the main cause of underperformance.

ChrisMayLA6, avatar


Completely agree - here's a piece I wrote for @NWBylines that I think you might find reflects your view(s) quite strongly

kubikpixel, avatar

Sorry #VPN wie es momentan beworben wird war noch nie Sicher und ein klarer #MITM und nur bei den wenigsten Anbietern auch vertrauenswürdig - Da sind ganz dubiose & gruselige Firmengeflechte im Hintergrund. Dann kommen ein paar #Dumps und bestätigen deine Befürchtungen. VPN macht durch aus Sinn in einem #Business #Netzwerk aber eben nicht so.

»21 Million VPN User Records durchgesickert; VPN am Ende?«


#sicherheit #anonym #dump #db #itsec


Ja, die Krux ist, je sicherer ich es haben will, desto aufwändiger und komplexer wird es. Meist für alle Beteiligten. (Wie starte ich von einem Stick z.B.) Oft auch teurer und wenn es auch "nur" der Personaleinsatz ist. All zu oft wird der günstige Weg, oder der Weg des geringsten Widerstands gegangen. Oder Mensch hält an alten, ehemals guten Lösungen fest, und bewertet diese nie neu. Nichts ist perfekt, aber wir können uns sollten uns entwickeln.

kubikpixel, avatar

🧵 …zum X-ten mal ein Hinweis, wie unsicher VPN populär angeboten wird. Denn VPN ist NICHT ein anonymes oder Privatsphäre gewährende Internet-Nutzung.
Details diesbezüglich in den Posts vorhin 👆

»Notfallpatch – Angreifer attackieren VPN-Verbindungen von Checkpoint Gateways:
Checkpoint hat ein Notfall-Sicherheitsupdate veröffentlicht. Derzeit haben Angreifer Network Security Gateways wie Quantum Maestro im Visier.«


#vpn #internet #sicherheit #anonymitat #privatsphare

Edent, avatar

🆕 blog! “Is it rude to make a profit from your friends?”

You're in a restaurant with a group of friends. The waiter won't let you split the bill, so you offer to pay for it on your card and have your friends send you their share. How much would you charge them for that service? That sounds absurd, right? OK, you might agree to split the […]

👀 Read more:

#business #introspection

ianturton, avatar

@Edent when splitting bills it is usually somewhere abroad and I save a cash point fee in acquiring cash .

Edent, avatar

@ianturton what did you think about the rest of the blog post?

mariyadelano, avatar

Don't start an agency if you hate service-based businesses.

It won't be your path to "passive income", endless riches, fame, or whatever else you're imagining.
You can't build a great company if you hate your own business model. No amount of productizing your services, outsourcing, playing voodoo with your margins, or pretending you're happy on social media will make up for your disdain of the very business you're creating.

Service-based businesses aren't a toy. Stop acting like it.

researchbuzz, avatar

@mariyadelano I worked for a tech marketing agency in the early 1990s and got to see everything marketing was made of before smiley techbros shit all over it for a fast buck

mariyadelano, avatar

@researchbuzz what was it like?

ChrisMayLA6, avatar

If you wanted a clear demonstration of how the#financialservice industry not only had different interests from other sectors, but also is indifferent to their practices & economic activities, the fact the (ex-Goldman Sachs) is being criticised by firms (most loudly from the sector) on his UTurns (and partial UTurns) on is a classic case... he's either clueless, or uncaring about the impact of continued regulatory instability on the 'real' economy!


@ChrisMayLA6 @fkamiah17 There's a baffling fixation in this country, the idea that if someone worked in the City, they must have a deep understanding of economics.

Which makes about as much sense as saying that, because I work in the NHS, I must be capable of performing heart surgery.

There's a similar thing with lawyers, a notion that because Braverman or Raab had a legal career they must be immensely knowledgeable about all law.

(None of this happens if the MP is state-educated, of course.)

MadeyeTheCarnaptious, avatar

@RT_Alt @ChrisMayLA6 @fkamiah17

We're talking aboot bookies. Not economists.

mariyadelano, (edited ) avatar

Your can probably improve at for your fans.

Just because you spam them with webinar links and occasionally like their LinkedIn posts from the company account, doesn’t mean you actually run a customer engagement program.

Most businesses engage their customers with the sincerity of a grumpy teenager forcing a smile at a family photo. It’s fake. And everyone can tell.

Instead, learn how you can do TRULY fan-driven marketing in my piece:

mariyadelano, avatar

Any business with some degree of product-market fit is perfect for attracting superfans.


Because whether people become your fans actually has nothing to do with your brand. Their love is, first and foremost, about how your brand makes them feel.

mariyadelano, avatar

When you put in an effort to help your biggest fans, they will help you 10 times more.

Yes, targeting something as subjective as brand love can be scary. You’re messing with people’s deep emotional attachments, and there are plenty of risks to getting that wrong. But as with any meaningful relationship, love is usually worth it.

So show your customers that you care about them becoming your fans. And demonstrate that you love them as much as they are starting to love you. ❤️

ai6yr, avatar

Ah yes, if running a useful doesn't work, you can always try . "Businesses are being warned that they will lose their gold checkmark if they haven’t forked out at least $1,000 on ads in the past 30 days or $6,000 in the previous 180 days"

ai6yr, avatar

@jeridansky I know too many of the people in that story personally, LOL.

jeridansky, avatar

@ai6yr I had no idea you were connected in any way to that crowd!

mostaurelius, avatar

Tesla warns that a federal probe into whether it exaggerated the range of its cars may lead to a 'material adverse impact on our business'

jhavok, avatar

@nuncio @mostaurelius A hostile takeover would be the best possible outcome for Tesla and EVs, since Musk is a human poison pill second only to Trump.

eschaton, avatar

The C-suite is ripe to be supplanted by AI: Corporations run by bunch of technocrats educated at decent “flyover” state schools using AI decision support systems will make far better short- and long-term economic decisions than the super-expensive Ivy League Old Boys Club ever has, at far lower cost, with far more interchangeability. Eventually board members will recognize this; the celebrity C-suite is living on borrowed time.

boredzo, avatar

@eschaton I thought you were going to say the “AI” decision systems would be just as clueless as the existing C-suites at a fraction of the cost. That'd be my argument, anyway. 😁

Anyway, as that old IBM slide says: “A computer system can never be held accountable, therefore a program must never make a management decision”. Still true today. We need more accountability for executives, not even less.

enhancedscurry, avatar

@eschaton But yeah, AI will perform MBA tasks competently a lot sooner than it will engineering tasks, and no one is talking about it because the MBAs make are the ones who declare redundancies. And of course no one could ever automate their jobs.

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