@bartvdpoel@mastodon.green avatar



It-guy. Interests are in clean energy and history. Gen-X er, but my 17 year old just keeps calling me Boomer. Son of the Seefhoek. (Bart van de Poel) Live in Belgium, often spend my free time in Zeeland, the Netherlands.

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markmccaughrean, to random
@markmccaughrean@mastodon.social avatar

I’ve lived the last fifteen years in The Netherlands & although I doubtless have a limited & biased view, I’ve been happy with what has seemed broadly to be a progressive, tolerant, & environmentally-conscious society.

I guess this new centre- & far-right government coalition is about to trash all of that with its reactionary populist bullshit 🤮


@bartvdpoel@mastodon.green avatar

@markmccaughrean They tried it before with Lijst Pim Fortuyn 20 years back. The far right party imploded after less than 100 days. It's not going to be different now.

@bartvdpoel@mastodon.green avatar

@markmccaughrean Democracy is a lot more embedded in Dutch society than in Italy and Eastern Europe. And the judiciary and public service is quite able to fend of the worst stuff... I hope...

GottaLaff, to random
@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

'A step back in time': America's Catholic Church sees immense shift twd the old ways

“Generations of Catholics who embraced modernizing tide sparked in 1960s by Vatican II are increasingly giving way to religious conservatives who believe church has been twisted by change…

..molded by plummeting church attendance…reshaped parishes across the country, leaving them at odds w Pope Francis and much of the Catholic world.”

@bartvdpoel@mastodon.green avatar

@GottaLaff The good old "Catholic Virtue of Hypocrisy" is making a comeback.

Alice, to random
@Alice@beige.party avatar

There's this thing called Williams syndrome where people who have it tend to be very happy and outgoing and friendly, but it comes at a detriment because they can be TOO friendly and trusting and potentially end up in dangerous situations as a result.

I share a lot of the emotional and psychological traits, but I know I don’t have it because there are associated physical traits and I don’t have any of those.

Either way, there is definitely something going on with me where I am completely oblivious to any sort of threat or danger and, whenever my husband is concerned about a situation, he calls me "William" and I snap out of it.

He's not making fun of me or people with Williams syndrome and it's just kind of a code to alert me to potentially scary situations and I’m so grateful to have him around because I'd probably be dead or trapped in someone's basement if it weren't for him.

Williams syndrome for anyone interested: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Williams_syndrome

@bartvdpoel@mastodon.green avatar

@Alice There was a BBC documentary with Oliver Sacks about specific neurological syndromes. And one of the episodes was about Williams with a girl who had all these symptoms. She was so nice and social but if I remember correctly, she couldn't do the most basic math. Really strange.

IngridHbn, to random Dutch
@IngridHbn@mastodon.online avatar

Een school hoort zijn leerlingen voor te bereiden op de toekomst. En als deze toekomst enorm beïnvloed of zelfs bepaald wordt door de klimaatverandering, vind ik dat het ook de verantwoordelijkheid van een school is om zijn studenten te tonen hoe er op een duurzame manier geleefd – en dus ook gereisd – kan worden.


@bartvdpoel@mastodon.green avatar

@IngridHbn Klinkt als een school die probeert vooral de niet zo welgestelde leerlingen weg te houden. Misschien is dat doel belangrijker dan andere doelen. In onze middelbare school had Mevrouw Debrouwer alles uit de kast gehaald om zo goedkoop mogelijk te logeren in Parijs. En als je de centjes niet had thuis kon je discreet na de les komen vragen om een oplossing te vinden.

elziax, to random
@elziax@mastodon.nl avatar

Vandaag een jaar geleden werden in Duitsland de laatste kerncentrales uitgezet. Als je de balans opmaakt, is geen van de vooraf door splijtstof-fans bezworen horrorscenario's waar geworden: De stroommix is schoner dan ooit en stroom is goedkoper geworden. https://www.tagesschau.de/faktenfinder/ein-jahr-atomausstieg-deutschland-100.html

@bartvdpoel@mastodon.green avatar

@Mndell @elziax @alterelefant @xs4me2 Op deze sites kan je wat rondspelen met de gegevens als je wilt.
Dat gezegd zijnde, als ze de nog niet versleten kerncentrales gewoon 40 jaar hadden open gehouden, zonder ze te verlengen, dan hadden we nu nog maar 30 TWh aan kolenstroom nodig gehad ipv 111 en waren ze binnen 10 jaar ook allemaal dicht. Ze sluiten voor ze end of life waren was kapitaalvernietiging.



@bartvdpoel@mastodon.green avatar

@xs4me2 @Mndell @elziax @alterelefant Fukushima heeft 3x het BNP van België gekost geloof ik, dus ja, je hebt een punt. Economisch gezien is het sowieso waanzin om er nieuwe te bouwen, wegens belachelijke kostprijs en gigantische kost voor de opruiming. Hoop dat ze daar in Nederland achter komen voor ze de belastingbetaler er mee op zadelen. Want schijnbaar is "de vrije markt" ineens niet meer van tel als het over kerncentrales gaat.

JenMsft, to windows
@JenMsft@mastodon.social avatar

Did you know the Clock app in has a feature called focus sessions, which can help you when you're trying to focus on something?

In Windows 11 it even integrates with do no disturb and will suppress notifications and taskbar app icon flashing


@bartvdpoel@mastodon.green avatar

@JenMsft The map view is also nice. Especially if you have to collaborate with people on the other side of the planet.

jdmccafferty, to random
@jdmccafferty@mastodon.online avatar

The Old Ox Market in Antwerp
Peeter van Bredael, 19 July 1629 - 9 Mar 1719

(KMSKA/ Photographer: Hugo Maertens/artinflanders.be)

@bartvdpoel@mastodon.green avatar

@jdmccafferty That's a few hundred meters from where I grew up. I was born in one of the sidestreets there where 'Het Moederhuis' used to be. The clinic where most babies in Antwerp where born until it closed in, I guess, the eighties.

petergleick, to TeslaMotors
@petergleick@fediscience.org avatar

Makes sense that , with 11 known children by three known mothers, none of whom he gives a s### about, would want to take away women's contraceptives/birth control.

@bartvdpoel@mastodon.green avatar

@petergleick Having a man/boyfriend as psychopathic as Musk increases your chance of suicide 100 fold.

GottaLaff, to random
@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

Not from The Onion. For realsies…

Via Acyn:

“So Donald sent out a fundraising pitch that reads, Dear Melania I love you. Even after every single indictment, arrest, and witch hunt, you never left my side”

@bartvdpoel@mastodon.green avatar

@GottaLaff Hahaha. Incredible. He's fishing for conjugal visits in a few months time.

philipdutre, to leuven Dutch
@philipdutre@mastodon.online avatar

Deze week zijn er aan voor toekomstige . Ook voor studenten staan er lessen open, o.a. mijn les voor het vak "Gegevensstructuren en Algoritmen" op vrijdagmorgen, 10u30, op campus Arenberg. https://www.kuleuven.be/toekomstigestudenten/openles/leuven

@bartvdpoel@mastodon.green avatar

@philipdutre Je had dat wel Gegevensstructuren en Algoritmen in AI moeten noemen hé. :-) Geven ze geen marketing op de KUL.

mastodonmigration, to random
@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar

There is a new kind of reply guy driving everyone crazy. It goes something like this: "I would walk over hot coals for Biden, and what he has accomplished is amazing, BUT YOU HAVE TO ADMIT...."

No, you don't have to admit anything. You concern trolls are either deliberately fueling the latest attack mime, or you are a victim of it. Whatever, you are contributing to a disinformation campaign. You are not a purveyor of 'truth.' There is no substantive point to your response. Please just stop it.

@bartvdpoel@mastodon.green avatar
bartvdpoel, to random Dutch
@bartvdpoel@mastodon.green avatar
randahl, to Ukraine
@randahl@mastodon.social avatar

In the early morning hours, attacked the Russian corvette Ivanovets.

Six Ukrainian sea drones of the Magura V5 type engaged the ship from multiple directions, and although the Ivanovets fired its guns at the drones, the ship was hit multiple times and finally sank off the coast of Crimea.

The Magura V5 drone is a 5.5 meter long boat-shaped drone carrying a 320 kg payload at a maximum speed of up to 78 km/h.

I am truly amazed by the technological advances of Ukraine.
Slava Ukraini!

A drone is closing in on the Ivanovets (onboard view).
The Ivanovets is sinking.

@bartvdpoel@mastodon.green avatar

@randahl The last photo started this song in my head. That said, horrible way to end your life as a sailor - they didn't ask for Putin's 19th century emperial ambitions.


micahflee, to random

Billionaires shouldn't exist. That said, Taylor Swift really seems to be one of the world's least-shitty billionaires

@bartvdpoel@mastodon.green avatar

@micahflee And she didn't start with a small multi million dollar loan from her parents or grandparents.

@bartvdpoel@mastodon.green avatar

@lewdmachines @micahflee Sorry "lewdmachine". I'm starting to transform into a Swifty, wich is akward for a 51 year old man.

bartvdpoel, to random Dutch
@bartvdpoel@mastodon.green avatar

Geen visie, geen plan, en al de anderen doen het fout. Wat doet die eikel aan het hoofd van die openbaar vervoersbedrijven. De mens heeft waarschijnlijk al 50 jaar niet meer in een bus of trein gezeten.


GottaLaff, to random
@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

Folks, I’m feeling crummy today (intestinal thing). But this account did this overnight, as predicted.

I reported. Please do the same.

@bartvdpoel@mastodon.green avatar

@GottaLaff Russian Assets.

bryan_edward, to climate
@bryan_edward@mastodon.social avatar

Massive wave hits Marshall Islands.

"Climate change will manifest as a series of disasters viewed through phones with footage that gets closer and closer to where you live until you're the one filming it."




@bartvdpoel@mastodon.green avatar

@MattFerrel @PacificNic @bryan_edward They where very lucky than. WTF.

GottaLaff, to random
@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

I think we can all agree on this.

Via Ben Wexler:

Not even sure why I bother to point it out, but if another politician, one day after a school shooting, said “Get over it,” and then a few days later said “I hope the economy crashes within the next 12 months,” their candidacy would be over

@bartvdpoel@mastodon.green avatar

@GottaLaff The guy raped a woman in a departement store, twotimed his wife with a porn actress and said he could grab all women by the pussy 'cause he' s a star. I think the evangelicals vote for him because they think he's one of the four horsemen of the apocalyps. And they are waiting for the other three.

Sustainable2050, to random
@Sustainable2050@mastodon.energy avatar

The rise and fall of Germany's electricity from coal. Now already down to the level of 1959!
By @energy_charts_d

@bartvdpoel@mastodon.green avatar

@Sustainable2050 @energy_charts_d A few weeks ago a guy here wrote: "Germany has replaced it's Nuclear Plants with Coal". I answered him, "No they didn't". And before I could insert a version of that graphic you have on top there he already blocked me. He lived in his own pro nuclear - anti renewables bubble where the graph above wasn't reality.

sundogplanets, to random
@sundogplanets@mastodon.social avatar

Too excited about getting my family back today to sleep in! They won't be back here until afternoon, but still...I'm SO HAPPY!

Lots of animal chores and on-campus meetings and a CBC interview to get through first, though.

@bartvdpoel@mastodon.green avatar

@sundogplanets My daughter is dyslexic, what doesn't stop her from going to Med School and becoming a doctor. For her, recorded lectures are a godsend. She can pause them anytime she wants to make a Flashcard or to make some notes, something she wouldn't be able to do if she just follows the lessons in class. Of course she always goes to the labs and practical lessons, but lectures are so much easier to process for her on video.

randahl, to random
@randahl@mastodon.social avatar

After 10 years of weekly videos, the absolutely awesome YouTuber Tom Scott tells his over 6 million followers, he is taking a long awaited long vacation. And man does he ride into the sunset in style!

@anderspuck You have to see this. 😀

@bartvdpoel@mastodon.green avatar

@randahl @anderspuck Whenever I listen to these ridiculous discussions about ad-blockers on youtube I think of guys like him who get half of that ad revenue and have to work hard to make that quality content. If you "stick it to the men", you're also sticking it to small independent guys working their balls of to give you things you wouldn't get from any mainstream source (except maybe the BBC). So pay your youtube premium (as I do) or just watch the ads.

fbaum, to palestine
@fbaum@social.ridetrans.it avatar

This is important! If you’re in the U.S. you do have some leverage that can actually help save lives.

Contact your Reps, and, yes, President.

@bartvdpoel@mastodon.green avatar

@fbaum @palestine 'Why don't you let people, who have done nothing wrong starve while the hostages have not been returned.' Do these people actually hear what they are saying?

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