
Hi, everyone:

No matter what I post, 90% of the comments are filled with rage and cynicism.

To respond, I wrote a series of blog posts here:


The country (and democracy() can survive Trump.

I don't know if democracy can survive the degree of rage and cynicism I see.

I'm afraid that I really don't do much good with my squirt gun up against the firehose of destructiveness.

I am beginning to think . . .


Teri_Kanefield, (edited )

. . . I waste my time and energy on social media.

Yes, I know, that there are people who I've been able to help, but I came back to read my comments, here and a few other sites, and really, I feel ill.

One option Is to stop reading my comments, which is too bad because I do like answering questions.

I am not looking for compliments or praise.

I need to figure whether this is worth it.


@kwheaton@sfba.social avatar

@Teri_Kanefield to those like myself who follow you...it's worth it.

@StillIRise1963@mastodon.world avatar

@Teri_Kanefield I appreciate what you do very much. ❤️

@mvario@mastodon.social avatar


I well appreciate your writing and want to thank you very much.

@gdinwiddie@mastodon.social avatar

My advice is to skip the meaningless comments and take heart in the fact that your social media posts do attract people to your long-form posts. From my point of view, they really help.

@thepoliticalcat@mastodon.social avatar

@Teri_Kanefield I'm so sorry. I hope you feel the intense gratitude being directed your way.


@Teri_Kanefield It legitimately may not be worth it for you. It's definitely worth it for me a whole bunch of other people ... but take care of yourself first.


@Teri_Kanefield Comments are a horrible medium. It's like trying to debate philosophy in newspeak. Even trying mangles the message.

Have you thought about aggressively blocking anyone who gives you a troll vibe?

ie, If you're here to have a good-faith discussion, you are welcome. If you are coming in bad faith, goodbye.

And you get to be the judge.


@zenkat These are not trolls. They're good people who are caught up in the misinformation-rage cycle.

See: https://terikanefield.com/can-democracy-work-in-america-part-1-there-are-no-yankees-here/

@ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org avatar

@Teri_Kanefield Your posts are very much appreciated. Please continue!


@Teri_Kanefield Worth remembering: 90% of any audience will never comment





@mckra1g@mastodon.social avatar

@Teri_Kanefield it’s worth it. Statistically speaking, there are a large number of lurkers who benefit from your posts (see link). The ragers represent a small but vocal minority. They’re digital barnacles. Your presence is needed, important, valuable, and provides clarity for people you’ll never meet. The abuse from trolls is meant to drive you off the platform(s). Don’t give them the satisfaction. I appreciate you.


@design_law@mastodon.social avatar

@mckra1g @Teri_Kanefield What Molly said. I'm so sorry to hear that your posts generate so much vitriol. Thank you for your posts to date, no matter what you decide going forward


@Teri_Kanefield It's worth it for us. I learn a lot from following you, and I appreciate the service you're doing for us all.

If it's worth it for you though? I hope so. I've seen a lot of good people driven off of social media over the years, when they get influential enough to start making a real difference, and I'd hate to see those tactics work on you as well. If you need to take a break, or leave to protect yourself, well that's fair.

But we'll miss you, so I'm cheering you on in the hope that you can find a way to overcome, and push through.

@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

@Teri_Kanefield BOY, can I relate to this. I went through similar thoughts and experiences yesterday (well, every day), and find myself skipping comments, which I’ve never done in all my years on social media.

Just know that you’re elucidating and informative, something badly needed here.




The insights, analysis and service the two of you provide are invaluable. I have a list dedicated to the two of you to ensure I don't miss anything. I definitely hope you'll both stay.

@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

@NeilFederspiel @Teri_Kanefield I’ve never said I was leaving, just that I stop reading comments sometimes.

But I (we) very much appreciate your kind words. I’m honored.

@flowerpot@mas.to avatar

@GottaLaff @Teri_Kanefield Laffy, I saw that yesterday (you diplomatically disengaged) and Teri, I read your posts airing your frustrations. I suspect some of what you both experienced may be the result of intentionally manufactured toxicity.
I wrote a thread about my experience of being attacked for what I thought was a compassionate post, and about seeing emotionally draining comments affecting 2 larger accounts (both of yours) later in the day.

@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar

@flowerpot @GottaLaff @Teri_Kanefield

Great comment. Not sure what it is, but there is certainly something in the water, and it is not limited to political topics. The nay-saying and critical outrage definitely seems to have increased markedly lately.

@flowerpot@mas.to avatar

@mastodonmigration @GottaLaff @Teri_Kanefield Yep. Here is an example of a subtle, but still inflammatory comment by an account made 2 days ago, commenting on my post I made this morning about drama.

@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

@flowerpot @mastodonmigration Here’s an example of what I mean. This was in response to this thread: https://mastodon.social/@GottaLaff/111422729222036629

I couldn’t fit it into the screenshot, but I thanked them for their input at the end.

@flowerpot@mas.to avatar

@GottaLaff @mastodonmigration Laffy, you are way more patient than I am. I see how considerate you are and marvel at it. When I see posts like this, I tend to discount them because:

  1. They are pure emotional reactions that have been expressed 1000s of times/an old trope that needs to die. If they are authentic, then they haven't been paying attention because Trump continues to lose in court.
  2. It is manufactured doomism intended to exhaust us and dissuade us from posting about Trump losing
@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

@flowerpot @mastodonmigration Thank you. For all of your thoughtful comments.

@flowerpot@mas.to avatar

@GottaLaff @mastodonmigration I personally think it is the latter option (#2). Even if the person is being authentic, it makes me wonder if he/she isn't acting out from stochastic terrorism based on what other exposure they've encountered by dis/misinformation operatives.
Trump is nothing without his image. Nothing. Anyone who exposes him is a target. Even if you only share news from reliable sources/journalists.
By the way, I think you and Teri are doing good works informing our community. 🙏🏽

@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

@flowerpot @mastodonmigration Yes, I can see that. And thank you again.

I give up. https://mastodon.social/@GottaLaff/111426819871785520

@flowerpot@mas.to avatar

@GottaLaff @mastodonmigration Wow. (heavy sigh). I'm going to mute that account. (ugh)

@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar
@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

@flowerpot @mastodonmigration I take it back. I blocked.

@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar
@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar

@GottaLaff @flowerpot @Teri_Kanefield

Yup. A common technique seems to be to mischaracterize your post and then argue against the straw horse they've created.

@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

@mastodonmigration EXACTLY. Well said, MM.

@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

@mastodonmigration @flowerpot oops, I left Flowerpot off my last reply, telling you that you were spot on.

@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

@mastodonmigration @flowerpot @Teri_Kanefield Update. They apologized. Total credit for that. They took my reply seriously and explained.

@Osteopenia_Powers@newsie.social avatar

@GottaLaff @mastodonmigration @flowerpot @Teri_Kanefield

Well, I certainly hope you all keep posting.


@Osteopenia_Powers @GottaLaff @mastodonmigration @flowerpot @Teri_Kanefield yes, please keep posting we need and value you very much!

@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

@memphismary @Osteopenia_Powers @mastodonmigration @flowerpot @Teri_Kanefield I never said I was stopping. I said I skip reading some comments now.

@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

@mastodonmigration @GottaLaff @flowerpot @Teri_Kanefield I like the metaphor here. Straw man plus hobby horse becomes straw horse. Perhaps there are straw horse races, straw horses ridden by straw men. In fact, this describes much of the internet.

@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar

@jredlund @GottaLaff @flowerpot @Teri_Kanefield

That's funny. Love your comment and thanks for the benefit of the doubt, but it was definitely unintentional. Meant straw man, but you are right, it is kind of a cool mixed metaphor. Perhaps more of a combination of straw man and stalking horse.


@mastodonmigration @GottaLaff @flowerpot @Teri_Kanefield Well, typos and word misfires often lead to creative expressions. We think and speak along well-traveled paths, but sometimes we trip, fall into the underbrush, and find ourselves in a strange new perspective. (As a further example, my fingers typed "undercrush." I fixed it, but "undercrush" might work too.)

@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar

@jredlund @GottaLaff @flowerpot @Teri_Kanefield

Was caught in one of those once boogie boarding, nearly got a broken back.

@colo_lee@zirk.us avatar

@GottaLaff @flowerpot @mastodonmigration @Teri_Kanefield oh jeez ... head in hands ...

it would be so much better if people would aim their ire at the appropriate targets. Rather than just spewing anger left and right.

@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar
@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

@flowerpot Thank you. Most of my draining replies are from well-meaning allies who feel the need to either quibble or see the downside of every situation, instead of offering either constructive or informative responses, or simple acknowledgement that a situation is stressful, and thoughtful ideas on how to improve.

IOW, constant compulsions to be cynical, contrary, negative instead of helpful, supportive, or rational/explanatory. @Teri_Kanefield

@timbray@cosocial.ca avatar

@GottaLaff @Teri_Kanefield Am a huge fan of both of you and I hope the brand that each of you is building will reward you for the work you've put into the building. Please hang in. I think that in the case of @GottaLaff it's time to call for escalated proactive moderation from .social. @Teri_Kanefield, not sure how that works on a solo instance, hmmm.

@jimbush@beige.party avatar

@GottaLaff @Teri_Kanefield Some of us rely on cynicism as emotional armor against a feeling of hopelessness. I fight that battle every damn day.

Both of you provide an incredibly valuable service. Please do whatever you need to maintain your sanity during these insane times.

@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

@jimbush I understand, and fall into that sometimes too, but I rarely express it out loud unless I feel I'm being fair, accurate, reasonable. I don't just spew. I hope, lol. Thanks, Jim. @Teri_Kanefield

@AbandonedAmerica@mastodon.social avatar

@Teri_Kanefield I appreciate your thoughts here and your presence but I can empathize. I've cut back a lot on my social media presence for similar reasons. It's exhausting. And while I'd say the majority of folks are great the ones that are hostile, angry at everything, deliberately/accidentally rude, overstep boundaries, offer patronizing advice, etc can really grind you down. I don't know what your best solution is but you are appreciated here by a lot of people who read but don't often reply


@AbandonedAmerica @Teri_Kanefield
"you are appreciated here by a lot of people who read but don't often reply"

@AbandonedAmerica@mastodon.social avatar
@hannahshouse2@toot.community avatar

I value your input so much! You and @GottaLaff are keeping me sane through all of this

@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

@hannahshouse2 @Teri_Kanefield Thank you. Teri is invaluable.



Please be aware that you and a few others - for example, @GottaLaff - are helping me to stay sane.

I absolutely have come to depend on your insights.

@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

@cturnbow Many thanks, from both of us. @Teri_Kanefield

@dbc3@mastodon.world avatar

Someone made the point which I will paraphrase with "the jerks are the noisy ones." Wednesday I took M, a recently-arrived refugee from the war in Syria to take the drivers test. He passed; the tester was friendly, chatted w/me, told me what M needed to practice more. Then he thanked me for helping M.
I told M that, said the jerks are loud and the news talks about them a lot, but there are a lot more people like him not in the news.
Keep up the good work. We applaud quietly.

mastodonmigration, (edited )
@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar

@dbc3 @Teri_Kanefield

Good story. Thanks for sharing it. Daughter, just had an experience in a parking lot where a woman in a nice new SUV accidently backed into a person in an old sedan. The sedan driver didn't speak English and definitely didn't want the police involved. The woman took full blame and called a Spanish speaking friend to figure out how to compensate the sedan driver. Good people everywhere.


I just came across this, the app kept crashing so you most likely won’t even see this.
Teri, it’s because of you and @GottaLaff that I’m on here at all. As soon as something newsworthy and legally interesting happens, I look for your input.
I value it very much. Even if I don’t respond every time. I truly believe that people who feel like I do outweigh those who troll you.
🧵 1/

@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

@KayVay Many thanks, Kay. xoxox

@maddad@mastodon.world avatar


I love your posts too.👍
The hate means your hitting the nerves of the haters which I think is a good thing.

@tiffanycli@mastodon.social avatar

@Teri_Kanefield Whatever you choose will be right. I’ve appreciated your posts, but I understand that getting all that vitriol in replies can be draining. Navigating social media as a public intellectual is tough! Do what’s best for you.

@DemocracyMattersALot@mstdn.social avatar


Please don’t give up. That’s the whole intent of disinformation, hate, and fascism. You are a very important voice and resource. You inspire me and many others every single day. Take a break if you need to. Block haters. Ignore negative comments. But please persist, at least until the bitter end! 🙂

18+ NaturaArtisMagistra,
@NaturaArtisMagistra@mastodon.world avatar


"Hate never goes away... All it does is go underground. It hides until it is given a little oxygen." - Joe Biden October 11, 2023

Ms Kanefield I too have been attacked repeatedly. Don't let it discourage you.

Hugs Ma'am.

Om Shanti


@Teri_Kanefield I doubt you will see this, but I generally avoid responding to your posts, because you get it mostly right. I could help drive up the positive comments ratio, but I bet it does not matter.



Don't worry about it. I'm over my little rant.

@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar


First. You are wonderful. One of the best voices of knowledge and reason on Mastodon, perhaps on social media, perhaps in the media in general. 99.9% of those here share this opinion and would be crushed to see you alienated from the platform. Something is in the water. There seems to be more reflexive nay-saying and outrage. Many regular posters are mentioning it. It's scary times. People are worried and fear manifests itself as aggression in some.


mastodonmigration, (edited )
@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar


But, this is also when your expert sober advice and council are most needed. It is really difficult to engage with nuance when one craves simple clear comforting black and white answers.

In her recent amazing post @rvawonk wrote (https://newsie.social/@rvawonk/111366568806409784) , "I believe the best place to start is to look for the nuance and complexity; this is where truth lives."

You are a guide to the truth. Some people don't want to seek the truth, but most do. Your work here is vital.

@CStamp@mastodon.social avatar

@Teri_Kanefield I am sorry to hear that. You and @Laffy are the best for keeping up with US insane news.

She is the facts, just the facts (ok, maybe a womp womp thrown in on occasion) and you explain the legalese to save us from ourselves and our armchair lawyering.



What the pundits say are not facts.

@peterbutler@mas.to avatar

@Teri_Kanefield The medium is the message …

is it the interface, the functionality, the internet itself?

IANAE, so hard for me to know, but I know of what you speak and I ask myself the same questions …

Then I remember I was asking myself the same questions 30 years ago in newsgroups… 😬

Somewhat related reading:



@tantramar@nojack.easydns.ca avatar

@Teri_Kanefield your “squirt gun” is spreading a lot of informed hope, Teri.

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