stroughtonsmith, (edited ) avatar

Midjourney v6’s new text feature is kinda fun — it does a much better job of integrating readable text into generated images


stroughtonsmith, avatar

The level of photorealism is kinda incredible. You have to really start pixel-peeping to try and figure out whether this is a real image or not

(It's not)

smgalante, avatar

@stroughtonsmith Tim Theroux?

MuseumShuffle, avatar

@stroughtonsmith You're killing me Steve. My sub just expired and I said I was going to wait a while to renew. 🤣

finestructure, avatar

@stroughtonsmith Remarkable. It even has what looks like realistic distortion from the glasses' lenses. The only thing that’s noticeable after looking at it for a while is that his left hand would have to be reeeeeally long, given that his left forearm isn't angling up.

palaniraja, avatar

@finestructure @stroughtonsmith also left hinge stem/temple of the eyeglass style is different from the right one, left ear v right ear. Just few more iterations to do a symmetry on human features i guess

stroughtonsmith, avatar

The next Jurassic Park movie? No, just AI…

samerfarha, avatar

@stroughtonsmith “Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn't stop to think if they should."



Clever girl!

stroughtonsmith, avatar

That famous Pixar scene where the ChatGPT guy stares in disbelief at the Siri guy failing to toggle the light switch.

…maybe a bit of a stretch, but the image looked too good to not post. These characters and their personalities feel like they could go straight into production; how could you not include AI generation in your concept art process or mood boards?

rdela, avatar

@stroughtonsmith Hair Force Siri

stroughtonsmith, avatar

Midjourney v6 is much better at producing comic panels, and can even insert things like speech bubbles with the text you provide

mikey, avatar

@stroughtonsmith I can't wait to try v6!! Sometimes I just spend hours playing around in midjourney.

thomholwerda, avatar

@stroughtonsmith Copyright infringement ahoy!

stroughtonsmith, avatar

@thomholwerda it can go in the same bin as patents 🚮

stroughtonsmith, avatar

It's also got a whole lot better at generating pixel art, or at least what could pass for pixel art at a glance

BoscoZebra, avatar

@stroughtonsmith Looks rotoscoped to me.

Still neat.

How do you access Midjourney? I'm not into the whole algorithmically created art - so I'm not familiar with the actual use - is it a website or some sort of application?

stroughtonsmith, avatar

@BoscoZebra you access it via Discord and logging in at You can see the newbie channels and watch other peoples' prompts and images go by which might help figure it out

BoscoZebra, avatar

@stroughtonsmith Ah! I'm off and running, I appreciate you taking the time. Hope you have a great Christmas!

stroughtonsmith, avatar

One thing that's very evident now is that if you are a famous creative your voice, your likeness, your art style and more are all going to live on for public use looong after you’re gone. Donated to the gestalt. Digital ‘resurrections’ used to be the realm of high end visual effects studios, but now anybody can make Freddie Mercury sing All I Want For Christmas Is You. When AI-generated video catches up to this level of fidelity, we're in danger 😂

Meanwhile, here's a Dinotopia-inspired scene

bennusekabel, avatar

@stroughtonsmith God I haven't thought about Dinotopia in SOOOOOO long. And now I need to pass it on to my kids.

stroughtonsmith, avatar

@bennusekabel he's still selling signed copies on the website, iirc

stroughtonsmith, avatar

Finding the magic keywords and phrases for compelling AI-generated art is incredibly satisfying. Every piece is like discovering something that nobody else in the world has seen before. You can easily spend hours crafting and iterating on a prompt to get the effect you're looking for; it seems silly to maintain that there's no effort or creative skill involved

A 90’s-style magazine ad for painting software like you might remember. Face of a woman in a hat, gradually more abstract as you get further from the focal point. Colorful, painterly
Colorful playdough shapes, rainbows, fruit
Cross-sectional architectural engineering drawing of a giant robot

stroughtonsmith, avatar

Midjourney is so much better at generating fake album art than it was a year ago, when I did all my marketing images


stroughtonsmith, avatar

Midjourney can be pretty consistent in style between runs, which makes it easier to see it as a useful tool in creative work. I’d love to see what comes out of a game jam that really embraces AI art

Pixel art scene. A mountainous reddish planet with low shrubs and towering mushrooms. Two planetoids appear in the sky
Pixel art scene. Rocky desert, cactii. You can imagine the tumbleweed
Pixel art scene. Ocean spire city at the base of a rocky cliff, rough sea, red cloudy sky

rixantos, avatar

@stroughtonsmith looks good! I'm still using as it too has a consistent style, probably should checkout Midjourney.

brennansv, avatar

@stroughtonsmith Tech like Midjourney and Unreal Engine world building is already so impressive. As the tech converges for producing movies and real-time video game experiences it is going to be pretty powerful.

Typically it takes months to create a set. For the Fifth Element a scaled model was created for the city and miniatures were made for other pieces. Some of these pieces could be built with an assist from AI and then either digitally rendered or 3D printed to quickly create miniatures to make it come alive on camera in a matter of days instead of months.

stroughtonsmith, avatar

I guess we've taught the AIs that we really frickin like heavy depth of field, huh? It’s almost difficult to get Midjourney to not output something like this 😂

A white boxer running along an Irish mountain trail
A group of Ancient Roman military men
A row of helmeted Ancient Roman soldiers, in profile, blurring into the distance

petehare, avatar

@stroughtonsmith are you using it via Discord? All these are really making me want to play around with it

stroughtonsmith, avatar

@petehare Discord, yeah. On the subscription you can prompt via DM rather than in the public lobby. It's a lot of fun!

stroughtonsmith, avatar
stroughtonsmith, avatar

Midjourney's take on 'podracing' is my new favorite thing


williamtm, avatar

@stroughtonsmith I wish those were portrait. They’d make epic phone wallpapers!

stroughtonsmith, avatar

I scrolled back through my Midjourney history to remind myself what its generated images used to look like, about 18 months ago. The difference to today (second pic) is astonishing


CTD, avatar

@stroughtonsmith hmm. Maybe it’s time to renew subscription if v6 is significantly improved

stroughtonsmith, avatar

Blimey. These ain’t movie stills, this is Midjourney’s attempt at ‘live action Luca’


petecarr, avatar

@stroughtonsmith I’m glad that my commercial photography is based on the idea of documenting things my clients do, because YIKES!

stroughtonsmith, (edited ) avatar

Re-running last year's prompts (Midjourney v2) in Midjourney v6:

"a vector illustration of david bowie performing on stage, bright colors”

How do you quantify this kind of progress?

bgrinter, avatar

@stroughtonsmith replace with Paul McCartney and see if it knows he’s left handed

stroughtonsmith, avatar

@bgrinter ask and you shall receive

gruber, avatar
stroughtonsmith, avatar

"The weeknd in the style of sin city, painterly”

Again, huge leap forward in v6

Razor sharp, high fidelity painted illustrations of the weeknd on a red background, Midjourney v6

stroughtonsmith, avatar
mknepprath, avatar

@stroughtonsmith 😮‍💨

stroughtonsmith, avatar

As a topic, I think this stuff is fascinating. If you're not keeping up with the bleeding edge on Midjourney, you would totally miss the huge improvements that have come to image generation since you last ran something like DiffusionBee on a Mac. It has gone from 'silly little images' to what I would say are stunning works of art and demonstrations of capability. I have no idea what this tech looks like one year from now, never mind ten

stroughtonsmith, avatar

To get a feel for what kind of keywords will make for great Midjourney output, I like to pick an artist name and ask for a 'landscape by <name>’. A really basic prompt — effectively ‘when I say this person's name, what comes to mind?’; makes for an easy comparison point. Oftentimes generated art looks nothing like what that artist would actually create, but still conjures distinctive reusable style elements

Names used here:

  1. David Hockney
  2. Takashi Murakami
  3. Yayoi Kusama
  4. Kara Walker

Abstract colorful shapes, thin line art style. Lots of circles and flowers and floating elements, pale background colors on an off-white
Beautifully-vibrant colorful elements making up a landscape, lots of little circles or ring shapes, mushroom-y, coral-like. As if painted by an octopus
Two tone blotchy inky black on an off-white background. Marshy, lakeside, dark foreground shapes, trees, fishing boats, people, less distinct into the distance


@stroughtonsmith “as if painted by an octopus” 😆

stroughtonsmith, avatar

@nuthatch I am slowly descending into madness trying to translate some of these to alt text

bonney, avatar

@stroughtonsmith Love Midjourney, hate hate hate Discord 🙃

stroughtonsmith, avatar

I can't trust myself to not run in /relax mode, I would (and do.) burn through all my monthly credits in a day 😂

ezekiel, avatar

@stroughtonsmith what is /relax?

stroughtonsmith, avatar

@ezekiel infinite generations per month at the cost of speed

MuseumShuffle, avatar

@stroughtonsmith @ezekiel How much extra time are we talking when that's turned on?

stroughtonsmith, avatar

@MuseumShuffle @ezekiel most things start fairly instantly, but sometimes a minute or two. I queue up a bunch at a time

MuseumShuffle, avatar

@stroughtonsmith @ezekiel Oh wow, that's not bad at all. Thanks for the tip. I will absolutely use that.

stroughtonsmith, avatar
stroughtonsmith, (edited ) avatar

Midjourney still lets you generate with each of its model versions, which is kinda neat! So I ran off the same prompt — "a boxer dog” — in the six major versions. V1 was released February 2022, V6 is the new alpha hotness

(Bonus points for the tiny doggy boxing glove)

stroughtonsmith, avatar

A tip that's new to me; Midjourney's /describe function can take an uploaded image and spit out prompts that could guide it back to making more. And you can use this to reverse-engineer images it has generated in the past, of styles or elements you don't recognize, to figure out how to make follow-ups.

There are so many features buried in slash commands that I might never come across


stroughtonsmith, avatar
stroughtonsmith, avatar
donaldhays, avatar

@stroughtonsmith Well now I want a kobold movie, too.

So long as they're puppets.

I love the candles on their heads in the second image. Was that part of the prompt, or is the cultural impact of World of Warcraft on the idea of kobolds just that strong?

stroughtonsmith, avatar

@donaldhays not part of the prompt! 'No take candle!' must be baked in

DavidAnson, avatar

@stroughtonsmith Tagline: Ko-boldly go where no one has gone before

stroughtonsmith, avatar

Lesser-remembered thread in Love Actually

stroughtonsmith, avatar

Just a happy little guy

collette, avatar

@stroughtonsmith beautiful! Your art?

stroughtonsmith, avatar

@collette all AI!

stroughtonsmith, avatar
dmnelson, avatar

@stroughtonsmith 3 is my pick

stroughtonsmith, avatar

@stroughtonsmith Second one is a great computing vibe especially because of:

> It’s in the wilderness for some reason

stroughtonsmith, avatar

@jfred oh that's not the actual prompt, that's me reverse engineering the image for alt text readers 😂

stroughtonsmith, avatar

Midjourney prompting incidentally feels like a great way to validate your alt text descriptions. Alt text for art is incredibly difficult, and I agonize over describing some of these outputs, but if you can describe something with words and have it come back and re-create basically the right image, then you know you're communicating the right concepts to paint a picture in somebody else's head. And that feels like a neat little superpower


@stroughtonsmith Does the “for some reason” make a different to the output or is that just for added fun? :)

stroughtonsmith, avatar

@neilbruder I like to have fun with how I write my alt text

drwhitt, avatar

@stroughtonsmith “neat little superpower” is so, so succinct

stroughtonsmith, avatar

This little dude needs a name

gh0sti, avatar
waynedixon, avatar
supergarv, avatar

@stroughtonsmith Splorona


@stroughtonsmith I don’t know but I want a squishable plush of it.

atobsmith, avatar

@stroughtonsmith Sunsplash


@stroughtonsmith Bartolomeu or Blob for short


@stroughtonsmith Splatto!

czottmann, avatar

@stroughtonsmith Looks like a “Hank" to me, please don't ask me to explain that because I couldn’t 😂

BoscoZebra, avatar

@stroughtonsmith Sploogie


@stroughtonsmith it’s name is sploop.

jimmylittle, avatar

@stroughtonsmith #3 is objectively the best, but #4 has my heart.

stroughtonsmith, avatar

@jimmylittle I have so many alternates 😂

WTL, avatar

@stroughtonsmith First one, I think. 🤣

jason, avatar

@stroughtonsmith what you’re showing me in these threads is how garbage composition is in these things. It’s completely lifeless

stroughtonsmith, avatar

@jason yeah I composed that one from a couple different images, but thanks ☺️

vandal, avatar

@stroughtonsmith Just wait a couple of years and you'll probably be able to make it yourself through AI. No more studios needed!

MrNuclearMonster, avatar

@stroughtonsmith Do you have any issues with it plagiarizing the work of living artists?

stroughtonsmith, avatar

@MrNuclearMonster nope. No more than any person who I might ask to paint something inspired by an existing artist or work; it's not even close to a 1:1 copy, ‘plagiarism' is a huge stretch. I find that whole argument ridiculous. It's a tool — use it or don’t

MrNuclearMonster, avatar

@stroughtonsmith It’s definitely not a 1:1 copy yet, many of the people in the “art” are either slightly off or extremely off as you noted but it seems like it could be close enough to fool people and you’ve demonstrated it’s getting “better” at the job. I wish we didn’t live in a capitalist system that’s gonna punish living artists but it sure seems like it’s going to punish them over time as their art is fed into it and the machine improves at reproducing and plagiarizing the original art.

cabel, avatar

@stroughtonsmith Man the technology is truly interesting but I just will never ever get over how fundamentally gross it is to ask a computer to copy the work of a (living!) artist and being excited as the computer gradually does a better and better job of copying

stroughtonsmith, avatar

@cabel I mean, if I wanted to copy the work of a living artist, I could right-click the original and 'save as’ 😅 If I want to generate something new, inspired by the original, that's a whole other thing

cabel, avatar

@stroughtonsmith Yes, totally! At least a Save As is an exact copy of an intentional, intended work of art, existing only thanks to the creation of a skill and style forged over an individual’s literal lifetime, a singular vision that would not exist otherwise. The second one is the gross one

bgrinter, avatar

@stroughtonsmith @cabel does AI art still get inspiration from the artist signature too or was that fixed?

stroughtonsmith, avatar

@bgrinter @cabel it’ll mimic a signature, sure. The art it learned from has signatures, so it hallucinates up nonsense signatures to put on top of AI art. If it’s seen a ton of a particular signature, it might even be able to approximate that too — it’s real good at the Apple logo, for example. They’re all just features and traits with weights in the end. It’s not like it houses a database of art inside the model


@stroughtonsmith i’m so glad you do these posts. As somebody that doesn’t have one of these AI generation accounts but likes to keep tabs on it, I find this super helpful.

stevex, avatar

@stroughtonsmith InvokeAI runs well on a Mac with enough ram, and makes it easy to find and download models. Can do pretty amazing stuff with no subscription required.


@stroughtonsmith Before Midjourney v1.

haifisch, avatar

@stroughtonsmith its impressive... say... take a single frame here, could Midjourney or another AI make a short scene given additional prompts for direction?

danielg88, avatar

@stroughtonsmith Wow! They look really good
but please no more live actions

palaniraja, avatar

@stroughtonsmith Santa mozzarella!

DavidNielsen, avatar

@stroughtonsmith Silenico Bruno!

vancura, avatar

@stroughtonsmith You can try a prompt with “powerless fridge,” “screaming men,” and “food in danger” to make you feel a bit better :)

stroughtonsmith, avatar

@vancura I did try "the consequences of an internet outage”

vancura, avatar

@stroughtonsmith That’s cool! I love the painting-ish form. I think I should pay a monthly fee as a Christmas gift for myself and play a bit with it, too. Merry Christmas, Steve!

vancura, avatar

@stroughtonsmith Here is my “Vančugen” GPT take on “powerless fridge,” “screaming men,” and “food in danger.” I hope this is not what you experienced today.

stroughtonsmith, avatar

@vancura glorious!

unsoluble, avatar

@stroughtonsmith Could you share a sample of the kind of prompt you’re using for these? I played around with v6 a bit today and wasn’t nearly as successful.

stroughtonsmith, avatar

@unsoluble any particular image?

unsoluble, avatar

@stroughtonsmith Oh, any really! How about the cowboy Gandalf there?

stroughtonsmith, avatar

@unsoluble try this

unsoluble, avatar

@stroughtonsmith Oh wild, so a very broad prompt all things considered. I might be too used to being overly chatty with DALLE3 😅 Thanks!

stroughtonsmith, avatar

@unsoluble I like to start broad and then specify when I stumble upon a good keyword


@stroughtonsmith wow this stuff has come a long way

tantramar, avatar

@stroughtonsmith feels more like curation than creation, though. It’s not nothing, but it’s nothing-adjacent.

stroughtonsmith, avatar

@tantramar I don't see it that way. The director will get top credit on a movie, but a lot of other peoples' work actually made it


@stroughtonsmith @tantramar those actors writers etc were willing participants who gave consent (and paid!). Artists feeding the algorithm have not given any consent.

tantramar, avatar

@t9mike @stroughtonsmith The ethics of these services are laughably bad.

I can only wonder whether my own artwork has been ingested; I know that if it has, it’s been done without my knowledge, consent, or compensation.

rixantos, avatar

@stroughtonsmith agreed! Try finding a prompt to make a sweet abstract wallpaper ... it's not easy!

mikecane, avatar

@stroughtonsmith All the AI artists are on X. They've been sharing prompts and tips for months.

stroughtonsmith, avatar

@mikecane I saw somebody over on Threads joke ‘the patrons of the nazi bar are nazis’, and I think that sums up my feelings 👌

palaniraja, avatar

@stroughtonsmith wait the eyebrows are not matching the reaction? open eye should have the curved eyebrows.

Going by The Rock’s image from wwe era though

dmnelson, avatar

@stroughtonsmith I like the vibe though. How about a feral Jenna Ortega, raised by and living with velociraptors.

i_jason, avatar

@stroughtonsmith noob question. What’s the easiest way to try this out?

stroughtonsmith, avatar

@i_jason, sign in with a Discord account, you can try prompts in the free public rooms for newcomers

i_jason, avatar

@stroughtonsmith thank you. I’ll give that a go



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  • stroughtonsmith, avatar

    @jhuenne I think several games are already using AI-generated assets, text, audio, or upscaling techniques. I think AI-assisted assets are just going to become the norm, and far from reducing costs, I think they're going to increase the expectations of output/scale from studios. More assets, content, dialogue expected for the same budget as before

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