@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

If you are a white leftist and you talk “both parties are the same they are both capitalist” you will loose most of your black audience. I think it ought to be obvious that this isn’t because blackfolks love Democrats (in most cases, there is always someone being simple in any group) —no. it’s because the difference between the parties is material and obvious and these are unstable times.

When I hear such talk I wonder if the speaker is working on voter suppression.

@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

Voting brings me no joy — but I never miss an election out of a kind of stubborn spite. I’ve never heard anyone explain how having all the marginalized and left leaning people not vote would be more annoying to the Democrats and Republicans than if we all do vote— and for the Democrats especially in the primaries.

I also don’t think voting is real political engagement, but it’s kind of the bare minimum. Even if you do a write-in for every office.

@nf3xn@mastodon.social avatar

@futurebird Even if one believes that the system is rigged and that voting is pointless surely it is better to at least make them work for it?

Not voting just plays into their* hands.

Or maybe you are happy to let other people make your decisions for you. Well ok but then you don't get to complain.

The green voting coupons in your pocket count far more. This is why so many are effectively disenfranchised since they don't have any.

*whoever 'They' are


@nf3xn @futurebird

Typically, the threat of withholding a vote is the one scrap of leverage a person has over their own party.

I really don't like the notion that Democrats deserve my vote because they aren't as bad as the other guys.

If they want my vote, they have to earn it, otherwise they will never move leftward. All we have done is bred a culture of taking progressives for granted.


@PopOfAfrica @nf3xn @futurebird

It’s not what the Democrats deserve, it’s what you’re morally obligated to oppose: fascism.

If you don’t oppose fascism, you enable it. You’re complicit in Trumpism.


@TruthSandwich @nf3xn @futurebird

I would argue the Democratic party is already complicit in the rise of Trumpism.

They would rather lose to Trumpism than deliver progressive policies that would earn over constituencies.

The blame is always placed on progressives, and never on Democrats. Its not hard to poll for nationally popular positions (marijuana legalization, universal Healthcare, taxing the rich) and run on them.


@PopOfAfrica @nf3xn @futurebird

You would argue that, but none of it is true. The Democratic Party is literally the only thing that stands between us and fascism. Anything other than supporting the DNC enables fascism.

Of course, there are far-left accelerations like Susan Sarandon who echo the words of Hitler-enabler Ernst Thälmann, infamous for saying “After Hitler, our turn!”

After Hitler, Ernst got a bullet in the back of the head on Hitler’s orders and many of his commie followers died in the camps, along with those who did not deserve to die.

Anyone who votes for the leopards-eating-faces party and gets their faces eaten just got what they deserved.


@TruthSandwich @nf3xn @futurebird

To be clear, I vote straight ticket D in every election.

But it is plainly obvious they are not standing in the way of fascism. They have enabled it at every turn through inaction.

We should be using our majorities to squash fascism in its crib while we still can.

Instead we get Row v. Wade overturned and LGBTQ rights under assault. All while we control two branches of government.

We are spineless as a party. When are we going to start winning?


@PopOfAfrica @nf3xn @futurebird

This is blatantly false. If not for Biden’s victory, we would be well along the path to fascism.

The reason we lost Roe is that people like you refused to vote for Clinton. She warned us and you didn’t listen.


@TruthSandwich @nf3xn @futurebird

I voted for Clinton!

I wish you all would have helped put up a better candidate out of the primaries. One that would have won. I did my part. It was you who failed.

The easiest path to avoiding fascism was to win in 2016.


@PopOfAfrica @nf3xn @futurebird

You might have but people like you did not. The numbers don’t lie: a quarter of Berners went bust, half of those by voting for Trump. And they did it in the places where it mattered.

Your people failed us. Berner’s busters gave us Trump. They gave us Dobbs. And they continue to enable fascism, including your whining about why the DNC won’t play “hardball” when it’s been doing nothing but that.



@TruthSandwich @nf3xn @futurebird

I'm sorry, but Democracy is quite simple. Put up a good candidate, win elections.

You failed to do that.

Are you implying that Hillary Clinton shares zero blame here?


@PopOfAfrica @nf3xn @futurebird

Clinton was an excellent candidate, totally overqualified for the job.

But people like you preferred Trump, as those statistics prove.


@TruthSandwich @nf3xn @futurebird

She clearly was not, or she would have won.

Imagine losing to Trump takes a special kind of loser.


@PopOfAfrica @nf3xn @futurebird

You mean by getting more votes than anyone else?

She did that, but as I showed, the far left betrayed the left and gave the win to the far right.


@TruthSandwich @nf3xn @futurebird

You aren't going to see me disagreeing that the electoral college is undemocratic.

She still lost to Trump though under our current rules, and should have run a better campaign to earn over the left. She did not, so she lost.

Im not really sure what's so hard to understand about that?

She did not earn over the left, so she lost. That is on her and the DNC. Policy matters.

@nf3xn@mastodon.social avatar

@PopOfAfrica @TruthSandwich @futurebird

I seem to remember that she lost because people voted in very low numbers in Wisconsin.

Trump got in because they didn't show up.


@PopOfAfrica @nf3xn @futurebird

Her campaign was fine. You failed her.

@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

@TruthSandwich @PopOfAfrica @nf3xn

This has gone waaay off the rails.

And it's become absurd. Politicians serve voters, not the other way around.


@futurebird @TruthSandwich @nf3xn

Yeah sorry for having taken the bait form this poster.

Its gotten far to cyclic for a real conversation with them anyways.

@nf3xn@mastodon.social avatar

@PopOfAfrica @futurebird It seems unclear what more you want them to do if you acknowledge they are not as bad as the other guys. That's usually how party democracy works, you never get everything you want.

The movement doesn't happen on election day, it happens in your community, in primaries, in petition. Yes its not a show up once every two years, actual work is being done.

The enemy spend a lot of money trying to get you not to vote and you give it to them for free.


@nf3xn @futurebird

To be clear, I begrudgingly vote every cycle for Democrats.

I would prefer if they played hard ball once in a while. The fight for Universal Medical Care and Environmental Change Mitigation, for example, should be the highest priority, but it usually never is.

When Democrats give the change we need, I'll finally be able to cast my vote with joy, instead of throwing up a bit in my mouth.

They always just fellate the "moderates" instead of doing what needs to be done.

nf3xn, (edited )
@nf3xn@mastodon.social avatar

@PopOfAfrica @futurebird I think getting to the primaries to make sure your preferred candidates are chosen. Voting Dem is often not enough as Manchin and Sinema voters found out.

Voting with your feet is also effective, people had the opportunity with Reddit and Twitter - alas they didn't really take it, those did have more power than before.

Voting with your money is effective. It is the best vote you have.


@nf3xn @futurebird

Last primary cycle I watched as Chuck Todd and Chris Matthews compared Bernie Sanders and his movement to Fidel Castro and Brown Shirts. The supposed left wing channel that is MSNBC.

This is what I'm talking about. The system will not allow someone who is economically left leaning. Again, I will continue to vote Democrats in for fear of the authoritarian right.

But ever time I do, I vote for the status quo.

Better? Sure.

We should aim a little higher.

@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

@PopOfAfrica @nf3xn you don’t need to vote for a democrat if it’s that upsetting— and maybe you don’t even live in a place where it matters much. my point is more basic: don’t skip voting. Vote for every office. You can write “deez nuts” if you like. Because here is the thing: if you don’t show up it’s not really withholding a vote.

I’d hope though you might be moved to cast a more conventional ballot in a close race- or not. do you.

@Pagan_Animist@beekeeping.ninja avatar


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  • nf3xn,
    @nf3xn@mastodon.social avatar

    @Pagan_Animist @PopOfAfrica @futurebird

    says a lot that a state with WV demographic is red.

    @Pagan_Animist@beekeeping.ninja avatar


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  • nf3xn,
    @nf3xn@mastodon.social avatar


    The GOP is transparently evil. Where do you even start with people who would vote for that and against their own interests?


    @Pagan_Animist @nf3xn @futurebird

    It's quite simple really. You have to earn a vote. The way I see it, is that Democrats willingly, enthusiastically leave votes on the table by not capitulating to disaffected would be voters.

    It has taken a combination of Republican bigotry and Democratic corporate bootlicking to kill the voters appetite.

    Its not a hard equation. Pitch good policy, win voters, win elections. Dems can't see to do that. You tell them to change their policy by withholding.

    @nf3xn@mastodon.social avatar


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  • PopOfAfrica,

    @nf3xn @Pagan_Animist @futurebird

    Why is it always the progressives that have to budge? You just said it yourself that they might lose the neo-liberal vote.

    Surely, the neo-liberals can hold their noses and cast a vote for someone they don't like, no?

    I bet you wouldn't be mad at them the same way you are progressives.

    What you are literally telling me is that Democrats capitulate to neo-liberals to earn their votes. Why is this one way?

    @Pagan_Animist@beekeeping.ninja avatar


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  • nf3xn,
    @nf3xn@mastodon.social avatar


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  • PopOfAfrica,

    @nf3xn @Pagan_Animist

    This is some Twitter like behavior right here. "Child"?

    @acdha@thepit.social avatar

    @nf3xn @futurebird I think about it as “are you doing anything different than Republican strategists would want?” Their best case is a vote for their guy but convincing other people not to vote for the opposition is a close second.

    @vy@sciencemastodon.com avatar

    @nf3xn @futurebird If voting could not change things, the Kochs would not be investing billions in voter suppression.

    @jens@social.finkhaeuser.de avatar

    @futurebird I read "electrocution" there for a moment, and was wondering...

    @JonnyT@mastodon.me.uk avatar

    @futurebird 100% with you there. Better to vote against what you definitely don't want versus not voting at all. It's just a tragedy of politics in the UK (which would also apply in the US if I lived there) that this is all I've ever been able to do in all the decades of my life so far.

    One day. One day I'll be able to vote for the politics I want instead.

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell@masto.ai avatar


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  • ruralbbqdude,
    @ruralbbqdude@mastodon.social avatar

    @GhostOnTheHalfShell @JonnyT @futurebird ranked-choice voting is the only process that makes any good sense.

    And that ol founding fathers constitution...wasn't made for we the people. Seems to have been made for we the people™®©* instead of the regular folk.
    Sumn..sumn..Thomas Jefferson and change the constitution every 19 years.
    Then the ol we're a republic not democracy....is a republic a form of democracy?

    Please let's have RCV ffs.

    GhostOnTheHalfShell, (edited )
    @GhostOnTheHalfShell@masto.ai avatar


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  • stib,
    @stib@aus.social avatar

    So frustrating watching Americans and Poms talk like a two party duopoly is the only possible form of government. It doesn't have to be that way: if you had ranked choice voting (AKA, democracy) you could vote for minor parties first and the least objectionable major party second—without splitting the vote.

    @futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

    @stib That would be interesting. But it would also mean we’d inevitably have an openly fascist “america first” party — Then there would be the coalitions needed to get anything done. I used to think breaking up the two party system would help but I no longer really think it would be any better and in some ways it would be worse.

    If we really did universal suffrage we could get pretty far. And make up the difference in local politics.

    @maco@wandering.shop avatar

    @futurebird @stib effectively we already have coalitions. Each of the major parties is a coalition. The actual policy preferences within each one vary wildly.

    FediThing, (edited )

    @futurebird @stib

    Most democracies do have proportional voting where the amount of power comes from the amount of votes. In most of them this works fine. Not perfect but fine.

    I am not American, but from what I understand you already have coalitions in the US system, they are just hidden in back room meetings, in groups like the "freedom caucus"?

    Having a proportional voting system means this kind of coalition building is all in the open, where people can see it and scrutinise it, and where they can choose which faction their vote goes to.

    @dalias@hachyderm.io avatar

    @futurebird @stib Pay people to vote. Enter the polling place, leave with a fresh $100 bill. Even if you write-in "deez nuts". Amount chosen to be significant to folks for whom voting should make a difference to their lives, irrelevant to those for whom it won't.

    @stib@aus.social avatar

    We have the inverse of that: you get fined if you don't vote, or to be more precise, you get fined if you don't turn up to a polling place and get your name ticked off.

    @dalias@hachyderm.io avatar

    @stib @futurebird That's roughly numerically equivalent but gratuitously idiotic from a psychological standpoint.

    @stib@aus.social avatar

    @dalias @futurebird yeah, but is it though? Conservatives hate compulsory voting with a passion, because it ensures all the working class turn out to vote—they're the ones who can least afford a fine.
    Most of the time I'm dead against fines for anything (fines=legal for the rich), but this one I'm happy to live with—if the rich want to stay home, it's all good.

    @futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

    @stib @dalias

    Crisp, stiff hunna dolla bill.

    That's what everyone should get when they vote. Even if you just go in the booth and write "yer mum" on every line. And heck, it'd be "good for the economy" too.

    @dan613@mstdn.ca avatar

    @futurebird @stib @dalias You wouldn’t even have to do that. Just have polling stations where people live so that the longest line is only 20 minutes. Paying the extra staff would also help the economy. In Canada, large condos get their own polling stations. I voted in my bathrobe. Plus there are enough staff that you can do the counting quickly with paper and a scanner. Of course, we don’t vote for dog catchers and judges, here, so that helps.

    @dalias@hachyderm.io avatar

    @dan613 @futurebird @stib No, that does not achieve anywhere near the same thing. To think it does you'd have to be stupid or just lying because you don't actually want everyone to vote. Making something easy enough not to be discouraging is not the same as making it have a concrete material benefit to the participant even if they don't get their desired electoral outcome.

    @dalias@hachyderm.io avatar

    @dan613 @futurebird @stib As-is, the possible outcomes from voting:

    1. Despite spending some of my time, the bad guy won. I may even be socially punished for having dared to go do an act of opposing him.
    2. Win by the bad guy was averted, but it looks like the same would have happened without me.


    @dalias@hachyderm.io avatar

    @dan613 @futurebird @stib If voting is paid, though, the gamble to spend time changes.

    1. Bad guy won, but at least I'm $100 ahead to protect myself from fallout, and nobody will judge me for having gone out to get it. I'm not labelled "political".
    2. I got the outcome I wanted, and cash! Even if my vote wasn't "needed" I'm still happy I got the cash.
    @dan613@mstdn.ca avatar

    @dalias @futurebird @stib “I had to take the day off work to stand in line and now have less money than before.”

    @dalias@hachyderm.io avatar

    @dan613 @futurebird @stib Either mandate paid time off to vote, allow early/mail-in, or make the $100 larger to cover a day's wages. Even better if it covers a day's wages for laboring class but not for ruling class.

    @stib@aus.social avatar

    I'm kinda gobsmacked that a country with the resources of the US can't organise elections where you don't have to stand in line all day.
    In Australia people are outraged if they have to wait 30 minutes at the booth. Polling booths are usually at local schools an community halls throughout the country and there is roughly one booth for every 3000 voters.
    @dan613 @futurebird

    @futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

    @stib "I'm kinda gobsmacked that a country with the resources of the US can't organise elections where you don't have to stand in line all day."

    Oh we could do it. People just put a lot of effort into making certain that it won't happen. (Especially in "certain" locations)

    @Susan60@aus.social avatar

    @futurebird @stib Which is what we simply don’t get here in Australia. Elections are run by an independent authority. Everything is done to make it easy for people to vote, given that it’s compulsory. The corruption of the American system is what’s gobsmacking.

    @VoxofGod@mastodon.social avatar

    @futurebird @stib @dalias id vote for 100$

    @ProfundumPhoto@toot.community avatar

    @futurebird @stib @dalias Here in Australia you get fined a crisp, stiff hunna dolla bill (and then some) if you don’t vote. It’s mandatory to vote in national, state and even local government elections.

    Once you’re inside the polling station, you can obviously write whatever you want.

    It can be a nuisance to have to go and vote when you have no interest in a particular election, but it’s good that everyone shares responsibility for the outcomes.

    @stib@aus.social avatar


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  • futurebird,
    @futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

    @stib 30% of Americans are kinda racist— about half of this number don’t think of themselves as racist and don’t really want to be racist if they bothered to think about it (which they don’t) that leaves about 15% who would be electing literal KKK guys— not seeing how having 10% behind Nadar makes that any less awful.

    @GreenFire@mstdn.social avatar

    @futurebird @stib
    I hope that there are about as many of the far-leftists that are not voting in our two-party system that it would out-vote the KKK-faction on the right which is one big reason why I've supported Ranked Choice Voting in order to hopefully increase voter turnout.

    I'm convinced that more leftists don't take part in our two-party system than rightists, but convincing data on that is hard to find because it doesn't seem well-studied or easily found via search engines.

    @stib@aus.social avatar

    It sounds like getting out the vote is a struggle. It's that because it's hard to convince people that it's worth voting for a rich white guy? Wouldn't it be easier if you could vote for people who more accurately represent you first, then the centrist lesser of two evils next?
    The good thing about ranked choice is that you can put say, Huey Newton first, even if you don't think they can win, then Frederick Douglass who might have more of a chance, then Jesse Jackson, Barack Obama and finally Joe Biden, knowing that at worst your vote will go to Biden.


    @futurebird @stib that’s a great observation about ranked choice, and one I’d never heard expressed before. RE: the two part system. It bears remembering that the extreme “evangelical” right very successfully accomplished their goal of taking over the GOP. No reason the Democratic Party couldn’t be evolved in a similar way by progressives.


    @futurebird simple, from the leftist perspective

    1. Don’t vote
    2. General strike
    3. ???
    4. Gay space communism
    @GreenFire@mstdn.social avatar

    I hope to be able to make what I call the Transitive Property of Two-Party Politics more widely accepted before 2024 elections.

    It's basically that Lesser Evil = Less Evil.

    @femme_mal@mstdn.social avatar

    @futurebird Not voting the entire ticket is what helped Trump squeak out a narrow win in Michigan. 10K votes was the margin, but there was a record 80K undervote -- people voted the rest of the ballot but not the top of the ticket.

    Even if you have concerns, hold your nose and pick the lesser of two evils. In this case it was the difference between keeping or losing reproductive rights because Trump picked two SCOTUS jurists who voted to end Roe. Women will die because of those non-voters.

    @riggbeck@mastodon.social avatar


    Even with the limited choice of policies between Democrats and Republicans, it's still important to vote, because otherwise democracy (such as it is) dies.

    People who don't vote have no right to complain about the state of the country.

    @TomSwirly@toot.community avatar

    @futurebird If voting weren't effective, then why does one party spend so much time attempting to suppress the vote?

    (Inexplicably, the other part doesn't really push back on that.)

    @PeachMcD@union.place avatar

    I have a few black leftist co-workers who need to see this. I try to stay in my lane but they might listen to you. <sigh>



    the ignorance in this thread is hilarious.

    i support black anarchism and black communism. you can vote for whatever military industrialist you like but maybe stop claiming to be progressives?

    dems are just republicans with anxiety.

    @futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

    @tsaewongting So you can’t answer the question.



    and i don't see a question mark.

    @tarheel@mstdn.io avatar


    When I hear such talk, I imagine a person for whom the outcome of the election doesn't have a real effect, so they can vote (and talk) however they want. I definitely don't care for the influence such talk might have on others.

    Given how thin the margins of some elections are, I have definite opinions of votes for third-party/write-in candidates.

    @foolishowl@social.coop avatar

    @futurebird I think part of it is an overreaction to the insistence that no social action but voting is tolerable. And I'm wondering if that's a particularly white thing.

    @justafrog@mstdn.social avatar

    @futurebird I never quite understood why the choice between bad and worse translates into "voting doesn't matter".

    It seems blatantly obvious that one of those two options is worse.

    Not even voting against the worse option makes me question if such "leftists" care about politics at all.

    Sure, FPTP is shit and it badly limits multi-party democracy. But until voters unite to abolish it, it's what you're stuck with.

    @superflippy@mastodon.xyz avatar

    @futurebird I have a few competent friends who are my standard write-in candidates when an incumbent has no challenger. One of them actually ended up running for county council & getting elected!


    @futurebird While the parties have similarities, they have stark differences that make it easy for me to vote blue, every time.

    I wish that it made a huge difference in the state I live in. It makes some difference in local and statehouse races, but as I've said many times before, there is no national strategy to reduce or eliminate the reinforcing impact of right wing media, and nowhere is that more painfully obvious than in any of the center red states in the continental U.S.

    What bugs me most is the lost opportunities.

    @HappyHeathen@kolektiva.social avatar


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  • futurebird,
    @futurebird@sauropods.win avatar


    What does not voting accomplish?

    @freakazoid@retro.social avatar

    @futurebird I agree with this, but how do we force the Democrats to improve if at the end of the day there's nothing they can do to lose our vote because the Republicans are even worse? We can primary them, but there are very powerful groups (which include Republicans among their ranks!) pouring a lot of resources into preventing Democrats from getting primaried.

    The problem isn't that the parties are the same. The problem is that the wealthy have rigged the system so that no matter which party wins THEY win. They look at the game on a completely different set of axes than we do. For them the enemy in 2016 was Bernie, and I think they didn't really want Trump either because he was so unpredictable, but they made do.

    I think a lot of white anarchists see the problem as Black people failing to understand that it's about class and not about race. But I see the problem as the reverse: white anarchists need to see that the liberation of the working class depends on the liberation of the worst off among us. It's great that UPS drivers are going to get a better contract, but it's prisoners and the unhoused and Black kids getting shot who really matter.

    Labor needs to own the fact that they excluded Black workers in the early days because Black workers were used as scabs. They need to internalize the REASON Black workers were used as scabs, which was that organizing efforts completely ignored the fact that they weren't getting hired. Labor is far more diverse today, but I don't know how much of that is due to their own efforts as opposed to white people moving to non-union jobs.

    What am I doing about this? Not much, yet. I just kind of realized this stuff typing this reply, so thank you for posting this and letting me ramble in your mentions.

    @futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

    I don’t have every answer. (And I certainly can’t force any democrat to do anything.) The one thing that has worked is building local networks. If there are homeless people in your area get to know them, work with your neighbors to help them with food, (or in my case using my mailbox) find out who the worst cop at the nearest precinct is and help file complaints. Show up at school board meetings and co-op board meetings— talk to who isn’t being talked to amplifying what they say.

    @futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

    @freakazoid If you are annoying enough people will start anticipating what you might show up and do — it gets easier.

    @futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

    Become a photo negative image of the busy body karen who has been sic’ing the cops on the kids at the playground for years. This is easier when one has time and or money and some experience dealing with the many layers of social organization that all exist to keep things as they are. Show up and say “why don’t we just stop locking that pedestrian bridge at night?” or “Who knows someone in sanitation? we need a second garbage bin in the park.”


    @futurebird People lock pedestrian bridges at night?! What?

    @CurtAdams@urbanists.social avatar

    @futurebird I don't wonder. The differences between the two parties are so enormous on climate change, reproductive rights, tax equity, minority representation, and so much else anybody saying they are the same is pushing some dishonest agenda.

    @my_actual_brain@fosstodon.org avatar

    @futurebird That’s a great point! Thanks for sharing this perspective, I would not have considered it on my own. But you are right. I always hear about Republicans making it hard for black people to vote and gerrymandering. I never hear about Democrats doing this stuff.


    @futurebird To be honest, I most often hear this “both parties are the same” bs from POC, and it’s usually as a justification for not voting

    @SailorDisco@mastodon.social avatar

    @futurebird I’m never going to be an apologist for democrats who keep failing the needs of the people but they’re also not the party that wants to erase me from existence or eradicate those that don’t look like them.


    @futurebird Interesting spin on the "no third parties" argument. Whose intelligence are you actually insulting?

    @ravenonthill@mastodon.social avatar

    @futurebird quite possibly. The old Moscow to CPUSA pipeline is not quite dead, even though the USSR is. Personally, I find the treatment of Marx's writings as sacred texts quite wrong headed.


    @futurebird Your hypothetical white leftist quote... it just goes too far.

    The parties are not the same. But capitalism taken too far is at the root of a lot of our problems. Particularly the notion that a corporation's only responsibility is to its shareholders -- not to employees, community or country.

    The Democratic Party is far less focused on this problem than it used to be, and yeah, on that key point, it has become more lake the GOP.

    @jamonbull@mastodon.social avatar

    @futurebird @dangillmor Absolutely this! Great point.

    @rouxdoo@mastodon.social avatar


    As a white leftist (who is also registered Republican in my state) I must confess confusion over your opinion.

    I loved Obama - despite being afraid of his given name (sorry, white). He did great things but promoted the surveillance by everyone against citizens.

    I loathe the orange thing and his ilk and eagerly await his incarceration.

    But you can not deny that both parties are aligned against the people who give them power. They are all bought and paid for using our money.


    @futurebird To paraphrase Frederick Douglass (by turning his original quote on its head: "the Democratic Party is the ship. All else is the sea around us."

    @MrLee@aus.social avatar

    "They are both as bad as each other" is a narrative that always helps the worst choice.

    @stubbornella@front-end.social avatar

    @futurebird same. It always sounds like voter suppression.

    @Robert_R_Freitag_II@mastodon.social avatar

    @futurebird You know, if there were a legal cap on the number of seats any party could hold in the legislature--say 30%--Blacks in America (~13%) could form a truly decisive block, instead of token symbols.

    Blacks might become as much as 25% of a new liberal party, as compared to the 11% they currently represent as a portion of the Dems. Even if they can't achieve an absolute majority, their interests would be represented more clearly, and Dems could achieve NOTHING without them.



    I do believe there are a significant number of "leftists" that legitimately want to see the fascists gain power. Like Jimmy Dore and Glenn "Tucker Carlson is a socialist" Greenwald.

    Literally no trans person I know loves the Democrats, but all of us are voting for them because the alternative is much worse.

    Pre-emptive note to the liberals out there: this is absolutely not an endorsement of "Vote Dem and all your problems will go away".


    @futurebird but they are both capitalists. So they aren't wrong.

    I think your point is that by extension the conclusion is that folks shouldn't vote. Not sure that is always the only intended takeaway.

    Some leftist believe that electoral politicians will not solve our problems. Isn't the solution. So ya, those folks are arguing that you need to spend your time organizing, instead of thinking that showing up to vote will fix everything.


    @futurebird In my experience it seems to be that so many people my age and younger think that incremental change is pointless and so write off anyone who isn't openly socialist. My feeling is that their goals are great but we can't just do nothing until our savior arrives. However imperfect, the Democrats seem to want the right things, they just can't get past the whole capitalism hump


    @futurebird I believe the intent is to call attention to the fact that every politician will have corporate backers that will want to be rewarded. It's important to know what those sponsors are, and what their intentions are. Like if a politician is supported by the medical insurance industry, they aren't going to try to pushuch in the way of socialized medical care.

    This is kinda obvious, CGP Grey did a video called "The rules for rulers" that goes over how power structures at that level function.


    @futurebird To say they are both capitalist is to say something that IS true...and irrelevant to the object at hand.

    @lolonurse@ohai.social avatar

    I'm white, Jewish, and I've been an active liberal/progressive Democrat since I was about 3 (our parents were very active liberals, & we had many friends & relatives who were victims of Joe McCarthy & the House UnAmerican Committee). My parents hid many of our books & record albums, even though they were just folk music & calypso. I was 13 when MLK gave his speech-we watched it on our B&W tv. I can't imagine saying something so tone deaf.


    @futurebird this is also true for trans people, as well as other minorities. Many trans people are fleeing their states or making plans to because of the discriminatory laws being passed. I completely agree that saying voting doesn't matter only serves to disenfranchise leftists.


    @futurebird “both parties are the same” is awful doomerism. Neither party is acceptable, but one is a saving throw against fascism while the other is an active descent into it.

    I’ve definitely known folks who wholeheartedly embraced the nihilism of “both parties are the same” out of some misguided belief that The Revolution™️ can’t be accomplished by incrementalism, so any incremental action is tantamount to delaying or denying The Revolution™️. They are exhausting.


    @futurebird as a white female leftist, I remember the in 2015-16 and agree 1000%.

    @priyachandwriter@wandering.shop avatar

    @futurebird as a minority from another group I strongly feel this. Like oh you refuse to compromise? Good to know your ass is completely privileged.

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