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Firlefanz, to random avatar

And Valheim...

I am so freaking proud of my new base. It's really lovely and I had so much fun building it.

This game has such potential for creativity. The building blocks are much like Lego, really. And playing it helps me gain more confidence with problem solving, project management and tenaciousness. Never thought I'd get that much out of a simple game.

Have a look at my base. No, it's not perfect, but it's mine, as they say.

mezz, avatar

@Firlefanz The main issue I had with raids was, I would spend a LOT of time building or dealing with the farm, so every time raids happened I was in the middle of a project and got annoyed haha. I also hear that some of the late game raids just become ridiculous.

Firlefanz, avatar


Main (in the mutual game) had two raids in a row where four trolls descended on our base each time. Fortunately, I could lure them away (and kill two each time).

In one raid, they destroyed one portal (not difficult to fix, fortunately), in the other raid, they smashed in one wall of our house. (Wood.)

It's so fair that we don't lose materials when things get smashed.

Firlefanz, (edited ) to random avatar

EDIT: It's closed. Almost 600 entries. 300 will be randomly picked.

Today is SPFBO day.

Doesn't mean a thing to you?

It's the biggest indie fantasy award, and you can submit your book today. Only today. It's open for 24h, starting at 1pm GMT.

And yes, maybe it is foolish to up the competition and invite even more authors, but I believe in sharing. I believe we're all in it together.

So check it out here:

Firlefanz, avatar


Mark made it very clear that you CAN resubmit if your book didn't make it through the lottery round.

It's only out of the running if it was in the contest once and has received a review.

I will say that I am honestly impressed by how fair SPFBO really is.


Firlefanz, avatar


Thank you! I'm so excited!


Firlefanz, to random avatar

It hasn't really been making international news, and even our German media have been lazy about reporting this - but I wanted to let you know that hundreds of thousands of Germans are out in the streets and towns, protesting against the right-wing extremists here in Germany.

I was out myself today, along with 15,000 others in my town, for Holocaust Memorial Day. 100,000 in Düsseldorf alone, plenty more across the entire country. More protests are planned for tomorrow.


Firlefanz, avatar

Hundreds of them, even in small towns. In fact, one quarter of the entire population of Spiekeroog, a small island in the Wadden Sea turned out today - 200 of them.

I am immensely proud of this movement, of the fact that the "silent majority" is rising and becoming visible. Clearly demanding human rights and better policies rather than sidling up to the new Nazis in our country.

As I said, reporting is subpar.


Firlefanz, avatar

These protests are peaceful, non-violent and family affairs. I saw quite a few small children today.

Here is an article from the Guardian, from Sunday a week ago - when 1.5 million Germans were out in the streets, not just "more than a hundred thousand", as they say... The protests have gained momentum since then.

We need this all over the world. We need to show those extremists that we do not want them.


Firlefanz, to random avatar

Guten Morgen, Freunde!

Sky Falls is published! 😍

Of course, there's a bit of a catch. Yes, it's up on Amazon, Google and Kobo, but the other stores are still taking their sweet old time. (Looking at you, Apple and Tolino.)

Which means that the link below isn't yet as fully functional as it will be in a couple of days. Apologies!

Even so, I want to start the celebrations!

Sky Falcon is flying live! happy dance


@Firlefanz Yay, congrats!


@Firlefanz and it's mine!! yay!

Firlefanz, to random avatar

March 2/3 Do you prefer writing series or stand-alone books? Why?


I like revisiting worlds, often my stories need more than one book to be completely told, and sometimes, characters just demand more.

From a purely business standpoint, it's also very obvious that series sell better than stand-alones.

For me, it's a no-brainer. Both points align.


@Firlefanz Thank you for sharing all this! This is all definitely going to be on my mind moving forward 😊

Firlefanz, avatar


I have spent years thinking about this stuff.

I'm trying to make my writing more marketable, and figuring out how series work was part of that...

Firlefanz, to random avatar

So I'm starting so share good things. And I want to create a new hashtag or so to use when you want to jump into sharing hopeful news.

Below is an article about how to change cities so they heat up less. We'll need this in order to survive the heatwaves that will happen more often and become stronger.

These things are doable.

(You could also do worse than subscribing to Grist.)

Let's unite around building a better future.


@Tattooed_mummy @Firlefanz would also be a good fit here :) Have a great day!

deborahh, (edited )

@Firlefanz I like your idea! We need to share hope, especially now.

I've bookmarked the hashtag: .

/cc @pluralistic

Firlefanz, to random avatar laid off all its lexicographers this month.

Presumably to replace them with AI. (My opinion.)

Sadly, and are two of my most important resources when writing. I will look for alternatives now, because they basically decided to stop being a good service.

Enshittification is spreading at an ever increasing rate. It makes me sad. I thought we were headed towards a good future. Instead, it's turning... brown. 😬

gahlearner, avatar

@Firlefanz For German-English I've been using for years. And then I checked the words in the thesaurus...
I don't think they are associated with any of the money-grabbers.

Firlefanz, avatar


That's good to know! Thank you. ❤️

Firlefanz, to random avatar

This morning, someone bought four of my books. Bought, not downloaded a freebie. This will get important.

I was really happy. It meant that the month was off to a good start (yes, €10 do mean that much).

Two hours later, all books were returned.

So I'm thinking that this is not just a reader disliking book 1 (which is actually free) and then ditching the rest.

No, I believe this is a pirate helping themselves to my series for free. That hurts.

Firlefanz, avatar


Yeah, it's cruel.

It's also a tactic promoted on TikTok, and other places. It's the "me-first" culture that is such an awful symptom of capitalism.

Nothing we can do about it, either.

offers hugs

18+ AimeeMaroux, avatar

@Firlefanz No, nothing we can do about it. 😕

Returning an eBook is important too if the buyer picked the wrong one or if it downright is a scam. After all, physical books can be returned too.

I suppose it is, again, one of the things where the creator pays the price, like with subscription services.


Firlefanz, to random German avatar

Was denkst du über Fanfictions? ( @AnnaSaultron )

Ich liebe Fanfiction wenn sie dem Original treu bleibt. Es ist einfach wunderbar, wenn man mehr in einer geliebten Welt erleben kann.

Ich hasse sie, wenn es nur darum geht, irgendwelche Lieblingsfiguren zusammen ins Bett zu kriegen. 😬

Und Fanfiction zu meinen Welten wäre... großartig, solange sie zu der ersten Version gehört. Auf das andere kann ich verzichten.

ExistenzKetzer, avatar

@Firlefanz Das stimmt, Mastodon ist gerade im Vergleich zu Twitter ein sehr viel netterer Ort. 😄

Aber es gibt halt Fanfictions, die viel Wert auf die Nähe zum Original legen und manche, die völlig abgedreht sind. Oder auch Was wäre wenn Fragen erörtern, die dann ja auch zu ganz anderen Szenarien führen.

Jeder nach seiner Fasson, denn am Ende tut es niemandem weh, wenn es viele Fanfictions gibt. Vielleicht erhöht es sogar noch den Bekanntheitsgrad des Hauptwerkes.

Firlefanz, avatar


Ja, und das ist alles okay - ich wollte nur ausdrücken, was mir persönlich gefällt und was nicht.

Fanfiction ist eine riesige Spielwiese, und das ist gut so.

Firlefanz, to random avatar

Okay, my lovely Mastodon friends, I was told to try new covers for my Zell series (The Franssisi Four Chronicles).

It's basically colony SF, with humans fighting for freedom, polyamory, enemies to friends/lovers trope, really spicy and somewhat epic.

I have no idea what that cover should look like. And to be completely honest, I also don't have a lot of money to throw at them.

Can you give me suggestions for designers? No AI, please.

Firlefanz, avatar


Having to get covers is actually the ONE thing that keeps me from finishing books and tossing them into the stores.


It's a 6 book series, so I'm looking at least at €450. Not really that bad.

(And well, print won't happen at that price. Should I do a Kickstarter for print?)

crcollins, avatar


I haven't even gotten to the print stage yet. I assume everything about that process will cost more than I have to spend at present. I know Kickstarters have worked for lots of folks. Maybe they work better if you already have a following?

Firlefanz, to random avatar

Gute Nacht, Freunde.

No writing today.

I feel rebellious, angry and disappointed. Maybe desperate. Can't shake that feeling.

I did take a nap this afternoon and I think I have the story plot down now. I'm also realizing I'm not putting in enough Christmas elements. (GAH!)

Book sales have been the worst in probably over a year. Very frustrating, especially since I had a paid promo at the first of this month. grumbles

Back tomorrow.

18+ Alicia_Butcher_Ehrhardt,

@Firlefanz Plotting IS writing. THINKING about the plot and moving it forward IS writing.
Don't get discouraged - I can't write actual words without the support structure. I've been plotting for months. Almost have the last volume of my mainstream trilogy locked into place.
Plotting IS writing.

18+ Alicia_Butcher_Ehrhardt,

@Firlefanz Great that you're getting more words. I like that part, too.

I know a lot of pantsers who think as you do - and love that excitement.

I think it is innate - you are what you are, and have to spend time when you start writing learning exactly what that means for you. I thought I was a pantser; I'm not. Doesn't matter.

But each of my books has had this front-load of time spent on plot/structure, and I use that to know what to write next. That's me. It's still exciting.

Firlefanz, to random avatar

9.11. Was bedeutet es für dich, mit dem Schreiben erfolgreich zu sein? Wie definierst du diesen Erfolg?

Ich habe zwei Definitionen von Erfolg, eine kurzfristige und eine langfristige:

Kurzfristig: Für mich ist es ein echter Erfolg, wenn Leser eine gekaufte Geschichte mögen und mir das mit Glück auch sagen.

Langfristig: Ich werde den Erlös von Buchverkäufen brauchen, um meinen Lebensstandard im Ruhestand (unter Armutsniveau) einigermaßen zu halten.

Nike_Leonhard, avatar

@Firlefanz Das trifft meine Definition für und Hoffnung auf Erfolg sehr gut.
Den ersten Teil habe ich hoffentlich schon einigermaßen geschafft.


Ich will mal fragen, wenn ich darf:
Kurzfristig: Ist das ein Erfolgserlebnis, das du schon oft hattest? Oder eines, auf das du noch wartest?
Langfristig: wird das einziges Einkommen sein? Oder ein Nebeneinkommen? Oder ein Haupteinkommen? Hast du schon berechnet, wieviel du monatlich brauchen wirst? (Du brauchst die Summe nicht zu enthüllen, ich will nur wissen, ob du sie weisst.) 😀

Firlefanz, to random avatar

Huge news!

"South Breaks" made it into SPFBO 10.

It was basically a 50% chance, with almost 600 submissions and 300 books in the running.

I'm very excited. Of course, we will wait for the finalized list, and then we'll wait even longer for the reviews to trickle in. Eventually, each reviewer will list three favorites, and the final winner will be chosen from those 30 books.

I doubt South will be among those, but one can dream.

VampiresAndRobots, avatar

@Firlefanz I've never entered, but I did the SPSFC two years ago and made it all the way to the semifinals, but I'm not sure how because every review I saw seemed negative. Regardless, I was pretty pleased about it. I'm rooting for you.

Firlefanz, avatar


Thank you!

I entered two years ago and got a decent review out of it. It was a dragon book, and the reviewer hated dragons... shrugs

It's mostly the hype around it that gets some attention to the books. Like people doing interview or reading marathons and such.

I do think the rules are fair - but what the reviewers do is their choice.

Firlefanz, to random avatar

Gute Nacht, Freunde.

Took care of one more frazzling thing today (yes, even though it's Sunday), read through what I have of the spicy shifter story and realized it still needs quite a few more chapters.

shoves it to the backburner again

(We'll see what Writer Brain says about that...)

And since I promised, I did format Sky tonight. I think it looks good, but see for yourself below.

skaeth, avatar

@Firlefanz I mean, I love your avatar too, so...


Firlefanz, avatar


Awwwwwwwwww. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

Firlefanz, to random avatar

#WritersCoffeeClub 2/13: Do you ever write very short pieces (fifty words, flash fiction etc)?

I haven't in a while, but I used to run a monthly flash fiction challenge on my former forum/message board.

If you're interested, I could revive that on my Lemmy board. (But hey, who am I kidding?)

Flash fiction has taught me the value of finding exactly the right word for something. It always was fun.


wandering_free, avatar

@Firlefanz @wandering_free awesome! For some reason my follow button is blanked out and won’t let me click on it. This is the case on every profile I go to. I’ll have to reach out to mastodon support if it doesn’t blow over, but I will absolutely follow you when that is fixed, if it didn’t already work just by clicking the broken button lol. Did you get a notification saying I followed you?

Firlefanz, avatar


Yes, in fact I got two notifications. 🙂

Maybe your instance has problems (it shouldn't, it's one of the big ones).

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