@kravietz@agora.echelon.pl avatar



I run an information security consulting company in the UK and EU. Long ago I studied chemical engineering, still interested in science and engineering (pro-nuclear and pro-renewables) and politics of EU and Eastern Europe. I mostly post in English, occasionally in Polish, which is my native language, sometimes also in Russian and Ukrainian. I've been to Russia and Ukraine a lot over the last ~20 years, actively supporting Ukraine's defense effort since 2014. I almost always follow back. I prefer to discuss any views as long as they are supported by arguments and evidence, I do ban for insults and hate speech. Once 2:486/23 on #Fidonet

#fedi23 #fedi22 #linux #freebsd #ukraine #poland #nuclear #renewables #infosec #russia #speleo #caving

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kravietz, to geopolitics
@kravietz@agora.echelon.pl avatar

For those interested in of and international , here’s the latest International Working Group on Russian Sanctions status report and recommendations:

Original: https://fsi9-prod.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/2024-05/actionplan_3.0_5-14-2024_final2.pdf

kravietz, to Russia
@kravietz@agora.echelon.pl avatar
@kravietz@agora.echelon.pl avatar


I would say the main difference is in the conclusions drawn by authors — Radchenko (FA) conclusion was that the peace deal was „nearly there” but Ukraine cancelled it under pressure from UK-US. Szeligowski and Kumoch conclude Russia never participated in these talks to negotiate and peace deal, they just came for Ukraine’s capitulation. Based on the diplomatic context they provided, not just reading of the various drafts, their version is much more fact supported — Radchenko’s selective reading of the draft alone misses this whole context.

kravietz, to syria
@kravietz@agora.echelon.pl avatar

So that you know, this video posted today by #SyrianGirl account with description “Yemen Houthi forces Score a direct hit in US destroyer” gained nearly 700k views, 2.3k shares and 7k likes… and it’s entirely false.

Users quickly identified the original as 2013 video from Norway naval exercise. The “Syrian Girl” account only added some subtitles in Arabic.

The account has been posting such fakes for years, starting from inventing incredible conspiracy theories to discredit the official OPCW investigation into #Assad chemical attacks against civilians in #Syria and then every single fake, mostly produced in #Russia.

Frame from the original in 2013 Norway naval exercise

kravietz, to China
@kravietz@agora.echelon.pl avatar

Outcome of visit to in terms of economic agreements signed:

  • ✅ Agreement on supplies of Russian topinambour and beef by-products, particularly beef cartilage and stomachs to China
  • ✅ Creation of a new nature reserve “Land of big cats”
  • ✅ Cooperation between TASS and Xinhua news agencies
  • ❌ Construction of Power of Siberia 2 gas pipeline was not agreed

To me, these indicate an extremely close and strategic partnership between China and Russia, especially the beef cartilages are going to change the course of the world 😂

Source: https://www.moscowtimes.ru/2024/05/16/putin-ugovoril-si-tszinpina-pokupat-rossiiskii-topinambur-i-govyazhie-hryaschi-a130877

@kravietz@agora.echelon.pl avatar


Literal sink 😄

@kravietz@agora.echelon.pl avatar


All that is true but it could have been much worse. I’m sure Putin didn’t go there with hopes for trading beef cartilage but to redirect his gas sales from EU and probably weapon supplies. Apparently, he got none of these.

kravietz, to random
@kravietz@agora.echelon.pl avatar

Thank you, Paul Ehrlich, for removing whole generations of educated people from the world’s gene pool 👍

Parmesan is not alone. An exclusive Guardian survey has found that almost a fifth of the female climate experts who responded have chosen to have no children, or fewer children, due to the environmental crises afflicting the world. (…) Ninety-seven female scientists responded, with 17, including women from Brazil, Chile, Germany, India and Kenya, saying they had chosen to have fewer children. All but 1% of the scientists surveyed were over 40 years old and two-thirds were over 50, reflecting the senior positions they had reached in their professions. A quarter of the respondents were women, the same proportion as the overall authorship of the IPCC reports.

Because those who today don’t give shit about climate change also clearly didn’t give a shit about Ehrlich racist ramblings from 1960’s and you start to see that in election results worldwide 🤷 The ideas that Ehrlich raised to control the problem would raise eyebrows today as they rather belong to some totalitarian regime, but The Guardian conveniently skips that topic.


P.S. yes, I do own a copy of “The Population Bomb” and it literally does start with a contemptuous description of densely populated New Delhi with “all these people” which sounds no different to a 19th century memoir of some colonial lord.

kravietz, to random Polish
@kravietz@agora.echelon.pl avatar

Nie, Petr Pavel nie “wzywa Ukrainy do oddania Rosji terytorium”. Pavel powiedział, że “musimy być realistami i było by naiwnością sądzić, że Ukrainie uda się w pełni odzyskać terytoria w najbliższej przyszłości”.

Dalej mówi, że “teraz musimy powstrzymać wojnę i zacząć negocjacje na temat przyszłych uregulowań”. Zwracam uwagę na “w pełni odzyskać” oraz “powstrzymać wojnę” bo żadne z nich nie oznacza “oddania Rosji terytorium”. Pavel w następnym zdaniu, że “żadne negocjacje nie mogą być prowadzone bez Ukrainy”. To znaczy, że dopuszczalna dla niego jest np. sytuacja gdy dochodzi do zawieszenia broni ale przy zachowaniu spornego statusu okupowanych przez Rosję terytoriów (i tak długo np. nie są znoszone sankcje).

Poza tym Pavel mówi:

  • że jest pewny, że połączone zasoby USA i EU są wystarczające do “wygrania sytuacji na polu walki”
  • że “jesteśmy zbyt ostrożni i przywiązujemy zbytnią uwagę do ryzyka eskalacji podczas gdy Ukraińcy tracą ludzi i terytoria”
  • że członkostwo Ukrainy w NATO wymaga najpierw jakiejś formy pokoju a dopóki Ukraina nie będzie w NATO, siły sojuszu nie będą bezpośrednio walczyć na jej stronie

Oryginał: https://youtube.com/watch?v=20aeo-zGJR8&t=1157s

kravietz, to Israel
@kravietz@agora.echelon.pl avatar

bombing targets in Baalbek , while bombing Belbek air base in occupied (yes, for the second time). Did they agree on these targets or what? 🤔

P.S. this made me curious about the etymology of these names 🤔

Remote photo of explosions in Belbek air base in Crimea

kravietz, to Russia
@kravietz@agora.echelon.pl avatar

Today #Russia and #China play best friends forever and #USSR had been traditionally placed in the same “communist” basked as China. Some fun facts that especially tankies are getting completely wrong today.^1

Since 1950’s China and USSR were actually conflicted over each other’s interpretations of #Marxism and in 1960’s the conflict nearly escalated into a full-scale nuclear war between the two countries.

China criticised CPSU (Communist Party of Soviet Union) over Soviet invasion of #Czechoslovakia (1968)^2 and “Brezhnev Doctrine” which denounced any Marxism version outside of the Soviet one as “reactionary” (Marxist newspeak for “heresy”). This included both Czechoslovak reforms and Mao’s Cultural Revolution in equal manner. At that time China actually developed complex relations with Eastern Bloc countries such as Romania and Czechoslovakia behind Kremlin’s back.

Essentially, everyone called each other “reactionary” and claimed their Marxism is the correct one. Any resemblance to past religious wars is entirely incidental. 😉 In 1968 Chinese diplomat Zhou Enlai speaking in Romanian embassy in Beijing called Soviets for “fascist politics, great power chauvinism, national egoism and social imperialism”.^3

Does that ring any bells? 😉

Soviets and China had a number of unresolved border issues in Manchuria. In 1968 China started escalating these, actually killing Soviet border guards. Moscow, knowing of China’s nuclear weapons and Mao’s confrontative attitude preferred to deescalate… which only encouraged Chinese.

Does that remind anything from contemporary history? 😉

At the peak of the conflict in 1969 USSR found itself in the position of a country with high-tech army challenged by a low-tech army which relied on millions of conscripts and human wave tactics.

Does this ring any bells? 😉

In 1969 Soviet army managed to push back overwhelming several Chinese offensives near the island of Zhenbao in spite of their overwhelming numbers with ratios up to 1:10 Soviet to Chinese. That was possible primarily due to the technical advantage, such as then-advanced T-62 tanks.

A ceasefire was signed in 1969 - on Chinese side by the very same Zhou Enlai who called Soviets “fascists” only a year before, but the actual peace agreement was only signed in 1991. The conflict was only completely resolved in 2008 (!) when Russia ceded 340 km² of the disputed lands to China.

As you can see, contrary to the mythology carefully constructed by modern “geopolitical realists”, there’s nothing constant in Russian or Soviet policies. Russia can not always win armed conflicts, it can cede territories and in general conflicts can be won in spite of imbalance of power. Oh, and calling others “fascists” was used by everyone and Russia was both an user and a recipient of this nomination.

@kravietz@agora.echelon.pl avatar


In what context? I know Albania and Yugoslavia were always both a bit aside of the Moscow course.

kravietz, to random Polish
@kravietz@agora.echelon.pl avatar

Niezwykle trafna analiza stanu rosyjskiej armii i państwa od Marcina Ogdowskiego:

Tyle że zamiar poprawy wydajności wcale nie musi dowodzić determinacji, jaką przypisuje się Kremlowi. Gdyby rosyjska armia osiągnęła zakładane cele w Ukrainie, nikt by się jej dziadostwa i toczącego ją złodziejstwa nie czepiał. W strukturach quasi-państwowych, de facto mafijnych, korupcja jest narzędziem sprawowania władzy. Rentą, gwarantem lojalności. Póki beneficjent nie nakradnie za dużo, póty jest bezpieczny. Kiedy mamy do czynienia z sytuacją „za dużo”? Ano wtedy, gdy jakieś składowe systemu zaczynają poważnie szwankować. Premie korupcyjne w rosyjskiej armii i przemyśle zbrojeniowym za czasów szojgu pożerały nawet 80 proc. (!) oficjalnych wydatków (dane za rosyjskim Transparency International). Modernizacja sił zbrojnych w dużej mierze zatem miała fasadowy charakter. Skutki widzieliśmy w Ukrainie.

Polecam całość bo zawiera wiele innych trafnych obserwacji:


kravietz, to Slovakia
@kravietz@agora.echelon.pl avatar

Perpetrator of the shooting of prime minister Robert Fico is a 71-years old Slovak writer Juraj Cintula. He didn’t speak of his motives yet.


kravietz, to random
@kravietz@agora.echelon.pl avatar

Russia military airport in occupied - some serious air defense and/or radar systems destroyed here.

Burned our remains of military equipment

kravietz, to Russia
@kravietz@agora.echelon.pl avatar

Unconfirmed reports of heavy shelling of (Щетинівка), a village in Belgorod oblast just next to the border. This could indicate Ukraine shelling a concentration of Russian forces preparing for another border incursion - as you can see on the map, there was no battle activity in that area previously.

kravietz, to Ukraine
@kravietz@agora.echelon.pl avatar

Luxury yacht “Royal Romance” ordered by former oligarch Victor Medvedchuk and moored in Croatia was transferred to the state of Ukraine after a lengthy legal battle. The yacht was arrested by Croatia in 2022 and transfer to Ukraine was ruled by a Croatian court, but subsequent appeals took almost two years.


ellie, to random
@ellie@yearning.gay avatar

i want to eat uranium

@kravietz@agora.echelon.pl avatar

@ellie If you ever swallowed any sea water, you have technically eaten/drank uranium :)

tdp_org, to webdev
@tdp_org@mastodon.social avatar

My pals in BBC World Service have been doing some awesome work on "lite" versions of their news articles (other page types to follow).
They essentially skip the Server-Side React hydration which means you end up with a simpler HTML+CSS page, no JS.
Page sizes drop significantly:

Screenshot of a BBC World Service Mundo "lite" page with Dev Tools open showing bytes transferred and total as stated

@kravietz@agora.echelon.pl avatar

@tdp_org On that article that works awesome, but when I tried it on other articles from WS main page I just get 404 :( https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-69008577.lite

kravietz, to random Polish
@kravietz@agora.echelon.pl avatar

Bitwa o „trumienne”. Jak krewni Rosjan, którzy zginęli na wojnie, dzielą miliony

Rodziny zmarłych podczas inwazji na Ukrainę rosyjskich wojskowych toczą sądowe boje o tzw. trumienne – zasiłek przysługujący po śmierci żołnierza. Na przykład Oksana wytoczyła byłemu mężowi proces o 6 milionów rubli (ok. 258 tys. zł), a Jewgienija, która straciła na wojnie ojca i ojczyma, doprowadziła do zmiany prawa: teraz dorosłe dzieci mają prawo do jednorazowej wypłaty w wysokości 5 milionów rubli (ok. 215 tys. zł). Nasz rosyjskojęzyczny portal Vot Tak przyjrzał się tym historiom.


junesim63, to Palestine
@junesim63@mstdn.social avatar

"I wear the traditional black and white scarf to celebrate my heritage. That’s enough to make you a target in the US today"
Arwa Mahdawi


@kravietz@agora.echelon.pl avatar


The black and white chequered keffiyeh dates to the 1950s when Glubb Pasha, a British officer, wanted to distinguish his Palestinian soldiers (black and white keffiyeh) from his Jordanian forces (red and white keffiyeh).


kravietz, to Ukraine
@kravietz@agora.echelon.pl avatar

Dmytro Kuleba once more explains the lie about “we nearly had a peace deal in 2022 but Ukraine refused it”

Dmytro Kuleba speaking in a studio

randahl, to random
@randahl@mastodon.social avatar

Brilliant proposal by German politicians: Let us place air defence systems inside NATO, and have these systems save civilian lives by shooting down missiles over western Ukraine.

This is pretty clever because

  1. Russia cannot bomb these systems as that would be an act of war against the entire NATO alliance.

  2. The systems cannot trigger a war with Russia themselves, as they are not attacking Russia.

Do it!


@kravietz@agora.echelon.pl avatar


This discussion has been going on in Poland for quite a while and is revived each time a Russian cruise missile crosses into Polish air space. There’s a depressing amount of debate around whether Poland should even down these rockets that crossed into its air space, not to mentions those that remain in Ukrainian air space. Everyone has now forgotten it, but in the first months of the full-scale war everyone was calling to “close sky above Ukraine”, and that was pretty much the same idea - for NATO to provide air defense cover for Ukraine.

Unfortunately, it never happened and the argument was that NATO even remotely engaging with Russian missiles is equivalent to engaging in the war with Russia as a combatant, with all the consequences, such as your own military installations being targeted.

Russians are probably laughing at these deliberations as they have been already targeting NATO military installations and killing people on EU/NATO soil since 2010’s, but that’s how it is for now. This attitude is only encouraging Russians and I’m pretty sure they will only increase the number of sabotages, killings and interference in EU.

kravietz, to poland Polish
@kravietz@agora.echelon.pl avatar

10 May 2024 around 20:00 in the evening around 140 men stormed the border from and were pushed back by Polish border force and army.

The times when small groups of actual migrants, including families with women and children, sneaked through the forest are long gone. Since around 2022 it’s exclusively young, masked men, often equipped with strobe lights and lasers and guided by uniformed Belarussian border guards. Granted that in 2022 Belarus welcomed a large group of “Wagner Group” mercenaries and employed them as instructors, speaking of “migrants” is no longer sustainable - these are coordinated attempts of storming EU border by men who can be Russian/Belarussian saboteurs or “Wagner” mercenaries, or any combination of these.

A swampy forest opening with some barbed wire fences guarded by uniformed border guards while a crowd tries to storm from the right, but then is sprayed with water or tear gas and retreats several times.

@kravietz@agora.echelon.pl avatar


Przemoc ze strony służb nie powinna mieć miejsca ale nie zakładałbym od razu, że to co mówi Straż Graniczna to kłamstwo. Filmik poniżej pokazuje jak wygląda szturm granicy ze strony innej grupy 12 maja 2024 - oni są doskonale wyposażeni, mają podnośniki samochodowe do rozpychania płotu, drabiny, nożyce i tak dalej. Na innych filmach widać, że oni potrafią być bardzo agresywni wobec Straży Granicznej.

Film znaleziony przez arabistkę Klarę Soltan, która śledzi media społecznościowe arabskich biznesów migracyjnych współpracujących z Rosją i Białorusią, o wiele więcej można znaleźć tutaj: https://twitter.com/klarasoltan

Jakoś trudno mi wykrzesać współczucie wobec faceta, który potrafi zapłacić 4500 EUR na wizę białoruską lub rosyjską, potem za samolot i wszystko po to, żeby potem szturmować granicę Polski.


@kravietz@agora.echelon.pl avatar


Jedna z ofert:

Podróż z Mińska do DE, z przewodnikiem przeprowadzającym przez granicę, cena tylko $4000, z samochodem zwiadowczym dla bezpieczeństwa. Nie chcemy kobiet, dzieci, ani ludzi wybierających się w podróż dla zabawy, ani starców. Tylko facetów poważnie podchodzących do sprawy. A jak kto nie widzi się w tej roli, niech siedzi w Mińsku i zajada się nasionami [słonecznika]

Źródło: https://twitter.com/klarasoltan/status/1789894976156971331

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