
Working towards better worlds. #degrowth #postgrowth #solidarity #lowtech #conviviality

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sambutlerUS, to Palestine
sambutlerUS, to airforce

"They had to go to an air war. It was totally impersonal ... They don't see the damage, there's no relationship to what they do, their job, to people's lives." - Hal Muskat, in the documentary "Sir! No Sir!" (

Originally brought up with respect to Vice CEO Bruce Dixon firing hundreds of workers using a memo generated by AI.

Obviously, relevant to a lot right now.

The documentary "Sir! No Sir!" continues to show how even the Air Force became a crucial accomplice in resistance, as pilots refused to drop bombs and analysts refused to produce intelligence from monitoring on-the-ground, sabotaging the ability of the US to run a bombing campaign before US withdrawal. "The Air Force was no longer a reliable instrument for carrying out the war." (See toot below for clip). A strong tradition. Rest in Power #AaronBushnell.

#Vietnam #Protest #Genocide #AirForce #Soldiers #War #veterans #army #gaza #palestine #israel #apartheid #genocide #FlourMassacre

A video of a US veteran in a sit-down interview, explaining the belief that the US shifted to an air war campaign in the Vietnam War because soldiers on the ground were refusing orders, and discusses the alienating effects of the air war -- distancing those doing the damage from relationships to it.

sambutlerUS, to random

A story inspired by a fire left on its own in the suburbs. Continue reading at


@jake4480 Thank you so much for reading and sharing the note! And apologies for the typos. Seriously appreciate the feedback, I haven't posted writing like this in a long time (ever?) I'm really touched that you read, followed the note, and left this.

sambutlerUS, to art

Do you know the story of Christmas trees?

A Christian missionary went to a tree that people worshipped as sacred, cut it down, and told them to worship a fir tree instead.

Now, billions of people cut down trees every year, just to throw them away after a month.

Don’t cut down a Christmas tree. Plant a native tree instead, and worship that. We’ll need them.

^ I want to turn this into a simple illustrated meme / one-page comic. Anybody know someone with art / graphics / meme chops, who could be up to turning this into an image we could distribute?

It's about Donar's Oak, andthe colonial tradition right in our living rooms (

sambutlerUS, to fuckcars

One of the single most impactful climate emergency changes: Allowing front-yard and driveway businesses.

This would make neighborhoods walkable over night. New jobs in local places. Cafes, grocery shops, repair clinics, tool libraries, arcades, and beyond - right on your street.

Destroying oil demand, commutes, and car dependency over night.

This policy change can happen in as little as 3 sentences, according to Hazel Borys and Strong Towns. pHow can we make this happen everywhere?

Check out the full video, "Why Did We Make Front Yard Businesses Illegal?", which shows some awesome examples and gets into what we can do today — from About Here, Urbanarium, and Uytae Lee.

And share and boost to get people talking about this. This is one of the first and most important changes we can make, for climate emergency transitions. From a path dependency standpoint, it needs to happen first too -- making what we can walkable and low energy to start, and then seeing what we need.


ajroach42, to random avatar

Expedition Sasquatch returns (early access for Patrons. The episode goes live for everyone next week):


@ajroach42 This is amazing. The compression / lo-fi feel of the floppycast fits perfectly with the content itself. It adds to the experiences, makes it feel more real — is it real? was this a radio broadcast? that's what's going through my head ...

sambutlerUS, to random

Comment on @amywestervelt's breaking report on the Mobil ad targeting EVs (

I really appreciate your framing: the industries at war with each other. My worry is that discourse will rally around EVs just because Big Oil targeted them, and miss the thread that we need to transition beyond cars in general.

Also, it's a great ad. I hate it, and it still draws me in. Good to learn from and take notes on — e.g. the imagery, the emotions (note to self)

sambutlerUS, to climate
sambutlerUS, to AirBNB


Have you considered using the property to explore living condition scenarios from "Decent living with minimum energy"? That's something I've frequently thought about since reading that paper (I just did a measurement now, to compare a 15 m² per capita benchmark.)

It could go hand-in-hand with a transfer to cooperative ownership, for people who could be interested in trying this.


Also posted on Groundtalk — the low-energy and low-data (#permacomputing) social network, that uses less energy than a single tweet:

#Housing #Coop #Degrowth #Rent #Capitalism #SharedHousing #CoHousing #Cooperatives #Design #Postgrowth #Transitions #Sustainability #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #Architecture #InteriorDesign #Planning #Construction #BuenVivir #LivingWell #Pluriverse

[Table from Julia Steinberger's "decent living for all with minimum energy" paper. DLS dimensions & Activity levels Energy Intensities services Default levels HD Default (direct) Default LAT (indirect) Nutrition Food 2000-2150kcal/cap/day 15% - 3K|/kilocalorie 30% Cooking appliances 1 cooker/household - 08K/kilocalorie 1GJfapp 50% Cold Storage 1 fridge- - 044GJfapp’lyr 4Glfapp” - freezer/household Shelter & living conditions Household size 4 personsfhousehold -25% - - - Sufficient space 15 meters? floor- 80% - 2-4GJ/m? 100% space/cap® Thermal comfort 15 meters? floor- 80% 20-60MJ/m2fyr - 300% space/cap® Illumination 25001m/house; 6 hrs/day 100% 150Im/W 14MJ/house/yr - Hygiene Water supply 50 Litres/cap/day 100% - 5-17 KJ/L - Water heating 20 Litres/cap/day 100% 96-220 KJ/L = 50% Waste management Provided to all - - 180MJjcaplyr 200% households™ Clothing Clothes 4kg of new clothing/year 33% - 100Mj/kg - Washing facilities 80kg of washing/year 33% 2.4M]/kg 2Glfapp” - Healthcare Hospitals 200 meters? floor- 50% 410- 14-23 GJjm? 130% space/bed S60M]/m2/yr Education Schools 10 meters? floor- 50% 100~ 45-7.5 GJ/m? 150% space/pupil 130MJ/m?yr Communication & information Phones 1 phone/person over - 28MJ/phone/yr 110MJ/phone 30% 10yrs old Computers 1 laptop/household - 220M)/laptop/yr 3 GJ/laptop 30% Networks & data High'* 1005 - -04G)jcaplyr - Mobility Vehicle production Consistent with pkm - - 01-0.3MJ/pkm 50% travelled” ](

sambutlerUS, to cars


If we're asking, "Do we have so many oversized trucks because consumers wanted oversized trucks — or because car companies wanted to sell them?"

I think we'd find it's mostly because companies wanted to sell oversized trucks. Advertising, product placement, pricing, promotions all shape consumer preferences.

Also, car companies can only offer cheap trucks by skirting regulations. This is why the oversized truck Mike drives in LA is regulated less than every other car driving to get coffee in the morning.

Also posted on #Groundtalk — a low-energy, low-data #microblogging #permacomputing client in development with cross-platform posting:

#trucks #cars #FuckCars #CarFree #transit #yimby #nimby #streets #roads #traffic #TrafficViolence #CarIndustry #regulation #government #policy #history #politics

sambutlerUS, to BadInternetBills

Today is Cadence Bank's deadline to decide whether to issue a $20 million loan for the construction of Cop City. Can you call Cadence at 662-680-2008, and demand them to REJECT THE LOAN?

Cadence Bank has previously financed Cop City, but rumor has it they are unsure if the project is still viable. They know when Cop City is stopped, the Atlanta Police Foundation will likely go bankrupt and default on all their loans. It's time to go all out to demand Cadence Bank deny the loan, which has simply become too risky.

Can you make a call to Cadence Bank and tell them to deny their risky $20 million loan for Cop City? It takes 1 minute: 662-680-2008

More details in the flyer below, from Honor The Earth. Call 662-680-2008, and boost this post to your networks so we can get more calls in today!

@AtlSolFund @defendATLforest @UnicornRiot

sambutlerUS, to gardening

On invasive / non-native species, in response to

I'm all for native plants and the reduction of invasives (ideally by them becoming food for something?), while also trying to operate from respect and understanding of non-native species. They didn't choose to be cultivated and domesticated in a foreign environment, or to end up as a seed on a truck or cargo ship traveling to a different climate/continent. This is a new frame for me, so I'm working on practicing it in reality — though there are cultures that have been integrating it, e.g. these perspectives and research from
Nicholas Reo and Laura Ogden.

Also posted on Groundtalk:

sambutlerUS, to random

In response to @jolyonrubs' question on Twitter, "Just Stop Oil — what's the alternative?"

Zapatistas. Stop Cop City. Land-based resistance and autonomous movements. In contrast to disruption that makes the public a target (which doesn't really have historical evidence?), getting wiser. Recognizing our places as frontline communities — and acting accordingly today, in ways that bring people on board (for food, ending carbon and plastic pollution, resilience and survival, place-based cultures.) Glad to connect more on this.

(Posted on Groundtalk here:

Edit: from "In contrast to public disruption" to "In contrast to disruption that makes the public a target", see replies for context.


As an excellent example, the convergence of an XR chapter with a local squatters movement. The climate activists recognizing the synergy of place-based "generative refusal" (Leanne Simpson) with the squatters, and getting involved in place-based resistance and a strategic material intervention to change the system in that city. Same story with Atlanta and #StopCopCity ...

... whose work has resulted in hundreds of people — including the middle class people and workers, who seem so elusive to other climate movements — getting involved in mass protest and advocating abolitionist and ecological perspectives to local government. Example here, from a firefighter in Atlanta talking abolition perspectives to the government:

"If you listen to any of the #StopCopCity public comment, you can hear how deeply abolitionist frameworks have taken root––so many people, whether identifying as abolitionists or not, articulated a vision of safety dependent on resources and relationships, rather than policing." — @micahinatl

(Posted on Groundtalk here:

#climate #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #ClimateActivism #StopCopCity #LandDefense #WaterProtector #XR #ExtinctionRebellion #squat #autonomous #abolition #atlanta #movement #MovementBuilding #MutualAid #strategy #organizing #activism #anarchy #anarchists #solidarity #pagan #antifa #decolonize #DualPower #labor #MiddleClass #workers #unions

sambutlerUS, to coronavirus

Can someone share the best mask recommendations for COVID currently? There are some pictures with in-depth test results and comparisons - can people reshare those pictures? (Trying to find them, struggling)

#covid #sarscov2 #masks #respirators #corona #coronavirus #fittest #mask #masking #airborne #virus #pandemic

futurebird, to random avatar

~one billion

That's how many parking spaces there are in the USA. For every car? About 4 empty spaces... just sitting there, not absorbing the rain, making flooding worse, making cities hotter as they bake in the summer sun.

Our built environment and laws bend over backwards to make driving the only viable transportation option in nearly every imaginable context.

You need to pay for healthcare, but almost never parking.

(Pointing this out makes libertarian heads explode.)



According to a 2019 study by Harvard [1], the public cost of the car economy is $5,645 per person per year. (The private cost is $6,000/year per car.)

Together, the cost of maintaining the U.S. car economy is $3.5 trillion per year.
In the communities with significant bike infrastructure, the public cost is $150 per person per year. (The private cost is $500/year per bike.)

In the communities significant public transit, the operating costs are $1,230 per person per year. (The private cost of transit is $720/year per rider).

Together, the cost of a bike and transit economy in the U.S. is $0.862 trillion per year.


#fuckcars #transit #bikes #carfree #publictransit #walking #publicspace #infrastructure #pedestrians #degrowth #postgrowth #economy #government #civic #trillion #parking #parkinglot #highway #road #bicycle #sidewalk #urbanism #community #neighborhood #subsidies #policy #road #street #StrongTowns

sambutlerUS, to Writers

Worker/artist owned cooperative — with distribution, to tell their own stories. Images below.

  1. Workers, writers, and artists start a cooperative production company

  2. They license/option existing stories to the company (which they own together!) and put stories on a website where audiences can access them

  3. Stories can be scripts, treatments, readings, storyboards — it's great material in those formats, and people will dive into those stories just the same

  4. Share the website (distribution!) with followings, along with a way to subscribe

  5. You now have a worker/writer/artist owned cooperative, with distribution, stories, and an audience!

More details in the images below, made as a guide/resource to be helpful.

#hollywood #writers #artists #workers #strike #WritersStrike #WAGstrike #SAGstrike #ActorsStrike #GeneralStrike #coop #cooperative #cooperatives #media #screenwriting #scripts #organizing #labor #iatse #crew #film #films #tv #streaming #studio #stories #storytelling #digitalmedia #storyboard #animation #illustration #writing #acting #solidarity #creator #making

Page 2 of 2 << Back Start lo-fi productions This is the alternative to the Hollywood studio and streaming system. Workers and artists start low-budget productions, for their own cooperative and distribution website and audience. Even if it’s shot on a smartphone in a single room over a weekend. Non-extractive funding (if helpful) If the cooperative wants more resources - to make more stories, get more workers and crew involved, or anything else - the success thus far can be the basis for non-extractive funding (like loans, revenue-based financing, or even advertising fom businesses you want to support - like a local farm, a direct action group, or a bicycle company.) Funders are paid back through revenue, whether subscriptions or advertisements or earned income or other possibilities. How to start? Workers, writers, artists interested in leading their own cooperative production company. They license/option stories to the cooperative, which they co-own! They meet with a lawyer who’s on the same page, to make the legal framework. All members have a profit-share in the cooperative overall - it probably makes sense that people also have a profit-share in the projects they work on directly. The cooperative puts up a website which gives audience access to scripts, treatments, readings, storyboards, and stories. (Distribution!) Ran out of characters here, will post the rest of the description in the toots. Feel free to contact for more details as well.

sambutlerUS, to climate
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