rasterweb, to reddit
@rasterweb@mastodon.social avatar

Sometimes I miss reddit but then I see articles like "AI Is Poisoning Reddit to Promote Products" and I'm convinced it will only get worse.

➡️ https://www.404media.co/ai-is-poisoning-reddit-to-promote-products-and-game-google-with-parasite-seo/

#reddit #fediverse #threadiverse #AIsucks

maegul, (edited ) to ghost
@maegul@hachyderm.io avatar

I think the and federations pose interesting questions about what platforms can and should be.

Do we actually want blogs and feeds of blogs folded into a mastodon/microblog social feed?

Do we want to read and comment on blogs on mastodon?

Do we want all the diversity of the fediverse fed into a single platform's UI and hope that it works well?

Are we worried that some choices by our platform or instance admin might hinder this process?

I'm rather skeptical.




I think the fedi needs to be more about clients/apps than it is currently.

Agreed, and I kinda touched on this earlier about how the should've simply been a frontend where people just use their main fedi account instead of having to create another account for forums in a link aggregator... ​:sagume_think:​

Tbh all the implementations in the first place should've been backends first and foremost. Why should I not be able to have 's frontend in or ? And the other way around too. This does mean that we will have to all agree on a common client API and MastoAPI will dominate, but I'd rather have Mastodon dictate client API than fediverse implementations. ​:seija_coffee:​

RE: https://makai.chaotic.ninja/notes/9s85trbv7h

mima, to lemmy

Tbh I think the like and would make a lot more sense if they were simply frontends and perhaps a backend too but just for the forums themselves. IOW, no accounts live in Lemmy or kbin, all users post from their preferred account instead.

Sure you can already technically do that from your or or whatever fedi you're in, but that means using whatever app you're on right now, which almost certainly means it's not a UI. Not ideal at all.

If I had any good programming skills I'd make it so that the link aggregator is merely a client that uses the Mastodon (with extensions too) and Misskey APIs, treat (almost) all actors as their own forums or subs, and each post would be a boost from said actor. Users authenticate from their preferred fedi account. Voting would be tallied by few special actors, which internally receive votes via direct messages (the app will make this transparent, but this also means you can technically vote without the app if you know the exact command), which will effectively make votes secret to non-admins like in . Users can also choose which vote counters they want to rely from.

This would make the fediverse-powered link aggregator very flexible and minimal, imo. It may look janky but that's the general idea I have. ​:seija_coffee:​

RE: https://mementomori.social/users/owen/statuses/112285464236904945

rasterweb, to kbin
@rasterweb@mastodon.social avatar

I'm still not quite sure if I should choose thread or photo when posting an image on mbin / kbin...

BeAware, to lemmy
@BeAware@social.beaware.live avatar

So, @eatyourglory and I were discussing Lemmy and he had a good question/idea. Could Lemmy communities technically be subdomains? Like instead of Lemmy.world/c/example, it could be example.lemmy.world?

Would this be something that could be theoretically built into Lemmy or is there some kinda technological limitation, making this not a thing..? I think it's a neat idea.🤷‍♂️🤔

#Lemmy #Fedi #Fediverse #Threadiverse #ActivityPub

liaizon, (edited ) to fediverse
@liaizon@wake.st avatar

The proposal to officially start a working group in the w3c swicg is taking place today at 19:00CET

Excited to see the work that @julian, @angusmcleod, @rimu, @evan and many others are putting into this initiative and will be following with excitement for the future standardization and interoperability in the thru that will hopefully follow.

matt, (edited ) to meta
@matt@oslo.town avatar

Meta is testing the waters with payments to users who post engaging content to Threads.

They’re paying people to toot 😬


ben.werdmuller, to random

Reposting now that we've hit this milestone: here's why I think the fediverse is important for media organizations. https://werd.io/2024/the-fediverse-for-media-organizations

@shoq@mastodon.social avatar

@ben @ben.werdmuller So it is a Threads setting now? Forgive my ignorance, but I’ve been health challenged for 2 months now, and not keeping up with the , or whatever we’re calling it now or soon.

smallcircles, to random
@smallcircles@social.coop avatar
youronlyone, to fediverse
@youronlyone@c.im avatar

The family of services:

Theme: single-letter domain name.

1: https://c.im — a Mastodon software instance. ()
2: https://c.wtf — a Rebased+Soapbox (fork of Pleroma with Soapbox frontend) software instance. (microblogging)
3: https://p.lu — a PeerTube software instance. ( hosting)
4: https://r.nf — a Lemmy software instance. ()

Inspired by https://c.im/@jerry@infosec.exchange/110781964569113496

kissane, to random
@kissane@mas.to avatar

Ozone, Bluesky's stackable moderation system is up and open-sourced.


I think it's interesting in obvious ways and risky in some less obvious ones (that have less to do with "O NO BILLIONAIRES" or "O NO LIBERTARIANS" and more to do with placelessness), but we'll see.

I hope good things emerge from/grow on top of this framework.

[I recognize that mentioning this is widely considered to be an invitation to explain capital like I am a tiny baby. You could also not.]

@erlend@writing.exchange avatar

@ggpsv I’m arguing that platforms like Lemmy, kbin et.al. is where we should go for place, which will include Mastodon once it implements Groups.

I don’t have any sense of place on Mastodon, as it is chiefly oriented around people. I can’t easily visit Erin’s mas.to or your social.coop.

But root identity provisioning needs to be extricated from all of the above, in favor of the which Bluesky has gotten 80% figured out already and working in practice.

hello, to lemmy
@hello@social.wedistribute.org avatar

, one of the biggest federated Reddit alternatives, is up against a surprising problem: users and admins can't delete images.

Here's why that matters.


moormaan, to lemmy

OC Sublinks Aims to Be a Drop-In Replacement for Lemmy (wedistribute.org)

Seems like an interesting effort. A developer is building an alternative Java-based backend to Lemmy’s Rust-based one, with the goal of building in a handful of different features. The dev is looking at using this compatibility to migrate their instance over to the new platform, while allowing the community to use their apps...

box464, to random
@box464@mastodon.social avatar

A nice collection of Lemmy apps to browse. Haven't heard of many of these - getting difficult to keep up with all the development going on.


BeAware, to fediverse
@BeAware@social.beaware.live avatar


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  • devnull,
    @devnull@crag.social avatar

    @BeAware hey, I think seems to be more accessible than . The latter is jargon, which is not necessarily a bad thing, but has no meaning to those outside of the in-group.

    By all means use etc., I'm not vehemently opposed to it 😅

    shellsharks, to lemmy

    Wrote a “guide” to #Lemmy / #kbin last year after Reddit went full enshittify.


    If you’re interested in checking out a #fediverse-based alternative to Reddit, come check out infosec.pub! It hosts a number of communities including one I’ve stood up for #cybersecurity / #infosec!


    #infosecpub #jerryverse #mondayblogs #redditmigraion #threadiverse

    o, to fediverse

    "Care has been taken to construct it in the simplest way possible, enabling contributions from programmers of all skill levels and keeping server costs down. This will greatly speed PieFed's development process and widen its adoption."

    Clever move by @rimu Lemmy's development is struggling.
    The most popular instance, lemmy.world (>25% monthly active users), is still on a previous release. The current release, 0.19.1, has broken federation for the past couple weeks. Up-to-date instances are hobbling along by being restarted every few hours.

    Tried hacking on Lemmy myself... I've got many thoughts but not sure if/how to write them down.

    testing, to fediverse
    @testing@iceshrimp.social avatar

    looking around in threadiverse, i keep discovering threads where people would report federation issues all across different platforms time and again

    i will boost some of those conversations via this acc

    fediforum, to fediverse
    @fediforum@mastodon.social avatar

    What are some cool applications that were created recently?

    We'd like to reach out to them and see whether they want to demo at the next in March.

    You can find previous recorded demos on https://fediforum.org/


    @fediforum (recent v13 fork that's like glitch-soc but for Misskey), ( lookalike), and (new software written in )!

    ArtBear, to fediverse
    @ArtBear@catodon.social avatar

    Where am I?
    Is this the ? What is the ? How do I ? Am I ? Do I ? Deja-vu with the ?

    Hi there👋
    This is a good place to be!
    My thread here condenses the key learning I've made so far about Fediverse, in case it helps others.

    Click this post if needed, scroll down, to read more below.👇

    @ArtBear@catodon.social avatar


    However you arrived, there is much to discover & new cool things get built here all the time:

    = Twitter without the .
    = Instagram but not trying to sell spinfluencers' stuff to you.
    =Youtube but not ads based.
    = Facebook but not harvesting data or manipulating our timelines.
    & = Reddit but without monetizing off all their users unpaid content & exiling critics.
    & the variations (this is one) = Mastodon+ Twitter replacement with various extra QoL things like quote posts, blogs, media reuse, post controls, user cards, rendered multi-links, super customisable UI, custom feeds etc.

    thenexusofprivacy, to fediverse

    Strategies for the free fediverses


    The fediverse is evolving into different regions

    • "Meta's fediverses", federating with Meta to allow communications, potentially using services from Meta such as automated moderation or ad targeting, and potentially harvesting data on Meta's behalf.

    • "free fediverses" that reject Meta – and surveillance capitalism more generally

    The free fediverses have a lot of advantages over Meta and Meta's fediverses, some of which will be very hard to counter, and clearly have enough critical mass that they'll be just fine.

    Here's a set of strategies for the free fediverses to provide a viable alternative to surveillance capitalism. They build on the strengths of today's fediverse at its best – including natural advantages the free fediverses have that Threads and Meta's fediverses will having a very hard time countering – but also are hopefully candid about weaknesses that need to be addressed. It's a long list, so I'll be spreading out over multiple posts; this post currently goes into detail on the first two.

    • Opposition to Meta and surveillance capitalism is an appealing position. Highlight it!

    • Focus on consent (including consent-based federation), privacy, and safety

    • Emphasize "networked communities"

    • Support concentric federations of instances and communities

    • Consider "transitively defederating" Meta's fediverses (as well as defederating Threads)

    • Consider working with people and instances in Meta's fediverses (and Bluesky, Dreamwidth, and other social networks) whose goals and values align with the free fediverses'

    • Build a sustainable ecosystem

    • Prepare for Meta's (and their allies') attempts to paint the free fediverses in a bad light

    • Reduce the dependency on Mastodon

    • Prioritize accessibility, which is a huge opportunity

    • Commit to anti-fascist, anti-racist, anti-colonial, and pro-LGBTQIA2S+ principles, policies, practices, and norms for the free fediverses

    • Organize!

    @fediverse @fediversenews

    @devnull@crag.social avatar

    @samid @thenexusofprivacy @lrhodes @evanprodromou @noracodes @fediversenews I fully believe in the concept of separate but connected communities on the social web. is positioned (along with all other implementors in the ) to make this happen — it's an exciting time!

    Also @evanprodromou I do prefer "" over 🙂

    toddalstrom, to lemmy
    @toddalstrom@mastodon.social avatar

    Looks like the has been widely used by the and communities for years, but now it's slowly being co-opted (including by staff) to refer to the of .

    I predict a complete takeover of the , and term in general, before the end of 2024.

    codelutin, to france French
    @codelutin@mastodon.libre-entreprise.com avatar

    Copie Publique : Code Lutin investit 3333 € pour soutenir le développement du threadiverse

    Tous les ans, avec @copiepublique, nous versons 1% de notre chiffre d'affaires pour soutenir le libre et les communs numériques. Parmi d'autres projets, nous allons verser 3000 € au projet Lemmy et 333 € pour /kbin afin de rendre le pouvoir aux internautes.

    Nous cherchons des entreprises prêtes à rallier , faites signe !


    @france @technologie @opensource

    @lutindiscret@mastodon.libre-entreprise.com avatar

    @AlexisFR non, on parle bien ici du , c'est-à-dire la partie du fediverse centrée sur les applis types agrégateurs de liens : https://fedidb.org/current-events/threadiverse


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