The_Icarian, to random avatar


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  • borkcorkedforks,

    @The_Icarian Stephen King should probably stick to what he is good at, doing cocaine and writing novels. He is well outside of his wheelhouse talking about firearm.


    @The_Icarian Pissing contest based on followers? That's a weird argument to make when trying to establish knowledge or morals.

    The other day I heard a friend talking about how "the moon's gravity affects our internal organs." This sounds like bull, but is it? And if so, how would I correct their misinformation?

    I think the reason some people might believe this claim is because we’re taught in school that the moon’s gravity causes the tides. I think the reasoning goes, “well if the moon’s gravity can affect the tides, surely it can affect smaller things too”


    In theory it has some kind of affect but not anything anyone would notice. Like I'm not even sure it would show up on a scale and anyone trying to measure it with something sensitive enough to do so would have a hell of a time separating the change from normal things like eating, going to the bathroom, sweating, or just breathing.

    If we say for a moment that it does have an affect on people the next question would be what effect might there be. Again I think a major issue would be measuring results when there would be so many other things at play. Also what are we measuring? What might the proposed effect be?

    This idea mostly sounds like pseudo science or a half assed attempt at supporting some new age idea.


    Seems like people shouldn't underestimate the nutters/fascists.

    If they're actually harmless/useless then whatever. If not then treating them like they pose no danger has ramifications I'd personally like to avoid.

    AITA to ask my wife to act like we live in a First world.

    I married a beautiful woman who was here on work visa. This is my 3rd marriage and I genuinely felt a connection when we first met. Fast forward now, she reuses all the containers to store stuff in pantry. Like she will use the empty yogurt jar to store raisins. I asked her to not use empty jars instead buy fresh new jars from...



    I grew up in the US reusing containers like that and still do sometimes. It's not a third world thing at all. I'm pretty sure it was to save money back then but it can be a eco thing too. Extended family and friends do this all the time too.

    Recycling plastic doesn't work as well as you might have been told and it is more impactful to reuse or reduce. Glass and metal are better for recycling though.

    Based on the post you care more about superficial things than your wife's feelings. Your friends are superficial AHs too. How much money do you all spend trying to keep up with each other?


    Democrats get on board with shit like this all the time just more often over copyright or spying on people. You know real bipartisan effort stuff.

    Although COPPA was introduced by a Democrat and signed into law by Clinton.


    I have a little pry tool keychain thing. It has a bottle opener and flat head on it. The pry bar bit can also act like a big flat head for things that have a coin slot meant to tighten or open it. It's not meant for nails or opening wooden crates.

    Really it's useful for any poking of prying that you shouldn't be using a knife for but have a strange urge to. Also a package opener if people around are nervous about knives. The utility knife thing with a bit of crowbar glued to it probably doesn't comfort others as it looks like how someone would design a tactical box cutter.

    Why so many people get triggered about ads nowadays?

    Wherever I go, I often see the sentiment “This website has ads, so it’s trash” pop up in conversations. And honestly I don’t quite get why. 90% of the internet has always had ads, you just scroll past them and mind your business. At least they’re personalized now so you can pick a topic you like instead of diapers and...


    Ads have gotten worse and worse overtime. Some websites are so stuffed with ads the performance of the website suffers. Then there are risks associated with ads when many have become malicious or used to track people. Then what is advertised can also be extremely questionable. Everything from useless products to addictive mobile games to harmful "health" products to crypto scams show up on ads.

    I'm fine with some ads on free websites/service if they're not crazy but too many sites have gone nuts. I'm not ok with ads with paid services. Ads during shows/movies are a no go when I paid for them.


    Events don't have to happen at the capital. Local governments could have problems. We'd have fewer problems if Republican leaders were more willing to throw Trump under the bus instead of trying to court his base.


    There are a lot of ways to cause mass murder so it certainly isn't "the only way left". People have and will used other methods. Something as simple as fire is a weapon with a history of use in terrorism.

    Guns do have laws associated with them. You'd know this if you ever went to a shop to buy one or just looked at the laws. I don't need to pass a background check to buy a car from the dealership. There is no crime for a felon to own a car. A felon could even get a license to operate a car in public. There is no crime for "brandishing" a car in public.

    Which law in GA are you talking about? Most states don't outright ban ownership over a diagnosis or seeking treatment. Making that a criteria becomes tricky when trying to determine what counts or who gets to decide. I'm sure you would find a ban on voting for the mentally ill questionable if say Republican law makers decided what counts.

    Involuntary commitment is a problem for gun ownership federally regardless of state laws as well. It should kinda take a lot to restrict a right and there are problems with essentially punishing people for seeking treatment.


    5.56, typical rounds for ARs, aren't high caliber. In many states it's illegal to hunt deer with that caliber because it's under powered. Who told you it's high powered?

    People absolutely use "high capacity" mags when these laws say more than 10 is too high. Take something like a Glock handgun typical capacity there is 15 to 17. For a modern rifle capacities of 20 to 40 is extremely common. For ARs the standard capacity is 30. Certainly any rifle anyone would consider for self defense is going to have mags larger than 10.

    Overpenetration is a concern for any round a person would use for self defense. That includes 9mm and buckshot. Using 5.56 or 300 blk isn't actually that much more dangerous when just about anything is going through a bunch of wall if someone misses. And 5.56 might actually stop sooner than a slower moving handgun round because ballistics do weird things.

    StillIRise1963, to random avatar

    I don't voice opinions as to what other people's governments should do because I know I don't understand the intricacies of their cultures and history well enough.


    @birdpoof To characterize the reluctance to implement gun control as "happy when schools full of children are massacred" is a mischaracterization and tribalism problem along the same lines as what OP is talking about. It's boiling down a political issue into a clickbaity statement that claims one side is basically a cartoon villain.

    Your response just seems to be "no, these random Europeans are completely right but it's like hard and I'm not like the other Americans".

    @StillIRise1963 @leroc @leroc


    Ideally we should find a replacement for that horseshoe crab blood or perhaps a way to raise them in captivity. Maybe someone could come up with something to give the crabs to offset the damage caused by taking the blood. The issue might not even be primarily due to the blood with everything else happening climate change wise.

    There might be ways to improve things for the birds but animals with super specific niches just kinda run the risk of becoming extinct. I feel similar about Pandas and Koalas.


    Some people like the idea but to me that only makes sense if you are basically doing the nomad thing at a cheap location. You'd want to stay in the place for awhile as you're still spending most of the "vacation" working all day. On your days off you could do more. On an actual vacation you would actually be enjoying yourself the whole time. Traveling to just spend all your time working seems like a waste.

    Also just try to work on just a laptop for a week. It sucks. I'm not doing that.

    stux, to random avatar

    If people where to spot you here in public with a toy gun that even resembles the real thing in the slightest way there's a big chance a special firearms unit from the police will come to arrest you and you'll have some explaining to do

    Maybe overkill but rather that then the other way around where you'll never know who's consealing what

    If (some) people carry weapons in public because they can there's no "safe feeling"

    No matter how many guns you are carrying, you can't doge bullets :cate:


    @stux If someone is concealed carrying the whole point is that people don't see it. There wouldn't be a reason to call anyone because no one noticed anything.

    Yes, swatting someone with a toy gun is overkill. RIP kids with nerf guns I guess.


    I've never heard of a rule. Maybe with booze or smokes? Maybe some states or cities have some weird law like NJ does about gas.

    I've bagged my own groceries before when it was just the cashier or other baggers were busy or something. Also there is the self checkout. If anyone were to complain I'd just joke, "don't worry, I was a professional in a previous life". I did actually work retail and bagged stuff while being a cashier like a decade ago.

    They might think you're odd or think it's weird if you rebag things like they did it wrong. Maybe be annoyed if you were slow. I don't think too many employees would actually care or get insulted. No one under management gets paid enough to care.


    I feel like that is too on the nose. Prague U and related media is just propaganda and alternative history. I suppose some of it is close to what is already being taught for some parts of US history.

    dzen, to science

    @crow Not really sure how someone faking it would expect things to work out. Someone could decide they could get a bunch of clout and followers by faking it. But at some point they get shown to be a fraud then they lose any following they had. Are the people who claim to have discovered something notable before this or could they just be riding a wave for a min for a quick buck? I guess there have been cases in more proper scientific circles of faked results.

    Reporting on it is kinda whatever as that's kinda just talking about what someone else claimed.

    Another possibility is that some other mechanism is at work or there is a fault in the test setup. At that point the person making the claim could be wrong but not necessarily aware of it. Maybe due to a lack of knowledge.

    @science @technology @dzen


    It's probably more than they don't think of covid as an ongoing thing. Stuff like wearing masks or having lockdowns isn't a thing anymore. A lot of things being done to slow COVID have stopped and people feel like it's over.

    That or the shot isn't covered by government programs anymore.

    It was always going to be an annual shot like the flu. That annual flu shot is to combat something that was a pandemic as well. We might even get combo shots at some point.

    georgetakei, to random

    Have we accepted that harming innocent children and pregnant women with razor wire while they seek a better life is fair treatment? I hope not. If you feel the same, join me in taking a stand. Our sense of humanity depends on it.


    @morax The comparison isn't really a good one. In theory the barriers are actually doing something, even if it has human rights violating like results. Typical gun free zones just have a sign and maybe some legal issues if someone gets caught. The sign or legal issues isn't going to stop someone who is already a prohibited possessor or planning on commiting mass murder. Gun free zones that actually secure entry and have security are obviously going to be more effective than a sign.

    Really, there is no reason to drag other political issues into this issue. To begin with it's questionable if Texas can even legally put such barriers up as the feds did not approve it and there are international concerns before getting into the harm it is causing. With the harm there are legal and moral problems even if you don't want immigrants coming in. I guarantee if I built such a hazard on my property there would legal problems if trespassers got seriously injured due it. For normal people the moral issues are probably enough but laws and/or federal enforcement is really going to be what stops it. Ideally some people get arrested and jail time for the harm they caused. Feel free to ship them off to Mexico if they have to face some charges there.

    @georgetakei @greenback

    jimmyb, to MIguns avatar


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  • borkcorkedforks,

    @jimmyb The battleship target looks fun.


    Big if true and I'll only believe it when I see it in action. Given that this would affect the income of companies making bank on loose regulations I would expect a lot of lobbying and campaign contributions over it. Maybe they'll let enough regulation in to fuck over landlords with only a few properties.

    We don't necessarily need rent control as much as we need controls on what companies can buy to turn into rental or temporary housing. These companies and investors have been buying up property that were residential housing to then turn into rentals or put it up on air b&b. That then reduces available properties for actual people and thus raises the cost of properties/rent. Sometimes they just sit on it or expect it to flip it with some minor updates but nothing costly for them. That also increases prices. Also what is needed is investment into building lower income housing rather than more "luxury apartments" which often just involve putting a fresh coat of paint in old units.

    If there were more properties on the market there would be fewer renters and lower housing costs in general.

    skykiss, to random avatar

    Which god? There are about 6,000 to choose from. Please tell me you aren't shoving your God down everyone's throats.

    What if you believe in a different God, many Gods or no God at all?

    The Establishment clause prohibits the government from "establishing" a religion which is exactly what you’d be doing.


    @skykiss I expect some satanists to troll them if the establishment issue gets ignored. There are religious schools and home schooling if that is what a particular family wants. When I was little I went to a Catholic school with an attached church. So that can get a school with God all over the place. Something like a chaplain doesn't really belong in public schools or our government though.

    When did it get banned from public schools though? We got it daily in the pledge. Nothing is stopping little Sally or Timmy from praying if they feel like it. I remember religious clubs and even a room set aside for Muslims to pray as some wanted to do it a few times a day.

    The same people pushing for this kind of thing are the ones that would freak out if yogo was an option for PE or a wiccan decided to do a prayer at the football game.


    To me it looks like an over estimation of the capabilities for the tech. Same kind of thinking that led to lawyers submitting fake cases as support in court. The current tech can be useful but has to be verified and generally tweaked a bit to be good enough. It certainly has room for improvement in quality and just not lying. Real world use has some copyright questions with what the training data was. Applying it to something creative is questionable and more or less feels like uninspired remixes.

    Also the whole graphic is kinda suspect to me when "Blockchain engineers" is a job category and it's produced by an org working on AI.


    The ammo/parts thing was more about how without domestic production there room for it to be affected by changes to import laws or sanctions.

    Personally I'm not worried about using something that some other group seems to like. I want what's practical and fits my needs. There is a reason ARs are so common today. They're just good and can be built/modified to fit a lot of people or use cases. If I really wanted something different just to be different I'd get something like a vz 58 or some kind of space gat. It's still kinda hard for me to justify the expense for that kind of reason and I have to rein it in a bit as I kinda want all the things.

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