kubikpixel, to web
@kubikpixel@chaos.social avatar

I haven't been on Gemini for ages. There still seems to be a lot going on there. What could I have missed and what do you recommend?

🌐 https://geminiprotocol.net

#web #webseite #info #read #blog #text #gemini #geminiprotocol #alternative

kubikpixel, to web
@kubikpixel@chaos.social avatar

I haven't been on Gemini for ages. There still seems to be a lot going on there. What could I have missed and what do you recommend?

🌐 https://geminiprotocol.net

remixtures, to internet Portuguese
@remixtures@tldr.nettime.org avatar

#SiliconValley #BigTech #VCs #SocialMedia #Web #AI #Capitalism: "I believe we're at the end of the Rot-Com boom — the tech industry's hyper-growth cycle where there were so many lands to conquer, so many new ways to pile money into so many new, innovative ideas that it felt like every tech company could experience perpetual growth simply by throwing money at the problem.

It explains why so many tech products — YouTube, Google Search, Facebook, and so on — feel like they’ve got tangibly worse. There’s no incentive to improve the things you’ve already built when you’re perpetually working on the next big thing.

This belief — that exponential growth is not just a reasonable expectation, but a requirement — is central to the core rot in the tech industry, and as these rapacious demands run into reality, the Rot-Com bubble has begun to deflate. As we speak, the tech industry is grappling with a mid-life crisis where it desperately searches for the next hyper-growth market, eagerly pushing customers and businesses to adopt technology that nobody asked for in the hopes that they can keep the Rot Economy alive."


noellemitchell, to web
@noellemitchell@mstdn.social avatar

My Neocities site now says it has 31k "views". Not sure what Neocities counts as a view, but I'm pretty sure it hasn't been viewed that many times lol 😆

#neocities #web #blog #WebDev

rubenwardy, to firefox
@rubenwardy@fosstodon.org avatar
aral, (edited ) to SmallWeb
@aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

:kitten: Say hello to the new Kitten web site! 🎉


Like Kitten itself, it’s a baby but will be evolving quickly as they approach API version 1 together.



PS. Of course it’s written in Kitten itself. It doesn’t do anything fancy but here’s the source code if you’re interested: https://codeberg.org/kitten/site

minioctt, to webdev Italian

Ieri sera, una roba che davvero mi ha fatto perdere la pazienza e ogni speranza, maledetto web development, avevo iniziato a scrivere questo post ma ho poi deciso di a mimire… in pratica, il Canvas HTML5 è inconsistente, tra diverse funzioni, diversi browser, e a tratti è proprio buggato mi sa. In breve: non si può tracciare linee o contorni puliti lì dentro, viene tutto sfocato, mannaggia!!! 😶‍🌫️️

Beh, non è la prima volta che scopriamo che la roba nei browser gira a furia di hack, quindi non so perché proprio questa volta sono così spiazzata, però questo è. Ho scoperto questa magagna dopo aver notato che, i bordi di rettangoli nel programma che sto facendo, che sono puliti su Firefox, appaiono tutti blurrati in Chromium. Ho fatto qualche test al volo, e notato che cambiare lo spessore dei tratti sistemava il problema su un browser e lo faceva apparire sull’altro. “Sarà colpa di p5.js“, ho pensato, “ti pare che nei due browser web più grandi al mondo ci sono gli spacc?“… e quindi ho cercato. Big oopsie, perché una issue l’ho trovata, ma da lì ho scoperto che p5.js in realtà non centra. E… ecco, facendo dei test con la API Canvas liscia, senza la libreria esterna di mezzo, persiste il problema. 👹️

https://octospacc.altervista.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/image-2.pngHo fatto un piccolo file con vari test: jsbin.com/dadobugiye/ (caricato su JSBin, così potete verificare anche voi). In foto c’è a sinistra come ha renderizzato Firefox, e a destra Chromium (entrambi chiaramente sul mio desktop Linux). Tra le quattro linee spesse da 1 a 4 pixel, e i tre rettangoli con bordo da 1 a 3 pixel, notate come a spessore alternato si alternano anche la presenza e l’assenza di sfumatura. Quello che cambia tra la copia superiore e quella inferiore è che sulla seconda è applicato uno shift di 0.5 pixel sia per X che Y (la seconda soluzione più brutta tra le consigliate)… appunto, fare questa cagata pulisce ciò che prima era sporco e sporca ciò che era pulito. 🚬️La schifezza è dovuta al fatto che il browser fa anti-aliasing di ciò che disegna lui, e non c’è modo di disattivare la cosa; c’è una proprietà imageSmoothingEnabled che vale però solo per i dati immagine raw (forse è per questo che non ho mai notato problemi con, ad esempio, gli emulatori web di console). Quindi, in teoria si potrebbero implementare da zero funzioni per disegnare linee e roba varia, che scrivono direttamente i pixel sulla tela… ma non sembra qualcuno abbia voglia di implementarlo in librerie grafiche general-purpose e che non deviano troppo dalla API. (Io certamente no.) Shiftare ogni azione di disegno di 0.5 pixel in base al browser può sembrare una soluzione (dato che il problema è causato dall’allineamento subpixel, e ci sarebbe il metodo .translate(x,y) per farlo senza ogni volta sommare alle coordinate), ma non lo è affatto, perché lo vedete come le linee e i rettangoli appaiono tra loro diversi (e, curiosamente, le linee sono uguali tra i due browser)… 💱️

Computer potentissimi e piattaforme software di complessità estrema e potenzialità infinite, ma poi non riescono a fare delle fottutissime linee non sburrate, stiamo tornando indietro. E falliscono appunto in modo pure inconsistente!!! Non sembra proprio esserci soluzione, se non creare delle mie astrazioni sulle funzioni di disegno di linee e rettangoli (che fanno in autonomia gli shift necessari ogni volta). Veramente sto male, è possibile che se il mio numero arbitrario di spessore in pixel è pari o dispari, a seconda del gusto del browser e dell’allineamento .0 o .5 a subpixel, deve venire tutto: o grigino anziché nero, o spesso di 2 pixel anziché 1 (o la qualsiasi), o coi bordi sciolti in lava? Per ora continuo a usare p5.js e quindi il disegno a forme sul Canvas per questa applicazione, perché è comodo, ma per i prossimi progetti chissà che dovrei usare… nulla si avvicina neanche lontanamente all’efficienza di scrivere del JavaScript vanilla e averlo immediatamente prendere vita. 🤢️

https://octospacc.altervista.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/image-4.pngHo provato anche un’altra soluzione di tizi, un po’ brutta ma che avrei accettato se avesse funzionato: applicare un dato filtro SVG… che dire. Vero, non si vede più alcuna sbleurratura, ma gli angoli dei tratti sono più arrotondati (non chiesi), e lo spessore è comunque sbagliato. E una cosa stramba bonus: i lati delle linee superiori (ma non di quelle shiftate?!) sono tipo corrotti, hanno dei pixel che appaiono un po’ a sinistra come delle spine. Ma come cazzo è possibile?!?!?! 🌋️https://octospacc.altervista.org/2024/06/07/tela-spaccata/


noellemitchell, to AdobePhotoshop
@noellemitchell@mstdn.social avatar

A social app for creatives, Cara grew from 40k to 650k users in a week because artists are fed up with Meta’s AI policies

"On Wednesday, Zhang opened her email to find a horrible shock: her bill for using Vercel, a web hosting company, would cost $96,280 for the last week."

Wow 😳 that's quite a bit... :blobcatmoney:


aral, to SmallWeb
@aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

Quick heads up: Kitten’s installer/downloads will be offline for a few minutes as I recreate kittens.small-web.org (the site that new Kittens are deployed to when they’re born) as it was originally on Ubuntu and sites deployed by Domain are now using AlmaLinux. Also, I am setting Kitten’s API version to 0 (it was initially set to 1) to signal that it is prerelease. When the version is back to 1 it will be because API version 1 is stable.


#Kitten #SmallWeb

@aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

PS. If you’re wondering what Kitten and Domain are:

They’re the little tools I’m working on to make the Small Web¹ a thing that exists.

¹ https://ar.al/2020/08/07/what-is-the-small-web/

aral, (edited ) to microsoft
@aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

Oh, that? That’s just me writing the Windows section of the Kitten¹ installation instructions for the upcoming web site.

¹ https://codeberg.org/kitten/app

petit_suisse, to accessibility
@petit_suisse@toot.community avatar

Please support “skip to main content” on your docs site


flamed, to web
@flamed@social.lol avatar

🔖 New bookmark: Lamentations of a Web 1.0 Dinosaur

🔗 https://toddpresta.com/p/d9a1db69

> Why didn't you make it easier for the non-technical to carve out their own spaces on the web rather than forcing them into the centralized digital fiefdom known as social media?

Todd misses Web 1.0

🔥 https://flamedfury.com/bookmarks/lamentations-of-a-web-10-dinosaur/

#web #webhistory

aral, to markdown
@aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

🎉 New Kitten feature: Markdown pages

You can now create .page.md files and use front matter to specify a layout template as well as any other props you want to pass to your layout.

(I’m working on the Kitten web site with docs, etc., so I thought I’d bite the bullet and add this feature this morning to make my life easier. Should make it easier to make this sort of site with Kitten in the future for everyone.)


:kitten: 💕

kubikpixel, to twitter German
@kubikpixel@chaos.social avatar

Lasst mich raten: X möchte sich als wichtig verkaufen, indem sie ihre Useranzahl erhöhen und deten Aufenthalt bei ihnen verlängert wird. Mal sehen wie und wo deren Domain evt. zukünftig blockiert wird…

»X erlaubt jetzt offiziell Pornos auf der Plattform:
Pornografie und Nacktheit werden bei X (ehemals Twitter) schon lange geduldet. Jetzt hat die Plattform ihre Regeln dazu präzisiert und erlaubt diese offiziell.«

🤑 https://www.heise.de/news/X-erlaubt-jetzt-offiziell-Pornos-auf-der-Plattform-9747174.html


astian, (edited ) to tech
@astian@mastodon.social avatar

We have released a new update of AstianGO, an update with improvements in the accuracy of the results, improvements in the news, video playback and much more.

Enjoy a search engine that doesn't track you, doesn't sell your information and doesn't keep track of your activity.


hywan, to web
@hywan@fosstodon.org avatar

This month in Servo: new CSS units, color emoji, servoshell, and more!, https://servo.org/blog/2024/05/30/this-month-in-servo/.

#servo #BrowserEngine #web

qaqelol, to opensource
@qaqelol@toots.niark.nexus avatar
scottjenson, to web
@scottjenson@social.coop avatar

#Web friends.

I'm trying to convince a company to use #PWA for their very simple app. The problem is that they want to see an example of a PWA that prompts an install.

I've found a ton of good PWAs (yummly, pinterest, uber) but they either prompt to install their app😱 or just sit there an make me pull down the menu to 'install app'.

Are there any examples that actually PROMPT the user to install? I realize this needs to be done gently. I'm just looking for any example to convince them.

alanrycroft, to internet
@alanrycroft@mastodon.world avatar

By sunsetting Section 230, the US Congress could be about to break the internet as we know it

The proposal to Sunset Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act would eliminate the protections granted to internet platform providers from liability from users' actions

This legislation would deal a critical blow to the fundamentally American tradition of free speech and the internet as we know and love it


#internet #web #Section230 #FreeSpeech #USpolitics

schizanon, to webdev
@schizanon@mastodon.social avatar

> Three.js introduces its own 'TSL' shader language as a way to write WebGPU shaders with JavaScript rather than the WebGPU Shading Language.


Yrrussaj, to web French
@Yrrussaj@piaille.fr avatar

Est-ce que vous pouvez me dire si le lecteur audio s'affiche bien sur la page ci-après sur votre machine avec laquelle vous lisez ce message ?

Et repouetter ce message pour élargir le nombre de testeurs


mirekdlugosz, to CSS
@mirekdlugosz@fosstodon.org avatar

Is there a course/website/book/etc. that would focus on teaching CSS how it can be used today?

I learned webdev back when we positioned elements with float and IE6 compatibility was a concern. I know fundamentals. I picked some new things along the way. But I wonder how you would work when you don't shoehorn new things into outdated models I grew up with.

#css #help #fedihelp #web #WebDev #question

nosherwan, to web
@nosherwan@fosstodon.org avatar

🔎 Independent search 🔍

In a recent post I shared Retro Dodos video stating google's unfair behaviour.


I did a little search with interesting 🧐 findings.

This could help users looking for independent, private search results.

🟢Mojeek: Has its own web crawler; results were unique & they claim they don't track.

🔶MetaGer: Aggregate from others; have anonymizing proxy.

🛑Swisscows: Anonymous search engine, with unique results again.


tk, to apple
@tk@bbs.kawa-kun.com avatar

Most Web-savvy folks know that Chrome’s lineage can be traced back to Safari (WebKit, etc.), and be traced further back to KDE’s Konquerer (KHTML, etc.).

But did you know that Apple was also considering Mozilla’s Gecko engine as the basis back when planning development of Safari? KHTML was chosen because the codebase was significantly cleaner than the XPCOM bloat in Gecko. (That name still strikes fear in me to this day. :blobfoxscared: ) Interestingly, the Gecko codebase has been since cleaned up significantly.

That means that, if things had gone differently, Gecko could’ve ended up as the browser engine that rules the world today. :blobfoxgoogly:

#Apple #Safari #Google #Chrome #Mozilla #Firefox #Web #webdev

metin, to Dragonlance
@metin@graphics.social avatar

Check this map to see the sun's shadows at any location and any time.

Useful when it's so hot that you can only go outside when there's enough shade.


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