Let's keep an eye on the big M

mastodonmigration, (edited )
@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar

IMPORTANT. Threads stated policy is to collect and exploit Fediverse user personal data without explicit consent.

Now is a very good time to review Threads Terms of Use (https://help.instagram.com/769983657850450) and Supplemental Privacy Policy (https://help.instagram.com/515230437301944).

Note just by following a Threads user or replying to a post, Meta claims they are entitled to your personal data.

And what do they say they will do with your data? Provide you with "business services (including ads)."

@Gargron@mastodon.social avatar

@mastodonmigration @rexum Personal data usually carries a slightly different meaning than a public profile and posts you choose to broadcast to the open web, and the way this entire thread is written is highly misleading in a disappointing way.

mastodonmigration, (edited )
@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar

BUT the EU version has a different section for USERS WITHOUT A THREADS PROFILE that probably is in response to EU rules.

The EU version is arguably OK, and would not have generated this post. The issues raised by this post relate to the US version, and specifically to those Fediverse users who do not have a Threads profile.

ricmac, (edited )
@ricmac@mastodon.social avatar

Poll: If goes ahead with its plan to add , will you follow one or more Threads users in your Mastodon account?

@Andres@mastodon.hardcoredevs.com avatar

My answer is no because this instance is blocking Threads.
A few reasons:

  • Too many users, it's not technically possible to enable federation.
  • No moderation from Threads, enabling hate groups and doing nothing would left me with the moderation tasks.
  • Moral conflict with the company, enabling genocide is not ok with me.
  • Too much centralization, really we don't have much voice on how a private company uses the ActivityPub, I'm from the original ideal of decentralized networking.

@amyipdev @ricmac In my opinion, Threads (and other commercial ventures on the fediverse) will always prioritise making money rather than doing what's right.

This means when it comes down to banning a popular account which is making them money generating content/drama/controversy or letting them harm a minority group, they will always side with their wallet.

We've seen this already, and they're not even federating yet. They are absolutely letting LoTT and the like get away with "free speech" and "just asking questions" that is causing real harm to real people.

Their policies aren't in-line with the standards that the rest of the fediverse has already established, and I doubt they'll be responsive to or even process federated moderation reports.

I (like @ada) was willing to give them a chance and not jump straight on the preemptive ban threads.net bandwagon. However their inaction has shown us what we can expect, and that's not what we want for our fediverse.

@davidrevoy@framapiaf.org avatar

The recent excitement surrounding Thread's arrival on the Fediverse is concerning. To understand why this is not a good idea, consider their economic interest in harvesting data, their poor moderation, and their manipulations. Nothing good can come from their federation. Don't roll out the red carpet for them.

atocci avatar

@ErikUden XMPP is brought up a lot as an analogy to Threads implementing ActivityPub, but I don't think it works. Google dropping XMPP support didn't destroy it, XMPP still exists today. It still had all the same users it did before Google joined the network after Google left. People don't still use XMPP today like they used to because it didn't adapt to the features people wanted in a modern chat platform. That's why we have Matrix now instead.

I think ActivityPub does have the features people want though, at least right now, and it seems very flexible to the addition of new ones.

@davidrevoy@framapiaf.org avatar
@Gargron@mastodon.social avatar

If for whatever reason you never wish to interact with #Threads, you can personally block it for your account. This hides all posts and profiles from Threads, prevents anyone from Threads from following you, and stops your posts from being delivered to or fetched by Threads. Simply click the "Block domain threads.net" option on any Threads profile or post you see in Mastodon.

@stux@mstdn.social avatar

For anyone wondering how..

If you go to a profile on Threads, so for example @mosseri you can click or tab the 3 dots and go with "Block domain threads.net"


@stux@mstdn.social avatar

Little extra notice for people using apps:

The blocking of an complete instance may not be shown on all apps! ⚠️

If you use the web interface (browser) this option will always be there :cat_hug_triangle:

@Gargron@mastodon.social avatar

is testing federation for a few selected profiles. I'm now following @mosseri! It's one-way for now, but it's exciting. It's a step towards the interoperable social web that we've been advocating for 🙂

@Gargron@mastodon.social avatar

If you’ve got questions about what interoperability with means, we wrote this up back in July, and you can still refer to it:


@Gargron@mastodon.social avatar

Make no mistake, this is huge for Mastodon. Currently people have to choose between X, Mastodon, and Threads, and network effects play a dominant role in that choice. If we can say, you can access all the folks that went to Threads from a Mastodon account, that makes it a far more attractive option given all of its other perks 😉

@aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

Dear @Gargron,

A fediverse server called Threads is violating mastodon.social’s second server rule:

“2. No racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia…
Transphobic behavior such as intentional misgendering and deadnaming is strictly prohibited.”


Can you please defederate from this server to protect the trans people on mastodon.social?

Thank you.

PS. It’s run by these guys: https://techcrunch.com/2024/03/26/facebook-secret-project-snooped-snapchat-user-traffic/

@fromjason@mastodon.social avatar

@aral @Gargron of all the pro-meta blog posts in the past six months, I have never read anything to the tune of "Threads is bound by Mastodon's terms of service like any other instance."

Hundreds of thousands of published words and none formed a sentence close to that. Not even in the form of a question. Odd.


@coldfish @aral @Gargron
The fact that Threads is set up as a monolithic instance that prevents anyone from blocking it in piecemeal is a Threads problem, not a fedi server admin problem (the same is true of Bluesky).

Like you said, Threads can't be trusted to properly moderate its content and the tool that server admins have for that is defederation. Making individual users have to handle a deluge of toxic content themselves has never been seriously considered as an appropriate response by any instance that cares about its users.

The fact that Threads is so massive isn't a reason for federating with them, it's the reason why it's even more absurd to act like this is a problem that individual users need to deal with.

If we defederate from toxic instances that have hundreds, maybe thousands of users, why in the good god damn is it not an obvious decision when we're talking about an instance with millions of users?

Bam, (edited )
@Bam@sfba.social avatar

The Fedi angst: The view from a Fedi-loving normie. 🧵

I’ve spent much of today pouring over various comments and discussion about the first toe dips of Threads and Meta into the Fediverse. The responses are kind of amazing. From excitement to revulsion, I get them all and I understand them. But the more I think about it, the more I think folks are creating a “why” that may not exist.

To start, I do follow people on Threads. Many of my Twitter follows have migrated off the Bad Place to Threads. Some have not. However, I anticipate as X becomes more people’s ex, Threads is where they will go.

I love the Fedi. I’ve worked hard to build my follows and find my peeps. But it takes work. For me, that work has borne fruit. It’s my place to connect and get my wonderfully chaotic feed.

A lot of folks chose the fedi because they felt and are excluded or targeted and it offers them a community that lets them protect themselves and instances that help protect them. I love that. 1/x

@Bam@sfba.social avatar

When regulators say that Meta locks their users in via use of their size to force use of their product, Meta can say, this:

“No we don’t. Users can leave any time they want and retain their audience and interact with them even if the audience is here. It’s easy. But the people who are using and continue to use Threads are doing it because of the experience our app specifically offers. But they can go anywhere and retain their entire audience.”

That is a very, very attractive thing to be able to say to a regulator. And, if it proves to be effective, it could be a way that Meta could continue to be the normie location feeding ads and making money while holding regulators at bay. Heck, it could even be something a regulator asks a competitor why they aren’t doing it.



@Bam I don't think that Google wanted to destroy the email ecology. I don't think Google wanted to destroy email lists.

I don't think AOL wanted to destroy Usenet.

These things happened anyways. They happened because large corporations availed themselves of a commons, and treated it like an endlessly exploitable resource they had no responsibility to maintain.

It's like they took the Town Square and decided to use it as a dump.


@lauren@mastodon.laurenweinstein.org avatar

Feeding #Threads trash into #Mastodon is the functional equivalent of when Tom Sawyer got the other kids to whitewash the fence for him for free. Only in this case Tom is Zuckerberg and his cohorts, laughing at the "Fediverse" rubes.

@lauren@mastodon.laurenweinstein.org avatar

@machenni @timbray Which means adding value to Threads content, and NOTHING created on Mastodon back. OF COURSE! Jeez are people naive.

@lauren@mastodon.laurenweinstein.org avatar

@mattblaze @not2b Meta has a clear and present financial motive to push as much as possible (and boost engagement on those posts) -- and will always be happy to spew a pipeline of sewage toward Mastodon (where a financial motive doesn't exist for all practical purposes) for anyone who likes to swallow deeply of such. Meta will NEVER be willing to permit a flow back from Mastodon/Fediverse that isn't heavily restricted and subject to arbitrary cutoffs, especially if content threatens Meta's financial interests. Clear enough for a starting point?

mariyadelano, (edited )
@mariyadelano@hachyderm.io avatar

Doing this because I have to for work reasons.

I’m on and if you are too follow me there so I can follow you back please! I’d prefer to keep all the mainstream random people out of my feed 😭


@mariyadelano@hachyderm.io avatar

Like there is already a very very clear hierarchy on this platform.

  1. Big mainstream celebrities
  2. Bigger internet celebrities and influencers (like big YouTubers and such)
  3. Niche industry celebrities (like people who are famous to marketers but not really anyone else)
  4. People who are active on socials and have some following but are not well-known (I guess I’m here?)
  5. I don’t know how many casual internet users are on this thing at all yet tbh
@mariyadelano@hachyderm.io avatar

I hate it. I hate feeling lesser than because a platform is rewarding people who already had a head start.

I am feeling like I am back in high school and trying to sit with the popular kids who definitely don’t want me at their table.

And if they did invite me would I even want to go?

I always liked how Mastodon and the Fedi never ever made me feel like I had to seem cool or perform.

ainmosni, (edited )
@ainmosni@berlin.social avatar

I'm of the opinion that should not be engaged with in any way.

Not because I think it's a threat to the , although it could potentially be.
Not because I think it will bring a huge amount of bad actors that will harass users on other instances, although that is definitely a risk.

My reason is simpler; has done so much evil, society eroding shit, that I don't work with them on principle.

And Facebook knows that as well, which is why threads is instagram branded.

@aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

@ainmosni Would be nice if a few more folks had such principles. I can think of one in particular.

Sadly, doesn’t seem to be the case.

ainmosni, (edited )
@ainmosni@berlin.social avatar

@aral I honestly don't get why people feel compelled to work with them.

I mean, the fediverse is growing, and the very nature of enshittification means that growth spikes will keep coming.

Let's just make this a nice place to be, and not try to make deals with the leopards-eating-faces-party in the hope that we get a bullshit hockeystick graph.

atomicpoet, (edited )
@atomicpoet@atomicpoet.org avatar

De-federating does NOT prevent from accessing your public feed.

This is demonstrably false. Almost all servers that de-federate Threads still broadcast the RSS feed of your posts. This is available to everyone, even servers that are de-federated from yours.

If you don’t believe me, test this out for yourself. Append “.rss” to the end of your profile URL (exampleserver.com/@username.rss), and see what happens.

Hell, if I wanted to build a search engine for the Fediverse and not use ActivityPub, I could use RSS instead and I could index most of the Fediverse – whether you opt into it or not.

Let’s stop spreading the myth that de-federation by itself prevents Threads from accessing your public feed.


@atomicpoet@atomicpoet.org avatar

@privateger Then do it. Take all those precautions and be proactive about it.

But don’t tell people that merely de-federating Threads prevents Threads from having access to your public posts.


@atomicpoet In its current state, it absolutely does stop them from seeing your posts if defederated. If that changes, I will.

But it probably won't. I don't like engaging in far-away hypotheticals, it's a complete waste of time for everyone involved.

mastodonmigration, (edited )
@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar

is not federating with . Not anytime soon, maybe not ever.

In case you missed the inside information from the Verge's Alex Heath: "Re: ActivityPub integration, it's still a priority for Threads but a "long" way out." https://mastodon.social/@alexeheath/110713788758597963

This whole federating with Threads thing has never made any sense and now we see it is very likely they have just been playing us the whole time. Let's stop falling for this nonsense and get back to building great open social media.

@FinchHaven@hachyderm.io avatar


" is not federating with . Not anytime soon, maybe not ever"

The increasing number of people I'm seeing on say exactly the opposite continues to grow

The ability so many people have, to read and retain only what they want to read and believe in the face of repeated contradiction is...

...just like back at

Say it again for those not paying any attention:

--> Threads is not federating with Mastodon. Not anytime soon, maybe not ever <--

@pallenberg@mastodon.social avatar

@mastodonmigration so we are talking about how many people that signed up for Threads because of a future federated version?

Seriously... no one joined because of

They signed because of and

@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar

OK, seen about a dozen posts today that start with:

"When federates with the fediverse..."

They go on to imagine some wonderful or awful scenario where the floodgates are open and becomes another app like or .

Maybe.... but what you are envisioning is really very unlikely. Threads is entirely algorithm driven. How's that going to work? Plus they have no interest in letting their captured users escape.

Be careful with these assumptions.


@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar

Just saying, this smells like another vaporwear marketing strategy. The beauty of selling poorly defined future capabilities is that everyone imagines they will be exactly what they most desire (or fear), and then build expectations and plan accordingly.

It could be some very limited window into the fediverse. Caution not to get too far out over our skis here until we know more about the actual capability.


@darnell@one.darnell.one avatar

@mastodonmigration has plainly stated that will embrace the & federate with apps like . I understand being cautious about Meta (especially after the issues has created), but being super paranoid about clear, concise statements is a bit much.

@kev@fosstodon.org avatar

I wrote a thing about joining the and all the blocking that's ensued as a result.


Drama in 3...2...1... 😂

Hawkmoon, (edited )
@Hawkmoon@mastodon.social avatar


>Fact of the matter is, shit's public on the fedi, we have no right to say who is and isn't welcome, and it would be problematic

That's basically saying you will never defederate from any instance, and we all know that defederation is used without being problematic.

There's also more then privacy when discussing Meta.

-Union busting
-Influencing elections in favor of Brexit and Trump
-Fighting to block anti-trust legislation
-Tax dodging



Hawkmoon, (edited )
@Hawkmoon@mastodon.social avatar


This is an evil megacorporation.

How many fediverse users came here for the express purpose of escaping corporate-run internet? Many if not most.

Is it OK if Exxon wants to join up?

How about Elon following Meta and bringing X to the fediverse?

Is that OK?


amministratore, Italian
@amministratore@mastodon.uno avatar

sta testando la federazione con mastodon per alcuni profili selezionati.

Per ora è disponibile il Capo di Instagram/Threads @mosseri.

Se ci cliccate sopra vedrete che avvisa i suoi utenti dei rischi nel collegare il proprio profilo con un social legato a facebook/Instagram.

La scelta è vostra: siete liberi di seguirlo, ignorarlo o bloccare per intero threads.net per essere totalmente isolati dai social di Zuckerberg.

Fateci sapere cosa ne pensate.

bloccare threads
il blocco di threads

@outlook@livellosegreto.it avatar

@DigiDavidex ma perché mai? Da quello che ho letto qui https://poliverso.org/display/0477a01e-1265-7ab4-dd55-3b1587024973 da @informapirata a rimetterci sono solo gli amministratori dell'istanza che apre a Threads, ma non gli utenti.

Con la soluzione di @amministratore gli utenti sono liberi di seguire o meno gli account threads, altrimenti i messaggi di threads non li vedranno mai in TL.
Inoltre oggi ogni utente mastodon può anche defederare un'intera istanza.

Piuttosto @kenobit che ne pensi di silenziare anche tu threads?

@strk@mastodon.uno avatar

finché si è ospiti non si può pretendere nulla, ed è giusto così. Sta a te valutare di accettare o meno le condizioni che ti vengono poste in cambio del servizio offerto (e vale anche per Facebook)

@informapirata @DigiDavidex @amministratore @kenobit

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