tikistitch, to threads
@tikistitch@toot.community avatar

I am not now and probably never will be sold on (corporate media gotta be corporate). BUT I gotta say the last 24 hours of seeing users flood the site with pix of their beloved canine friends has been one of my best ever experiences of social media.

mntyfrsh, to Pixelfed
@mntyfrsh@mastodon.social avatar

I just realized that, although @pixelfed lets me follow Threads users who have Fediverse sharing enabled (e.g., @reuben, @ryanbates, and @friskygeek), it looks like their photo posts aren't appearing when viewing their profiles in Pixelfed (despite my following them for weeks now). How should I go about reporting this?
Cc: @dansup

FediPact, to FediPact
@FediPact@cyberpunk.lol avatar

threads is paying people to post with their "bonus program" and yes ofc it's scummy lmao

The Threads bonus is an invite-only bonus program that lets you earn money on your Threads content... Based on the performance [and] number of posts you create.

is this really the vibe we want them bringing to the fediverse???


mpjgregoire, to threads
@mpjgregoire@cosocial.ca avatar

I've been somewhat surprised by how slowly organisations already present on have been at sharing their posts with the . If you're trying to broadcast news about your sports team (for instance), why not make a simple choice that increases your broadcasting range?

So I'm delighted to see that @theagendatvo has joined the Fediverse in the last few days. Welcome, Mr. Paikin and .

FediPact, to FediPact
@FediPact@cyberpunk.lol avatar

Why Meta is looking to the fediverse as the future for social media

“You could imagine an extension to the protocol eventually — of saying like, ‘I want to support micropayments,’ or … like, ‘hey, feel free to show me ads, if that supports you.’ Kind of like a way for you to self-label or self-opt-in. That would be great,” Cottle noted, speaking casually. Whether or not Meta would find a way to get a cut of those micropayments, of course, remains to be seen.


#FediPact #meta #threads

aral, to mastodon
@aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

Co-founder of Twitter joins new Mastodon board of directors. Right, so federating with Threads wasn’t a mistake. This is just the direction Mastodon is going. Oh, well. Another Mozilla emerges.


mima, to threads

I don't like this move by . Limiting who can do pretty much defeats the purpose of quote posts in the first place.

Oh well, I'm confident that will not adopt this beyond not allowing blocked users to quote a post by the user blocking them (which I disagree with btw), so this will not affect me thankfully and I can still quote Threads users as long as they haven't blocked me. ​:seija_coffee:​

RE: https://masto.ai/users/guti/statuses/112339504252636247

br00t4c, to threads
@br00t4c@mastodon.social avatar

Threads posts - No, CNN didn't report that 'Trump soils himself in court.' This headline is fabricated


br00t4c, to threads
@br00t4c@mastodon.social avatar
guti, to threads
@guti@masto.ai avatar

is bringing an option for users to limit quote-posting. Great to see.

nlpbot, to mastodon
@nlpbot@mstdn.social avatar

I wish the UI showed me who people followed from - I want to follow them, but if I click through to Threads I can't log into my home server.

vantablack, (edited ) to KindActions
@vantablack@cyberpunk.lol avatar

please boost!!! :boostRequest:​

wanna give a transbian a nice gift on lesbian visibility week? do you enjoy the work i've done with FediPact? the rad instance i've set up? the cool clothes i DIY together? my pirate radio station, vantaradio? my awesome videos? my amazing selfies? my posting generally?

well i'm unemployed, job searching, was recently kicked out of the place i'd been staying for years, and am surviving solely off donations for the moment so if you wanna support me anything helps me keep being able to do all those cool thingies!!!

paypal: https://paypal.me/v33b33

cashapp: https://cash.app/$vantablack420

venmo: https://venmo.com/vantablack420

liberapay: https://liberapay.com/v4nt4bl4ck

ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/vantablack420

GFM (laser): https://gofund.me/aa09f716

patreon (monthly): https://www.patreon.com/vantablack

thank you so much :lesbian_heart:​

herbsman, to threads Polish
@herbsman@pol.social avatar

Dzień dobry!

Niewiele jest bardziej satysfakcjonujących komend od "git push".

Zapowiadana ostatnio aktualizacja Herbsmana pojawiła się w Internecie. Zawiera wszystko opisywane w poście pod tytułem "Raport z pracy I", czyli zmiany w menu, wyszukiwarkę oraz nowy dział i nowy artykuł zawierający opisy doświadczeń z Sinicuichi.

Do czasu, aż ogarnę się z instagramem i fb, usunąłem linki do nich ze strony głównej bloga. Ani trochę nie odnajduję się na tych platformach, ale dzisiaj to wciąż najlepszy sposób na dotarcie do szerszej grupy odbiorców.

Zarejestrowałem się też na . Podobno ma być kiedyś zintegrowane z protokołem Activity Pub, ale mam przeczucie, że wiele instancji Mastodona odetnie się od serwerów Mety.

Byłoby miło, gdyby istniała możliwość automatycznego publikowania treści z pol.social na Threads, abym nie musiał się tam logować i rejestrować. Widzę, że Buffer oferuje obsługę Mastodona, więc może jest na to szansa. Przetestuję i dam znać.

Miłego popołudnia!



darnell, to fediverse
@darnell@one.darnell.one avatar

Sadly, the 🇪🇺 will shut down next month (& I say that as an American 🇺🇸).

👉🏾 European Union Surrendering Voice To https://darnell.day/european-union-surrendering-fediverse-voice-to-threads

🥱 Too Long; Did Not Read:

👉🏾 @EDPS announced EU voice is closing
👉🏾 @EU_Commission has 100,000 followers
👉🏾 social account will primarily be on Threads
👉🏾 EU Voice should ask citizens & local businesses in for instance funding help

EDPS, to random
@EDPS@social.network.europa.eu avatar

Two years ago, embarked on a pioneering journey launching a pilot project of two decentralised social media platforms: & .

18 May will mark the end of the project. Time to review the results of this successful story.

Read Press Release https://europa.eu/!yJqDgK

@darnell@one.darnell.one avatar

@ErikJonker @helma @EDPS As an American 🇺🇸, I am shocked that the 🇪🇺 could be so short sited!

Will they allow their voice in the to solely rely upon when the latter federates in (as the 🇪🇺 is active upon there)‽

Waking myself up & firing up an angry post!

Aakerbeere, to threads German
@Aakerbeere@mastodon.social avatar

💬 Warum genau sollte #Threads ein Teil vom FEDIVERSE werden?


t3n, to threads German
@t3n@t3n.social avatar

Threads hat angeblich mehr täglich aktive Nutzer als Twitter

Mark Zuckerbergs Plan, mit Threads Elon Musks X zu überholen, trägt langsam Früchte. Gerade gab Meta einen neuen Meilenstein bekannt. In einem Bereich liegt man sogar schon vor dem ehemaligen Twitter.
👉 👀 https://t3n.de/news/threads-hat-angeblich-mehr-taeglich-aktive-nutzer-als-twitter-1621284/?utm_source=mastodon&utm_medium=referral

trusttrist, to meta
@trusttrist@flipboard.social avatar

My VPN is completely killing #Meta’s tools.
Can’t open #Messenger, can’t open #Threads.
Error message.

Well, that’s probably a good thing anyway 😅

br00t4c, to Instagram
@br00t4c@mastodon.social avatar

Threads will now automatically filter out offensive words from your feeds

#instagram #threads


eklektikos, to threads Italian
@eklektikos@mastodon.uno avatar

Io me li ricordo ancora quelli che mesi fa, nel #Fediverso, "#Threads è già morto". 😆

Che Threads venga su bene è una cosa positiva per il Fediverso, soprattutto quando Markino vorrà monetizzare (perché lo farà) e gli utenti si accorgeranno che il Fediverso non è solo Threads (un po' come i tromboni che continuano a ripetere che il Fediverso non è solo #Mastodon). 😆 😉


darnell, to meta
@darnell@one.darnell.one avatar

should just offer people in (& the rest of the planet) a simple option: either opt in to have your personal information sold to advertisers, or pay a fee to use , , & .

It works for (I pay them to avoid ads), as well as other news organizations. It’s really that simple.

👉🏾 Meta could face further squeeze on surveillance ads model in EU | TechCrunch https://techcrunch.com/2024/04/25/meta-ads-data-retention-ag-opinion/

ayo, (edited ) to webdev
@ayo@ayco.io avatar

🎉 Project /threads now live!

🔗 https://ayco.io/threads -- a way to select social posts and (in the future) offer fine-grained topical subscriptions.

Depending on your requirements & resources, you can also have your own threads deployed on your site, either of the two options

  • personal.site/threads
  • threads.personal.site

This is the first of some tiny self-hostable apps I plan to work on, that can be composed together.

Norobiik, to threads
@Norobiik@noc.social avatar

Earlier this week, reported that according to app analytics firm , Threads now has more daily active users in the than #X.

says has 150 million monthly active users

pinkdrunkenelephants, to mastodon
@pinkdrunkenelephants@mastodon.social avatar

So I want to leave .social for a better server that doesn't federate with Threads, but the ones on the fedipact website either actually do federate with Threads anyway (looking at you mas.to) or they're invite-only. :(

@tokyo_0@mas.to avatar

@pinkdrunkenelephants What makes you say that mas.to federates with ? Neither zuck nor mosseri at threads.net show up here. (cc: @trumpet)

ayo, (edited ) to random
@ayo@ayco.io avatar

Recording videos on building a small project /threads page on my site, where I want to display some featured posts that I write from here. I'll keep videos unlisted until I complete the series then will decide if I like the video format or just convert them into... text 😄

ayo, (edited )
@ayo@ayco.io avatar

Markdown now supported on my /threads page:
👉 https://ayco.io/threads/112258065967208438#112338772593135832

Amazing how few lines of code it took because of python-markdown + md-in-html.

:mastodon_oops: See commit: https://git.sr.ht/~ayoayco/threads/commit/fa7f820171614c2a106531e7a753c7820217f5d0

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