
Researcher, author, information-junkie and iconoclast. Originally, my field of research was mainly technology, but over the years it has shifted to the areas of sociology, philosophy and real sustainability, especially in practice.

I'm the author of the book "Crash Course" - On Your Future in the Anthropocene. It's a common sense approach to real sustainability, collapse, ecocentrism and resilience...

#CrashCourse #climate #ClimateCrisis #nature #permaculture #technology #sociology #TechnoFix. #ecocentrism #ecology #deepgreen

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FantasticalEconomics, to climate avatar

Not going to lie, I'm skeptical. Very skeptical. But there is a chance CO2 emissions will have peaked in 2023.

"We find there is a 70% chance that emissions start falling in 2024 if current clean technology growth trends continue and some progress is made to cut non-CO2 emissions."

Regardless of if it actually happens, it is important to recognize the progress we are making, which are more rapid than most realize and many predicted. There is hope.


Unfortunately "green" energy isn't that green as we hope it would be.

Have a look at this for example:

An inherent part of the production of is the use of (and other sources of Carbon, like woodchips) to reduce the source material (Silicon Oxide) into pure Silicon, thereby emitting, you guessed it right, huge amounts of !

According to this chemical formula:

Si02 + 2C => Si + 2CO


@CWilbur @FantasticalEconomics
No, it is not just about heat, it is about a chemical process to convert quartz into pure silicon

Like mentioned earlier:

Si02 + 2C => Si + 2CO

You can not get around it.

compost, to gardening avatar

This video by the channel No-Till Growers presents a simple composting system that uses chickens.

It is an interesting system that explores how to use on-farm inputs only.


A few remarks on this video.

The title and the guy telling the story pretend it's all just farm in & outputs, but quite at the start he mentions that he starts with food scraps from local restaurants... So, that's external input in my book.

The other external input is all the machinery and the fossil fuels that are used.

To be more resilient in an uncertain/collapsing future scenario these are not the type of solutions that can be sustained.

I'm all in favor of composting and producing food (yourself) and as locally as possible, but please don't lie to yourself about the degree of 'sustainability' when you are working like this, even if it involves composting stuff yourself.

compost, to random avatar

Here is a fascinating video on how to make compost with ancient tools.

I love this garden that is for me an inspiration. The owner Yves has created a garden on a swamp that he has maintained for 40 years.

The video is in French but it shows all of the basics of how to harvest and prepare your organic matter.


Love it!
No machines, no noise!

Unfortunately I'm not a professional reaper, I struggle with a tennis elbow when I've worked with the scythe for some time...

But I love doing it!

compost, to climate avatar

Starting to read articles about farmers warning that for the first time, since WWII, we could have a year with no harvest in a lot of crops.

I have seen many documentaries warning us that because of the topsoil being washed away we will see events like this happening.

The consequences of the #ClimateChange are that it becomes more difficult to provide a crop with safe conditions to grow.

My point is mastering compost at home and learning to grow your food is a very valuable skill.


The problem is not only loss of topsoil.
Some examples:

  • we hardly had any plums nor cherries the last couple of years. Why? When the trees are in full blossom a week of rain ruins everything (+ the fact that there are no bees with cold rainy weather anyway)

  • Onions bolt when temperatures fluctuate heavily. On top of that wetter springs make them rot away. Same kind of story for garlic. (professional growers in my region complain about this lot!)

The best bet for annuals is nowadays to sow as many times as possible a couple of weeks apart and hope that some batches will succeed.

The whole climate change problem related to food production is soooo much more complex and diverse than what most people realise.
It's not without reasons that I'm very pessimistic about the future.


@carcosa @compost
Same here.
All seasons seem to be earlier, but indeed still with high riscs of frost, heavy rain, cold spells etc.

These are totally out-of-control chaotic weather patterns.

lzg, to random avatar


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  • crash_course,
    compost, to climate avatar

    AI services contribute to the

    We support fully the choice of to limit the use of AI. This is why we chose to exclusively post our content here.

    There is a lot of tech companies that rush to use the latest AI technologies but if it is to the detriment of our planet we are not going to care for it.

    Not using AI is resistance and a thing you can do if you wish to help the .

    doomscroller, to random avatar

    Planetary boundary pioneer Johan Rockström awarded 2024 Tyler Prize
    "We are risking to destabilize the entire Earth system. We’re risking to push the whole planet on a drift away from livable conditions for humanity. It’s an existential risk we’re facing." #LateStageHumanity


    No, no, no!!!!

    We're not risking blah, blah and we're not risking to push the whole planet on a drift away from livable .

    We ARE destabilizing the entire Earth system. We’re ARE pushing the whole planet on a drift away from livable conditions for humanity.

    Actually we've done so since the advent of agriculture and with hugely increasing speed since the use of fossil fuels.

    BE, to homeassistant avatar

    I have some personal news to share. We're moving! As some of you already know, we have been working on a formerly abandoned homestead site, completely off-grid, with a small log cabin in the woods, for years now, trying to make it livable again. We are finally at the point where we can make this happen in the coming months. We are tentatively planning this for the summer.

    For the first time in my life, really, I will no longer be an active chemist. The push and pull of going back into the office, where I am not needed, has reached a boiling point for me. I am resigning from the company I helped start and build and moving onto the next thing in my life as a forest farmer, dad and homeschool parent. Wish me luck. I've done one thing for the last 30+ years and now I'm going cold turkey away from it, to something pretty much the opposite.

    I think I will be posting some about our successes and failures with the new adventure. Don't expect any pictures of us or anything. I have never found a picture of myself on the internet and there's not one of either of my boys. We're pretty private people, but, hopefully there'll be lots of nature photos along our trails and pictures of our soon-to-be plant based foods.

    This year I am hoping to get some good information from the brilliant minds of Mastodon about a lot of things, including:

    #Greenhouse gardening. We have an ~800 sq ft, completely empty greenhouse. It has a large built in fan on one end, but no power. We have some solar panels on a hillside near it that are decades old, but still functional, that we are planning on repurposing to power the greenhouse along with the EcoFlow solar generators that we previously used to power the cabin before getting our permanent power up and running. Depending on how power hungry the motor is, we may need to add onto that. We'll see! I honestly don't know how many hours a day we'll need use the fans, for instance.

    It's a blank slate, though. Zone 7b under the latest USDA map. Concrete floor. Otherwise completely empty. We have lots of thoughts about how best to use it, both to feed the family and have some left over. In the short term we would like to can and jar excess food, but we have plans to donate to the local community in the long term.

    We have a year-round running spring at an appropriate elevation above it, but it would be quite the chore to collect and get that water to the greenhouse. We also have a year-round creek below it that we could conceivably pump water up from. We also have two boys who may end up running a lot of water around manually in the short term.

    #HomeAssistant - I want our #Victron equipment to talk to our HomeKit in the end. While I don't intend to expand our HomeAssistant usage dramatically beyond that, I know that's how these things start and next thing you know you have 100 devices. It would be pretty cool to have greenhouse monitoring equipment as well.

    Do I start a setup with something simple like the HomeAssistant Yellow if I don't want to spend a ton of time on this part of the plan?

    It might be possible to get this to communicate to our new Rheem heat pump hot water heater, too, but that's the extent of our current HomeAssistant thoughts.

    #ForestFarming - We have some endangered native plants, as well as some cash crops growing both natively and intentionally planted in the forest as some test plots. Think ramps, ginseng, etc. but we are forest farming noobs.

    We also have some test mushrooms going in log plugs that we intend to expand as we learn what works and what doesn't.

    #LIDAR and #GIS - The state we are moving to has pretty decent LIDAR data of our property. I've played around with it quite a bit and made some fun maps. I was even able to find some hidden old logging roads that haven't been used in 100 years. I don't even know what I don't know in this area, but I'm planning to keep playing with it for data for the forest farming, running water from springs, etc.

    I'm sure I'll add to this in a thread as we go and more things come up. It's all, honestly, terrifying and exhilarating at the same time at the moment, particularly for our boys who will be leaving the only home they've ever known this summer.

    Also, wish me luck on my first ever public toot, I believe. I block and mute a lot of people anyway, so at least I know where those buttons are up front :)


    Yes, it's an interesting and exhilarating journey you're taking.

    I speak (partly) from experience. Having spend over 20 years simplifying my life and getting more self- resilient.

    Some unasked-for advice 😉 :

    • don't try to take on everything at once, it gives you 'farm-fever'!!

    • Try to keep things low-tech.
      For example: It's all very nice to have your Victron equipment talking to the rest of the world, but with some bad luck your batteries won't switch on because of a network error.

    • In short, as I promote in my book, try to increase your independence of the technosphere as much as possible. Keep things simple and field repairable (by yourself!) wherever possible!

    Good Luck!

    davidho, to random avatar

    Thank you for this "gift article", but despite this free gift I could not read it, because NYT came up with all possibilities to become a paying subscriber.

    But, wtf, just the head line is more than enough to know what this is:

    Just another piece of shit from the techno-fixers who will do anything to keep on going on doing what they are best at: destroying life on the planet.

    crash_course, to privacy

    Year In Review: Google’s Corporate Paternalism in The Browser

    It’s a big year for the oozing creep of corporate paternalism and ad-tracking technology online. Google and its subsidiary companies have tightened their grips on the throat of internet innovation, all while employing the now familiar tactic of marketing these things as beneficial for users. Here we’ll review the most significant changes this year, all emphasizing the point that browser privacy tools (like Privacy Badger) are more important than ever.

    forteller, to cycling avatar

    Looking for a last minute gift? Give a bicycle to someone in need in Ukraine!

    Bikes4Ukraine ships used, fixed up bikes to Ukraine. There they are used – without fuel, able to go past "potholes" from bombs and rubble from toppled buildings – to deliver food, water, medicine, etc to those in need.

    Everybody needs transportation. And in a crisis a bike can be the perfect tool!

    You get a gift card to print/email as a gift.


    What currency is Dh 446.00 MAD?

    gerrymcgovern, to random avatar

    Tire dust makes up the majority of ocean microplastics and hangs as an invisible mist wherever cars are driven. A traditional petrol / diesel car's four tires will pollute 1 trillion toxic nano particles for every kilometer driven. There are about 1.4 billion cars in the world. Let’s assume they drive and average 20,000 km per year. That means that every year some 28 septillion of these toxic particles pollute air, soil and water. That’s 28,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.



    • EV's have way too much power anyway. Even taking the extra weight in consideration it is too much.
      Many EV's have over 80kW motors. A 3.3 ton Renault van has about the same power and isn't sluggish if you use that power.

    Putting that power in a small sedan is just crazy, totally unnecessary, it costs extra batteries = extra weight, gives lower range and now I read also extra problems with tyres and road-load.

    A Renault 4, a 2CV and many other cars from that era used between 10 and 30kW, drove over 120km/h and were considered normal.

    We still live in times of abundance, despite the fact that we should by now that the Earth is finite.

    crash_course, to Collapse

    On doomers and sentinel intelligence.

    Many of us have been identifying strongly with Cassandra over the last few years. We watch the media downplay and dismiss one threat after another. We endure endless opinion pieces about everything from climate alarmism to coronaphobia. Influencers accuse us of hurting everyone’s mental health. Strangers call us doomers and fearmongers. Our friends and family treat us like we’re paranoid. When we share dozens or even hundreds of studies, they refuse to look at them. They say, “I don’t want to read anything that’ll bring me down.”

    “I’m trying to stay positive.”

    Here’s the thing:

    You’re not a fearmonger.

    You have sentinel intelligence.

    Sentinel intelligence refers to a special cognitive ability that allows someone to detect threats before anyone else. Richard A. Clarke and R.P. Eddy talk about this trait in their book.... They review a number of natural and economic disasters throughout history. ”Not only were Cassandra's ignored, but “the people with the power to respond often put more effort into discounting the Cassandra than saving lives and resources.”

    Well worth reading!

    crash_course, to Depression

    We all know things are bad.

    We all know the ecosystem is collapsing.

    We all know that civilisation is collapsing.

    I wrote a book about it, but I can not do much about it, save raising awareness about it and give suggestions as how to prepare both mentally and physically for things happening and things to come in the near future.

    All this did not make me a happier person. It is making me sick and depressed.

    To keep 'up-to-date' I, just as many others around here, follow the news about war, ecology, more war, crises, pollution and the proposed solutions out of the pipe of technology (techno-fixes).

    That neither helps or gives any relieve.

    Watching shit, makes you feel shit, like this article explains:

    I decided to detox on this and to focus more on things I can do that have a positive effect on me and hopefully also on the world at large.

    I have new project in mind that I will advertise here soon.
    (PS edit april 2024: not sure if I want to spend more time online instead of in the garden...)

    Don't let yourself be inundated with shit.

    gerrymcgovern, to random avatar

    In 1900, if you mined one ton of copper, you caused about 25 tons of waste.

    In 2023, to mine the same one ton of copper, you cause almost 190 tons of waste.

    Copper, like all other metals, is not disappearing in a flash. It is fading away, dissipating, being available in smaller and smaller quantities. That will result in more and more toxic waste, more and more damage to the environment for less and less return.

    Finite mining on a finite planet


    Watch this:
    Simon P. Michaux. The Quantity of Metals Required to Manufacture just One Generation of Renewable Technology to Phase Out Fossil Fuels. 2022.
    An enlightening and sobering lecture
    Very worthwhile!

    His report is here:

    cyberlyra, to random avatar

    Recommendations for the best Linux distros for touchscreen--go!

    (looking for ease of: pop up keyboard, tappable icons, general interaction as tablet-like device)


    Have been using Ubuntu for years, but it became to bloaty and the interface too much resembling a phone with bulky icons. I can imagine it is nearest a touch intf.

    I'm using MX now and am pleased with it, also on older laptops.

    With the Starlite the keyboard is probably the weakest item, the rest looks very impressing.

    GhostOnTheHalfShell, to climate avatar


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  • crash_course, (edited )

    It just shows how fragile the whole system is: just the 'detail' about a war between Israel-Hamas, which makes the alternative route via the Suez canal less than preferred.

    All together a few details at various places all over the world make for a huge increase in collapse probability.

    crash_course, to climate

    When reading headlines like these:

    "Earth close to ‘risk tipping points’ that will damage our ability to deal with climate crisis, warns UN

    Analysis also warns of further tipping points on horizon such as drying up of groundwater vital for food supplies"

    It is clear that a collapse is not just a '' scenario, but a real threat. of that fact is step 1 towards a sane way of dealing with the situation. The next step would be to adopt another mindset. A very profound is needed.

    Why it is unlikely that we can avoid a collapse of both the ecological system and western civilisation is the main topic of my book, but in the last part of it I focus mostly on the things that we can do that will soften our .

    gerrymcgovern, to random avatar

    Local residents living in the DRC’s ‘cobalt capital of the world’ are being forced to relocate in order to make way for a mine owned by Chinese company COMMUS (Compagnie miniere de Musonie).


    Again and again...

    The 2nd Congo War.

    "In 2008, the International Rescue Committee estimated that the war and its aftermath had caused 5.4 million deaths, principally through disease and malnutrition,[11] making the Second Congo War the deadliest conflict worldwide since World War II.[12] Another 2 million were displaced from their homes or sought asylum in neighboring countries.[9] Conflict minerals were a major source of funding for the war, and for subsequent fighting.["

    Let me repeat that:

    Conflict minerals were a major source of funding for the war, and for subsequent fighting!!!

    Andy_Scollick, to random avatar

    Indigo Rumbelow, Just Stop Oil activist:

    "At 6.15 ths morning 5 policemen in an unmarked car came to my house, threatened to bash in the door, arrested and handcuffed me.
    I was still in my pyjamas.
    The ‘crimes’?
    Holding a placard and giving a speech."



    Besides keep trying to protest, I promote 'non-participation' in this crazy 'civilisation'!!
    (boycotting, minimalising our addiction to stuff etc.)

    gerrymcgovern, to random avatar

    Free displaces the cost to Nature, to the environment.

    Anything that is free has a massive underlying marketing, advertising and consumption cost.

    The Web is like an iceberg. We only see the visible content. 90% of the Web is hidden advertising architecture.

    Free hides the cost and encourages consumption and addiction.

    Free says there is no cost, so if there is no cost, there is no waste, there is no need to worry about over-use, over-consumption.

    Free encourages us to devour.


    Free often means that REAL costs are externalised.
    This is the standard protocol for businesses and corporations.

    Read, for example:

    "According to a report by the TEEB for Business Coalition, the top 100 global environmental externalities are costing the global economy about $4.7 trillion a year. This includes the economic costs of greenhouse gas emissions, loss of natural resources, loss of nature-based services such as carbon storage by forests, climate change, and air pollution-related health costs.

    And, the primary production and processing sectors analyzed in the report, like the oil production and food processing industries, are estimated to have externality expenses that you and I pay for totaling $7.3 trillion, which is equal to roughly 13% of the global economic output in 2009."

    cyberlyra, to random avatar

    Finally read Marc Andressen's techno-optimist manifesto. I will say that I do appreciate him taking the time to write down, for posterity, as if that ideology were just naturally true and not mindbogglingly stupid, all the toxic B.S. that makes the capitalist techno class (building out their prepper bunkers, mind you) tick, if only to ensure that people a hundred years from now won't have to wonder, WTF were these assholes even THINKING??


    I said it earlier as a response on this techno-optimist manifesto article, but I don't mind repeating it:

    All techno optimists just look at developments of the last few centuries that were made possible by fossil fuels and Overshooting the carrying capacity of the Earth.
    Beside they use cherry picking and other tricks to make their point.
    You can read the same kind of
    messages in the books of Steven Pinker or Hans Rosling and, properly viewed, also
    of Yuval Harari.

    I'd say, be realistic, and don't be so fucking arrogant to think we're god.

    Technology has caused more problems than it solved.

    Shameless Plug; I explain it all in my book Crash Course

    If you're interested I'm happy to send it to you. Let me know where or contact me via my site.

    baldur, to random avatar

    “The Techno-Optimist Manifesto | Andreessen Horowitz”

    This manifesto is one of the more horrific documents I’ve read lately, largely because of how normalised its rhetoric has become

    It’s fascism. Like falangism with the catholicism swapped out for the prosperity doctrine


    All techno optimists just look at developments of the last few centuries that were made possible by fossil fuels and Overshooting the carrying capacity of the Earth.
    Beside they use cherry picking and other tricks to make their point.

    Be realistic, don't be so fucking arrogant to think we're god.

    Technology has caused more problems than it solved.

    Shameless Plug; I explain it all in Crash Course

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