The Ketogenic Diet

Lowcarbnocarb, avatar

Craving comfort food? These casseroles will make you forget all about takeout! &Dining

Posted into Low Carb and Keto Recipes from LCNC @low

temporal_spider, avatar

Today's is rotisserie chicken, with sweet peppers, campari tomatoes, and avocado, seasoned with white cheese, preserved Meyer lemons, and Greek yogurt. Muy tasty!

ScienceDesk, avatar

A new study found a chemical elevated by 'ketogenic' diets – which are low in carbs and higher in proteins and fats – can delay the early stages of Alzheimer's-related memory loss in mice, ScienceAlert reports:

purplepadma, avatar

Starting #keto today. I’m kind of bamboozled by the idea of no bread or granola at breakfast. But I have to give something new a go, I feel I can’t go on being so unstable and there’s not much wriggle room in my med regimen #bipolar

CommonMugwort, avatar

@purplepadma Best of luck! Having sone something similar for many years, my advice is always have chicken breast on hand. Brined, and cooked briefly at high temperatures, they can stay very juicy, and you’ll be surprised how quickly you come to think of them as analogous to bread - the bland thing with which stronger flavours can be paired.

purplepadma, avatar

@CommonMugwort That is exactly how I cook my chicken breasts (although I coat them in melted butter before roasting)

purplepadma, avatar

lunch of smoked salmon, cream cheese, cucumber and avocado (I admit to looking rather enviously at Tom’s toast) followed by hazelnuts and a couple of squares of 100% cocoa chocolate. Usually I would have some fruit at lunchtime so it felt a bit weird not to. I have factored in a protein shake made with unsweetened almond milk for after my run

OhOkKay, avatar

I enjoyed being on Keto but it's so much work because you pretty much have to make everything from scratch and daily. It's fun at first ... but by the 3rd month it gets to be a struggle just to make and enjoy a simple meal.
BTW if there's something you need a keto recipe for, I probably have it and wouldn't mind passing it on to you. Good luck! 🍀

purplepadma, avatar

@OhOkKay Oh great, thanks! bookmarks

ChiaChatter, avatar

This looks pretty good and I love custard, but there's no way I'd make it anywhere near that sweet - if sweet at all! I might add some cinnamon and a little maple stevia though...anyway, something I might want to try while I have some whole milk in the house (which I don't usually)!

CharismaticBatman, avatar


I'd never heard of monk fruit sweetener. Interesting!

dnc, avatar
ChiaChatter, avatar


The one thing I miss about "real" pizza crust is the chewiness. I don't want my toppings on bread, and I don't want them on cake. I don't want something that crumbles in my mouth or turns to mush.

This is one recipe that I will try as written (something VERY rare for me!), and see if it lives up to its claims. I'm not sure why it needs so many eggs...but if it isn't exactly what I want but shows promise I will tweak it the next time.

Kyle, avatar

@ChiaChatter @KetoPlus oooh. I have been thinking about alternatives to bread and such.

ChiaChatter, avatar

@Kyle @KetoPlus
I eat a mainly-carnivore diet, with 1-2 keto days/week for variety and, though it is a young site yet I have shared some of the recipes I've made and stuff at I try to share the things that may be of more of general interest in this group though :)

(I've been lowcarb for 20 years...evolved into keto nearly a decade ago...then into animal-based in 2022 for inflammation control and to help with some of my health issues/disability.)

dnc, avatar
le_friwi_56, avatar

@dnc Looks delicious!

ChiaChatter, avatar


WORLD CARNIVORE MONTH - Day 25: I found this to be quite entertaining as well as factual without being too deep...or preachy.
10+ Carnivore Diet Myths (Or Criticisms) People Never Shut Up About

(courtesy of

s3rvant, avatar

@ChiaChatter @KetoPlus

Thank you for sharing this

I've been on and off keto for years but didn't know much about carnivore

ChiaChatter, avatar

@s3rvant @KetoPlus I've been "playing around" with carnivore for a few months but the more I eat this way, the more I want to eat this way...interesting stuff! I'm glad you found some value :)

fitheach, avatar

Wandering around the supermarket an idea came to me. haggis: all the meat and flavourings of the traditional dish, but, without the carbs inherent in oatmeal. Maybe replace oatmeal with some type of coarsely chopped nuts.

Jkp, avatar

Coeliac u.k. are brilliant though !

They gave us flash cards in French to show at restaurants when we went on our first ever foreign holiday the same year that the coeliac disease was diagnosed.
Sods law in full flow there then!

fitheach, avatar

They provided actual, physical cards?

Was this before the days of smartphones?

freemo, avatar

What is this witchcraft... ive eaten 2 meals, not super hungry, and somehow still have 900 calories left in my diet for the day (and thats not my break even point, thats my loose 2 lbs a week point).

What the hell is going on....

fo, avatar

@freemo could be many things, like being adapted to use fat as energy source. It's much more satiating.
If you used to eat ultra-processed food and are now eating whole foods, maybe you just found back your satiety hormones.
I think if you continue to listen to your body signals you should be good!

freemo, avatar


Its likely a mix of things. Eating different healthier foods, moving into ketosis, etc.

sky, German


Ab Morgen steht ein neues #Experiment an. Es geht in die Shake Week(s). Nope, keine Abnehmshakes, das ist alles Müllzeugs.

Es gibt hochwertiges #Whey #Protein in der Keo-Ausführung.

Habe jetzt ein neues Lieblingsprotein am Start Das "#OptimumNutrition Gold Standard 100%" mit der Geschmacksrichtung "Double Rich Chocolate". Das ist so unglaublich lecker <3

Es kommt in den Shaker:

31 Gramm Whey Protein
18 Gramm #Collagen

und normalerweise mischt man jetzt mit Wasser oder Milch. Jetzt kommts, bei mir wird das mit 150 Gramm Kokosöl gemischt.

Das ergibt eine wahnsinns Nährstoffbombe mit 100 % guten Fetten.

So ein Drink hat gute 1500 kcal und einen #Skaldeman von über 3,6

Das wird auch im Rhythmus OMEOD eingenommen.

Ich bin gespannt ob es so schmeckt wie ich es mir vorstelle und wie sich meine Ketonwerte dann verhalten.

Keep Going & Sapere Aude!

​:gruppe:​ @KetoGermany

#Sucht #Intervallfasten #IntermittierendesFasten #IF #Fasten #Abnehmen #Essstörung #Diät #Keto #OMEOD #OMAD #Ketose


Ok, spannende Geschichte. Habe eben meinen ersten Shake dieser Art konsumiert. Muss gestehen, dass das geschmacklich mit einem Shake mit Milch nicht mitkommt, aber durchaus trinkbar ist.

Da hilft mir sicher auch meine Sichtweise etwas. Ich habe ein Ziel, und um das zu erreichen brauche ich Werkzeuge. Gut berechnete Nährstoffe & Macros in der Nahrung sind da nichts weiter als ein Werkzeug, genau wie es das intermittierende Fasten, das Wasserfasten und das Heilfasten sind.

Der erste Schluck war etwas grauselig und ich musste feststellen, dass sich Collagen in reinem Kokosöl nicht auflöst. Also einfach in erfinderischer Neugier einen Schluck Wasser zugegeben. Noch mal gut geshaket und siehe da, die Krümelige Konsistenz ist einer Cremigen gewichen.

Der schöne Schokogeschmack wird zwar fast komplett durch den Kokosgeschmack überdeckt, aber ich stehe auf Kokos und somit war es nicht das erwartete "Bounty zum Trinken", aber war trotzdem genießbar. Wenn mein Schokopulver alle ist und Geld in der Kasse ist, versuche ichs mal mit Vanille.

Für mich also ein Erfolg. Jetzt mal schauen wie der Körper mit 150 Gramm Kokosöl zurecht kommt. Den nächsten Shake gibts dann am Samstag wieder. Morgen ist Fastentag.

Keep Going & Sapere Aude!

​:gruppe:​ @KetoGermany

ChiaChatter, avatar


WORLD CARNIVORE MONTH - Day 14: Yeah, this stuff is all well and good...but does it WORK? Well, grab some carnivore cheesecorn and your beverage of choice, get ready to be amazed with these true life video stories as shared by The UK Carnivore!

(courtesy of

JeremyPatMartin, avatar

@ChiaChatter @KetoPlus Im from the US, the carnivore diet is extremely effective. Lost 45lbs last year. Planning on hitting my goal weight this year

ChiaChatter, avatar

@JeremyPatMartin @KetoPlus That is fantastic!! Congratulations!

sky, German

Es ist schön wenn man die Belohnung für seine Mühe bekommt.

Ketonproduktion jetzt auf hohem Niveau. Drei Tage, drei Messwerte:

  1. 11 PPM
  2. 15 PPM
  3. 41 PPM

Also Therapeutische Ketose erreicht ​:bananadance:​

Keep Going & Sapere Aude!

​:gruppe:​ @KetoGermany


@a32 Das ist ja cool. Hätte ich kein Vertrauen drin. Nicht weil es DIY ist sondern weil ich bei sowas echt 10 Daumen habe 😆



@a32 Aber durchaus spannend. Würde ja gern mal wissen, wie genau das misst. Und erstaunlich wie die Preise der Komponenten sind.


sky, German

Nun habe ich doch noch was Positives am Tag erlebt. Und zwar ist es positiv, dass ich mich heute endlich wieder ernsthaft mit der Planung meiner Ernährung beschäftigt habe. Das wird dann nach Fasten und Aufbautagen los gehen und wird einige Änderungen beinhalten. Neues Jahr, neue Wege.

🔵 Ernährung geplant und Nährwertberechnungen gemacht

Dann ist hiermit der 5. Fastentag im Restart geschafft und bekommt ein ​:check:​

Keep Going & Sapere Aude!

​:gruppe:​ @KetoGermany

irenetobler, avatar

@sky @KetoGermany Welche Änderungen machst du? Ich wünsche dir wiederum viel Erfolg. Ich versuchs mal mit DASH, bin ja auch immer am Kämpfen 🥊



Huhu :)

Was ist denn DASH ?

Mein normaler Essenplan sieht außerhalb des Fastens aus, dass ich alle zwei Tage eine Mahlzeit esse die aus Gemüse, Fleisch & Fett besteht. Bedeutet, je nach Woche 3 oder vier Tage an dem ich Nahrung zu mir nehme.

Ich habe vor, den Fleischkonsum auf nur einen Tag in der Woche zu reduzieren und die anderen Tage das Protein aus Fleisch durch Whey Protein und pflanzliches Protein aus Gemüse zu ersetzen.

In wie weit ich das gut finde, es mich befriedigt und mir gefällt wird sich dann erst zeigen.

Auch bleibt abzuwarten, wie mein Insulin darauf reagiert. Denn wenn es mich aus der Ketose kickt, wird sofort auf die alte Ernährung geswitcht.


sky, German

Jetzt im vierten Fastentag habe ich nach langer Zeit erstmalig wieder gemessen. Ergab 11 PPM was bedeutet, dass ich in einer guten mittleren Ernährungsketose bin. Jawoll, erster Meilenstein geschafft \o/

Sagte ich schon mal, wie ich das Fasten liebe ? Besonders weil es einen nahezu in die Ketose katapultiert.

Keep Going & Sapere Aude!

​:gruppe:​ @KetoGermany

PsychoMiko, avatar

@sky @KetoGermany

Das ist super. Darauf komme ich gerne zurück.🙏🏼
Was ich ziemlich genial fand ist Bullet Proof Kaffee beim Fasten.
Also erste Woche nur Wasser.
Dann Kaffee morgens und ab und an klare Brühe abends. So kam ich wochenlang sehr gut zurecht.


@PsychoMiko Der Bullet klotscht dich dann aber immer aus der Ketose und aus dem Fastenstoffwechsel. Aber wenn du damit zurecht kommst und es dir gut tut, ist es Dein Weg.


sky, German

Fast geschafft. In ca. 40 Minuten bin ich safe. Um die Restzeit zu überbrücken und um Kurzschlussentscheidungen zu vermeiden, werde ich jetzt noch ne kleine Tasse Kaffee schlürfen.

Keep Going & Sapere Aude!

​:gruppe:​ @KetoGermany



Safe ​:headbanging:​ Tag 2 ​:check:​

ChiaChatter, avatar


GUYS! I am SO excited! I am not going to share it all here - too much to write - but I WILL share excerpts from where I wrote it all down, as it was happening (so it's quite lengthy)...and IF you are interested after you see this you can read the rest at ChiaChow (, but here are the highlights:

"So I've been sick for about a week +/-, and craving toast. When I was a kid my mom always made us toast and soft-boiled eggs when we were sick, so maybe that's why?...I made a small amount of toast recently but this time I want a LOAF of bread to make toast. Going by the seat of my pants (and a lot of successful experiments in breads over the last 20 years) I made a loaf that is in the oven right now. Below is what I did, before I forget, if it works out; if it doesn't, you'll never see this anyway!"

*** blah blah blah ***

"Sliced the loaf into 18 slices. And this is what the macros look like, for the online calculator I used, and the brands of ingredients I used:
Calories = 651 (36/slice)
fat = 33g (< 2g/slice)
carbs = 36g (2g/slice)
fiber = 20g (1g/slice)
protein = 82g (4.5g/slice)"

I only used stuff that most low carbers/keto folk would have around the house anyway...STOKED!

mdb, avatar

@jrmat @KetoPlus I think much of this goes to the "brat" diet a doctor would suggest for a sick child: Bananas, Rice, Apple sauce, and Toast. Basically very simple foods that shouldn't upset a stomach, and be easily digested. When adults are sick we naturally gravitate to things that made us feel good when sick in the past.

ChiaChatter, avatar

@mdb @jrmat @KetoPlus
That definitely makes sense!

temporal_spider, avatar

Not so for today. Egg drop with brisket and assorted vegetables. We just got an induction burner, and it cooks so fast!

ChiaChatter, avatar


Yup, super supper! I'll only be able to eat half of this, if that, but my mouth is watering already!

Bacon, ground beef, eggs, cheeses (sharp pinconning, and mozzarella), and mustard - YEAH, BABY!


ChiaChatter, avatar

OK, next time I'm going to make some of my fake 1000 Island dressing for it, though the mustard was good. It needs 1000 Island. (I just mix up SF ketchup with mayo and add some chopped dill pickle, a squirt of vinegar, and a little bit of sweetener.)

ChiaChatter, avatar


AHHHH, a dream come true!

I used my other 2 slices of my animal-based bread to make a grilled-ham-and-cheese sandwich. And it was DEEEE-VINE! Crispy and buttery, with some thin-sliced deli ham surrounded by sharp pinconning and havarti cheeses...ahhhh.....

mdb, avatar

@ChiaChatter @KetoPlus Wow.. Looks delicious! After seeing that recipe for carnivore bread, I for some reason thought about cricket flour and how that would probably work in such a recipe as well. But just like online ordered meat flours, expensive.

ChiaChatter, avatar

@mdb @KetoPlus
Probably that will come down in price eventually, and if it has a very mild flavor (that's why I make chicken flour!) I don't see why it wouldn't work! :) I'm sure pork rind flour would work also, but it has a very distinct flavor.

ChiaChatter, avatar


Guys, I just made TOAST! Carnivore TOAST! There's a whole story about it on my site (link below) but if you're like me you'll skip to the recipe anyway - hahaha - so here it is, copied & pasted:

"I don't measure anything. I rarely follow recipes. I go by the seat of my pants when I cook. So I can share the approximate amounts of each ingredient that I used. But it's only a guide and certainly not written in stone. Feel free to use your own pants if you try this!

"I have a limited selection of baking dishes so I just chose a regular (Pyrex) loaf pan and buttered it, then set it aside. And I preheated my oven to 350°F.

"In a bowl I mixed together thoroughly about 1/3c of egg whites, 2T of full-fat Greek yogurt, and a Tbsp of oil (avacado in this case). When it was smooth, I added about 1/4c of chicken flour, 3 turns of pink salt, 1/4 tsp of xanthan gum, 2 tsps of beef gelatin, and 2 tsps of yeast (for the scent), and mixed it all until very smooth and creamy. Finally, I added a rounded teaspoon of baking powder from which I'd smashed out the clumps; mixed that into the batter quickly, scraped it into my loaf pan (it was only about an inch high), and put it in the oven.

"20 minutes later it was done and I put the whole pan on a cooling rack; about 20 minutes after that I was able to easily and cleanly lift the loaf out, cut it in half across the middle, then slice each half through the center to create 4 slices of more-or-less square bread."

(which I then toasted, the way my Gram taught me!)


noodlemaz, avatar

@ChiaChatter @KetoPlus why would you do this to yourself
Human beings are not carnivorous
Who put this in your head..?

ChiaChatter, avatar

@noodlemaz @KetoPlus
Mainly because it has resolved so many of my physical issues. I have had multiple disabilities for many years, and using food to reduce their impact is giving me my life back.
I appreciate your concern for a complete stranger, and your caring heart! Thanks for writing back!

ChiaChatter, avatar


Even I am impressed by what I made for Pete to take to his Christmas party with his "hamster" friends! Wish I could have gone just so I could eat some hahaha!

recipe at


@ChiaChatter @KetoPlus loooks so delish! 🤤

ChiaChatter, avatar

@cactusketo @KetoPlus
Pete said that people loved it! And that he did too :)

ChiaChatter, avatar


Good evening, keto, low carb, and carnivore compadres!

Today we ate at a restaurant and I took the opportunity to write a post about it...what I ate isn't that important, but I do share the most helpful tips I use to keep myself from straying way off the track. Below is the Reader's Digest version of those tips; if you want to read more, I'll provide the link below; if not, we'll still be friends!

1 - eat right before you go
2 - decide what you want before you get there
3 - order less than you want
4 - give yourself a LITTLE grace, within your own plan, if you can without doing damage.

The "fleshed out" version with further details is at .

This is the first of my posts about restaurant experiences, and how I manage my Eating Out experiences.

mdb, avatar

@ChiaChatter @KetoPlus All of this! Especially the grace. If you know you are eating to plan the rest of the time, one meal is not going to derail you. In "What the Fat? Fat's IN: Sugar's Out", It has a set of rules, #9 says you should do a minimum of18 of a 21 meal a week true to a () , to maintain sanity. Not that all meals can't be LCHF, but that grace should be allowed!

ChiaChatter, avatar

@mdb @KetoPlus
SO WISE, Matt! Especially once we reach the "this is how I eat" (vs "this is what I can't have") mentality, and barring physical issues that may prohibit of course, a lifetime of eating healthy MAY, at times, involve a few extra carbs. We can't be ourselves up for that :).

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