Veraxus, to technology in All Those 23andMe Spit Tests Were Part of a Bigger Plan
Veraxus avatar

it wouldn’t be crazy for the 8.8 million 23andMe customers who once absently checked a box saying yeah, sure, use my data for whatever, to feel like they’ve been bait-and-switched now that their genes are laying the groundwork for potential cancer cures.

Yes, it would be crazy. And stupid. As a 23andMe customer this is EXACTLY the kind of thing I expected them to do with the information.

JelloBrains, to SquaredCircle in Netflix gets major WWE broadcast rights!
JelloBrains avatar

I guess WWE RAW will be joining AEW as a PPV/PLE-only thing soon, I'm not getting Netflix just to watch wrestling.

One of the things I read today is it's 5 Billion over 10 years, but Netflix has an out at 5 years and an option to extend for an additional 10 years. So WWE could be on Netflix for 5 to 20 years.

Interestingly, they go out of their way to remove the Monday Night part of the name... it's not going to be on Mondays.

Montagge, to SquaredCircle in Netflix gets major WWE broadcast rights!
Montagge avatar

Oh no. We're going to get a really bad live adaptation of the WWE aren't we?

Neon_Carnivore avatar

Anime adaptation of choppy choppy pp confirmed.

GeekFTW avatar

rofl fuck

modifier, (edited ) to technology in Apple Is Holding the Final Nail for X’s Coffin

Speaking as a former reddit mod still atoning for my sins, I can say with confidence that the answer to the question: “what would happen if a reddit mod had actual power that mattered?”

Is simply this: Elon Musk would happen.

BolexForSoup avatar

Former Reddit mod here and wow that is perfect lmao

Deceptichum avatar

“Stoning for my sins” see now this is how you get people excited about a religion.


It was a strange autocorrect at the time of writing, but I am properly stoned now so perhaps it was prophetic.


Were you a super mod? Why would you want to be a mod? Is it because your lacked enough control over your life so moderating gave you a sense of power you didn’t maintain in your own life?

snowe, avatar

Most people mod because they love a community and don’t want it to die. If it weren’t for mods the forums you are currently using would devolve into spam and hate speech immediately. Sure some mods are bad, some are terrible, but the majority are good.


Oh shut up brown nosing.

snowe, avatar

Stop using the internet if you think all mods are bad. Moderators are on every site you use.


If we’re doing a bit, it’s because all forms of pornography have lost their appeal for me after years of slapping myself silly in my landlady’s basement (who is yes my mom technically), and eventually I could only achieve an erection, much less climax, by acting as a capricious and temperamental God among the mere mortals cursed to find themselves under my power. But eventually even that wasn’t enough and I’ve since moved on to direct marketing in the crypto space.

If we’re being humans, it’s because a small community I was a part of, and for which I had some emotional skin in the game, needed help and I decided to give it a shot. I only ever did the one subreddit, and we never grew larger than… I don’t know 250k, and then I burned out and moved on.

Zehzin, avatar

Most people just use pills for that. Though some buy twitter.

Zellith, to technology in Elon Musk’s Brain Implant Startup Is Ready to Start Surgery

UC Davis veterinary records cited by the Physicians Committee—which WIRED also obtained through a subsequent California public records request—chronicle a battery of complications that developed following procedures involving electrodes being surgically implanted into monkeys’ brains. The complications include bloody diarrhea, partial paralysis, and cerebral edema, a condition colloquially known as “brain swelling.”

Additional veterinary reports show the condition of a female monkey called “Animal 15” during the months leading up to her death in March 2019. Days after her implant surgery, she began to press her head against the floor for no apparent reason; a symptom of pain or infection, the records say. Staff observed that though she was uncomfortable, picking and pulling at her implant until it bled, she would often lie at the foot of her cage and spend time holding hands with her roommate.

Yeah. I think I'll pass.


That last line man. Wow.

Poor girl was in serious distress.


I think whomever it was at the FDA that approved this shit for human trials needs to be investigated. It reeks of corruption.

Gradually_Adjusting, to world in Biden in Israel Says Hospital Blast Appears Done by ‘Other Team’ avatar

I resent the ubiquity of the language of sports in political matters. It is reductive in framing and trivial in tone.


With how many atrocities occur in this messed up world (and the Middle East especially), it’s hard to keep caring and see it as anything other than a sport in a faraway place.

Gradually_Adjusting, avatar

The news is emotionally draining on purpose, or so I think.

livus avatar

@knexcar compassion fatigue? This is something social media can help with, ironically.

I remember a few years ago when I was back on another site, a poster who was trialling 3D-printed field tourniquets (he was a medic) posted about his experience being shot in the leg by Israeli snipers who shot his colleague dead later that day.

Really brought home that these are just people like you and me, with hobbies and jobs and lives... and comment histories.

livus avatar

Me too, well said.

It's incredibly gross to see these two groups as "teams" competing against one another while fans watch from the sidelines for entertainment.


That’s why I stopped trying.

People arguing whether babies were beheaded as if they’re challenging a ref call. Their team is always right and 100% just, the other is always wrong and 100% evil and no one wants to hear that the truth is always gray and complex.

It’s disheartening.


You could copy and paste a list of historical events from Wikipedia and spark a flame war, unfortunately.

Gormadt, avatar

"In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move"

  • Douglas Adams
  1. “Team” isn’t a term used exclusively in the domain of sporting contests. In fact, it is a military term, as well (although not as ubiquitous in that space).
  2. Analytic and technical terms are sterile and effect a dehumanization of not only the actors involved, but also the outcomes of events.

I was going to say, I hear it plenty in informal settings in politics, business, and military. Probably not a great phrase to let the press get a hold of though.

Gradually_Adjusting, avatar

I would contend in turn that politics, business, and military matters are necessarily either formal or farcical.


That's about the gist of it. Either you are taking it seriously, or using humor to cope. The line between the two isn't always clear.

livus avatar


  1. "team" by itself just means a group of people working together to achieve a common goal, BUT when used in the context of "the other team" (with the definite article) it implies there are two teams working in opposition to one another specifically.

@Gradually_Adjusting's idea that this is most likely intended as a sports metaphor for Biden's audience seems reasonable.

  1. I can't decide whether you're saying "team" is analytical and sterile/dehumanizing, or whether you're suggesting that actually calling Hamas "Hamas" would have been dehumanizing.
Rapidcreek, to politics in Top House Republican Wants Help From Democrats to Pick a Speaker

Not blaming Dems for things that are entirely the GOP’s fault would be a start.

FuglyDuck, avatar

you can’t do that! i mean, if you take away blaming things on the dems… there goes their entire platform!

Reverendender, to worldnews in Shell Silently Abandoned Its $100 Million-a-Year Plan to Offset CO2 Emissions avatar

Shell made 40 billion in profits in 2022. 100 million is one quarter of one percent of that. That’s what they couldn’t spare to even look like they were trying to help the environment. The things that should be done to these executives would probably get me banned from Lemmy if I said. Fuck these villainous asshats with broken glass.


CO2 offsets don't work and aren't a solution to our problem. Shell is just opting not to waste their money on useless projects.


Are they doing something effective instead?


Making shareholders money!!!


Ofc. How could I forget

Reverendender, avatar

Thus solving the problem once and for all

Hank, (edited )

The things that should be done to these executives would probably get me banned from Lemmy if I said.

Funny you say that. I was banned from Reddit for suggesting that suicidal people should take oil-ceos with them instead of wasting their death. Of course I learned my lesson and won't do that again.


Sorry, all we have is school shooters.

lanolinoil, avatar

don’t forget crazy old guys at public venues!


While a nice thought I guess, it would change nothing as they would just hire the next greedy guy in line and on and on it goes.



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  • devils_advocate,

    The only solution is to modify the economics so it becomes more valuable to store the oil in the ground.



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  • devils_advocate,

    Public oil companies are about 5% of production.

    What’s your plan against, say, Aramco?


    i dunno, i’m not encouraging anyone to take to arms, but it’s exactly the kind of shit that happened a lot in the end of the 1800’s, beginning of the 1900’s. Anarchists directly attacking high-ups with terrorist attacks, ignorant to the working class people, is arguably one of the reasons why for example the general populace got the right to vote, the christian churches started trying to come up with alternatives to socialism/anarchism (rerum novarum) and why high-ups like bismark introduced ideas like pension, krankenkasse etc. I don’t understand the general aimlessness of all the mass shootings in the USA. “i wanna make a point instead of going out silently on my own, but the only people i can take with me are my peers, no higher ups”?

    TL;DR greedy guys do get scared if their jobs become too dangerous in an destabilized society.


    To them it’s all about the money. They don’t give a shit about us, the ignorant moronic cunts. They should be offsetting all carbon emissions they ever created, but instead we have this flimsy corporate bullshit.

    DessertStorms, (edited )
    DessertStorms avatar

    People really don't realise/want to see the scale of the problem.
    There are nearly 3000 billionaires in the world, at least six of them are worth more than a hundred billion.
    The amount of money other resources, and power these people hold and hoard is literally unfathomable.
    How do you even visualise 12.2 trillion dollars?
    No amount of personal "every little helps" can make a dent in that.
    People need to get their heads out of the sand (or in some cases the boot out of their mouth) and start putting the energy and time they waste on pointless exercises in "personal responsibility", and instead invest them in holding those who are actually responsible, accountable.
    The system that not only allows, but enables and encourages billionaires to exist needs to be abolished, and their resources need to be redistributed and put towards building a better world for all of society, globally, which they could easily do.
    But they won't do that willingly, nor will they let you vote them away.
    I know it's an uncomfortable realisation, but it's reality, and the quicker people come to accept it, the sooner we unite to tear them down.
    Don't forget - revolutions aren't just about violence on the front line (and eventually on the billionaires' door steps), they are also about solidarity and supporting those on the front line (be it protesting or striking or other direct action), but also about supporting your community every day, donating and volunteering what and where you can (directly where possible rather than via large organisations with advertising budgets and highly paid execs), lifting each other up, helping with meals or with childcare, teach, create posters, propagandise, everyone can find the right roll for them. Strong communities and dual power (communal structures to replace state-capitalist ones) are a necessary basis for a better, co operative future.

    Reverendender, avatar

    You’ve got my vote!

    DessertStorms avatar

    Oh, thanks, though I'm definitely more of a behind the scenes person.


    Looking at that visualisation of a trillion really puts it into perspective when an extra $20 note can change my whole week



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  • devils_advocate,

    Economics is the only answer. Tax the rich and their products.

    Sinnerman, to tech in Google’s AI Chatbot Is Trained by Humans Who Say They’re Overworked, Underpaid and Frustrated

    Google said in a statement that it “is simply not the employer of any of these workers. Our suppliers, as the employers, determine their working conditions, including pay and benefits, hours and tasks assigned, and employment changes – not Google.”

    Me: kbinGPT, please translate that.

    kbinGPT: "We don't do evil. We hire someone to do evil for us."


    “I’m not responsible, they’re responsible,” ad infinitum.

    cloudless, avatar

    Has Google laid off the entire corporate social responsibility department?! It is incredible to hear a company not even pretending to care.

    Flaky_Fish69 avatar

    they've never pretended to care, though.

    xantoxis, to climate in One Simple Change to Reduce Your Climate Impact? Swap Out Beef

    Replace beef with Long Pork. The French invented a device that will properly cut the pigs that are causing all this.


    That’s gross to me. But for the rest of you cannibalism enthusiasts, why don’t you share some recipes for cooking human flesh that you enjoy?

    What sort of human meat dishes do you have in mind to eat those people? How will you prepare their carcasses for butchering, and what cuts of meat from the human body do you prefer?

    Semi-Hemi-Demigod avatar

    When they interviewed cannibals they said humans taste like pork, so I'd imagine barbecue would help. Especially because humans have pretty terrible diets and won't taste good, so the smoke and seasoning would mask the off flavor.


    Human flesh?...
    Arent we talking about billionaires?


    Yes, those are the human beings that I assumed the person I replied to was talking about.


    Billionaires arent human tho. They rejected their humanity long ago.
    They can reclaim it, but I doubt they will.


    I mean if you want to live in made-up fantasyland in your head, you can think stuff like that, but in reality they are certainly human beings made of meat and bones. Unless you possess some information about them transferring their consciousness into robot bodies that I haven’t heard of yet.


    I was joking (and failing at it, ovs) about the fact that the actions of billionaires puts them closer to parasites than humans.

    dogslayeggs, to world in Putin Sends US Signal on Ukraine Talks, Sensing Advantage in War

    including potentially on future security arrangements for Ukraine

    Ukraine already signed a security, non-aggression arrangement with Russia back when they annexed Crimea. Russia violated that one, so why would Ukraine expect Russia to not violate this one?


    exactly, any negotiations will not be in good faith at all and will be ignored in the future because are no consequences for breaking them

    radix, avatar

    “Sure, we haven’t kept any of the 1,000 previous promises, but this time is different. Trust me, bro.”

    MajesticSloth, avatar

    Like an abusive manipulative ex.


    Like Lucy with the football 🏈


    That’s not even the big one, when Ukraine gave up its nuclear weapons, Russia and America both said they would defend them.

    Between Ukraine and Libya, who the fuck is ever gonna give up their nukes anymore?

    BombOmOm, to world in Putin Sends US Signal on Ukraine Talks, Sensing Advantage in War avatar

    Russia wants to end the war since they have gotten themselves into a boondoggle. They don’t even control major cities they claim to have annexed. No, Russia’s quick victory is now a multi-year war of attrition and they want to stop now as they continue to see the devastating losses mount. Just in the last day Russia lost hundreds of men, dozens of tanks, dozens of APCs, and dozens of artillery units:


    If Russia was in a strong position now there would be no point trying to negotiate now when theres a 50:50 chance trump is in power next year and massively strengthens their hand.


    That’s not how negotiating must work.

    Putin can negotiate now, thus validating trump “peace keeping” if elected. He can say “ice been trying for a year, save me trump, pull out?”


    There’s the good question. The US and EU are really close to taking the 400 billion of Russian money currently frozen in Western banks. That could have something to do with it.

    Gradually_Adjusting, avatar

    Previous cease fires have only been used to gather for another attempt. There’s also no reason to suppose they mind these casualties; their meat grinder tactics are intended to generate horrifying losses, specifically to demoralise.

    FuglyDuck, avatar

    Yeah, the problem with that though is it cuts both ways.

    A lot of civilians- specifically widows and mothers and babuskas… want their husbands and sons and grandsons home; but they haven’t been told all that’s left is some burnt teeth and ash.


    Can I just say how much I love the fact that babushka took the place of grandma in that.

    All English till right there and it just fits so well

    FuglyDuck, avatar

    it’s well known that you don’t mess with Babuskas.

    even more so than other varieties of grandma.

    Gradually_Adjusting, avatar

    I never said it was right, just that disregard for human life is a very traditional and continuing aspect of Russian military doctrine. It’s important to understand that Russia has been grim as fuck since… At least as far back as Ivan the Terrible.

    Wodge, avatar

    The meat grinder worked back before the days of tiktok and the like. News would get back to Moscow minus the horrific death tolls, nowadays everyone can see what’s actually happening.

    This war ends with Putin dragged into the streets and his remains being hosed down into the sewer.

    Gradually_Adjusting, avatar

    I don’t know if microblogging is going to save the day here. Russia rarely does anything besides get worse.


    That would end the war, but Russia will quickly put another gangster in charge. Those people have forever been, and forever will be, unable to self-govern.


    The thing Putin wants to avoid is NATO realizing they are much stronger actually united than dependent on American weapons manufacturers and then building up their own production capacity.

    sramder, to becomeme in Amazon’s Ring to Stop Letting Police Request Doorbell Video From Users avatar

    Police and fire departments will have to seek a warrant to request footage from users or show the company evidence of an ongoing emergency.

    So not actually stopping.


    From a Google any cctv company with a warrant will give your video.

    sramder, avatar

    Sure. They have to.

    It was the “evidence of ongoing emergency” that I really wanted to call attention to. It sound good, selective, responsible even, but if it amounts to an additional box on the form that says “check here if there is an ongoing emergency” then there’s really no more guarantee of privacy than there was before.


    Oh that makes sense

    hightrix, (edited ) to piracy in Streaming Pirates Are Hollywood’s New Villains - Illegal subscription services that steal films or TV shows bring in $2 billion a year in ads and subscriber fees.

    Say it louder with me for the people in the back.

    Piracy is not stealing.


    I wouldn’t ever buy the content so it’s not a lost sale either. All I’ve done is copy a file. gasp


    You’re not allowed to buy the content anyways. You’re only allowed to pay for the illusion of ownership, until they decide they don’t want to host it anymore, and then you lose it. They’re such bullshit artists that they redefine common words like “buy” and “own” in their ToS.

    Appoxo, (edited ) avatar

    I believe their justification would be that you aquiring the media is a definite loss of sale vs you not subbing/buying the media is a potential sale in the future.

    Edit: Not my opinion. Just imagining how they would justify it before court should it come to it.


    By that same rational: My not getting a raise is a lost sale because if I had more money I would buy more. So is corporate profit a lost sale?


    Which is stupid, because I’ll happily buy content I like with the guarantee it’ll never be taken from me. That’s not a real risk with physical media so why should that be acceptable with digital media?

    He may have been an asshole but Steve Jobs said it best:

    Customers want to own their content

    And to reuse the same Gaben quote often repeated here:

    Piracy is an issue of service, not price.

    tocopherol, avatar

    “Customers want to own their content”. It’s amazing to me that execs don’t grasp this? Or that they think if they stop allowing it people will stop caring, but maybe they will eventually. But it seems obvious, I’ve know many families that had massive dvd collections they were proud of. Bookshelves with dozens of books they probably never even read. It’s just comforting to have a thing and know it’s yours.

    Every development in business consolidates their power and increases anxiety for the people.


    My theory is they’re just trying to stifle the ability to own any content to normalize the concept of not owning content, which over time will make the masses complacent.

    ikidd, avatar

    “If buying is not owning, then piracy is not stealing.”


    I gotta say I love this meme. I think about it every time a tech company does something really scummy to take away features and products that people have purchased (and not rented/leased).

    cupcakezealot, avatar

    i dunno i heard that you wouldn’t steal a car


    Correct. I wouldn’t steal a car. But I would absolutely make a perfect copy of a car for free.

    EmergMemeHologram, to piracy in Streaming Pirates Are Hollywood’s New Villains - Illegal subscription services that steal films or TV shows bring in $2 billion a year in ads and subscriber fees.

    My mind is turning on the piracy front. I’ve paid for Netflix for like a decade, and it was good.

    I tried not to pirate, but there was no legal way to stream Game of Thrones, so we would do watch parties. Eventually HBO came to Canada through bell and I could watch it online.

    That moment was pretty great, I could watch all my shows, and HBO, and Netflix was putting out some strong content.

    Then everyone decided they wanted a piece of the pie. Netflix has continued increasing prices while everyone pulled their content out, Amazon turned prime video into a roulette wheel of “can I watch this or not”, and Disney+ launched and very quickly turned into only shovelling garbage quality star wars and marvel projects, and now everyone is stuffing ads into their shitty content fiefdoms.

    We’re back to where piracy is the better experience and now I can’t watch the content I want because it’s at most 2 shows a year per platform.

    pbjamm, avatar

    Disney+ is the only one i subscribe to here in BC. Since it comes combined with STAR (almost-Hulu) it is a fair value. TV service from Telus is stupid expensive and I still would not get to watch my hockey team. Not that I want to right now with them backpedalling so fast. Fucking Kings…


    Had a very similar experience at the end of last year. Was sick of the bullshit all the providers were pulling and set up jellyfin.

    Now running that on a pi so we’ve got our own streaming platform with movies and shows that you’d either need at least three separate services for or just outright won’t find if you don’t pirate.


    When they remove access to content I paid for… Fuck em.

    If buyin’ ain’t owning, piracy ain’t stealin’

    Chais, (edited ) avatar

    To be fair, streaming was never buying. It was always paying entry to a library. If stuff gets removed from the library that’s the way it is.
    That isn’t to say I don’t agree. Piracy is a service problem, as Gabe Newell so eloquently put it. Streaming started losing the moment it started splintering into cable networks.


    Media companies, “We are losing money because people don’t want to pay.”

    Or just maybe, your product sucks and people are finding alternatives to avoid dealing with you.

    Currently pirating or streaming from a secondary site is faster, better quality, and easier to use. It’s really not that hard to figure out.

    Chais, (edited ) avatar

    Yup. You can pay Netflix for 4K, but you can only get 4K with Edge on Windows and even then only if you have the right hardware. Like, what’s the point? On Linux you can only get 1080p by spoofing your just agent. Otherwise they only give you 720p.


    Sony allowed you to purchase episodes and seasons of shows like Mythbusters. They specifically stated you were purchasing that content.

    Then they removed that purchased content from people’s account’s after they went separate ways with Discovery. Sony and Discovery stole from their customers

    Chais, avatar

    Yea, that’s just plain stupid of them. I don’t know how they expected that to go over.

    Oh yes, I bought that content, but sure, take it away. I totally understand that the licensing changed.

    – No one, ever

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