@hakona@im.alstadheim.no avatar



CW: Accurate descriptions of bad actions/actors. Sarcasm.
Running a small instance, is that a bad idea?
Used to be computer-guy and local pol. Now tea-walla to the pols of Stjørdal.
Searchable on https://tootfinder.ch/
Secular #humanism

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

StillIRise1963, (edited ) to random
@StillIRise1963@mastodon.world avatar

Handing over information about people to nazi government officials is called INFORMING. This is already happening with transgender Americans, women and girls.

@hakona@im.alstadheim.no avatar

@Judeet98 @StillIRise1963 Same in Norway. Be careful with the bloodlust though. Plenty of naive teenage girls wooed with gallantries, ending up as single moms with shaved head and no prospects.

anneapplebaum, to random
@anneapplebaum@journa.host avatar

Turkey drops opposition to Sweden’s NATO bid on eve of summit


@hakona@im.alstadheim.no avatar
realTuckFrumper, to random
@realTuckFrumper@mastodon.social avatar
@hakona@im.alstadheim.no avatar

@realTuckFrumper Not gonna happen. EU has standards on legal system, freedom of press, human rights, and economic stabillity that preclude Erdogans Turkey from joining. /Might/ have happened if he'd lost the recent election. Or rather preparations to maybe start thinking about how it might be possible some time in the future might have come about

BlackAzizAnansi, to random
@BlackAzizAnansi@mas.to avatar

Lots of "Keep the popular kids out of our clubhouse, because we're better than them" vibes going around Mastodon.

@hakona@im.alstadheim.no avatar

With some practice, you can live and let live.
Mute, change instance or whatever it takes. Pick your fights. Personally I just don't engage with people "building their personal brand". On the other hand I do follow Stephen Fry (not that active, but a good guy) and George Takei, and probably some other celebs, at least in their field.
Your feed is mostly YOUR feed, at least if you put some filters in. Nobody (except your admin) can force Posts on you.

GossiTheDog, to random
@GossiTheDog@cyberplace.social avatar

, there’s a pretty serious security vulnerability due to be announced this week. Make sure you apply patches when released on Thursday.

If you’ve never patched, get the process down beforehand.

@hakona@im.alstadheim.no avatar

@GossiTheDog I'm running from git origin/stable-4.1 . Will the patches be applied to git at the same time?

realTuckFrumper, to random
@realTuckFrumper@mastodon.social avatar

Heritage Foundation VP giddily claims Americans can’t be forced to pledge allegiance to LGBTQ Pride Flag https://www.alternet.org/heritage-foundation-allegiance-pride-flag/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon

@hakona@im.alstadheim.no avatar

@realTuckFrumper "Giddy", that's a word that needs heavier usage.

brendannyhan, to random

Paul Graham's How to Do Great Work is outstanding; every young person and academic should read it. Following the advice is harder, but worth the effort. http://paulgraham.com/greatwork.html

Added to my compendium of the best academic career advice https://sites.dartmouth.edu/nyhan/academic-careers/

@hakona@im.alstadheim.no avatar

@brendannyhan TL;DR as they say. Sent it off to my son, who's away at uni. :-D

ChrisO_wiki, to random
@ChrisO_wiki@mastodon.social avatar

1/ The Russian mafia has become a silent partner in Russia's war effort, in another indication of how close the state and the criminal underworld have become. An analysis shows how high-profile gangsters have fought and in some cases died in Ukraine. ⬇️

@hakona@im.alstadheim.no avatar

@ChrisO_wiki They said Russia is a mafia-state, but, Russia REALLY is a mafia state!

Free_Press, to Ukraine
@Free_Press@mstdn.social avatar

Russian trenches after being cleared by Ukrainians.


@hakona@im.alstadheim.no avatar

@Free_Press Maybe I'm overly sensitive after a couple of hours hard physical work and one beer, but FUCK.

To think that every one of the triangles on the map at https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/36a7f6a6f5a9448496de641cf64bd375 is one such. (page down, enlarge map, zoom in until you see the triangles. Might not be manned all of them though) . FUCK .

SocraticEthics, to Ukraine
@SocraticEthics@mastodon.online avatar

⛔️🇺🇦Invaders deploy missile systems around Crimean chemical Titan plant. Experts say blowing up ammonia factory may cause worse environmental disaster than ZNPP. (More) https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3730900-invaders-deploy-missile-systems-around-crimean-titan-plant.html

@hakona@im.alstadheim.no avatar

@SocraticEthics In cases such as these, is it possible to take out targetingsystems and accessroads without endangering the plant?

aral, to random
@aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

Late-stage capitalism? That was last week. Welcome to extinction-stage capitalism.

@hakona@im.alstadheim.no avatar

@aral Not going to start a huge debate here, I just have to get something off my chest. My personal emotion, not saying others have to agree, but here goes:
"Late-stage capitalism fill_in_gripe" looks, to me, just like rubber-necking at a highway pile-up. A lot of the world, including all the *isms seem a bit "late stage" these days. Changing the course of our societies does not hang on any ism, or "system". It all boils down to bad faith actors (people and decision-making bodies)1/

Em0nM4stodon, (edited ) to privacy

We really have to stop with arguments like “this software you willingly use already abuses your rights so it’s okay for other software to abuse it too”.

This only leads to an even worse situation. Can you imagine using the same argument for physical abuse?

Just stop this please. No one and no software should abuse your rights. And if some already do, the less the better.

@hakona@im.alstadheim.no avatar

@Em0nM4stodon Or to defend raping anybody who is not a virgin. Which actually happens.

realTuckFrumper, to random
@realTuckFrumper@mastodon.social avatar

Why are red state 'welfare queen' oligarchs allowed to mooch off of blue states? https://www.alternet.org/alternet-exclusives/red-state-welfare-queen-oligarchs/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon

@hakona@im.alstadheim.no avatar

@realTuckFrumper It should be possible to withhold federal funds if the state does not spend commensurate amounts of their own budget in the same type of programs. E.g. to get federal funds for education, state needs to provide a defined fraction of that from its own budget to benefit education or school-age kids. That would obviously require congess to adopt that kind of rule in the budget.

countcol, to random

Someone has written a prequel to Hamlet, its called Piglet.

@hakona@im.alstadheim.no avatar

@countcol I prefer the spin-off, cutlet.

theintercept, to random
@theintercept@journa.host avatar

Reflecting on his grandfather’s 1945 Paris edition of Stars and Stripes newspaper, Jon Schwarz writes about how eerily similar the rhetoric of German leaders and today’s Republicans sound when it comes to communism. https://theintercept.com/2023/06/25/trump-communism-red-scare/

@hakona@im.alstadheim.no avatar

@theintercept Another aspect to this, in addition to to creating a scare, is what people call "projecting" these days, preemptively accuse your opponents before they accuse you. Then when their /actual/ fascism is brought to light, it's like "ah, okay, both sides are authoritarians" or "always with the accusations, who knows if there's anything to it".

realTuckFrumper, to random
@realTuckFrumper@mastodon.social avatar
@hakona@im.alstadheim.no avatar

@realTuckFrumper You took a wrong turn already with the name. There should be no "playtime". Play should be default mode at all times.

atomicpoet, (edited ) to internet

People are asking me what I think about joining the Fediverse. To review what I've said elsewhere, it's important to acknowledge five important realities:

  1. Meta can use ActivityPub, and nothing can be done about it. Fediblock doesn't prevent Meta from using ActivityPub because ActivityPub is an open protocol.

  2. A mass Fediblock (Gab style) is not happening. The big servers aren't doing it. And if the big servers aren't doing it, the medium and little servers don't have the power to enforce a mass Fediblock.

  3. The majority of people on the Fediverse don't care -- and many of them even want to connect with Meta. I know, this might surprise you. But based on my observations, most people won't be leaving mastodon.social because it federates with Meta.

  4. Even if the majority of Fediverse servers blocked Meta, that would still mean that certain unsavoury servers (which shall be unnamed) will likely connect with Meta -- and I certainly don't want those servers to be the face of the Fediverse for people who use

  5. Even if Meta pulled a Truth Social and didn't connect to the Fediverse, that does not prevent them from sucking up all that data from ActivityPub -- seeing how that data is, in fact, public.

Am I saying there's no value in blocking Meta? Not at all. Yes, block them if you don't want to send and receive messages to P92. Will that prevent Meta from seeing your messages? As I said, no, not at all. But at least that's data you haven't directly given to Meta (unless you're allowing RSS on your server). And it will also mean you won't receive messages from Meta -- if that's your purpose, blocking is good.

Now I've come to believe that when Meta joins the Fediverse, the Fediverse will largely be divided into three factions:

Faction 1: Servers that federate with Meta
Faction 2: Servers that don't federated with Meta, but federate with servers that federate with Meta
Faction 3: Servers that don't federate with Meta, and don't federate with any server that federates with Meta

Factions 1 and 2 will probably go on their merry way. It's Faction 3 that I believe will die because it's ultimately unfeasible.

"But Chris!" some might say, "There's that pact!"

Unless all those servers in that pact are only federating via white labeled servers who've signed that pact, the pact is useless. Such white labeling would mean that every server that federates must be manually reviewed. And it means that every new server that joins the Fediverse will be federated with Faction 1 and Faction 2 before they're federated with Faction 3.

Which ultimately means that Faction 3 gets tinier and tinier, especially as churn occurs, and those users don't get replaced by newcomers.

In the end, what will federation via white label achieve? Not a whole lot, except make certain people believe they have done something substantial to fight Meta when they haven't.

At a certain point, we have to accept reality: Meta will use ActivityPub, and most people using the Fediverse will talk to them.

So am I waving the white flag?

Not at all. What's important to acknowledge here is that it's not we, the Fediverse, who have conceded. It's Meta.

It's Meta who have given up ownership of their own corporate-owned network effect in order to join the Fediverse.

Despite this concession from Meta, I'm not happy about them joining the Fediverse.

However, there's another consideration: for people who use Meta. it's an incremental improvement over what they had before -- which was no federation. Again, less worse is better than worse. If the world is slightly better -- even if it's not ideal -- it's still better.

Do I want people to use Meta-owned social networks? Not at all.

Here's where I disagree with 99% of people panicking about Meta: I believe ActivityPub will ultimately be Meta's own undoing.

And I want to hasten this undoing 😊

@hakona@im.alstadheim.no avatar

@atomicpoet I believe you've got this right. The best we can do given that, is help people migrate away from meta, and raise hell when meta inevitably tries to make that as hard as possible.

futurebird, to random
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

I think a genie should grant the wish of every "Return to Tradition" guy posting on the internet, and they should all awake tomorrow in the time-period of their choice, in the nation or city they romanticize most from the past.

--as a servant, woman, or indentured laborer.

@hakona@im.alstadheim.no avatar

@futurebird No need to be so extreme. Just let them have a boil on their nose, with no antibiotics available. Maybe a bad rash as well.

kentindell, to random
@kentindell@mastodon.social avatar


  • Loading...
  • hakona,
    @hakona@im.alstadheim.no avatar

    @kentindell She's still on line at https://web.njit.edu/~ronkowit/eliza.html if you don't have emacs running.

    lauren, to random
    @lauren@mastodon.laurenweinstein.org avatar

    One of the actual dangers related to AI is people who treat putrid misinformation spewed forth from them as if it were gospel. But that is a people problem, not an AI problem per se.

    @hakona@im.alstadheim.no avatar

    @lauren This ⬆️

    lauren, to random
    @lauren@mastodon.laurenweinstein.org avatar

    I don't worry about extinction level events from AI. I worry about extinction level events from typos in "regular expressions".

    @hakona@im.alstadheim.no avatar
    choyer, to fediverse German

    To the experts: what’s the expected time of arrival for version 14? I have spent 2 full days to get to accept my SMTP settings, with very little success … I am ready for trying something else ;). Is version 14 coming soon or should I go with the latest stable 13.x version? Want to avoid unnecessary update work… @fediversenews

    @hakona@im.alstadheim.no avatar

    @johntimaeus @zeitverschreib @choyer @simon_greenwood @fediversenews I'm sure he means outgoing. At least where I am, incoming works fine. I'm using my ISP as smarthost for outgoing. works ok.

    GossiTheDog, to random
    @GossiTheDog@cyberplace.social avatar


  • Loading...
  • hakona,
    @hakona@im.alstadheim.no avatar

    @GossiTheDog Would think type two would hardly get followers at all? You need to engage to get a following in the fediverse.

    @hakona@im.alstadheim.no avatar

    @GossiTheDog Hmmm ... Boggles the mind. Seems plenty of people reply as if he was posting here, even though the wording gives it away pretty clearly that he's not. I'd almost call that anti-social behaviour.

    lauren, to random
    @lauren@mastodon.laurenweinstein.org avatar

    I see many people still don't understand this. When legislation calls for children to get permission from parents for social media use and/or be under restricted hours, this requires that ALL users of social media, children, parents, people with no children, etc. be identified by government IDs (in the case of young children, via their parents' IDs). Again, even if you don't have kids, YOU WILL BE REQUIRED to use government ID for access, otherwise you cannot prove you are NOT a child. Think about it.

    @hakona@im.alstadheim.no avatar

    @mike805 @lauren Just use a server that is outside US jurisdiction.

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