Anyone else banned from world news for criticizing China?

So I made a comment on worldnews criticizing Chinese activity in the south china sea and apparently got banned for it by the automod. This happen to anyone else? Is this Lemmy’s version of the need help post and the shape of things to come?

The instance I posted in was

tobogganablaze, (edited )

It was !worldnews … so yeah, almost anyone that say anything against China. It’s a tankie instance.

Use !world instead.

Pan_Ziemniak, was the one that blocked me from calling out russian bs. And everyday its nothing but linkerbaan being busy trying to convince everyone that Status Quo Joe is the worst thing in the world bc Gaza.


Yeah. He's an obvious troll. The bigger problem is that when I've called him out in the past, a mod here has deleted my comments for misleading reasons. So it's obvious that at least one of the mods does support Russian bs. Of course, there are other mods who do give him the occasional ban so he calms down a bit.

I've said this elsewhere, but if you're angry about what's happening in Gaza, you really don't want 'friends' like that supporting your cause. One spoilt apple ruins the bunch. It's like if you run a children's hospital that accepts donations from Gary Glitter.


My thing with it is, ive bwen privately/publicly bitching about the apartheid state known as Israel for the past 15+ yrs, but now, now is when everybodys taking note, when the october attack by hamas was, in part, part of a larger russian effort to draw attention away from the area in Europe they have since called a stepstone multiple times now. And now these voices conveniently ignore that US policy towards israel has always been unconditional financial/military support. But suuuure, its all bidens fault. As if the geriatric neolib picked out of a hat bc he was the closest thing to “average” for our politics over the past 60 yrs was the problem, and is if there was no chance of their being intelligence available to the president that isnt available to the rest of us.

Support Gaza, but remember that Ukraine is where the bigger worldwide threat is.

Zorsith, avatar

Kind proud to have been banned from reddit world news (pre-API BS) for calling out the Israel bootlicker spam and downvote bot armies.

It’s disgusting how obviously evil Israel has treated the west bank for so long that only now people care, and only now are people calling on the government to put an end to it. I recall having read an article about at least 1 Jewish community protest having been marked “antisemetic”


The obsession with the genocide language really says it all. They use it to shut down discussion entirely, but they will ban you if you mention the G word about Ukraine.

A year or two from now, when there are still millions of Arab Palestinians, and the world is spending billions to rebuild their infrastructure, I’m sure all these people will definitely admit that it was never genocide.


The dude is pretty much a protected asset in !Politics. He’s seemingly untouchable there.


Yeah. That dude is either a Russian propagandist, or a right-wing MAGA troll.

They’re impossible to tell apart.


Yeah, the linkerbaan guy is an obvious russian bot/troll, I’ve blocked him a long time ago.

Humanius, avatar

I’m inclined to believe that they might be genuine. The comments are too well-written for a mere spam/bot/troll account.

The sheer volume of these comments and posts does feel very spam-like though


Yeah, they pay real people to act as professional trolls.


Not that obvious, judging by the downvotes here and how they are the most popular poster over there. And per what ppl under u were saying, i would bet money that they are a paid actor, not a bot, though they definitely employ those as well to inflate, deflate upvotes at their discretion.


I thought you got downvoted for confusing a community for one.

agent_flounder, avatar

Good choice. I have tagged him as a dbag or something in Sync lol.

Deceptichum, (edited ) avatar

Ahh, thanks for the clarification, but i have tried to post in the .world instance with no avail.

Deceptichum, avatar

It’s !world, the other one is a very inactive community.


Thanks, fixed it.

STOMPYI, (edited )

Imma go bash China brb… okay… i said I hated China. Well see …

agent_flounder, avatar


DragonTypeWyvern, (edited ) is only a tankie instance to someone that thinks Marxism=tankies

That said, at least one of the Worldnews mods is a pretty evident Pooh Poster.

They’ll let people call out the more aggressive bullshit “America bad” rhetoric but if you even look at China funny you’re going to eat a permaban.


The ironic part is that all of the Marxist-Leninists on .ml are actually really bad when it comes to contemporary political science in my experience. They are way closer to anti-western ideologues considering their grasp on modern leftist theory seems tenuous at best. All they know is orthodox dogma and then a bunch of cold war nonsense which has nothing to do with leftist politics at all.


There is nothing marxist about ml or other tankie places. They are just pure authoritarian brownnosers, and couldn’t care less about actual socialism. Tankies are purely in it because they imagine they are going to be the ruling class after their imaginary “revolution”, exactly the same way fascists are in it for.


bootlicking is like their religion

snooggums, avatar

They believe in trickle down authoritarianism.


trickle down authoritarianism

Probably not a great band name, but certainly a good album name.

Zorsith, avatar

Drippy Authoritah

Neato, avatar

From my little research I didn’t think communism even had classes.


Sure, the people running the goverment were definitely in the same lines as everyone else waiting for their beet and bread rations.

Neato, avatar

I mean real communism. Not the totalitarianism dictatorships the USSR and China were/are.


There is no real communism.

amio, is only a tankie instance to someone that thinks Marxism=tankies



a tankie is someone who tends to support “militant opposition to capitalism”, and a more modern online variation, which means "something like ‘a self-proclaimed communist who indulges in conspiracy theories and whose rhetoric is largely performative.’

I use this definition. And it perfectly applies to a wide range of users and moderators.

boredtortoise, (edited )

They don’t oppose capitalism (example Russia & China). It’s closer to a support for authoritarianism (usually anti-USA, but even there shifts towards more authoritarian leadership receive support)


It’s not that they don’t oppose capitalism so much that they’ll ignore any sense of ideological consistency on their quixotic quest to make sure that everyone knows America is Bad.

If you oppose America, you must be good, it doesn’t matter if you’re a genocidal kleptocracy or a genuine fascist. Internally this is rationalized by viewing America as the most dominant and powerful force for capitalism in the world, it doesn’t matter if other, even worse capitalists tear it down because the American empire must fall for socialism to rise.

And it’s not like that particular thought is wrong, in a vacuum. America has proven time and time again that it will break any moral barrier to attack anyone even suspected of being a socialist, it’s just so evidentally self defeating you have to wonder if there are any true believers at all or if they’re all sockpuppets run from a Russian speaking basement somewhere.

loobkoob avatar

I don't think it's about capitalism/socialism/communism at all for a lot of them at this point. They have a fairly simple ideology: the enemy of my enemy is my friend. And their enemy happens to be their own government.

agent_flounder, avatar

It’s not that they don’t oppose capitalism so much that they’ll ignore any sense of ideological consistency on their quixotic quest to make sure that everyone knows America is Bad.

Spot on. Whatever that’s called, that sounds like much/most of the hexbear and ml instances.

… America has proven time and time again that it will break any moral barrier to attack anyone even suspected of being a socialist,

Sadly, you’re right. More to the point there are many examples of the US knocking down anything or anyone even suspected of threatening capitalists. Whether that’s unions within the US, governments leaning too socialist (yet being democracies), or whatever else. I know you know this; I just felt like venting.

it’s just so evidentally self defeating you have to wonder if there are any true believers at all or if they’re all sockpuppets run from a Russian speaking basement somewhere.

When they all come out with new talking points about the same time, all bearing remarkable similarity, and coinciding with notable (geo)political events, and brigading certain posts, it sure makes you go, “hmm.”

Zeppo, avatar

The vibe is exactly like the astroturf shit that flooded reddit in 2016. Endless criticism of Democrats in the US, while never mentioning US conservatives for some odd reason. That’s why I get from the “Jor Biden really bad, genocide! Don’t vote for him, vote 3rd party!” They come to US left/democrat/liberal spaces and try to convince people to not vote for Biden, but where are the efforts to convince people to not vote for Trump? And then this “you say everyone is a russian bot lol!!” thing is also exactly what the shills on reddit did.


its still part of Russian geoplitical strategy - shifts to the right are self-destructive and help USA’s enemies

during the 80’s, USA pushed the USSR’s allies in South America to adopt more conservative governments as a means of destroying them from the inside, and today Russia is attempting to employ the same strategy against USA

Deceptichum, (edited ) avatar

That’s a bad definition.

A tankie is simply a ML who supports the use of force to restrict people’s freedoms. It’s named after the Soviets sending tanks into Hungary to stop a popular democratic uprising, but the same applies to China sending tanks into Tiananmen.

They’re basically super statists who value the state over the people.

All leftists are opposed to capitalism, but obvs tankies are a small minority of leftists, so your definition falls apart.

Floufym, avatar

What is a ML ?


Marxist-Lenininist, or Stalinist. Sometimes Maoists are included. It’s like a pseudofascist offshoot and later antagonist ideology of Marxism. Historically they’ve purged communists etc.

Ignacio avatar


cabbage, (edited ) avatar


Lenin was a scholar and developed his own take on Marxism, which has its own understanding of the communist society. Marx wrote very little about what a communist society would look like, but he had an understanding of history as moving towards an end: The classes will fight, over time the result of this fight will lead to them approaching each other, and at the end of this struggle we will reach a classless society. This classless society is the communist society in a traditional Marxist sense.

Lenin figured he'd make a shortcut to get there: Never mind thousands of years of class struggle, let's just put in place a powerful ruling class imposing communism on everyone, designing a classless society from the top down. Which is a bit counter-intuitive, but the Leninist part of Marxism-Leninism basically boils down to trying to figure out what that could look like.

So then you get the Soviet Union, very much founded on the ideas of Marxism-Leninism. Today people who identify as Marxist-Leninist tend to not be the sharpest tools in the shed: Despite insisting that they have studied the texts carefully, a brief interaction with them reveals that they have never read neither Marx nor Lenin. What it boils down to, rather than anything theoretical, is either a longing for some imaginary version of the Soviet Union or a unshakable commitment to lick Putin's ass.

The Soviet Union of course never did become a classless society, so you could argue that the greatest achievement of Marxism-Leninism was to destroy the traditional meaning of communism in a Marxist sense.


Well said. The ML offshoot caused deaths of numerous communists and gave a reason to the red scare, harming the progress of Marxism for decades

snooggums, avatar

Lenin figured he’d make a shortcut to get there: Never mind thousands of years of class struggle, let’s just put in place a powerful ruling class imposing communism on everyone, designing a classless society from the top down.

I think Lenin missed the part where the powerful ruling class imposing something is the opposite of a classless society.

jeena, avatar

To be fair, I downloaded Das Kapital once and started reading it, but after just one or two pages in this old German language it was just too difficult to follow so I gave up.


Marx actually did write quite a bit about revolutionary praxis. It’s actually what ends up renders his otherwise reasonable stuff about historical materialism down to modernist screed.


All leftists are opposed to capitalism

That’s simply incorrect.

cabbage, avatar

Of all the random things people downvote, I find this to be the most fascinating.

Not only are you correct, but you're so obviously correct as well. There's the old Jewish joke with "two Jews, three opinions" - that certainly holds true for leftists as well. Even more than the bootlickers I'm getting tired of the people who are so goddamn sure they've figured it all out.

Deceptichum, (edited ) avatar

No it’s not.

The closest to support for capitalism would market socialism, but that still involves public ownership of the means of production, which is in difference to the defining feature of capitalism, private ownership of the means of production.

tobogganablaze, (edited )

You should read up on social democracy.

RobotToaster, avatar

Social democracy is objectively the moderate wing of fascism.


That sentence is objectively retarded.

Deceptichum, avatar

Soc Dem was co-opted by right wingers, just the same as they stole the word Libertarian from us.

Soc Dems today are not leftist, Dem Socs are where the leftist part went.

cabbage, avatar

And the People's Front of Judea needs to fuck right off, what a bunch of traitorous scum

cabbage, avatar

I guess there's this American sense of capitalism as an ideological commitment to letting the forces of the marketplace run wild, and that once you regulate the markets it's not capitalism any more. That's laissez-faire though - there are other forms of capitalism as well. In the broadest sense capitalism basically boils down to having a market economy, which a lot of leftists are in favour of.

Deceptichum, avatar

No, capitalism basically boils down to private ownership of the means of production.

A market economy is a market economy, hence market socialism. Market economies have existed for thousands of years, capitalism for a few hundred.

cabbage, avatar
whaleross, avatar


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  • boredtortoise,

    In Finland, the social democrats are leftists only in right wing rhetoric. Their actual politics are definitely still inside capitalism and not actually leftist. One could consider them centrists in a way

    Deceptichum, (edited ) avatar

    Scandinavian countries are not leftist.

    They’re some of the most left leaning of Western countries, but they’re not actually on the left side of the spectrum, they’re just less right.

    whaleross, avatar


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  • Deceptichum, avatar

    Yes historically Soc Dems were part of the left, that leftist element is now referred to as Democratic Socialism.

    Soc Dems still sought to do away with capitalism by transitioning to socialism, they just wanted to approach it through gradual change of the system.

    Socsa, (edited )

    It is though. This is what people mean when they say so much of internet leftism is outdated and misinformed.

    Treating capitalism as a Boogeyman is outdated. Capital modes of production are a tool which can be wielded by market socialists towards the ultimate goal of post scarcity, classless society, the same as any other other economic structure. Putting dirty words in in a particular historical box is just as dumb as worshipping those words. It’s modernist garbage, plain and simple, and all to often this gets manifested as braindead “everything I hate is capitalism.”

    The goal of socialism is worker control of production. This is often in conflict with capitalism in practice, but is not orthogonal to capitalism in theory. This is a large part of contemporary leftist theory which has developed over the past 50 years, and dismissing it reveals pretty stark amateurism imo

    Deceptichum, avatar

    You’re the first person I’ve ever heard say “internet” leftism is outdated.

    I think you’ve just convinced yourself that it is because you don’t agree with it mate.


    Yes, it would definitely seem that way if your primary exposure to leftist ideas was leftist internet forums, where leftism is primarily about revolutionary fan service and gatekeeping leftism.

    Deceptichum, avatar

    Except it isn’t my primary exposure?

    My views largely predate the Internet.

    Like I said, keep telling yourself you must be right.

    barsoap, (edited )

    Capital modes of production are a tool which can be wielded by market socialists

    You’re playing semantics and the “modes of production” stuff is like the weakest stuff in Marx. Market socialism still means the abolishment of the capitalist class (nowadays “the 0.1%”), therefore, can’t be capitalist, the primary distinction after all being class relations, and not mode of production.

    There’s been a ton of equivocation of capitalism with market economies which is probably where all this is coming from. You can have markets with socialism, you can have markets with capitalism, but you can’t have socialism with capitalism.

    Delta_V, (edited )

    not just private ownership, but structures that ensure an increasingly concentrated private ownership by ever fewer people who use that advantage to create a set of rules that further increases the ownership gap

    ie a system where the owners of capital get to make the rules

    capitalism is antithetical to democracy


    The clearest split between right wing and left wing is the belief in capitalism.


    I’ve literally never once seen any of these people mention a single thing about economic philosophy. It’s simply shit talking the west and defending the Chinese and Russian governments at all costs. I think the whole “communism” aspect is little more than a smokescreen.

    DragonTypeWyvern, (edited )

    Your definition is bad.

    NOT_RICK, avatar

    I don’t agree, but I did lol at “Pooh poster”

    agent_flounder, avatar

    but if you even look at China funny you’re going to eat a permaban.

    That sure sounds like classic tankie.


    Block these instances:

    There is no point arguing with tankies. They are dumb and they won’t change. I just hope there will be a way to completely block those users including their comments. They are polluting the fediverse.


    Do I get an achievement if I’m banned or my instance was defederated from all of these?


    I got banned from some of these as well! First time I’ve ever been banned from anything lol. Guess it’s a badge of honor on lemmy


    No. It’s just said you are nazi creep who simp for terrorist right wing state like modern Ukraine,


    Remember to always take the pills your doctor tells you to take.


    That’s just you finishing the tutorial.


    I got a permanent ban on lemmygrad within days of making an account, see supporting Ukraine defend itself is obviously NATO apologia. I think the problem wasn’t even my stance but that were actually convincing, they’re not blocking you for saying “fuck tankies” or making bad arguments, they keep that stuff up to make, by extension, any criticism of their party line look stupid.

    Only got temporary bans on, for things such as pointing out that OP’s article itself said that Ukraine didn’t lay claim to the territories in Russia it officially recognises as “historically linguistically Ukrainian” in response to others in the thread doing the usual “Zelensky is a Nazi oppression Russian speakers” thing (never mind Zelensky being a native Russian speaker and Jew).

    Ignacio avatar

    I just hope there will be a way to completely block [...] users including their comments.

    Remember who the developers are.


    Yeah. I hope kbin will grow and have a decent mobile app, then I can finally move over.

    Ignacio avatar

    You also have mbin, being its main instance.

    agent_flounder, avatar

    And eventually we will have Sublinks I hope?

    cabbage, avatar

    Check out and the Interstellar app! :)


    When I tried the Interstellar app earlier, it crashed frequently. Just tried it again with the current version and it seems to be very stable now. Thanks for the suggestion.

    Is there something unique about I am using for now, which runs on mbin.

    moosetwin, avatar

    yeah as soon as sublinks has an actual public instance i’m switching over

    SorteKanin, avatar

    But… Kbin can federate just as easily with those instances as Lemmy. You shouldn’t think “I’m going to move to kbin”, that wouldn’t help in any way.

    You should rather move to an instance (using any backend you like, Lemmy, Kbin, doesn’t matter) that has defederated from the instances you don’t want to interact with.


    Connect for Lemmy does that.


    They are anti blocking or…? I don’t understand this comment.


    The devs are the tankies that run

    savvywolf, avatar

    They seem to be really anti-nsfw, so that could be a driving force for improving their instance blocking (and is probably the only reason it exists in the first place).

    AlexisFR, avatar

    It’s a bit extreme to block the entirety of, no?

    Mastengwe, (edited )

    Not at all. There’s nothing good that has .ml at the end of it here. You’re missing nothing.


    I don’t miss anything there other than the Firefox community.


    to join you need to copy and paste a paragraph from a communist text, so, no

    AlexisFR, avatar

    Damn, I guess looking back, the .ml wasn’t about Mali lol


    ? Since when. I used to have an account there months ago when I migrated from reddit. I don’t think I would have missed that at the time


    Yeah I had an account there too and I set it up like every other account. Found out later on that ml was Marxist Lennin so I setup shop at instead

    TopRamenBinLaden, (edited )

    .ml is the top level domain for the country of Mali. .ml domains are free, so it is just a coincidence. Also, Marxist-Leninism is not a ‘tankie’ theory, by itself. There are plenty of communists and socialists that aren’t simps for China and Russia.

    I would even say that you can’t be a true communist and support either of these countries, because these countries are not communist at all. They are just authoritarian capitalistic hellholes, with sprinkles of social policies to give the illusion of pursuing a communist society.

    barsoap, (edited )

    Dessalines, lemmy dev and admin of both lemmygrad and, is a Dengist. And not exactly coy about it.

    And don’t even fucking start to pretend it’s “lemmygrad dot mali”.




    Fuck I’m retarded.

    I’ve been here for months and kind of known all these components but just never connected the dots.

    I was even defending Lemmy at one point.


    Well, lemmy is code. From what I heard the indefensible thing about it was the utterly unoptimised DB usage but with influx of new devs that got quite a bit better.

    At the beginning there were talks about a fork but one doesn’t just fork a FLOSS project if there’s no technical reasons, or reasons regarding project management, and in that regard dessalines appears to be sane.


    I never knew whether that was true, I just drifted away from it. .ml just means it is on a domain designated for Mali, but they could have explicitly chosen that domain to use it for another purpose.


    This is blatantly not true. To sign up for, you have to provide an email, name, and a couple sentences of why you’re joining. You should stop inventing false statements and spewing them on the internet. It’s not good for anyone. In fact, it makes everyone who dislikes look like idiots.


    It is they who are extreme.

    NOT_RICK, avatar

    Based on what china is doing to fishing and military boats from the Philippines, I doubt they’re just after ‘transit’. They’re making a territorial claim. Not much different from Russia’s claim on Ukraine, except that its happening in international waters.

    This is what OP was banned for. It’s not just the world news community, the admins police wrongthink across the entire instance.


    And the Streisand effect has carried those words to people who would have never seen them.

    Hope you’re reading this .ml!

    AlexisFR, avatar

    Yeah that’s pretty bad.

    cottonmon, (edited ) avatar

    I wonder what the listed offence was, because what OP stated in the comment is absolutely true. Did they conveniently forget the 9-dash line? China is absolutely laying claim to waters that have already been declared to belong to the Philippines.

    NOT_RICK, avatar

    OP said the offense was “yellow peril”

    cottonmon, avatar

    What a BS reason

    Neato, avatar


    SorteKanin, avatar

    I just hope there will be a way to completely block those users including their comments. They are polluting the fediverse.

    There already is, go to an instance that defederates from them. Or try to convince your current instance to do it. Or make your own personal instance so you’re in control of what you defederate from.


    Got banned after calling out russian propaganda for being just that. Literally happened on my first or second day on lemmy.


    Sorry about that mate. I don’t think Lemmy sucks or anything. But I just hope it’s not going down reddits unfettered moderator powers and getting banned without recourse. Kinda feels like it may be headed there.

    FaceDeer avatar

    The abuse of power is instance-specific, fortunately. The whole point of all this is that there are multiple instances. Just ignore the ones that are run by tankies, those instances are theirs to wallow in if they want.


    Yeah. I just hope that doesn’t mean we need to keep switching instances once one fills up with weirdos looking around because no one wants to join them in their poisoned forums any more. I’m pretty sure they will have alt accounts on multiple instances.


    Its strange. When i first came on here i felt that shit was the same as there bc of this. Now? Idk man… the big difference is the amount of sane voices on here that arent silenced but instead are prevalent. Thats why i dont like the advice of blocking the shitty instances. Young ppl are at risk of stumbling in early, and the trolls/shills need to be pushed back against.

    SorteKanin, avatar

    I don’t think Lemmy sucks or anything.

    This really doesn’t have much to do with Lemmy. If you don’t like what you see from a certain instance, go to an instance that defederates from that instance. That applies regardless of what software you use to access the Fediverse, Lemmy, kbin, whatever.


    Let me guess,


    Called it! Just checked the post.


    I ran into something similar a couple days ago:

    I wrote a comment critical of Chinas actions in Africa, which was silently deleted after it got traction. When I looked at the mod log, my comment was not listed. Checked back on my comment, checked the mod log from another machine. Nothing.

    Just silently and covertly removed without any trace of who and why. Has me really suspicious


    That tracks. China’s (imperialist) abuse of Africa isn’t the message they want out there. They frame it as win-win collaboration


    Right. More like win and give up your sovereign right and decision making autonomy on all of the world bodies.


    You mean the comment in about “bootleg videos of Chinese foremen in in Africa” that shows in Modlog as being removed by mod for “Racist stereotyping”?


    Yes, that one. I don’t mind so much the removal as the odd secretiveness I observed. Where are you seeing that correct mod log? When I tried looking at the reason the removal action was not in the log, which is what my main issue is/was. I even tried from my phone and computer to the same result

    If I make an inappropriate comment (in the heat of the moment) in whatever community it’s totally fine if they remove it but I would at least like to know why.


    I just pulled up the modlogs on and entered your username.


    So if I comment on .world, and a mod there removes the comment, I have to check my home instance mod log?


    I see what you mean about it not showing in logs on Given the “carnist rhetoric” one shows I’m betting on it being a bug. Lemmy has many bugs and Modlog federation is especially buggy from what I’ve seen.


    No, but thanks for the heads up. seems to be good about that, or I would’ve ruffled every feather in the book almost.

    AlexisFR, avatar

    Well it’s run By Estonians, of course they have good reason to dislike Russia.

    shinigamiookamiryuu, is? I didn’t know that. You learn something new every day.

    I wish the best for Estonia during these times. Such nice vibes from there.

    ImplyingImplications, is a tankie instance that loves China and hates western countries. Unfortunately, it’s also one of the biggest Lemmy instances because it’s run by the main devs of Lemmy (who created Lemmy because they were frequently banned on other sites for bootlicking for China). Thankfully, Lemmy is open source and the nature of how it runs allows everyone to ignore the weird ideologies of the devs.

    Neato, avatar

    It’s one of the only 3 instances I block. All tankies bullshit.


    what are the other two?

    I thought I was only blocking two but it seems I am blocking four

    Neato, avatar

    You’ve got my 3. I don’t know anything about

    Quetzalcutlass, is an instance that scrapes Reddit and mirrors posts and comments, creating bot accounts with the same username as the original poster. The intent was to make it easy for users to migrate away from Reddit (just claim the bot account with your username), but everyone pointed out the obvious ethical problems of mass plagiarizing and how nobody on Reddit can see any replies you make. It was also super spammy and 99℅ of the comments are from those scraper bots, so most instances defederated from them.


    Pretty sure that project ended after all the backlash.


    I’ve got lemmit blocked for similar reasons. I don’t really know much of it, but that lemmit bot was annoying me and I just sort of assumed the entire instance was probably just Reddit posts so blocked it


    Lemmynsfw is on my list too


    lol, apparently I got a temp ban for "misinformation" over a comment saying that Russian-aligned forces at Debaltseve ignored the ceasefire that was agreed in Minsk II

    In fairness though it was only a temp ban, and they've never removed anything else I've said (even in that specific thread)


    Mine as flagged ‘yellow peril’. Now bear in mind I’m asian and have a direct interest in the article and my comment. Maybe the automod just removes reported posts. But really? Yellow peril? Wtf is that even?

    NOT_RICK, avatar

    They use a lot of words like that or Sinophobia, orientalism, etc when the word they actually mean to use is wrongthink.


    "Yellow peril" is a term describing a kind of racist propaganda that solidified in the 19th century, basically saying that either East Asia or specific parts of East Asia (China or Japan, most often) represents an existential threat to Europe / the West / white people / whatever else. Wikipedia has a page on it, though it sticks to the historical context and leaves more recent versions of the same general idea to other articles. That's not to say that you were doing it, though, just that it is an established term


    Right. So racism is out in my case because I’m an effing Chinese, so it’s just my wording of my disagreement with Chinese policy and propaganda. I consider the Chinese claim on the international waters of the scs plain propaganda and an imminent threat to the surrounding countries. I got no beef with you, friend.

    The person replying to me was articulate and well worded, but I couldn’t help thinking it’s the same language putin would use to justify annexing Crimea (quote: it’s more complicated that most people understand) and filling in with much nothingspeak and no sources. I’m so done with that instance now.


    I got no beef with you, friend.

    Likewise! I didn't think you came across as angry at me, but sorry if I seemed that way to you. I didn't mean to


    For those of you asking/ curious, the reason given was ‘yellow peril’. Really? I guess my being asian and directly affected by the Chinese activities in the scs makes me somehow a threat to yellow people?

    Socsa, (edited )

    Same. I literally have family in China and therefore a real stake in Chinese society. Meanwhile a bunch of western tankies who have never been to China and don’t speak the language hand down bans merely for me relaying conversations I’ve actually had with real Chinese people in their native language about Chinese history and politics.

    It’s simple racism to infantilise all Chinese people like this, believing they need a bunch of white saviors on the Internet to speak for them and guard their cultural chastity.


    Simply mentioning china or any ethnicity at all is seen as racism to them because grounding reality in anything other than communist propaganda is seen as a threat.


    Holy shit theyve drunk the cool aid. There’s articles about mainland students just exploding in college classes when bringing up Chinese topics. Or the video about the piano player being intimidated and wrongly accused of impropriety for making a video. The problem is when the authorities side with these bullies, or play it down.


    Did you know that if you support Ukraine, the tankies say that makes you racist against Asians? No joke , that’s what I was called. You see, they say, Russia is actually an Asian country.

    This isn’t a joke and happened to me. And the people were really really cross with me.


    Lmao that username. You’re either Malaysian or Singaporean.

    viking, avatar

    HK or Cantonese could work as well.

    TwinTusks, avatar

    Canton is part of main land Chinese, they use the same standard pinyin.

    Ofcourse you can be edgy and use Wade-Giles or some new thing that Taiwan came up with.


    Cibai is a Hokkien insult, not a Cantonese insult


    Hahaha. I recognize your usernamr from ‘the other place’


    Leddit? Yeah I was active there, then decided to leave.


    Same, with a name change to go with it. Hope things work out here mate!


    Simpsons did it.

    angrymouse, (edited )

    You should have a big bad luck or they got some mods. The number of straight racism towards asians and south Americans I saw in World news made me literally block the community months ago. It was exactly the same as the reddit counterpart.


    My sentiments exactly. Power tripping mods and autobanning without recourse.


    I had the opposite experience. Lemmy’s World News is much less racist than Reddit’s. So many articles about events in Asia, Africa, etc.


    As I said, I blocked the community months ago, I dont doubt you, I really wish it changed and I’m wrong


    just block the instance and if you start to feel annoyed by the hexbear, block that one too. You will not notice any loss


    I thought y’all are defederated from hexbear


    my instance doesn’t defederate from anyone

    circuitfarmer, avatar

    This is the way. I would prefer local blocking to complete defederation, because then the onus is on me.

    Black_Gulaman, avatar

    The problem is some people are gullible. Yeah we’ll I know it’s their problem. But I can’t help to have some concern for merry fellows in the internet. Though I also recognize their freedom to choose for themselves. It’s truly a conundrum. Where does concern stop and overstepping start eh?

    SorteKanin, avatar

    It sounds good to let each user decide for themselves, but you must remember that these instances that you as a user block still get to have influence on voting. So even if you block all the instances you don’t want to have an influence, they’ll still have an influence on your feed.

    Not defederating from anything is not the best path if you want to shut out an instance.

    Zeppo, avatar

    Hexbear defederated from everyone, but everyone didn’t defederate from Hexbear.

    Black_Gulaman, avatar

    Truly a bubble into themselves. Let’s see where that cycle leads them.


    Hey fellow non-China Chinese. Just block, lemmy and hexbear for a much better lemmy experience.


    How to block?


    settings/ blocks tab/ block instances at the bottom


    Boost app does not seem to be able to block an instance.


    Those instances are just satire right?


    UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

    Two of them are practically dead.

    Hexbear is just the exodus of ChapoTrapHouse and a few affiliated sites from when Reddit kicked its ban policy into high gear. The Akira Toriyama Megathread and Online Movie Night top-posts seem about as sincere and good natured as anything on any other social media site.

    MajesticSloth, avatar

    Only if Sino on reddit was as well. Which I thought was when I first came across it.


    lemmygrad is a full-on cult, is its public front and embassy, and hexbear, well, there’s plenty of idiots on hexbear, the problem with hexbearians isn’t that they’re Stalinists but that they think signal politics does anything, hence also their propensity to pile. At least in the past I think they’ve given up on doing it outside hexbear.


    This is the way

    stackPeek, avatar

    How do I actually block instances?

    Anyway fuck tankies


    If you’re on the website, just go to settings, block


    The .ml stands for Marxist /Leninist.


    Also, Mali


    Did the Lemmy developers register the name under the .ml TLD because they are such fans of Mali? Maybe but probably not.


    Because the domains are literally free


    Funny, communists always insist China isn’t communist at all, so why would they care about it being criticized?


    Because the only stance that tankies actually hold is “America bad”, to the degree that anyone that is an opponent of America must automatically be good and must be supported at all costs


    The communists who say China isn’t communist aren’t the ones that go to bat for them.

    UnderpantsWeevil, (edited ) avatar

    communists always insist China isn’t communist

    I can think of at least 95M Communists who don’t insist this.

    But modern American leftists are increasingly in love with China, particularly with their HSR and Tech programs.


    Tankies aren’t that type of communist, that is, sane. Tankies are auth rights disguised as leftists.


    Potatoes potatoes.


    Aren’t tankies authoritarian leftists? What’s “right” about them?

    s_s, (edited )

    Marx encouraged fascist dictatorships as a method to bring about the proletariat revolution.

    And this is why dictators love the, “give me just a little more power and once it’s secured I’ll hand it all back to the people, pinky swear” schtick.



    ikidd, avatar

    I love this.


    If you go by the origin of the division and their definitions, they certainly are right. Authoritarian gov means centralising power. People arguing for the Ancient Regime were also pushing better for the people rethoric.

    Besides, they are supporting a state that is closest to a nazi state. russia.


    I disagree, they’re firmly authleft, the problem is “auth.”

    Being authoritarian about leftist ideals doesn’t secretly make you right wing because “authoritarian = right wing.” Leftism isn’t “when good,” you can have bad leftists and pretending otherwise is nothing more than delusion.


    West Taiwan big angry


    Apparently I make the great yellow peril.


    The Thread you posted to was…/malaysia-china-australia-anwar-ibrah…

    and you dismissed all the other guys in the thread posting nuance with this vibes-based comment:

    Based on what china is doing to fishing and military boats from the Philippines, I doubt they’re just after ‘transit’. They’re making a territorial claim. Not much different from Russia’s claim on Ukraine, except that its happening in international waters.

    Your account is 4 days old. No one cares what color yankee you are mate.

    take the L, read more, and maybe don’t only believe western narrative, and you’ll do just fine. Youll even learn something.

    I reccommend you stick around and read things that challenge your worldview. you dont have to believe everything you read, but you should always critically analyze yourself and your position, just in case.


    Their comment is perfectly innocuous. Unless they require college level debate and citations for every comment, there’s nothing wrong with it.

    Criticizing a government for taking an imperial action should never be forbidden. And make no mistake, China’s neighbors there certainly seem to feel like China is significantly overreaching.

    LibertyLizard, (edited )

    While I appreciate challenging my worldview, the issue with is the users who tend to uncritically accept Russian and Chinese propaganda, and many are very hostile to outside perspectives. If there were open and good faith discussion I think it would be of more value, but instead they just ban anyone with outside perspectives. This type of “discussion” has little to contribute to the broader community.

    On this specific issue I really haven’t seen anything that challenges the idea that China is engaging in imperialism here. Do you have any recommended reading that challenges the western narrative?


    The issue is also people getting banned for a comment like the one quoted. There’s nothing in there that’s worthy of a ban under any reasonable set of mod rules.


    Yes. And not did I NOT slag the entire group as accused, it seems the only issue was that I was not parroting the hive speak. Instead of engaging in discourse like a mature adult, and ‘expanding their world view’, they and some other users are content to weild the ban hammer like an insecure child/ trumpist/ dictator. I believe in people’s right to speak, even if I disagree with their message, which seems to include the very things we in SEA are concerned about.


    Do you have any recommended reading that challenges the western narrative?

    Id be happy to oblige if i can. Are you looking for something specific to the South China Sea?

    I got a short timeline of domestic relations between manilla and beijing from reuter anyway to start the ball rollin’…/rift-deepens-between-philippines-ch…


    Yeah I was asking about the South China Sea. I think the summation of events there supports what OP posted and I’m curious if there is any alternative viewpoint that is factually supported.

    The link you posted seems in line with my and OP’s views on the conflict.


    I thought it was a nice summary showing that the US is involved in building more military bases in the area. China appears worried about the US grabbing more hegemony and military strength along that important trade route.

    Viewed through that lens it seems somewhat similar to the Cuban missile crisis, but i don’t want to get into a subjective battle comparing apples to oranges.

    China is a rising political and economic force worldwide and the US has a vested interest in stopping them. I see no distinction between what they and we are doing.

    Takes pressupposing US benevolence and Chinese imperialism kinda get me back up, and I’ve seen alot of editorialized and biased headlines from supposed unbiased sources that could be the source of these.

    Generally i am gonna disagree with a blanket statement like OPs deleted one when i see so much shit like this:…

    Within that article lies this statement,7 paragraphs down:

    “We don’t have any scientific study or any evidence that would suggest that cyanide fishing in Bajo de Masinloc can be attributed to the Chinese or the Vietnamese fishermen,” GMA News quoted a coast-guard spokesperson, Commodore Jay Tarriela, as saying.

    But the title states it as fact.

    LibertyLizard, (edited )

    Yeah I mean there is certainly a case to be made that US actions are threatening to China, and it’s also true that pro-US propaganda exists. These are good things to be aware of.

    But I also think that this conversation about US vs Chinese interests does not adequately elevate the experiences of smaller countries in the region. Most of whom have voluntarily cooperated with the US to counter Chinese aggression.

    Of course, it’s largely true that the US is pursuing their own interests in the region. But that fact does not mean we need to defend Chinese aggression. We should be looking at which actions are beneficial and liberatory to the people who live there, and which are harmful. In my view, Chinese activity is more harmful and imperialistic in the current context. But I am open to learning about and acknowledging the harms that the US is doing as well.

    My issue with the perspective is that they view US actions in the most unfavorable light possible while viewing Chinese actions in the most positive light possible (usually in direct contradiction to the known facts). When this asymmetry in interpretation is pointed out, their community reacts with hostility or bans. Usually using some nebulous idea of racial prejudice as a justification.

    It’s ironic because these are the exact same tactics used by apologists for Israel, which they absolutely hate over there. Authoritarians always use the same tactics it seems.

    hamid, (edited )


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  • LibertyLizard, (edited )

    The issue is that I really don’t see people defending American imperialism on Lemmy. It is widely acknowledged and condemned, and if I saw people defending it, I would criticize it as well.

    But none of that makes China not imperialist also. So when I see people defending the violence that the Chinese government inflicts on their neighbors and particularly minority and dissident groups within China, I have no choice but to call it out. The scope of their empire is smaller and weaker but empires are not capable of benevolence.

    Imagine how you would feel if people were here saying “No, it’s good what the Americans did to your country and your family”. That’s the exact rhetoric we see from China’s defenders, and that’s why it needs to be called out.

    And concern troll is no longer a term that has any meaning whatsoever thanks to folks like you who constantly misuse it.


    But I also think that this conversation about US vs Chinese interests does not adequately elevate the experiences of smaller countries in the region.

    I am interested in this too, no sarcasm. Id like to read the perspective of the small countries caught up in this. Ill are if i can find anything interestinng.

    We should be looking at which actions are beneficial and liberatory to the people who live there, and which are harmful

    Neither actions of either country attempting to control trade and resources in the South China Sea will be liberatory, and i am cynical of a major material benefit for the people of the region.

    In my view, Chinese activity is more harmful and imperialistic in the current context

    I would like to hear more about that context. The context of the harm to the small countries? How are Chinese actions more imperialistic than the US actions there?

    I think we could talk more probably! Ill see what i can find


    Never mind mate. Apparently his version of expanding his worldview doesn’t involve ‘younger’ accounts. That tells me all I need to know.


    That was certainly rude but I’m trying to engage with everyone in good faith nonetheless. It’s hard but sometimes it pays dividends.

    ChowJeeBai, (edited )

    You sir, are a better person than I. One of them has since started deleting. Good thing I didn’t respond in kind.

    TwinTusks, avatar

    To be fair, a new account posting flaming post does seems to be a troll account (not saying you are)


    Well, having an opposing opinion doesn’t automatically make it flamebait also - I can’t help how people choose to behave. The comment was copied somewhere in here - no ad hominems, unlike one or two of the responses here (not yours). Just discussing the topic at hand and giving my opinions. Apparently some people don’t react well to contrary views.

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