hbons, avatar

changed to a Sonic-style ball jump. makes it easier to add all kinds of mechanics. ⚪💨

it looks better too in my opinion. what do you think?

hbons, avatar

new map screen. gives a good sense of what the size of the world will be. 🗺️

the unvisited tile looks a bit like Tetris blocks. may change it later...

#GameBoy #GameDev #PixelArt #RetroGaming #Nintendo #ProjectWhiskers

hbons, avatar

somehow managed to implement variable jump height!

git commit && git push && git never-touch-again 😅

#GameBoy #GameDev #PixelArt #RetroGaming #Nintendo #ProjectWhiskers

Cat jumping between different levels of platforms showing jump height differences.

bbbbbr, avatar

@hbons 😄

Congrats! Just from looking, the physics appear nice too. :)

This always comes to mind when I'm not implementing jumping... but then I am implementing I somehow never look at it.

hbons, avatar

@bbbbbr thanks! super useful tips. :)

hbons, avatar

the minimap now shows room exits. so you can see the path you've traced. only for visited rooms, so it doesn't give away any secret exits. :)

this was a lot of work... the room exit directions are generated into some spare bits of the world data at compile time.

it's still very slow, but haven't looked at optimisations yet. maybe I'll keep it this way and create a scroll unroll effect instead? 📜

#GameBoy #GameDev #PixelArt #RetroGaming #Nintendo #ProjectWhiskers

As described.

hbons, avatar
hbons, avatar

cartridge hardware by @ferrantecrafts.

binarymoon, avatar

@hbons This looks really nice. Will you be sharing/ selling the rom so others can play it?

hbons, avatar

@binarymoon totally! it will take a while though. :)

wiredfire, avatar

@hbons @binarymoon looking forward to it!

binarymoon, avatar

@hbons no hurry 😃

Coincidentally I've been thinking about making a platformer for the Gameboy too. I was going to use it as an excuse to learn GB studio.

hbons, avatar

@binarymoon I'd say go for it. it's a lot of fun. :)


@hbons sooo… how‘s the frame rate? Is it like in the emulator?

hbons, avatar

@SushiLibre yes, identical. using SameBoy which is very accurate emulating the CPU limit.


@hbons It looks beautiful 😍

What genre will it be
when finished?

hbons, avatar

@theretrosven thank you. :)

somewhere between a puzzle-platformer and a Metroid I hope.


@hbons seems more like a 'Meow'troidvania 👍

Keep me updated, I would love to play it one day 😊

hbons, avatar
hbons, avatar

never had to think about compiler output before... really want to stick to that 32kb limit. :)

rewrote this lookup function to output 150 lines of assembly instead of 370.

#GameBoy #GameDev #PixelArt #RetroGaming #Nintendo #ProjectWhiskers

bbbbbr, avatar

@hbons Nice! It's a fun challenge to try and fit in 32K.

hbons, (edited ) avatar

finally got some useful insight into ROM space thanks to @bbbbbr's romusage tool. 🔍

41% free is a lot, since the world is a fixed size and already included. should be enough to make it a rich game!

#GameBoy #RetroDev #GameDev #PixelArt #RetroGaming #Nintendo #ProjectWhiskers

Jeltron, avatar

@hbons @bbbbbr I think text takes up a lot of space though so that's something to consider.

hbons, avatar

@Jeltron @bbbbbr one letter for in-game text is one byte right? that adds up quick.

Jeltron, avatar

@hbons @bbbbbr I guess so, I have to admit I don't know exactly how it works under the hood.

bbbbbr, avatar

@Jeltron @hbons @hbons @Jeltron Yeah, one byte per character.

Although, the people who make compiler (SDCC) have periodically worked on automatic compression of init data for some types of C vars. I think still turned off though.

hbons, avatar

@bbbbbr @Jeltron it makes Wordle even more impressive!

vancura, avatar

@hbons This is actually safer than RSA.

hbons, avatar

@vancura let's integrate it everywhere!

vancura, avatar

@hbons No, you integrate it everywhere! The Switzerland office will approve :)

Jeltron, avatar

@hbons I know how hard it is to get a picture like this w all the reflections on those screens!

hbons, avatar

finally got some time again. added an inventory screen. 🧭 🗺️

I've no clue what most of the items should be. ideas welcome!

Video of the game. A 3x3 item screen opens up and a cursor is moving around.

DavidNielsen, avatar

@hbons I kinda want a little mechanical mouse, could be useful for puzzles and fits the theme.


@hbons speak to chatgpt free version, tell it what you think that game should be about, and then hit it with straight up questions: what would the first level seeing be? what quests can I add to the first level? What items would player need to solve these quests? You can also ask for witty or funny suggestions, it will try to fulfill that too.

hbons, avatar

@kvakvs I do this sometimes, but it never comes up with something original. only boring stuff. :)


@hbons The good thing that it does: it prints the most obvious solution, and a very detailed one. Then you can select things which are really boring and you've seen them 1000 times, and replace them with your creativity. Gives a framework for the thought. It can't give really original twists but it removes the writer block from your brain 🤔

hbons, avatar

the can give the illusion that original games are full colour by clever use of its default palette.

it uses red mostly. but the darks in the background lean towards the purple, and the lights in the sprites lean towards the yellow.

really makes things pop! 🤩

hbons, avatar

hyperfocus is one hell of a drug. too bad it's an uncontrolled substance.

you get a custom border for the elusive when you set emulation to Pocket and the monochrome palette to Teal. 💡

(totally missed this because you need to reboot the game for it to take effect and the palette is very low contrast so I never use it)

Jeltron, avatar

@hbons Does sameboy support save states?

hbons, avatar

@Jeltron no idea, I've only used it for development so far. :)

Jeltron, avatar

@hbons I use save states a ton when developing games and I love how sameboy looks but wasn't able to find a save state function in it. Save states are really useful for backing out of a crash without having to reset the game.

hbons, avatar

@Jeltron good idea. I haven’t gotten to a point where I can’t get to with a quick reboot yet. maybe in the future,

hbons, (edited ) avatar
hbons, avatar

messed up when writing the palette switching logic, but kind of digging the look. 🤔

#GameBoy #GameDev #PixelArt #8Bit #Retro #RetroComputing #RetroGaming #Gaming #Nintendo #ProjectWhiskers

haitchfive, avatar

@hbons That looks nice indeed! Maybe keep it as an option switchable with a sequence of control keys.

hbons, avatar
jimmac, avatar

@hbons sharing sparkles is on brand.

hbons, avatar
hbons, (edited ) avatar

I want to improve the room draw time.

because of the limited ROM size only the bump map is stored and the room is decorated when switching rooms.

however this has a noticable delay (~20 frames). found this interrupt snippet so I can print how many frames were dropped and I can measure progress. 👍

#GameBoy #GameDev #IndieDev #PixelArt #8Bit #Retro #RetroComputing #RetroGaming #Gaming #Nintendo #ProjectWhiskers

hbons, avatar

also... did you know that the #GameBoyColor has a CPU that's twice as fast? ⚡

you can make use of it like this:

#GameBoy #GameDev #IndieDev #PixelArt #8Bit #Retro #RetroComputing #RetroGaming #Gaming #Nintendo #ProjectWhiskers

partnano, avatar

@hbons I really, really need and want to take time to play around developing for actual GB hardware... it's always so fun to hear about the architecture and tidbits about it!

hbons, avatar

the tools are pretty good these days! documenting all my pitfalls for others in this thread. :P

gameboycamera, avatar

@hbons the custom camera ROM “Photo!” makes uses of this and the faster Color crystal to allow it to allow the viewfinder frame rate to run at double speed! 🤯

hbons, avatar

alright! got about 25% speed improvement! 💪

there's a small bug, but too tired to fix that now...

the screen transition already feels better. need to iterate over 360 tiles, so I would be happy to get it close to 10 frames...

then I might load the next room in chunks in the leftover processing time as you're walking towards it and make it feel instant. 🤯

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hbons, avatar

11! 🥳

it's very smooth now, will post a before/after recording later. :)

lessons: was using a modulo-% somewhere. removed many function calls inline and simplified the calculations. moved stuff out of loops that didn't have to be recalculated.

#GameBoy #GameDev #IndieDev #PixelArt #8Bit #Retro #RetroComputing #RetroGaming #Gaming #Nintendo #ProjectWhiskers

hbons, avatar

7! 🙃

had some redundant index/row/col calculations, and removed their reliance on non-powers-of-2 multiplications.

didn't think I could get it below 10. :D

#GameBoy #GameDev #IndieDev #PixelArt #8Bit #Retro #RetroComputing #RetroGaming #Gaming #Nintendo #ProjectWhiskers

lontrachen, avatar

@hbons I don’t understand much of game dev but would this game theoretically run on a physical game boy? And which programming language are/were used to develop game boy games back then?

hbons, avatar

@lontrachen yes, already got it running on real hardware. :)

back then it was done in assembly, but I think they also used C at the end.

I'm using C, but you need to be really careful about how it translates to assembly to not make it too slow. it's kind of fun!

lontrachen, avatar

@hbons Ah, ok. Very nice! I was reading a bit about ROMs and emulation and started wondering about it.

hbons, avatar

@lontrachen I'm using the SameBoy emulator for development. it's super accurate. only pop it into the real GB sometimes to check the colours.

lontrachen, avatar

@hbons I'll take a look on that. I'm more interested in decompiling a game and seeing how it works on the inside. But I assume it would be more assembly?

DavidNielsen, avatar

@hbons me-ow!

hbons, avatar

I can't decide which map style to use. which do you prefer? 🗺️ (poll in the reply)

#ProjectWhiskers #GameBoy #GameDev #IndieDev #PixelArt #8Bit #Retro #RetroComputing #RetroGaming #Gaming #Nintendo

hbons, (edited ) avatar

which 🗺️ ?

mvdhout, avatar

@hbons for GameBoy, the one on the right. For all other systems: left :)

Sunseille, avatar

@hbons depends of the game behind it. If this more a horror themed game, left. If this is more light hearted like zeleda, right.

MerriNet, avatar

@hbons The paper one has less noise so it works better.


@hbons While I totally can understand why the majority voted for the right design I think the left one suits the other screenshot you’ve posted here much better.

It might be on purpose but I would be irritated by the notable difference in brightness compared to the stage design

hbons, avatar

@sushilibre that's a good point. thanks!

hbons, avatar

@sushilibre also, on a real GameBoy the the device border might not be black. need to test.

maxoakland, avatar

@hbons it looks amazing

michaelc, avatar


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  • hbons, avatar

    @michaelc hardly have time to play myself. :) but I've heard great things about @Jeltron's game.

    maxoakland, avatar

    @hbons we have the same Gameboy color!

    hbons, avatar

    experimenting with different tilesets for sections of the world. 🏙️

    just a mockup for now, but the tile swapping has already been implemented. :)

    #ProjectWhiskers #GameBoy #GameDev #IndieDev #PixelArt #8Bit #Retro #RetroComputing #RetroGaming #Gaming #Nintendo

    hbons, avatar

    splash screen done! maybe I'll make the little moon orbit because I don't do priorities... 🪐🌕

    #ProjectWhiskers #GameBoy #GameDev #IndieDev #PixelArt #8Bit #Retro #RetroComputing #RetroGaming #Gaming #Nintendo

    hbons, avatar

    reduced the walk cycle from 5 to 3 frames. the Game Boy motion blur will take care of the rest. 🏃

    #ProjectWhiskers #GameBoy #GameDev #IndieDev #PixelArt #8Bit #Retro #RetroComputing #RetroGaming #Gaming #Nintendo

    Video of the Aseprite app showing the walk cycle of the cat.

    hbons, (edited ) avatar

    been avoiding looking at the collision code... managed to improve it a lot.

    still a few bugs, but now you can at least traverse the world without major issues.

    also you can jump on shelves from below now! 🪜🐱

    #ProjectWhiskers #GameBoy #GameDev #IndieDev #PixelArt #8Bit #Retro #RetroComputing #RetroGaming #Gaming #Nintendo

    hbons, avatar

    goal now is to get this to a state where it can be playtested.

    like this toot if you're interested in that.

    linuxct, avatar

    @hbons Now that I am back to android I don't see why not :)

    hbons, avatar

    @linuxct iOS doesn’t allow GameBoy emulators or something? :)

    linuxct, avatar

    @hbons Pretty much why, I am lazy to install AltStore and Delta hahah; I can also give it a try in a Miyoo Mini+ to check compatibility there if you want

    bbbbbr, avatar

    @hbons It's so big! I can't remember if I asked before- is the world procedurally generated or compressed?

    hbons, avatar

    @bbbbbr a bit of both: each room is described by 12 bytes, with each bit coding for a solid or empty 16x16 block.

    then I just decorate when you switch rooms. it's fast enough for now. i'll probably need to do an overlay for special rooms/items. :)

    bbbbbr, avatar

    @hbons Cool! That's so compact.

    hbons, avatar

    @bbbbbr there are 4 bits left over, which are used to describe which exits a room has for the map screen. :D


    @hbons Wonderful! What software are you using to develop this…?

    hbons, avatar

    @Retr0mantic building with GBDK2020. using VS Code for coding and Aseprite for the graphics.

    wiredfire, avatar

    @hbons love it. Suits the art style, and as you say opens the door to some fun tweaks to gameplay

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