kubikpixel, to Spotify German
@kubikpixel@chaos.social avatar

»Spotify ändert Monetarisierung für Künstler«

Es wurde schon lange im Vorraus angekündigt und nun umgesetzt. Auch zB das Bandcamp ist kein Ersatz für indipendent Bands & Musiker:innen. Dafür gibt es im Fediverse, unterschiedliche @funkwhale Server als Alternativen diesbezüglich. Ich weiss, viele hier kennen & nutzen es.

🎸 https://stadt-bremerhaven.de/spotify-aendert-monetarisierung-fuer-kuenstler/

StefanMuenz, to Podcasts German
@StefanMuenz@vivaldi.net avatar

Für alle, die #Podcasts und das #Fediverse mögen:
https://podcastindex.org/ ist eine OpenSource-Aggregationsplattform für Podcasts.
Einfach dort mal die Suche benutzen und nach etwas suchen, das euch interessiert. Hier beispielsweise mal die Treffer für eine Suche nach "Klimakrise":
Wenn ihr nun einen der gefundenen Podcasts öffnet, sieht die URL im Browser so aus (Beispiel):
Und nun kommt das Fediverse ins Spiel. Nehmt einfach die Nummer am Ende der URL und baut daraus folgende Fediverse-Adresse (hier mit unserem Beispiel):
Sucht nach der Adresse in eurer bevorzugten Fediverse-App und ihr solltet dann einen entsprechenden Account finden. Dem könnt ihr folgen, und schon bekommt ihr alle Beiträge dieses Podcasts in eure Timeline.
Und ja, ich weiß dass es #Funkwhale gibt. Das hier ist halt ein etwas anderer Ansatz, der aber mit seiner Fediverse-Integration und seinem großen Umfang an bestehenden Podcasts sehr spannend ist. Es gibt sogar eine Mastodon-Instanz https://podcastindex.social/

kuketzblog, to fediverse German
@kuketzblog@social.tchncs.de avatar

Was meinst du @imke, müssen wir mal wieder ans Schaubild ran oder passt das noch so? Was meint ?

sergio_101, to mastodon
@sergio_101@mastodon.social avatar

Thinking about how to handle the audio of my radio show on my new instance.

The show runs every saturday on FM radio, but in the end, i have a pile of audio files to host. They come out weekly, so it's pretty much a podcast.

Should create in instance of or ?


sergio_101, to fediverse
@sergio_101@mastodon.social avatar

Thinking out loud here.

I'll be setting up on the machine I am running my instance.

It would be really cool if I could host my files on somewhere, rather than on the machine itself.

Will have to read up on it.

sergio_101, to RaspberryPi
@sergio_101@mastodon.social avatar

I have a #raspberrypi 5 coming in this week. I am going to be setting up an instance of #Mastodon on there.

I will have lots of room left.

I am gonna look at any other interesting #fediverse apps to run.

@sergio_101@mastodon.social avatar


Looks like I am setting up an instance of for sure.

@sergio_101@mastodon.social avatar


yes! absolutely making a #funkwhale instance.

symfonystation, to fediverse
@symfonystation@phpc.social avatar

Explore our article: You say you want a revolution: help the free, fair, and friendly Fediverse destroy Big Social. https://symfonystation.mobileatom.net/Fediverse :fediverse: :mastodon: #/kbin

symfonystation, to fediverse
@symfonystation@newsletter.mobileatom.net avatar
kyonshi, to fediverse
@kyonshi@dice.camp avatar

Random question: how are you using the ? I have my main account where I post all kinds of things (but I'm a dm at heart). I have a pixelfed account where I post random b/w pictures. I have another automated account where I post some rss feeds. And my blog is federated as well.

But how are you guys using it?

I for example didn't get into or at all, the latter I don't even really get the use for.

lsintoni, to fediverse

Dopo l'istanza arriva


La XMPP-IT community presenta la nuova istanza Funkwhale!


gabek, to random

People too often talk about “The Fediverse version of X”, or “Add ActivityPub to X” without actually talking about the point of it, or what the functionality would be. It’s discussed like a badge that says “I did Fediverse to it”. I wish people discussed this kind of thing from the feature level first. What is it you want to do? What would federation offer you? Does that even make sense for that product? Just saying “Fediverse version of the Chase credit card app” sounds great, but what would that even mean? Is that something people need, or do you just want more “Fediverse stuff”?

I often get requests for random Federated ideas with Owncast that sound cool, but don’t truly solve a problem people have. Identify a problem, come up with useful functionality, work backwards from there.

@wjmaggos@liberal.city avatar

@ch0ccyra1n @gabek

the former is what I want to be but definitely isn't yet. I'm not sure if that's their goal. atm it seems much more focused on being a cloud music service for you and your online friends, not a place for musicians. still appreciate their work.

deadsuperhero, to random
@deadsuperhero@social.wedistribute.org avatar

Testing out some icon emoji :mastodon: :funkwhale: :pleroma: :fediverse:

@stu@social.wedistribute.org avatar

@deadsuperhero Do you use #funkwhale ?

hook, to fediverse
@hook@toot.si avatar

Just set up my (private) #FunkWhale server and looking for others out there to dabble in the whole federation part of it.

I’m not an artists, so nothing special (or much at all) you can expect on my instance, I’m afraid.


funkwhale, to fediverse
@funkwhale@social.funkwhale.audio avatar

Hi everyone 🐳

It's time for part 3 of our short series of posts about our plans for the future of #funkwhale. Last week, we talked a bit about our plans for a new Funkwhale app. A new app and a new API are both great, but let's not forget what sets Funkwhale apart from other media platforms: federation. It's something we really want to start expanding, so let's talk about it for a while.

The path to Funkwhale 2.0: more federation!


funkwhale, to fediverse
@funkwhale@social.funkwhale.audio avatar

Interested in merchandise? Check out our store and pick up some goodies!


verge, to random
@verge@mastodon.social avatar

The best alternatives to Spotify for listening to music https://www.theverge.com/22910685/music-listening-service-spotify-apple-youtube-amazon

@smallcircles@social.coop avatar

@MrLee @verge

The closest to that #Fediverse app is #FunkWhale


And then there is #FairCamp to have an eye on, which I think is not fedi based:


@LucaManciniDrummer@vivaldi.net avatar

@smallcircles @MrLee @verge
I second this. However, Funkwhale does not integrate directly a support system as far as I know.

FairCamp is probably the best support tool as you're supporting directly the artist (minus the payment processor fees, I guess?).
On the other hand, not everyone is willing or has the possibility to set it up.

The second best might be https://mirlo.space which is also a "Bandcamp-style" kind of thing. Still somehow acts as a middle-man, but for non-techy users is quite a breeze to use.

None of them is federated though.

#Funkwhale #Bandcamp #Faircamp #MirloSpace #Mirlo

funkwhale, to fediverse
@funkwhale@social.funkwhale.audio avatar

Hi everyone 🐳

It's time for part 2 of our short series of posts about our plans for the future of . Last week, we talked a bit about our plans for a new API. While that's fun for developers and tech enthusiasts, most users are more interested in how Funkwhale as an application is going to improve. Let's talk about that now.

The path to Funkwhale 2.0: a new app


jayrope, (edited ) to fediverse
@jayrope@post.lurk.org avatar

Did anyone's switch to a mode, which would only allow logged-in users to listen?

Mine at open.audio did this...

Thanks for any .

wjmaggos, to fediverse
@wjmaggos@liberal.city avatar

You want the "play any song immediately" experience. Musicians want to go viral, control their work and get paid enough to make it their full time job. We should be able to do this with , redirecting the share that goes to corporations like labels and , directly to artists.

dragfyre, to fediverse
@dragfyre@mastodon.sandwich.net avatar

Time to put on the 250-item-strong playlist.


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