sharan, to android avatar

In Bosnia, most people use instant messenger. It's the shittiest piece of software ever.

I've deactivated my account and reactivated several months later, and I got a message that my account has been flagged as spam.


leanpub, to typescript avatar

Node-OPCUA by example Edition 2024 by Etienne Rossignon is on sale on Leanpub! Its suggested price is $249.00; get it for $90.99 with this coupon:

sharan, to security avatar
remixtures, to Cybersecurity Portuguese avatar

: "When stored, aggregated and analyzed, this metadata provides ample information that could potentially incriminate someone or be submitted to authorities. When WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger enabled end-to-end encryption for messages, of course it was a welcome and widely celebrated change. But it’s important to remember that not all end-to-end encryption utilizes the same standards, some implementations are more secure than others, so it’s something that shouldn’t necessarily be accepted at face value. More importantly: collecting and storing an obscene amount of metadata should invite global scrutiny, considering this data is often combined with whatever other information companies like Meta harvest about your identity (which is a lot.)

This is one of the many reasons why we need to resist giving out our phone numbers just to access an app, especially to do something as personal and intimate as private messaging. Even though users can sometimes mask their numbers with a username, their identity on the app is still fundamentally tied to their phone number. App operators have access to this, as well as user contacts. Additionally, with a simple modification to the app's source code, the contacts may also gain access in some cases. This should raise more concerns about privacy, and it makes the need for anonymity difficult to achieve."

slcw, to random avatar

At what point are the going to start engaging in coordinated , and pushing content to combat the flood of bullshit? The clock is ticking, and we can't afford to wait til the night before the election to suddenly realize that effort is needed to inform the voters of the facts.

alshafei, to privacy avatar

The messaging app you choose impacts others as well, not just yourself, and while you personally may not require complete privacy, others in your network might have their lives depend on it.

Full post: The dangers of metadata in messengers -

#Privacy #Surveillance #Messaging

BTyson, to privacy

So I just read this article about this thing that scrapes Discord messages and can show what servers a user is part of and when they join voice chats. Do we know if it also collects direct messages?

leanpub, to typescript avatar

Node-OPCUA by example Edition 2024 by Etienne Rossignon is on sale on Leanpub! Its suggested price is $249.00; get it for $55.99 with this coupon:

BBCRadio4, (edited ) to politics avatar

💬 "In March 2020 the information system for dealing with Covid was; I would wheel in a whiteboard and grab a marker and Simon Stephens would read out from scraps of paper, faxes that he'd got from the NHS…" - Dominic Cummings interviewed on Helen Lewis has Left the Chat, on BBC Sounds.

#WhatsApp #messaging #government #politics #Parliament #SocialMedia #policy #FOI #secrecy #confidentiality #ukpolitics

alshafei, to privacy avatar

An overview of how @simplex works and what sets it apart from other messaging apps and protocols:

"SimpleX is one of the most private and secure chat and applications platform that you can find out there."

leanpub, to typescript avatar

Node-OPCUA by example Edition 2024 by Etienne Rossignon is on sale on Leanpub! Its suggested price is $249.00; get it for $55.99 with this coupon:

RainofTerra, to Signal avatar

Since DMs suck on here and @signalapp added usernames, is anyone just publicly sharing their Signal username? I’ve thought about doing that but am not sure.

pch, to apple avatar
CodieneC, to random avatar

I think a large part of the misunderstanding & some peoples outright refusal to broaden our healthcare system is due to headlines like this.

The headline should be more like: "Providing these medications through an expanded Medicare program could save the system money".

remixtures, to internet Portuguese avatar

: "Taking the company public would change the power structure and force greater disclosure, although Durov could maintain voting control by issuing dual class shares.

Monetising messaging apps is not easy. Users do not want adverts to pop up in their private messages. Signal relies on donations and Meta does not give profit figures for WhatsApp.

Telegram is not yet profitable. It told the FT that it makes “hundreds of millions of dollars” in annual revenue via digital ads, crypto payments and premium subscriptions. It is planning an AI-powered chatbot, but then who is not? Server costs are large. Durov described costs as less than 70 cents per user, which translates to around $630mn a year. Revenue is below that.

Selling tokens linked to its own blockchain effort could have funded the endeavour but it was shot down by regulators. However, Telegram still facilitates use of the tokens, called Toncoins, after developers took on the project. Toncoin’s price has climbed about 60 per cent in the past year. Talk of a possible IPO is proving lucrative in more ways than one."

remidu, to beeper avatar

I published a couple of Instagram stories recently, and now that I got a foot there, my friends are starting to send me Instagram Direct messages. Yet another app…

To keep up with all the channels, I regularly use , mainly on desktop. But I just learnt that their app has been rebuilt from scratch, and it looks really neat!

If you want to try, just ask and I'll share my invite code.

ilyess, to Signal avatar

Signal: You can now completely hide your phone number from everyone, including people you’re already talking to^1.

Telegram: You can now share your phone number with everyone, including total strangers^2.

Choose wisely.

#signal #telegram #messaging

ilyess, to telegram avatar

#Telegram is being temporarily blocked in Spain. Will this trigger an uptick in #Signal account registration?

"Spain's High Court has ordered the suspension of messaging app Telegram's services in the country after media companies complained it was allowing users to upload their content without permission"


leanpub, to typescript avatar

Node-OPCUA by example Edition 2024 by Etienne Rossignon is on sale on Leanpub! Its suggested price is $249.00; get it for $55.99 with this coupon:

leanpub, to typescript avatar

Node-OPCUA by example Edition 2024 by Etienne Rossignon is on sale on Leanpub! Its suggested price is $249.00; get it for $55.99 with this coupon: #InternetOfThings #Typescript #Robotics #Messaging #EmbeddedSystems #Cryptography

cdarwin, to android avatar

Android's support has been in the works for about a year now, and it sounds like 15 is going to launch the feature for apps.

The new OS is including notifications and better status bar indicators for when you're connected to space.

A "NonTerrestrialNetwork" API will let apps know when they're limited to barely there satellite connectivity.

Google says Android 15 will let third-party SMS and MMS applications tap into the satellite connectivity APIs,
but enhanced messaging with RCS support will be limited to "preloaded" applications only.

It seems incredible that Google doesn't have public APIs for third-party RCS apps, but here's your confirmation that Android 15 will continue locking out Play Store apps from RCS.

leanpub, to typescript avatar

Node-OPCUA by example Edition 2024 by Etienne Rossignon is on sale on Leanpub! Its suggested price is $249.00; get it for $55.99 with this coupon:

leanpub, to typescript avatar

Node-OPCUA by example Edition 2024 by Etienne Rossignon is on sale on Leanpub! Its suggested price is $249.00; get it for $34.99 with this coupon:

blueghost, to Signal avatar

Signal is an encrypted messaging application that supports post-quantum cryptography.

Google Gmail is the email provider for Signal Messenger LLC, this is the company that develops the Signal messaging application and the Signal protocol.

Signal support can be contacted from within the application by going to Signal Settings (profile) > Help > Contact Us.


#Signal #Messenger #Messaging #Encryption #InfoSec #Privacy #Security #OpenSource #PostQuantum

remidu, to Signal avatar

After a long hesitation I finally installed . Along with Fb Messenger, WhatsApp, Instagram, Google Messages… it is yet another app on which I have to make myself available. For only a dozen of contacts listed, I still wonder if it is worth it.

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