@herzleid@wandering.shop avatar



📝Freelancing translator/copy editor/proofreader/narrator 

đŸŽ¶ Sometimes paid to sing.
🩔 Autistic, introvert
💖 Early music, role-playing, board games, gardening, cats, sewing, knitting & crafts in general 

I appreciate image descriptions and CWs (esp. for food & exercise). Happy to help with alt text on request.

#noBot #noAI #noBridge

[Header: a long exposure composite of the Milky Way/a starry sky.
Avatar: an intensely pink feather against a white background.]

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purplepadma, to random
@purplepadma@beige.party avatar

There were no cheese scones in M&S. it’s like Rhubarbgate all over again. I’ve got to do some more potting up of plants this afternoon, that’s something I used to really enjoy but right now the thought makes me quite literally lose the will to live. I’ll do what I can

@herzleid@wandering.shop avatar

@purplepadma Same. Garden/houseplant stuff has become all chore, no fun for me and it makes me sad because I want to want it. 😔

Sorry about the scones too, hope the day improves 💜

Mabande, to random Swedish
@Mabande@mastodon.social avatar

SÄ för att lösa hÀkteskrisen ska det bli lÀgre personal tÀthet och de intagna ska hÄllas i utrymmen som tidigare inte ansetts tjÀnliga?
"De rÀknar med att cirka 27 000 platser mÄste finnas till Är 2033, idag har de cirka 9000 platser." https://sverigesradio.se/artikel/kriminalvarden-i-stabslage-ser-over-alla-outnyttjade-utrymmen
Det gÄr bra nu.

@herzleid@wandering.shop avatar

@mrundkvist @Mabande Detta Ă€r det som faktiskt stör mig mest just nu. Att alternativet inte Ă€r det minsta förtroendeingivande. 😔

Palace, to random Swedish
@Palace@mastodon.nu avatar

Vad har du lÀrt dig idag?

@herzleid@wandering.shop avatar

@Palace Att inte ens mÀnniskor vars politik klart & tydligt drar Ät det solidariska hÄllet bryr sig tillrÀckligt om alla mÀnniskor för att skriva alt-text pÄ sina jÀvla bilder.

(Okej, det var vĂ€l inte exakt en ny lĂ€rdom, men jag Ă€r tydligen ett sĂ„nt dĂ€r pucko som aldrig slutar hoppas att folk kan förĂ€ndras sĂ„ jag fĂ„r lĂ€ra mig samma lĂ€xa som om den vore ny varje dag 

@herzleid@wandering.shop avatar

@kazarnowicz Vissa appar, Masto-forks och enskilda instanser har inbyggda pĂ„minnelser. Vanliga Mastodon verkar allmĂ€nt ovilliga att ge tillgĂ€nglighet prio sĂ„ det dröjer nog ett tag dĂ€r tyvĂ€rr 

Jag brukade tipsa förr, men det blev ofta tjafs. Numera skriver jag hellre bildbeskrivning Ă„t folk nĂ€r jag kan och hinner, och lĂ€nkar till fedi tips om varför det Ă€r en bra grej, och hoppas att folk fattar vinken. Men Ă€ven om man fĂ„r en del ⭐ & tack sĂ„ har de flesta glömt nĂ€sta vecka igen. đŸ€·

cameron, to random
@cameron@route66.social avatar

Two things that happened this week:

  • YouTube started banning the use of ad blockers
  • Google was found serving ads with malware
@herzleid@wandering.shop avatar
LLS, to random
@LLS@wandering.shop avatar


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  • herzleid,
    @herzleid@wandering.shop avatar

    @LLS I see people recommending Jitsi as Zoom replacement.


    Haven't used it (I don't do video chat, ever) so I can't make any recommendations beyond the name.

    grammargirl, to random
    @grammargirl@zirk.us avatar

    Here's how I'm finding ChatGPT useful in a weird way:

    1. I try to get it to write the description for a podcast episode.

    2. It spits out hyperbolic vomit.

    3. I think, "WTF"?

    4. But then I actually write something better than I would have come up with on my own.

    I don't know what's going on. Somehow it inspires me or focuses my thinking to have to slog through its wrongness?

    Maybe as someone who works alone, I find it nice to have even a lousy writing partner.

    @herzleid@wandering.shop avatar

    @grammargirl Seems related to the mechanism of how you can often solve your own problem when you seek someone's help and have to explain it to them.

    @herzleid@wandering.shop avatar

    @grammargirl Exactly like that 😂 A familiar concept in this family too.

    grammargirl, (edited ) to random
    @grammargirl@zirk.us avatar

    Does anyone here know enough about the newsletter platform Beehive to tell me whether their free plan goes beyond 14 days.

    The text on the site is confusing because there's a $0 plan, but that box also promotes a 14-day free trial.

    It seems like they have an ongoing free level, but if so, why would they tout the 14-day trial if it's already free?

    [UPDATE: I'm told they do have an ongoing free level and that the 14-day trial on the free plan just gives you premium features.]

    @herzleid@wandering.shop avatar

    @grammargirl It stays free. They just give you a 14--day trial with all the features available at higher levels unlocked, in order to get you hooked on premium features so you'll upgrade after the trial. 😑

    ppatel, to accessibility
    @ppatel@mstdn.social avatar

    I know many people who use GMail's HTML view. Not only will they be confused but will be unhappy.

    "You can display Gmail on your browser in Basic HTML view until January 2024. After this date, Gmail will automatically switch to Standard view".


    Bookmark this URL to go to basic HTML view.


    It should still work but doing so will not provide the option to set the mode as the default anymore.

    @herzleid@wandering.shop avatar

    @ppatel Thanks for mentioning this. I haven't upgraded to TB 115 yet because I fear it will break so many things I rely on. Will check out Betterbird now. đŸŒŒ

    Loukas, to random
    @Loukas@mastodon.nu avatar

    It took me a long time to learn how to have 'a good autistic meltdown'. I'd say it's a skill as essential as learning how to fall in judo.

    A good meltdown is one that you allow to happen as a physical thing in itself, and hence you allow it to pass through you.

    Just like how bones get broken when muscles are tight, trying to stay normal, to keep masking through a meltdown will leave you with more permanent damage.

    @herzleid@wandering.shop avatar

    @Loukas Ah yes, I call it "having a controlled cry" when I explain to ppl what's happening (or why I need to leave a situation temporarily). It really helps to just stop trying to push through while "keeping it together". It's much less painful, exhausting and disruptive (to me, but also to others) to set aside a couple of minutes to just let it out.

    One of the best skills I've learned with age, no doubt.

    golgaloth, to music
    @golgaloth@writing.exchange avatar

    Oh, look. It's true.

    @herzleid@wandering.shop avatar

    @golgaloth đŸ€© I love deep puns.

    grammargirl, to random
    @grammargirl@zirk.us avatar

    Cleaning out my inbox and finally admitting I'm not going to read email newsletters from two years ago.

    Also, yes, I do have a deadline coming up fast. Why do you ask?

    @herzleid@wandering.shop avatar

    @grammargirl :big_mood:

    gregeganSF, to random
    @gregeganSF@mathstodon.xyz avatar

    Scientists publish studies on how too much sitting will kill you, and how standing desks aren’t much better 
 but how about a study of people who plant their feet against the nearest surface and tip back and forth on their chair, the way their teachers always told them not to?

    @herzleid@wandering.shop avatar

    @gregeganSF I'm fairly sure I've read about a study that showed rocking chairs can help counteract osteoporosis in elderly people. The small but repetitive action of pushing off from the floor to keep the chair rocking was enough activity to have a measurable effect on bone density.

    I do not, however, have an actual reference handy for you so I might just be confabulating on the internet, who knows.

    mikemathia, (edited ) to random
    @mikemathia@ioc.exchange avatar
    @herzleid@wandering.shop avatar


    The original poster writes: Like three people will get this but it's worth it.

    Below is a drawing of anthropomorphic cassette tapes in an operating theater. There is one surgeon and two nurses, all looking tired, all wearing green sterile caps for hygiene. A cassette tape patient is lying on a wheeled operating table, with the magnetic ribbon spilling out of its bottom in long curls. The surgeon says to the nurse holding an instrument tray: "Pencil

    esther, to random

    The "exclusive lists" feature in Mastodon 4.2 is also useful as a kind of soft-mute.

    If you actually mute an account, you don't see anything from them anymore.

    But maybe you just want to not have them on your home feed for a bit (e.g. because they post a lot about an event that you're not interested in or whatever) but you still want to get replies and DMs from them.

    If you put them on a list and enable the "Hide these posts from home" option, it'll do exactly that. And you can always open the list if you want to read what regular posts are going on there. But it becomes and opt-in.

    Nice one for shaping your default Fediverse experience.

    @herzleid@wandering.shop avatar

    Yay, exclusive lists are coming to regular Mastodon! Lists will be instantly more useful now 😁

    Loukas, to random
    @Loukas@mastodon.nu avatar

    I stumbled in an old church, and thought I'd accidentally reached out to grab someone, but thank goodness, I had just taken hold of a really bumpy wall carving.

    It was a relief.

    @herzleid@wandering.shop avatar

    @Loukas golf clap 🧐 đŸŽ©

    doktorzjivago, to random Swedish
    @doktorzjivago@mastodonsweden.se avatar


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  • herzleid,
    @herzleid@wandering.shop avatar

    @doktorzjivago Ha! 1. Àr frÄn VÀxjö. De Àlskar tvivelaktiga namn pÄ frisersalonger i den hÀr stan (med omnejd). Vi har Àven Lady & Kalufsen, HÄrmoni, Klippday och de obligatoriska HÄrfint, HÄrfagert och PÄ hÄret.

    b9AcE, to random
    @b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

    States' representatives do sometimes, when convenient to their goals, claim or imply that some militia is automatically "terrorist" or "unlawful combatant" (a concept that does not actually exist) simply based on not being part of any State's armed forces.
    That is not how it works, even according to their own rules as self-imposed on all States by their act of declaring themself a State, according to customary international humanitarian law (=regardless of treaties or State laws).
    This was established in the 1800s.

    Combatant status protections apply also to militias and similar if all these conditions are fulfilled:
    ‱ Must be commanded by a person responsible for the subordinates.
    ‱ Must have a fixed distinctive emblem recognizable at a distance.
    ‱ Must carry arms (if any) openly during each military engagement and while in a military deployment preceding an attack being participated in.
    ‱ Must conduct their operations in accordance with the laws and customs of war.

    For the last point, a convenient reference is the "International Humanitarian Law Databases" (https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/en) maintained by the ICRC ("the Red Cross") whose tasks include maintaining the Geneva Conventions and related.

    Not my wish or my opinion.
    Their rules applied to themselves by themselves.

    @herzleid@wandering.shop avatar

    @b9AcE I used to love reading those as a kid! I knew all the types of alarm signals & how to keep fighting and "not trust unverified messages of ceasefire because the enemy will broadcast misinformation to make us surrender".

    I learned a lot from those phone book pages & was shocked to find out later in life most people never read them?? (Even more shocked that so many people didn't know what the signal testing was about.)

    Some of us have been prepared for decades 

    MostlyHarmless, to random
    @MostlyHarmless@thecanadian.social avatar
    @herzleid@wandering.shop avatar

    @MostlyHarmless image description:
    A mock-up game box for "Monopoly for Millennials". The Monopoly Man is wearing reflective sunglasses, holding a latte in one hand and taking a selfie with the other. The description on the box reads:
    "In this fun new twist on Monopoly, all the properties are already owned. You just go around the board paying rent, forever. You start with $1500 owed to the bank. Nobody wins!"

    snaptophobic, to random
    @snaptophobic@mastodon.me.uk avatar

    Can we just get this right, please?

    • If it’s covered in grass and dirt, or concrete and tarmac, and it’s outside, it’s the GROUND.
    • If it can have some kind of man-made covering, and is inside, it’s the FLOOR.
    @herzleid@wandering.shop avatar

    @snaptophobic Ooh, I thought I was missing something as an L2 speaker, but it is in fact a colloquialism that people say "floor" about the ground? It's been puzzling me for ages. 😂

    FediThing, to random

    If you're writing an "About" page, please say what your site/thing is actually about 🙏

    So many About pages now are marketing-speak devoid of meaningful info. They'll say things like "ABOUT: We are all about commitment, passion and a sense of duty to our field.".... well, that's nice but it doesn't tell me what the f you do! đŸ˜±

    One of the many great things about Wikipedia is it tells you what things actually are instead of trying to promote them. But if you're not on Wikipedia, then it is even more important that your About page says what you do.

    @herzleid@wandering.shop avatar

    @FediThing I often want to know what the letters that make up the brand name actually stand for, but they so very rarely tell you, as if they are ashamed of their own history.

    herzleid, to random
    @herzleid@wandering.shop avatar

    No, website, I do not want to "Learn more" or "Review my settings" or "View details", I want a "Reject all" button right next to the "Accept all" in the cookie consent window. That's what I want. Only that.

    @herzleid@wandering.shop avatar

    @kusuriya Thank you, Reply Guy . I have been online since 1996, I know how browser extensions work.

    @herzleid@wandering.shop avatar

    @loshmi In a perfect world, absolutely.

    b9AcE, to random
    @b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

    After "Protester burns Koran at Stockholm mosque on Eid holiday" (https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/swedish-police-approve-small-anti-koran-demonstration-mosque-2023-06-28/) imposed by police after they issued a permit because court ruled counter to the the law that they must aid in the criminal of "gross aggitation against a population group" (a.k.a. "hate-speech") and that the Police Act specifically stating police can deny permits for such occasions, which was supported by a State Security recommendation, that was all ruled as ¯_(ツ)_/¯ by the court. The only explanation for which must be personal opinions. Gross professional misconduct.

    After that, USA "condemned the burning of a Koran outside a mosque in Sweden" (https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-state-dept-says-it-condemns-burning-koran-sweden-2023-06-29/) and the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) issued a statement 'We must send constant reminders to the international community regarding the urgent application of international law, which clearly prohibits any advocacy of religious hatred' (https://www.reuters.com/world/organisation-islamic-cooperation-calls-measures-against-koran-burning-2023-07-02/).

    In response the far-right ruled government of Sweden's Ministry of Foreign Affairs yesterday issued a statement


    @herzleid@wandering.shop avatar

    @b9AcE 🍿

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