@oddly@toot.re avatar



Jack of all trades, master of none / skeptical technologist / public administration / social liberalism

dabbling philosopher / adequate Python programmer

toots in English and Dutch

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ErikJonker, to random
@ErikJonker@mastodon.social avatar

Het valt me op dat veel mensen ter rechterzijde van het politieke spectrum zich verkneukelen met de nu vrijwel zekere komst van het kabinet en Plasterk als premier. Tegelijk is dit voor de oppositie volgens mij het beste scenario, alle kansen voor CDA, D66 en PvDA om zetels/stemmen te winnen komende periode. Nu direct nieuwe verkiezingen was niet in hun belang. Ook vraag ik me af of hoe VVD en NSC zich voldoende kunnen profileren tov PVV.

@oddly@toot.re avatar

@ErikJonker zeker. Als er nu verkiezingen zouden zijn, dan zou PVV sterk groeien. Aan de andere kant hangt het er vanaf hoe interne discussies binnen NSC en vooral VVD gaan verlopen. Beide partijen hebben een breed scala aan opvattingen onder de vleugels.

Zullen VVD en NSC erin slagen om de clubs bij elkaar te houden, of komen er afsplitsers wanneer er onrust in dit kabinet uitbreekt? Crisis in het midden is gevaarlijk nu rechts zoveel stemmers trekt. (En links langs de zijlijn blijft staan)

oddly, to gentoo
@oddly@toot.re avatar

question; what is the best way to share a small improvement on an ebuild in the Guru repo? Asking to become a contributor sounds like overkill, with getting PGP working and all.

Would it be best to just create my own repo and add it to the list so it can be discovered?


(The improvement is making iio-sensor-proxy work on openRC by implementing a fix I found on the forums. Not that impressive, though now my Chromebook runs perfectly :))

@oddly@toot.re avatar

@ferki thanks! I'm going to tinker with this over the weekend.

ErikJonker, to ai Dutch
@ErikJonker@mastodon.social avatar

For all AI sceptics:
ECG-AI alert in 16,000 hospitalized patients
31% reduction of mortality (absolute 7 per 100 patients) in pre-specified high-risk group

@oddly@toot.re avatar

@ErikJonker its too bad the abstract doesn't mention what kind of AI is being used. With that being a black box, the news could be 'use of predictive algorithm helps saving lives', because all the abstract us talking about is the effectiveness of use, not of its internal validity.

It may be a fairly simple statistical model or narrow AI solution, not some LLM. And the former have been shown to be effective for decades now in specific cases.

@oddly@toot.re avatar

@pdv @ErikJonker that does give some more information on it, and from what I can gather, it may be similar to at least GPT2's architecture. At least that is what I can deduce from the wikipedia article and several evenings of messing around with feed-forward models https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convolutional_neural_network

I'd really wish they stopped calling everything AI(-enhanced) Just mention the model or method used, which would actually be helpful.

ErikJonker, to random
@ErikJonker@mastodon.social avatar

Dus het nieuwe kabinet gaat de instroom maximaal beperken (geen richtgetal) en tegelijk wel alle internationale verdragen respecteren, resultaat na zes maanden onderhandelen met Wilders...

@oddly@toot.re avatar

@ErikJonker ik vraag me af waar de eerste twee paragrafen op zijn gebaseerd, vooral: "In het geval van een 'crisis' kunnen er vergaande maatregelen genomen worden, zoals een tijd helemaal geen asielaanvragen meer in behandeling nemen."

We kennen een noodtoestand, maar een crisis? Is dat een officiële term? Het stuk is zo geschreven alsof dit allemaal onweerlegbare waarheid is.

En waar komt dit 'voorstel' vandaan? Tot zover lijken vooral de informateurs met voorstellen te komen.

Edent, to random
@Edent@mastodon.social avatar

10 years ago today!

Google Glass was probably the last time I felt genuinely excited about a piece of consumer tech.

It was obviously a flawed beta, but showed so much promise. The right amount of "this is so crazy it might just work!"

Wherever I went, people wanted to try it on to see for themselves how it worked. They wanted to discuss ethical issues and it's vast potential.

Today, it is barely more than a punchline like Google+.

But, for a brief moment, it was the future.

@oddly@toot.re avatar

@mhoye I agree. As I remember, most of the backlash () was about the fact that the thing was continuously capturing its webcam feed. Now, we live among all kinds of tech which does the same, it may not receive the same critique today.

(Not that I'm at all happy with this normalisation but yeah)


oddly, to random Dutch
@oddly@toot.re avatar

@knmi de weersverwachtingen pagina is laatst aangepast. Ipv kunnen scrollen voor meer info over komende dagen, moeten deze nu afzonderlijk worden opengeklikt.

Niet echt handig, zeker niet voor linkshandigen, want de + knop zit aan de rechter kant. Zou al beter werken als klikken op het vierkant van de dag zou volstaan.

pkuipersmunneke, to random
@pkuipersmunneke@mastodon.nl avatar

Mijn nieuwste column in @nrcwetenschap Hallo? Is daar iemand? Sinds de implosie van Twitter praten wetenschappers alleen nog met elkáár, en niet meer met anderen. Dat is een probleem. https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2024/03/21/hallo-is-daar-iemand-sinds-de-implosie-van-twitter-praten-wetenschappers-alleen-nog-met-elkaar-a4193599?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=social&utm_source=mastodon&utm_term=share-modal

@oddly@toot.re avatar

@pkuipersmunneke dat journalistiek en politici nog op Twitter zijn blijven rondhangen verbaasd me. Want je zou denken dat de meeste politici niet met het 'merk' geassocieerd willen worden.

En voor de journalistiek is het ook twijfelachtig, want waarom op je met je integriteit op een cynisch platform blijven?

oddly, to feminism
@oddly@toot.re avatar

Just finished reading the will to change by bell hooks as part of my long overdue introduction to .

Oh boy, if that book was written today I would regard it as an optimistic call to action. But is has been published 20 years ago, and with the manosphere in mind, and politics of strongmen ahead, it sure seems like we stagnated.


@oddly@toot.re avatar

The book was a bit difficult to get into, the first part feels a bit evangelical, with its emphasis on Love, without further definition. A theme I really appreciated was the 'wilderness of spirit', this trope of the need of man to distance oneself into a form of primal self-reliance.

Though the audience of the book is, I think, other feminist theorists that are not yet sold on dealing with the issues of men, it helped me more than book of Grayson Perry.


@oddly@toot.re avatar

One take-away is that modern life is (still) benefits from keeping human capital productive by enforcing a culture where open communication of fears and feelings is discouraged.

The individualism that capitalism cultivates however, is not inherently the same as made possible by (philosophical) liberalism. Or at least, I hope, because I struggle with the notion that a more open, honest, communal society would mean giving up on an individual self.


oddly, to random
@oddly@toot.re avatar

Reading Grayson Perry's book, the Descent of Man from 2016 makes me wonder if the issue around and male role models can be viewed as an person centred issue. Perry briefly discusses online communities around the whole redpill thing, but looking at the world now in 2024, a fake sense of nostalgia has permeated all through conservative circles.

Is it still enough to investigate male identity when there are feminine sirens in the form of tradwives and the like?

oddly, to random
@oddly@toot.re avatar

@Tutanota is there an issue with the API used by the android client? Can't get it to reconnect now for the last few hours. Web works fine.

ErikJonker, to mastodon
@ErikJonker@mastodon.social avatar

Laten we ons geen illusies maken, de haat, het extremisme dat op X / Twitter is, zal ook op Mastodon komen. We kunnen alleen hopen dat de fediverse beter in staat is daarmee om te gaan door het decentrale karakter, moderatie etc.

@oddly@toot.re avatar

@ErikJonker zou dat door defederatie niet grotendeels worden opgelost? Truth Social is technisch ook een Mastodon instance voor zover ik heb begrepen.

Aan de andere kant zal dat qua moderatie wel een dingetje zijn.

ErikJonker, to OpenAI
@ErikJonker@mastodon.social avatar

What's the logic that allows to eat away revenue by improving free Bing Chat and Microsoft Co-Pilot with GPT-4 ? Or is it the payback for Microsoft's gigantic investment in OpenAI?

@oddly@toot.re avatar

@ErikJonker looks like they are essentially operating as a subsidiary of msft. Especially after they were able to install someone to the board of openai.

And for msft this is just another embrace, extend, extinguish project. Make everyone dependent on your free platform, smother competition and gradually change it into a walled garden.

Call me sceptical, but I don't view these steps as entirely positive.

Tutanota, to productivity
@Tutanota@mastodon.social avatar

The Tuta calendar is getting even more new features! 💅

We have introduced full swipe scrolling functionality for all mobile devices to make using your more intuitive. 📅

Start planning privately today! 📔 🔒

👉 https://tuta.com/changelog

Check out the new swipe scrolling functionality for the Tuta mobile apps!

@oddly@toot.re avatar

@Tutanota the calendar works really well now! Will the contacts feature be next? I'd love to be able to use Tuta as a contact provider on Android. Keep up the hood work

oddly, to OpenAI
@oddly@toot.re avatar

Seems like Altman and Microsoft won. He returns to , MS gets a seat as well and the old board resigns. Now it is full steam ahead on monetisation I'd expect.

What would this mean for open source AI research? Nothing good I assume.


BM_Visser, to random Dutch
@BM_Visser@mastodon.energy avatar

There are currently about 3 million E-bikes in the Netherlands. The total yearly electricity consumption of these E-bikes is about equal to the annual power generated of one offshore wind turbine.
The number of E-bikes has increased significantly in recent years. Offshore wind turbines have become bigger as well. As a coincidence, the similarity is true for a number of years now.

@oddly@toot.re avatar

@BM_Visser how is the energy consumption of those e-bikes measured? Or is this actually the estimated available capacity of all bikes put together?

AkaSci, (edited ) to voyager
@AkaSci@fosstodon.org avatar

NASA is sending a software update to the Voyager 2 spacecraft today!

The patch contains logic to auto-recover from glitches similar to one in May 2022, when the AACS system on Voyager 1 started sending garbled data. The root cause was not fully diagnosed. The patch will be activated/tested on Oct 28. Voyager 1 will be next.

Data will be sent at 16 bps with a 19 kW transmitter using the 70-m dish at @canberradsn.
Distance: 20 billion km; 18:40 light hours



@oddly@toot.re avatar

@AkaSci is there any encryption on the data transmission? Or would anyone — granted they'd have a similar transmitter at their disposal, be able to upload code to Voyager?

ErikJonker, (edited ) to voyager Dutch
@ErikJonker@mastodon.social avatar

My favorite spacecrafts are getting an update. Memory size is 69 KB 😀

@oddly@toot.re avatar

@ErikJonker that's one heck of an OTA patch to run!

itsfoss, to linux
@itsfoss@mastodon.social avatar

Another major audio product manufacturer has pledged support for Linux!


@oddly@toot.re avatar

@itsfoss hopefully that means their 2i2 product will be better supported because last time I tried it was hit or miss.

Props to the FOSS developer for working on this project and its great to hear they are getting proper support from the company as well!

EU_Commission, to random
@EU_Commission@social.network.europa.eu avatar

Today, the Israeli flag flies high in front of our headquarters in Brussels.

Hamas terrorists have struck at the heart of Israel capturing and killing innocent women and children.

We deeply mourn the victims of these devastating attacks.

@oddly@toot.re avatar

@EU_Commission The previous flag waving post was received so well; lets do another one?

I understand that this account is just used as a one-way communication channel, but perhaps it would be an idea if some more context is given on why we should morn one side of a conflict that has been going on for decades.

EU_Commission, to random
@EU_Commission@social.network.europa.eu avatar

Solidarity with Israel.

@oddly@toot.re avatar

@EU_Commission Taking clear sides in a murky conflict is never a good idea if you want to actually solve the issue peacefully. Moreover, it does beg the question what the EU would do to support this supposed solidarity.

Are the member states lining up to send their armaments to the middle east now, just as they were the last time the EU voiced strong solidarity, when a country was actually the victim of one sided aggression?

EU_Commission, to random
@EU_Commission@social.network.europa.eu avatar

We reached a new milestone in ensuring the openness of digital markets.

Last week, 7 companies notified us they qualify as 'Gatekeepers' under the Digital Market Act.

We will check their submission before designating them. They will have 6 months to comply with the and, among others, be unable to:

  • lock in users in their ecosystem;
  • decide which apps you need pre-installed or which app store to use;
  • treat their own products and services more favourably.

More: https://europa.eu/!H4FQJM

@oddly@toot.re avatar

@EU_Commission great first steps although I'm a bit sceptical.

Lock-in to ecosystems is often done implicitly by network effect. Even if you can export data, it won't make leaving any easier for an individual user.

Secondly, app stores are only half of the 'trap'. Google play services for example are 'handy' shortcuts for developers that make using an app without Google's ecosystem practically impossible, unofficial hacks aside.

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