@shekinahcancook@babka.social avatar



#LivingWages #SinglePayer, #Housing, #FoodSecurity

#Nonprofit #Bookkeeper, fledgling #Artist. AAS #Architecture, BA #Philosophy Magna Cum Laude w/ minors in #Linguistics & in #JudaicStudies. #OpenlyJewish AntiZionism=AntiSemitism. Yes Netanyahu is an asshat.

#ProChoice #WomensRights - I oppose #TheNewInquisition & am a designated Militant Jewish Troll™

#ClimateCrisis #Sustainability #Urbanism #UrbanAg #Science #Geology #Astronomy #LGBTQAlly #Gardening #Cooking #Art

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shekinahcancook, to BBC
@shekinahcancook@babka.social avatar

OMG This is the most hilarious thing I've seen in a long while. It's a parody of a BBC live production, called Peter Pan Goes Wrong. My son emailed me the link and said don't watch this while you're working. I'll add don't watch it while trying to drink anything. If I get pneumonia from inhaling hot chocolate, it will be his fault, lol.


shekinahcancook, to random
@shekinahcancook@babka.social avatar

I want a t-shirt with the recent image of the two whales having sex in front of a rainbow, with a no icon 🚫 over an oil rig in the background. The lettering will say SAVE THE GAY WHALES! Pretty sure that will cause republicans heads to explode.

shekinahcancook, to random
@shekinahcancook@babka.social avatar

How have I never heard of this??? It's gluten free!

Masa Tiganitas is Sephardi Matzah Brei, But Much Better

Baklava meets matzah brei in this delicious Greek dish for Passover.

By Rachel Ringler | April 14, 2020

"...In Sternberg’s version, matzah squares are soaked in milk, dipped in a combination of egg and yogurt and then fried in oil. As opposed to matzah brei, or bumelos de masa, the matzah in Sternberg’s recipe is not crushed. They are left whole, dunked, fried and then sweetened with a drizzle of honey or arrope (a syrup made of grapes), and topped with a sprinkling of walnuts. Think fried matzah meets baklava. I am in love.

Recipe reprinted with permission from “The Sephardic Kitchen” by Rabbi Robert Sternberg..."


shekinahcancook, to Ohio
@shekinahcancook@babka.social avatar

Another red state, Ohio, appears to have bit themselves in the arse with their anti-obamacare constitutional amendment, lol. Fun times.

Republican Anti-Obamacare "Healthcare freedom" Amendment Ohio May Help Overturn Trans Ban

In a new lawsuit filed by the ACLU, attorneys argue that a constitutional amendment promoted by Republicans in 2011 against the Affordable Care Act may actually overturn a trans healthcare ban.

Erin Reed Mar 27, 2024


shekinahcancook, to politics
@shekinahcancook@babka.social avatar

The US is increasing the size of its claimed ocean waters, which I'm thinking has a lot of political implications, and cold war tactical ones as well.

The U.S. Just Expanded the Size of Two Californias - It’s like another Louisiana Purchase. - by Frank Jacobs, Big Think March 15, 2024

"...The 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS for short) gives coastal states the right to claim an Exclusive Economic Zone (or EEZ) that extends 200 nautical miles from their shoreline. It also allows them to include the ECS: The areas where the continental shelf—the gently sloping underwater extension of a land mass before it drops off to the ocean’s depths—extends beyond those 200 nautical miles.

To date, more than 90 other countries have already claimed their ECS.

An EEZ should not be confused with territorial waters, which typically end 12 nautical miles out from the shoreline. This is where coastal states have full sovereignty..."


shekinahcancook, to sustainability
@shekinahcancook@babka.social avatar

It's not correct to say, as this author does, that all Abrahamic religions look to the afterlife exclusively, instead of life on earth. We do not reject embodiment. We don't say to ourselves: go ahead, plunder resources, exploit the earth beyond its ability to heal. That's not permitted.

Judaism has always focused on making the present, material life, sanctified. All of it.

In fact, eco-Judaism is original Judaism, not some modern afterthought tacked on by current sentiments. You cannot make your land into a wasteland & call yourself spiritually guided. It violates the very heart of our duties in this corporeal life.

Space is awesome, and I love it. But I have no illusions about a techo-miracle future. We've squandered our resources on disposable junk and poisonous convenience. Our future is here, whether we want it to be or not.

So let's make it a place worth living in. Let's sanctify our daily lives.


shekinahcancook, to Economics
@shekinahcancook@babka.social avatar

Well, he's not exactly wrong.

Not the Monthly Post: Beyond Lenocracy
April 3, 2024 by John Michael Greer

"...As soon as you start putting a business together, the regiment of pimps mentioned earlier comes running with their hands out. Each of them demands a cut. There are the bankers, the insurance agents, the real estate agents, the salespeople, the middlemen, and many more, and of course alongside them are the government officials...with a schedule of fees that inevitably gets longer and more onerous with every year that passes...but you can’t simply ignore them. That’s what makes our current situation a lenocracy: the power of the state gives their claims the force of law..."

I'm a progressive AND a small business, so I get it, but I support paying taxes. The rest of it, though - there's truth to the claim of too many middlemen & rentiers profiteering off small biz.

Caveat Emptor: Greer leans right. Waayyy right sometimes.



shekinahcancook, to kentucky
@shekinahcancook@babka.social avatar

Christo-Fascists in Kentucky continue their relentless assault on the poor by outlawing towns and counties from preventing landlords from discriminating against people who use social security or section 8 or veterans funding for housing.

Prosperity gospel is the belief that rich people are rich because white republican jesus loves them, and poor people are poor because white republican jesus hates them and they deserve to be poor and deserve to be punished and are not worthy of basic human rights to...anything.

Kentucky is rife with this gross and disgusting attitude. It is embodied in the legislature, which has passed numerous laws imposing their false religious beliefs onto the public, oppressing the poor, women, lgbtq folks, and non-christians. Don't buy things made here, don't visit here, don't spend your vacation dollars here, don't support this red state government in any way.

#Kentucky #RedState #ChristoFascism #HumanRights #Housing

shekinahcancook, to random
@shekinahcancook@babka.social avatar

You're Not a Fearmonger. You Have Sentinel Intelligence.

Some of us can hear the future.
Jessica Wildfire

"...If you have sentinel intelligence, your brain can aggregate and sift through extraordinary amounts of information in a very short period of time, especially when it comes to seeing latent or hidden dangers. You don’t get stymied by what Clarke and Eddy call the “magnitude of overload.”

In some ways, it’s a superpower.

Research on sensitive individuals confirms how sentinels and Cassandras think. Social psychologist Tsachi Ein-Dor writes that some of us "are chronically hypervigilant and constantly alert to potential threats and dangers. Other individuals, once alerted to a threat, are self-reliant and likely to take protective actions rapidly and effectively." In other words, we're hardwired alarm systems. Groups are more likely to survive when they have a mix of people who are skilled at detecting, communicating, and acting on threats to their survival..."


shekinahcancook, to random
@shekinahcancook@babka.social avatar

And what you failed to realize is that my ship is dragging mines.

shekinahcancook, to Jewish
@shekinahcancook@babka.social avatar

Antisemitism since October.

Learn why this concerning trend isn’t just a matter of concern to the Jewish community, but a direct threat to democracy and national security. Gain insights into how the U.S. Department of State, and the U.S. government in general, are addressing Jew-hatred around the world and why a comprehensive, whole-of-society approach is more critical now than ever before.

Don’t miss this opportunity to be informed, engaged, and empowered to counter antisemitism.

Join us virtually on May 24th by registering here:

Follow the U.S. Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism Instagram and X (Twitter) for updates.

shekinahcancook, to random
@shekinahcancook@babka.social avatar

Your people have a great commander.

shekinahcancook, to random
@shekinahcancook@babka.social avatar

Does the rolling help?

shekinahcancook, to Astronomy
@shekinahcancook@babka.social avatar

Space Makes Noise—And Here’s the Eerie Song an Eclipse Sings
Thought you could only experience the astronomical event with your eyes? by Sara Mellas March 19, 2024

"...This music is not reverberating against the walls of a theater or emanating from under the door of a practice room, nor is it being played by the hands of a diligent musician. These erratic sounds are a computerized expression of light data, taken in real-time from a solar eclipse.

Sonification is the phenomenon of using non-verbal audio to translate and express data, as an alternative or supplement to visual displays. The earliest successful applications of sonification date back to the early twentieth century, and since then, sonified data has been utilized in an array of scientific, medical, geographical, and astronomical settings for both research and creative purposes..."


Read the Article:

shekinahcancook, to Podcasts
@shekinahcancook@babka.social avatar

I'm just posting this because Ben Shapiro isn't even in the top ten, lol.

shekinahcancook, to privacy
@shekinahcancook@babka.social avatar

And I'll bet that money mostly doesn't come from you clicking on ads, since most people don't. It comes from them selling your data.

shekinahcancook, to random
@shekinahcancook@babka.social avatar

Look I have one job on this lousy ship. It's stupid, but I'm going to do it.

shekinahcancook, to random
@shekinahcancook@babka.social avatar

Don't open that! It's an alien planet! Is there air? You don't know!

shekinahcancook, to random
@shekinahcancook@babka.social avatar

Minority Rule Is Threatening American Democracy Like Never Before... Ari Berman in Mother Jones: May+June 2024 Issue

"...The timing of our modern retreat from democracy is no coincidence. The nation is now roughly 20 years away from a future in which white people will no longer be the majority. New multiracial coalitions are gaining ground in formerly white strongholds like Georgia. To entrench and hold on to power, a shrinking conservative white minority is ­relentlessly exploiting the undemocratic elements of America’s political institutions while doubling down on tactics such as voter suppression, election subversion, and the censoring of history. This reactionary movement—which is significantly overrepresented because of the structure of the Electoral College, Congress, and gerrymandered legislative districts—has retreated behind a fortress to stop what it views as the coming siege.


shekinahcancook, to mentalhealth
@shekinahcancook@babka.social avatar

For those of you that like to take online quizzes and assessments, here's a mental health one...

Mine didn't tell me anything I didn't already know regarding depression and anxiety. Those have been with me off and on my whole life, and I came by them honest, as the saying goes. As for ADHD, well, one of my kids was actually diagnosed, so I did suspect it.


shekinahcancook, to linguistics
@shekinahcancook@babka.social avatar

The Second Zodiac Cipher Took 50 Years To Decipher. Now You Can Read How It Was Done

A new white paper details the long and sometimes grueling process. Dr. Katie Spalding 4.15.24

"...So why did this second message take so much longer to decipher? It seems that, after having his first attempt decrypted so quickly, the Zodiac killer upped his game – a lot. “It is clear that the complications introduced by Zodiac led to much delay in its solution,” the trio write. “If the cipher were simply one of the well-understood classical systems, such as homophonic substitution, transposition, or polyalphabetic substitution […] then traditional cryptanalysis and application of powerful cipher solving tools would have broken it.”

Instead, what faced hopeful criminal chasers was a slew of confounding tactics...And on top of that, as before, there were plenty of spelling mistakes to account for, further muddying the decryption process..."


shekinahcancook, (edited ) to ukteachers
@shekinahcancook@babka.social avatar

An example of a anti-intellectualism.

This sort of attitude, elevating folk wisdom above educational achievement, underlies a lot of the problems in today's political arena: anti-vax, climate collapse denial, conspiracy theory nonsense, and rejection of historical facts both about their own history and that of the fairy tales and myths they pretend are literal truth.

Notice they call education a "patholigical" condition. This is a dangerous cult that values ignorance and feelings over science, history, and facts.

From the comments section of a right leaning blog: https://www.ecosophia.net/an-unfamiliar-world/

shekinahcancook, to random
@shekinahcancook@babka.social avatar

Insomnia sucks. That is all.

shekinahcancook, to random
@shekinahcancook@babka.social avatar

I'm trying to figure out what need my near addiction to doom scrolling is trying to fill. It's like screaming into the void, I guess, except occasionally someone replies. I try to curate interesting articles on science or language or economics and on weekdays post a handful of those. But they get little attention.

When it comes to my home feed it's mostly political stuff about how we're all screwed, or some outrageous shit some cop or govt official or right wing nutjob is saying or doing.

Everyone who wants to help either knows already or is already active on the issue of the moment. Everyone who doesn't want to know or can't take it anymore is just going to scroll by, mute, or block. Every hate filled, misogynistic bigot deluded into believing in their own camp's superiority or convinced their own brand of fairy tales are the only real truth (regardless of all evidence to the contrary) are not going to change due to anything I say or share. They're just going to spit more hate.

shekinahcancook, to Women
@shekinahcancook@babka.social avatar

Everything You’ve Heard About Chastity Belts Is a Lie
Including their very existence.
by Sarah Laskow July 12, 2017

"...What accounts for the persistence of this story? “Male fear,” according to Classen. “There’s always a lover in the background who already has the duplicate key, he says. In other words, even in the 1500s, no one took the idea of locked-up metal underwear very seriously as an effective anti-sex device. When chastity belts were depicted, it was in the Renaissance equivalent of Robin Hood: Men in Tights—and the audiences for those pieces of art probably thought the idea of a metal chastity belt just as giggle-worthy as late 20th-century teenagers did..."


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