
derekvanvliet, avatar

can the new wake on bluetooth (eg when it’s docked to a tv and you power on a paired controller) like a normal console?

Cldfire, avatar

@derekvanvliet according to Valve it should be able to (

> Added support for wake from Bluetooth controllers

derekvanvliet, avatar

@Cldfire fantastic!

joelpomales, avatar

Just finished Sea of Stars on the . An JRPG that is a joy to play. Colorful, nice music, easy to understand combat system, and just enough puzzles to keep you busy.

Did not do a lot of side quests tho. But overall, if you want a nice, simple game to play Sea of Stars is a great choice.

Next up: System Shock. Time to pay Shodan a visit.

joel, avatar

@joelpomales it completely caught me off-guard, the game works on cycles (days) and you can only do a few actions per cycle, and you have to wait for things to happen after a few cycles. It's kinda like a book honestly, choose your own adventure, develop relationships, explore possibilities, but you're always limited to a few choices, you'll miss stuff. You'll run out of energy. Its more narrative, there aren't battles and such, but it's good, very good.

joelpomales, avatar

@joel good to hear!

Maybe the one knock on SoS was that you could carry ten items (food) at a time. The upside of that is that you learn to cook the food, which is really cool. You can forage for food items, like lettuce, or potatoes. And you can buy recipes on a store, as well as ingredients.

I liked that aspect of it.

oblomov, avatar

Damnit, I wanted to install @eniko's #KitsuneTails demo on my #SteamDeck but it took so long to install all updates that my kids came back from dance lesson.

I guess it'll be for another time.

Also, I found my SteamDeck battery completely drained, again, after leaving it OFF for a long time. Honestly don't like this.

oblomov, avatar

Wow I suck at these kind of games.

@eniko : 1-2, got into the first door in fox form, died, restarted inside the cave but in humanoid form. Is that intentional?

eniko, avatar

@oblomov yep thats intentional

gamingonlinux, avatar

@GlowingLantern @gamingonlinux Linux is only relevant in that it allows people to play games on Steam Deck, for a lot of people.

Unfortunately, it also means that it doesn't allow people to play certain games on Steam Deck.

Obviously, that's not Linux's fault, it never has been, but I'm happy that a lot of developers have finally started to take it seriously, even if only because a lot of users are using it, knowingly or not.


@bdf2121cc3334b35b6ecda66e471 @gamingonlinux I’ve seen a few reviews which praised the performance and efficiency of Linux vs Windows, so most people (who do know) probably just know that it has a special OS that makes it run better than normal old Windows, but some games won’t be compatible. That’s normal for console players, at least, and probably why Valve is marketing it as a console first and foremost.

gamingonlinux, avatar

@gamingonlinux the unsung hero of lockdown .. it is also immeasurable the amount of reboots-into-windows proton has saved humanity as a whole..

dozymoe, avatar

I hope they added feature to suspend the game while in the background @gamingonlinux

steamdeckhq, avatar

Oh I’m about to lose a lot of sleep, aren’t I.

Let’s see how is on the so far!

saiki, avatar

@steamdeckhq how did you get this nice benchmark widget on top of the screen of your deck? Looks really good. 🤩

steamdeckhq, avatar

@saiki it’s the level 2 performance overlay!

steamdeckhq, avatar

AYANEO’s next handheld, the NEXT LITE, has been confirmed to be the first non-Valve handheld with installed!

More on HandheldHQ:


@steamdeckhq I sincerely hope that’s the case! But I feel like if valve was going to partner with anyone first it would be a reputable company like asus, msi, dell, Lenovo. Picking a company that iterated products every 15 minutes is risky at best.

steamdeckhq, avatar

@richservo You could be right, but idk, I think having game pass is a big draw for the bigger companies. I think partnering with AYANEO makes more sense here.

gamingonlinux, avatar

@gamingonlinux totes mcgoats

antnisp, avatar

@gamingonlinux @popey Plus the Steam Machine experience has probably made them reticent to work with other OEMs.

mikey, avatar

I caved today and got the SteamDeck OLED. Sooooo.. if anyone wants a steam deck (LCD version) with an upgraded 1TB ssd and upgraded Hall effect joysticks. Let me know.

atomicpoet, avatar

@mikey I wanted an OLED but I’m waiting out for the next Steam Deck release. I want more POWER!!!

mikey, avatar

@atomicpoet It was such a struggle to wait. That was my original plan as well. I know version 2 is going to be a beast.

Moggy, French avatar

J'ai commencé Duck Tales Remastered, ce week-end.
Bhé c'est cool. Y a un feeling similaire à la version Game Boy que j'ai connu (oui moi pas connu NES).
#DuckTales #DuckTalesRemastered #SteamDeck

Moggy, avatar

@Catel Arf ! J'espère qu'il ne m'arrivera rien ! 😱

Moggy, avatar

J'ai fini le jeu !
C'était cool ! Duck Tales n'a jamais été un de mes platformers de cœur mais j'ai toujours eu de la tendresse pour lui: c'était mon premier jeu Game Boy (si on excepte Tetris qui était vendu en bundle avec la console).

jmac, avatar

A parent in a Discord I'm in is seeking game recommendations, playable on Switch or , for helping a 9-year-old ESL student learn English. So, a great game for a parent and young kid to play together, with lots of conversational English in it.

Text adventures are off the table—we love em but they're not console-friendly—so I'm curious what recs y'all might have!


@jmac A Short Hike, definitely

jmac, avatar

@PatientRock Such a good game.

WytchStar avatar

-=Help needed=-

I'm trying to remote into my Deck desktop. I have tried a number of things, searched all day, and I can't find anything that actually works.

Steam Link does NOT work as advertised. I can stream my PC (Win11) desktop TO my deck with a Fair connection and no issues. But my PC can NOT connect the other way, it always shows Slow connection and steamdeck offline. I'm on a wired home LAN and I've tried WiFi as well. I've watched "fix your SteamLink connection" videos and read everything but nothing changes it.

AnyDesk was pulled from Flatpak, so every search suggesting that option seems to be null and void. I don't know if or how any other version of Linux AnyDesk might work, or how. And I can't find anything other than "It's on Discover". Not anymore it isn't.

KDE Connect doesn't seem to do much other than let me transfer files. I can mouse click but not move the mouse. I don't see many options here to get it to do what I need.

I want to remotely navigate the Desktop mode from my Windows PC. It shouldn't be this hard. Anyone encounter or understand a solution that could explain it in better than one sentence worth? I'm trying to learn but it's just brutal out there.


It was a bit involved, so beware non-expirienced Linux users, but I found a method that gets DWService running in user mode and it works on SteamDeck. You need to unlock the System partition first, or use something like Rwfus(Untested), just for setup, but you can lock it again and get updates later as nothing important is left after you’re done.

Once you’ve got it setup it auto starts at boot. Has survived all SteamOS updates for months now. Screen share only works in Desktop mode, since DWService doesn’t support Game mode’s wayland yet, but other tools like the Terminal, File Browser, and Process Monitor work even in Game mode. They also have an Android client now, in addition to their standard Web client.

DWService is an online service though, not a direct client to client connection, so it’s up to you how much you trust them.…


Assuming moonlight is available on windows, have you given a shot at the Sunshine/Moonlight combo? Sunshine is the server, should be in Discover, and Moonlight is the client. It can be a little more finicky to set up compared to steam link, but when you get it working properly most users find it to be more dependable and stable. I’ve been using steam link for years and now moonlight is my go to.

jmac, avatar

Invited to play some Left 4 Dead with friends last night. Complex nostalgia: I was back in Boston the last time I played it. That was on Xbox 360, and I’m unsurprised to see that it plays great on today.

It’s as fun as ever, with very minor mechanical nits. The aspects that felt most dated were philosophical.

First, the easiest skill level is called "Easy”, and beyond it being Rather Hard Actually, a modern game would pick a less dismissive description for it. 🧵

mogwai_poet, avatar

@jmac My sense of it is that games didn't change and the culture didn't change -- you did. The vast majority of video games are still built around violence as the default (or only) form of interaction. We had our moment (e.g. Spec Ops The Line) where we floated the idea that violence isn't something to celebrate and in my experience players are sick of the conversation now.

jmac, avatar

@mogwai_poet This feels apt to me.

andyn, avatar

Why are downloads so damn slow on the ?!

matt, avatar

@andyn We need to be strong together!

andyn, avatar
CorentinLamy, French avatar

Je réalise que le NDA sur 2 est tombé ! J'y ai joué une vingtaine d'heures ces dernières semaines, m'arrêtant au niveau de ce que je pense être l'avant-dernier boss de fin... avant d'oublier mon à la maison 😓


CorentinLamy, avatar

@damianogerli Unfortunately, I gave up on beating him this afternoon after around ten attempts. I find it way too difficult, especially since the other bosses in the game, which are relatively easy, don't prepare us for it. And having to sit through unskippable cutscenes every time is also annoying.

damianogerli, avatar

@CorentinLamy yeah honestly a terrible choice for a boss to (almost) end the game with. I hope they fix him with some patches

blueghost, avatar

Permanent Kill Switch and Secure Core features were removed from the Proton VPN Linux app.

@protonvpn, your post at is misleading.

The image and information linked to in the post are both referencing the current version being used, not the new version.

Based on your post, a user relying on these features could update and not know about the changes until the new version is installed.


@protonvpn @blueghost is wireguard now available in this application as well

protonvpn, avatar

@moonwalker Wireguard support is on the roadmap as we know it is a highly requested feature. For now, OpenVPN DCO produces identical speed performance.

CorentinLamy, French avatar

Vous ne me demandez pas mon avis mais je vous le donne quand même : ce que je trouve relou sur c'est que si tu veux voir une image ou une vidéo d'un jeu dans ta bibliothèque parce que tu ne sais plus/pas à quoi ça ressemble, il faut pas un, ni deux, ni trois, ni quatre, ni... enfin bref, il faut NEUF "clics" pour arriver sur la page du magasin Steam qui correspond au jeu + quatre supplémentaires pour pouvoir commencer à faire défiler les images.

Merci d'être venus à mon TEDtalk.

Beurt, avatar

Journalisme total : tu as compté !

CorentinLamy, avatar

@Beurt Le journalisme total c'est totalement con disait un grand homme, il me fallait être à la hauteur.

gamingonlinux, avatar
gpowerf, avatar

@gamingonlinux At this stage, I rate the Steam Deck as a much better purchase than any of the 3 big consoles. It's great value!


@gamingonlinux the main problem with proton right now is valve doesnt ensure that games that work stay working, gotham knights? Doesnt work anymore. Gta 5? Doesnt boot anymore. Even the new counter strike update doesnt work without custom launch options. Ive been forced to pirate games i already own a few times because proton is completely borked with bullshit online service nonsense and third party launchers


OK this doesn't seem too bad


@LexGear I see... I don't know tbh, I'm not really a professional about mech keyboard. I think this was kind of a trend on fosstodon for a while, so maybe someone from could talk about this?


@zlatiah Nice! Just a heads-up if you end up doing CPU / GPU intensive things on desktop.

You can disable the screen on the Steam Deck while plugged into the monitor in the display settings; which frees up resources.

As a person who has daily driven a Steam Deck only for over a year, it’s honestly not bad at all :nkoLove2:

gamingonlinux, avatar
noodlejetski, avatar

@szkodnix @gamingonlinux doubt it, given that we probably make for a fraction of a fraction of their user base.

noodlejetski, avatar

@gamingonlinux looks like they're aware of the issue and are working on it, according to their public Trello board:

andypiper, avatar

Second #SteamDeck SSD upgrade done - aka delivering Deck Upgrades as a Service… 👾

andypiper, avatar

@andypiper super useful, thanks!

gamingonlinux, avatar
MagicLike, avatar

@gamingonlinux wow, could have waited with the purchase, but I guess the I wouldn't have got it for 20% of... :nkoThink:

MagicLike, avatar

@gamingonlinux AND THE PRICE FOR THE NORMAL ONCE IS EVEN DECREASING??? :blobcatsadlife:

console, avatar

My is here. I finally got one.

First impressions:

The performance of many of the non-3D games I have tried so far is great. (Windows games are translated via Proton to Linux). I was worried about getting stuck at 30fps, but everything is fluid.

The yellow “Great on Deck” quality check is very trustworthy!

The Steam UI itself is a bit wonky and often redundant.

I've been used to Retina displays for years, so any text in the UI and sometimes in games feels blurry to me.

Tijn, avatar

@rnlf @yozy @console But especially for handhelds the screen is close to your face, so if high DPI matters anywhere it's there.

rnlf, avatar

@Tijn @yozy @console Yeah, but it doesn't really matter if it leads to half-hour battery life...


Looking back, the value jump for the new #SteamDeck and #SteamDeckOLED offerings are insane.

The entry-level is STILL 399 USD despite the massive storage capacity and speed jump from 64GB eMMC to 256GB NVME.

The mid-tier increased in price by just 20 USD from 529 USD to 549 USD, for not only doubling the storage capacity from 256GB NVME to 512GB NVME, but it's also the new 90Hz OLED model with all of the improvements to the new screen, WiFi/Bluetooth, battery, trackpad, power efficiency and thermals, etc.

The high-end tier RETAINED its price of 649 USD while not only doubling the storage capacity from 512GB NVME to 1TB NVME, but it's also the new 90Hz (matte/anti-glare) OLED model with all of the improvements to the new screen, WiFi/Bluetooth, battery, trackpad, power efficiency and thermals, etc. PLUS the new, additional slim case it comes with.

#Valve absolutely leading the way in terms of value.



@geraineon yessss. Steam games are often much cheaper too vs consoles like Nintendo or even mobile, esp during their huge sales. Their refund policy is also great, I refund games that don't play well or those I end up not liking all the time very easily.

Also 1 thing to note is that the 1TB OLED model will have the same OLED screen as the 512GB, but with the difference being that it will have a Matte/Anti-Glare coating. As with all Matte coating on screens, some prefer it, some don't - as it has the added benefit of reducing glare on the screen, but it will slightly mute the colours of the screen due to this. TLDR; if you want the full colour and don't mind glare, u can go for the 512GB OLED model, if you don't mind having slightly muted colours with the added benefit of no glare in direct sunlight, go for the 1TB OLED model.

geraineon, avatar

@irfan If I want nice colors, I can plug it into a screen. I want the 1TB size... and my eyes do get a bit pain if stare at the glare for too long.

I've been a subscriber to humble bundle monthly for years (now legacy subber already), so I get ... 10 games a month. Every month. Just collecting in my game library orz

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