Generation X, otherwise known as GenX 1965-1980

janbeta, avatar

New video! I'm restoring a 1970s Commodore calculator. Spoiler: I used a Dremel tool to spice it up a bit at one point...


brian_gettler, avatar

For my first proper #VanPosting toot, a photo of an excellent boogie van ca. #1970s #Canada.

The article that accompanies the photo - Peter Cheney, "Sex, Rugs and Boogie Vans," Globe and Mail, April 15, 2011 - includes anecdotes from the author, working as a mechanic in #Halifax in the early 80s, of installing a waterbed in one custom, "Playboy mansion" van and a casket in another, vampire-themed van.

inquiline, avatar

@brian_gettler This is a very righteous foray into , i’ll have to up my game. cc @scottedgar

br00t4c, avatar

▶ Gen Z Is DROWNING In Credit Card Debt

#genz #wages

BobC7000, avatar


No one on TYT actually gives a shit about any of these issues that they use to endear themselves to younger Americans. Just fake virtue signaling. Easier to do to younger people.

TYT is a part of the loose sabotage network that attempts to upend potus elections every four years. Just like the "green party".

Snoro, avatar

Nearly half of Gen Z and millennial workers have left a job, or plan to, because of climate concerns
BYOrianna Rosa Royle
4–5 minutes

The era of “global boiling” is here, sending shivers down young worker’s spines. But instead of sitting with their anxiety, Gen Z and millennials are trying to save the planet by quitting jobs that aren’t eco-friendly.

renwillis, avatar

I have some coworkers and was telling them about how we used to take our car stereo face plates with us when we left the car back in the days when stereos weren't integrated into the dash and you wanted a nice one.

They were very amazed. So I made this meme.

etchlings, avatar

@renwillis I absolutely had an aftermarket one in my 240 that had this feature. I don’t think I once used it, though. It was a 240. No one was gonna try and boost that.

WhyNotZoidberg, avatar

@renwillis Fun story:
Sis "inherited" dad's baby blue Saab 99 with a POS stereo in it when she went off to Uni.

One morning every single car had been broken into on the parking lot and their stereos taken... except in sis car there was a better one lying on the seat.

Our guess is that the thieves had realized THAT one was worthless, broken into my sis' car, found that one even WORSE and just dumped the better one in her seat.

Dad installed it a week later after the police didn't want it.

deadtom, avatar

80s hair is back.

I'm not sure how I feel about this.

Tim_Eagon, avatar

@deadtom It's amazing how many mullets I see when I pick up my kids from school.

riversidebryan, avatar

The theme this week is , songs from the year you were born.

How appropriate! I never realized this was released my birth year! 🤣🤣🤣

riversidebryan, avatar

#HereComesTheRainAgain 🌧🌧⛈️⛈️ looks like it will be stormy the rest of the weekend 🫤

Naps, music, and Fediverse will hafta keep me occupied LOL

#Eurythmics #1980s #GenX

airwhale, avatar

@riversidebryan @constantorbit

This track was (imo) one of the highlights of their live set for this album. So happy we got the opportunity to see them perform live.

The stage had a curtain with a big zipper. Show started with Annie opening it by hanging on to the zip-tab all the way down, wearing black leather pants and a red bra.


GreenFire, avatar

We'll find out if they have at the ballot boxes this year.

#GenZ #Climate #ClimateChange #VoteBlue

top40yearsago, avatar

40 years ago this week, "You Might Think" by #TheCars entered the #Top10 and peaked at 7. This was one of the first music videos to use extensive computer graphics, and cost about triple the typical budget. #1980s #MusicHistory #MusicVideo

kubikpixel, German avatar

Falsch ist es auf keinen Fall aber den Menschen beibringen was wie und wo Anonym zu nutzen ist wäre auch nicht schlecht. , Smartphone oder PC ect könnte mMn besser vermittelt werden als "entweder oder".

»Lieber mit dem Handy unterwegs – Darum will die keine Smartphones mehr nutzen:
Weniger ist mehr: Die Generation Z tauscht immer häufiger das zugunsten eines Feature-Phones aus. Das hat mehrere Gründe. Auch der spielt eine Rolle«


erlenmayr, avatar

@kubikpixel Die Spionage durch die SIM-Karten ist doch noch schlimmer als die durch die Apps und Websites ...
Wenn es um Privatsphäre ginge, bräuchte man das Gegenteil: Ein Mobilgerät ohne IMEI, IMSI und Telefonnummer mit möglichst direkter Verbindung ins Internet.

KimPerales, (edited ) avatar

may save our :

New video:

NBC: Inside a Gen Z campaign to shake up Congress: Vogel is running in the Dem primary for a competitive dist. in MD. At 27 yrs old -aiming to be the 2nd Gen Z MOC. The median age of lawmakers in the HSE is 57.9, & Baby Boomers still rep the largest share (45%) of the HSE by generation.⬇️

“I’m glad that we have someone from our generation speaking up for us, but we need more folks to come join them-."

top40yearsago, avatar

40 years ago this week, "Original Sin" by entered the at 87. It peaked at 58 on 26 May 1984. I was surprised to learn who sings backup vocals in the chorus. (It's Daryl Hall!)

Richard_Littler, avatar
Richard_Littler, avatar, avatar

Like many other music and vinyl nerds, one of my favorite novels is Nick Hornby’s High Fidelity, one of my favorite movies is High Fidelity, and one of my favorite TV series is – that’s right – High Fidelity. I feel like most of us nerds (and our 1001 Other Albums project as a whole) would identify somewhere on the spectrum between HF characters Rob, Dick, and Barry:

  • Rob: Mostly keeps their musical tastes to themselves, recommendations are more references or internal/autobiographical monologues, essentially shared out loud only with those they are (or want to get) close to (or, you know, co-workers).
  • Dick: Politely makes recommendations (and copies on tape), but only if they think the other person is cool enough to also get it.
  • Barry: Loudly shares their very strong opinions about the music they think everyone should like, with everyone they meet.

If you’ve followed all three iterations of HF,* perhaps you have already caught this, but (in this essay I will argue that) the HF franchise channels the entire Rob-Dick-Barry spectrum in its slow but steady campaign over the last 30 years to get us all to listen to one particular album: I Can’t Stand The Rain by Ann Peebles, number 772 on The List (submitted by @puffer).

Exhibit A, High Fidelity (1995)

The first instance of HF‘s Peebles campaign is in this description of Barry, working the Saturday crowd at the record store:

“Barry…simply bulldozes customers into submission. He rubbishes them because they don’t own the first Jesus and Mary Chain album, and they buy it, and he laughs at them because they don’t own Blonde on Blonde, so they buy that, and he explodes in disbelief when they tell him that they have never heard of Ann Peebles, and then they buy something of hers, too.”

pg. 97

I will be the first to say you should never automatically equate a fictional character or any particular element of that character with the author (indeed, in my former life, my entire academic output focused on that point). So, since there isn’t a narrator named Nick Hornby breaking the fourth wall or anything in the book, we cannot say that Barry’s musical tastes in HF are necessarily Hornby’s, and we cannot say that Barry’s musical tastes are a key message of HF as a whole. To this extent, with the first iteration of HF, Hornby/HF is channelling the Rob side of the spectrum with the reference. Is Hornby/HF personally recommending Ann Peebles? Maybe, but you’d probably have to be in a relationship with them first to find out.

Exhibit B, High Fidelity (2000)

Cut to the same Saturday scene, in the movie adaptation. Jack Black as Barry doesn’t include Ann Peebles in his tirade on the poor customer, leaving us to wonder if poor Ann has been downgraded for the American audience (the customer is left holding a giant stack of records the Barry throws at him so perhaps we could image she is in there somewhere, but she isn’t mentioned in the script either):

Barry: “[The Jesus and Mary Chain] always seemed what? They always seemed really great is what they always seemed. They picked up where your precious Echo left off and you’re sitting around complaining about no more Echo albums. I can’t believe you don’t own this fucking record, that’s insane! Jesus!…

…You don’t have it? That is perverse! Don’t tell anybody you don’t own fucking Blonde on Blonde. It’s gonna be okay.”

…BUT! Previous to this scene in the movie, playing in the store when Barry is making fun of the customer who wants to buy his daughter a copy of “I Just Called To Say I Love You”, is none other than the title track of I Can’t Stand The Rain. In my mind at least, this bumps up the Ann Peebles nod from a general recommendation coming just from a character to a specific recommendation coming from the movie as a whole, especially when juxtaposed to a song deemed “sentimental tacky crap” that they don’t bother keeping in stock. Even the fact that “I Can’t Stand The Rain” isn’t in the official released soundtrack, “just in the background somewhere”, seems like a very Dick move – if you’re cool enough to have caught it, HF the movie is politely recommending you listen to Ann Peebles.

Exhibit C, High Fidelity (2020)

And THEN, we get to the TV adaptation. First of all, if you’re a fan of the book and/or movie and haven’t yet seen the show, you MUST. It’s absolutely fantastic, and an absolute crime that it was cancelled after one season. For me, the show may even eventually supersede the other two versions, we’ll see.

Anyway, in the show, the character of Barry becomes Cherise, brilliantly played by the comedic genius that is Da’Vine Joy Randolph. And in her version of the Saturday scene (which appears in episode 6), we again don’t get Ann Peebles:

Cherise: “You’re fuckin’ killing me. Like, like, no disrespect but where have you been your entire life. How do you not own Stop Making Sense? That’s crazy! That’s like not owning Blonde or fucking Blonde on Blonde, you know what I’m sayin’?”

Customer: “Uh…”

Cherise: “Damn, man, let me get you right. You got some Fleetwood Mac – one of those. Let’s see what else…let’s see…Ohhhhh, shit! Paul’s Boutique, motherfucker! All right. Now I have taken you on this journey, and I think you done some fine-ass work. No, no, no, thank me later.”

So, where’s Ann at? Well, in fact, in the very first episode. In particular, the episode’s last scene, the scene that really made me fall in love with Zoë Kravitz as Rob and made me certain the rest of the show was going to be awesome. It’s simply Rob, at home, being Rob, listening to music because she was miserable (or, was she miserable because she was listening to music?). She takes a record from a tall stack, says “Thank you, Ann Peebles,” and puts the record on. The first track then plays out the final two minutes of the episode, the camera on Rob as she sits and enjoys the music, credits roll. Perfection.

BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE, for in the show’s, Ann Peebles is right there front and center: side one, track one. HF the show, essentially channelling the Barry end of the spectrum, couldn’t make the recommendation more obvious than that (other than, of course, outright saying “I can’t believe you don’t own this fucking record, that’s insane! Jesus!”). If you missed the quick reference in the book and then also missed the cool background music in the movie, HF the show makes damn sure you don’t miss the Ann Peebles recommendation this time around.

So, y’all, I have taken you on this journey, and I think you done some fine-ass work. Make sure you listen to this record, then thank puffer later. (And, after you do, let us know your top five records to play on a wet Monday morning.)

The album cover artwork is a photo of the artist in profile, with her left hand against the side of her face. The artist's name and album name are in white font along the top, and the background is dark/black.*There’s also a musical adaptation of that premiered in 2006, but apparently all the songs performed are original, none of those mentioned by the cast are performed or played in the background.

[Alt text for accompanying image: The album cover artwork is a photo of the artist in profile, with her left hand against the side of her face. The artist’s name and album name are in white font along the top, and the background is dark/black.]

messaroundmarx, German avatar

Es gibt doch noch Hoffnung auf eine Befreiung von der Arbeit mit der #GenZ
aus: #heuteshow vom 26.04.24, ca. 16:10 (mm:ss)

Dieselbe Influenzerin, im Untertitel: "Seid ihr irgendwie geisteskrank?"

messaroundmarx, avatar

fühlst du dich betroffen von dem, was ich grad eben gepostet habe?

hope_n_beauty, avatar

@messaroundmarx Muss man auch erstmal schaffen, aus der Weigerung den eigenen ableistischen Sprachgebrauch einfach mal anzuerkennen, eine Diskrimierung zu konstruieren*. Beleidigung als Sahnehäubchen oben drauf.

*Merke, du MUSST Inhalte von Oliver Welke ansehen, sonst fühlt sich dein Gegenüber *diskriminiert".

Junge Junge...

riversidebryan, avatar

haven't posted this in a long time, and definitely not since moving to 😜

my senior photo ... taken Fall 1985 (graduation in May 1986)

mentallyalex, avatar

@riversidebryan :blobcatheartbongo:

hotcelebs, avatar
grindhold, avatar

hatte von euch #millenials in der schulzeit jemand auch das Häfft-Hausaufgabenheft? Gibts das noch? So in klassisch mit Brot und Schwein? Der Verlag existiert noch, aber das Häfft finde ich nirgends mehr. #haefft #schule #hausaufgaben

midzer, avatar

@grindhold hatte ich! War ne schöne Zeit :)

fink, avatar

@grindhold Ich habe hier zumindest einen Jahres Kalender von denen an der Wand ^^

cdarwin, avatar

Baby #boomers are on track to make President Biden 💥the first Democrat to carry the senior vote since Al Gore in 2000.💥
2024 threatens to shatter some long-held trends in presidential politics, if the polls are to be believed.

The biggest trend at risk is the notion that voters become more conservative as they get older.
While baby #boomers appear to be holding firm on their liberal leanings, #GenZ is showing a surprisingly strong conservative bent.

The comparatively liberal boomers are aging into the senior vote as their more conservative older siblings in the Silent and Greatest Generations die off.
There were zero senior (65+) boomers in 2008.
But boomers now represent 70% of the senior vote, the N.Y. Times' Nate Cohn notes.

The youth vote is giving pollsters the most fits right now.
To spice it up, youth voters are showing signs of making former President Trump the first Republican to win that demo since George H.W. Bush in 1988.
Polling for young Hispanic voters is "all over the place," John Della Volpe of the Harvard Kennedy School Institute of Politics told Politico.
Polling for young Black voters is also breaking the trend line, with Biden suffering major losses of young Black voter support, Don Levy of the Siena Poll told Politico.

The bottom line: If these two long-term trends fall, there's another that seems less likely to change this time around.

Old people vote at high rates. Younger ones don't

cynblogger, avatar

Silent Generation here, thoroughly Lefty & solidly behind every Democrat, beginning with Pres. Biden.

Zenek73, Polish avatar

"Na fali mody na biohacking i rozmaite metody dbania o własne zdrowie przyszła kolej na nową obsesję, która jest udziałem głównie młodych ludzi. W ostatnim czasie użytkownicy mediów społecznościowych rozpropagowali modę na noszenie sensorów glukozy — nawet jeżeli wcale nie zmagają się oni z cukrzycą ani żadną inną dolegliwością na tym tle."
😀 #genz

LongShotts, avatar

‘Bad girls!’

Original artist: Paul Rader (1965)

mjgardner, avatar

I just realized that every time I talk about the today it’s the same as when my grandparents would talk about the 1940s then

thac0, avatar

@mjgardner YES. 😂

jnv, French avatar

So is the new thing to celebrate your birthday to do it the entire month now?

I’ve had younger coworkers celebrate their birthday numerous times and explain to me it’s justified and I was the dummy celebrating it on one day.

What is going on out there?! Did I miss something?

adamsdesk, avatar

@jnv I’ve heard this too or the whole week. To each’s own, but it seems over the top for me.

chlopmarcin, Polish avatar

Co smartfony zrobiły pokoleniu Z? Depresja wśród młodzieży a korzystanie z mediów (a)społecznościowych. I co z tym można zrobić:

#smartfon #GenZ #pokolenieZ #mediaSpołecznościowe #młodzież #TheGuardian

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