ArenaCops, to random

🤔 So Trump claims he hasn't been an "Officer of the United States", who would be amenable to the provisions of the Fourteenth Amendment's Section 3, potentially disqualifying him from running for & holding public (presidential) office.
He's freaking wrong!

And he should know damn better. As he's himself officially & publicly been insisting on being treated like an "officer" in court.

Just like now-AG Garland certainly remembers his own time on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, which wrote: "President Trump removed the suit to federal court under the federal officer removal statute, 28 U.S.C. § 1442(a)(1)." in K&D LLC v. Trump Old Post Office LLC and Donald J. Trump.
#RuleOfLaw #JusticeMatters #AccountabilityMatters #Jan6 #Insurrection #14thAmendmentSection3 #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw #TrumpIsNotAboveTheLaw


@GreenFire One precondition to make overwhelming voter turnout happen is to successfully challenge "traditional" methods of systematic electoral fraud like brazenly legislated voter suppression, gerrymandering, disenfranchisement, in the courts.
Like what @marcelias & many others are excellently & thankfully very busy with.

What's been "legislated" doesn't naturally mean it's legal and/or constitutional at every level.

We all know, that today's "GOP" aims at denying as many voters as possible their fundamental right & opportunity to vote — which is completely unacceptable for every true democrat.

TonyStark, to random avatar

This is Trump’s last Secretary of State.

Presidents come with a Cabinet.

None of this is great unless you’re into white Christian nationalism and people basing their foreign policy on what they think is in the Bible.

I, for one, am not.

Pompeo says Israel has biblical claim to Palestine and is ‘not an occupying nation’ | Mike Pompeo | The Guardian:


@TonyStark Just in case anyone forgot:

"Keep the church and the state forever separate."
— President Ulysses S. Grant, meritorious target of today's rebellious revanchists —

What was in it for Trump in Opus-Dei-$$ for selling a cabinet job, that injected "religious" zealot Mike Pompeo into the United States executive branch of power?

"As a congressman, Pompeo had voted to defund Planned Parenthood. Pompeo co-sponsored the State Marriage Defense Act that would have allowed states to not recognize same-sex marriages. He co-sponsored the Marriage and Religious Freedom Act in order to protect the tax-exempt status of nonprofit organizations with religious objections to same-sex marriage. Neither bill passed."
#RuleOfLaw #DefendDemocracy #DefendTheConstitution #Democracy #FirstAmendment #LeonardLeo #MikePompeo #OpusDei #Subversion #Insurrection #Overthrow

Tengrain, to random avatar

@Jquigley48 @BigBoppa @Tengrain Since "MAGA" is code for "Make America Grey Again" (as seen on Jan 6, inside U.S. Congress), they'll probably declare it "St. Lee's Day".

#DefendTheConstitution #DefendTheUnion #DefendDemocracy #YourVoiceMatters #YouMatter #RaiseYourVoice

ArenaCops, to random

"History will teach us, that … of those men who have overturned the liberties of republics the greatest number have begun their carreer [sic], by paying an obsequious court to the people, commencing Demagogues and ending Tyrants."
— Alexander Hamilton, Federalist No. 1 —

"The key to the Founders’ fear of the demagogue was not merely that he might secure high office, but that the means by which he would attain it – appeal to the mob – would allow him to corrupt or overthrow the Republic in order to transform himself into a dictator. The source of the demagogue’s power does not expire if he is expelled from office; so long as he retains the loyalty of the mob, he may return to power.
Trump was the man against whom the founding generation armed the constitution with the disqualification clause. They would surely think anyone quite mad for suggesting that a president who actively sought the overthrow of democracy could not be disqualified from trying again because the failed plot reached its crescendo too close to the expiration of his term."

The Founders would've found the madmen suggesting, that a president, who actively sought the overthrow of democracy could not be disqualified from trying again in the majority of contemporary Senate "Republicans" & the majority of their House "Republican" accomplices.


Studies of various historical forms of governments & their respective leaders enabled Hamilton & other Founders to identify & even foresee worse & worst examples of self-centered reckless sociopathic ruling figures like Trump, Putin, Stalin, Hitler & other tyrants the empires of whom thankfully were never allowed to make it to eternity.

shekinahcancook, (edited ) to kentucky avatar


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  • ArenaCops,

    @shekinahcancook It's a "tiptoeing" secession, a rebellion against democracy & the Constitution's Reconstruction Amendments, which had its predecessor in 1860/61, when the slaveholder states refused to accept the democratic election of Republican President Abraham Lincoln.
    Any similarity with current events simply coincidental?

    #RuleOfLaw #DefendTheConstitution #ReconstructionAmendments #DefendDemocracy #DefensiveDemocracy #RuleOfThePeople #YourVoiceMatters #YouMatter

    lednabwm, to random


    marcelias, to random avatar

    I hope you read my latest.

    Donald Trump is plotting to overthrow American democracy. It is not a secret, and he is not subtle. The only question is whether enough people will care enough to stop it.


    @marcelias Words that will forever echo in my head:

    "But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."
    — Preamble to the United States Declaration of Independence —

    A dictatorial Mafia state à la Putin under Trump instead of the United States? No way!


    @oppophonist @marcelias Right! Letting Trump run for presidential office again reveals the whole absurdity of the situation, where a person charged with 91 (criminal) counts (including offenses against the U.S) abuses the candidacy to escape accountability, prosecution & justice.
    Has Jan 6 not been enough of an outrageous lesson & warning, that you cannot allow a confirmed national security threat to mishandle & abuse the vast powers of presidential office or any other government/ public office ever again?
    Was, what Liz Cheney said & wrote about the walking Mar-A-Lago menace so hard to understand?

    All attempts to remove the constitutional order are intolerable acts of insurrection, not expressions of free speech & deserve to be treated & punished accordingly.
    To preserve the constitutional order, the Rule of Law & the Rule of the People aka democracy & national security.

    "National security objectively means the absence of threats to acquired values and subjectively, the absence of fear that such values will be attacked."
    — Arnold Wolfers, 1960 —

    #RuleOfLaw #AccountabilityMatters #JusticeMatters #DefendTheConstitution #DefendDemocracy #Jan6 #Insurrection #PostJan6Insurrection

    TonyStark, to random avatar

    If there aren’t 9 Republicans in the Senate who want to put their money where their mouth is and show Tuberville he’s out of his league, they ought to fold up as a party once and for all.

    Senate Dems take major step towards ending Tuberville's military holds -


    @TonyStark At the end of the day, "MAGA" cons serving Trump to obstruct U.S. government & U.S. military's defense readiness & thus national security are #ServingPutin!

    In such situations, the former House Committee on Un-American Activities' functions shouldn't be administered & directed by a House Judiciary Committee chaired by an insurrectionary MAGA representative like Jim Jordan!

    #RuleOfLaw #DefendTheConstitution #DefendDemocracy #DefendTheUnion #YourVoiceMatters #YouMatter #RaiseYourVoice

    RollingStone, to random

    Ohio Republicans are claiming a constitutional amendment protecting abortion rights, which was approved by voters in Tuesday’s election, doesn’t actually do that — and they’re promising to take steps to prevent the legal protection of reproductive freedom in the state.

    georgetakei, to random

    Right after Issue 1 passed, Ohio Republicans in the Assembly came right out and said they would try to block its effect. That is anti-democratic in the extreme. Here is the letter that over two dozen of them signed, saying they would “do everything in our power” to “prevent our laws from being removed” based on “perception of intent.”


    @georgetakei "If the majority does not control, the minority must ‑‑ would that be right? Would that be just or generous? Assuredly not!"

    — Abraham Lincoln, Speech at Steubenville, Ohio, February 14, 1861 —

    flexghost, to random avatar

    Yesterday in Ohio

    A constitutional amendment establishing the right to abortion access passed 55.5% to 44.5%.

    Recreational Marijuana passed by 56% to 44%

    An overwhelming victory.

    Within hours, top republicans stated they will go against the will of the people and undermine these new rights

    Independents and moderates: when you vote Republican you vote against democracy


    @flexghost Refusing to play by the rules & accept the choice of the majority of voters, "GOP" is naturally disqualifying itself from being part of any electoral process.

    #DefendDemocracy #DefensiveDemocracy #RuleOfThePeople #DefendTheConstitution #DefendTheUnion #YourVoiceMatters #YouMatter #RaiseYourVoice #BanTheGOP #Insurrection

    skykiss, to random avatar

    🚨 At least 9 precincts in Hinds County—Mississippi's most populous county and the home of the 83%-Black capital city of Jackson—have run out of ballots in the statewide election.

    The polls are set to close at 7 p.m. 🆘


    @skykiss Reminder, that in April and December 1869, Congress passed Reconstruction bills mandating that Virginia, Mississippi, Texas and Georgia ratify the Fifteenth Amendment as a precondition to regaining congressional representation; all four states did so.

    If they decide to continue to act against the stipulations of the Fifteenth Amendment, there should be impressive consequences concerning the congressional representation of those still-rebellious states.

    The Fifteenth Amendment demands:

    "Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

    Section 2. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation."

    #RuleOfLaw #DefendDemocracy #DefendTheConstitution #ReconstructionAmendments #15thAmendment #VotingRights #CivilRights #HumanRights #GOP #ConspiracyAgainstRights #OrganizedCrime #RICO #TakeGOPOffTheBallots #ElectoralFraud #VoterSuppression #BallotSuppression #Mississippi

    DemocracyMattersALot, to Israel avatar

    Treasury Secretary Yellen says Republican-proposed IRS funding cut in exchange for Israel aid is 'irresponsible'


    @DemocracyMattersALot The "Republican" proposal to slash IRS funding alone constitutes a corrupt act & underlying bribery by the "GOP's" richest donors, to the disadvantage of low- & medium-income Americans.
    Connecting that proposal with the alternative to stop aid to Israel is an act of illoyalty & corruption in favor of America's richest tax evaders, which can hardly be outperformed.

    marcelias, to random avatar


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  • ArenaCops,

    @marcelias Replacements should have to undergo security clearance procedures & tests scrutinizing loyalty & adherence to the U.S. Constitution.

    And neutralization of/accountability of terrorists attacking election officials verbally or physically, to disrupt the electoral process as fair & free as it should be.

    realTuckFrumper, to random avatar

    'Wildly out of step': Fox News host hits Mike Johnson on birth control crusade


    @realTuckFrumper Mike Johnson no longer has his Confederacy (has been defeated), but is still on his own crusade against the Fourteenth (Reconstruction) Amendment, which Louisiana & the other ex-Confederate states had to ratify to regain representation in Congress.
    SCOTUS's 1965 decision in Griswold v. Connecticut (use of contraceptives) was based on the Fourteenth Amendment.

    P.S.: Leonard Leo's protégé Johnson is either intellectually unable or unwilling to tell contraception from abortion.

    Free_Press, to news avatar

    Trump Hates ‘Rigged’ Elections — Except The One His People Are Rigging For Him In Nevada
    #AureFreePress #News #GOP #Politics #USA #Trump #MAGA #Republicans


    @Free_Press Individuals, who are defendants in fraud trial(s) better shut the fuck up publicly fantasizing about "rigged elections", like Trump did in 2016 before the election, when polls (accurately) predicted he was gonna lose to Hillary — which didn't happen due to Putin's interference & habitual/traditional "Republican" voter suppression, gerrymandering, disenfranchisement, intimidation & other regularly practiced methods of fraudulently obstructing the electoral process.

    #DefendDemocracy #DefendTheConstitution #ReconstructionAmendments #DefendTheUnion #BanTheGOP #Confedereds #ElectoralFraud #ElectoralApartheid #ThirteenthAmendment #FourteenthAmendment #FifteenthAmendment #FreedomUnderGOPAttack

    marcelias, to random avatar


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  • ArenaCops,
    marcelias, to random avatar


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  • ArenaCops,

    @marcelias The possible 2 percent majority serial "Republican" electoral fraudsters are stealing from Dems.

    #DefendDemocracy #DefendTheConstitution #ReconstructionAmendments #TakeGOPOffTheBallots #GOP #ElectoralFraud #ElectoralApartheid #BanTheGOP #FraudCrimes

    dukepaaron, to Jewish avatar

    Look America, if you really can't distinguish between a deli in Los Angeles and a country on another continent I don't know what to say. But I do know that the left is rife with and wants to be Judenrein.

    I've always been a litttle cynical but as the days go by since Oct 7 I feel like my lifetime of left activism was just embedding myself within my own lynch mob.

    "A photograph of the graffiti in the Canters Deli parking lot showed three different areas beneath a mural depicting history in L.A. defaced with phrases that read, “Israels only religion is capitalism,” “How many dead in the name of greed?” and “Free .”


    @dukepaaron "Nazi" is a malapropism of the nouns "National Socialist".

    Is that why some allegedly "left" folks are so expressly antisemitic & Jews-hating?

    slcw, to random avatar

    The dishonesty exhibited by #Christofascist loon #MikeJohnson is truly boundless. His flavor of Christianity is based on hate. All his views are about discriminating against, and suppressing the civil rights of vulnerable communities he doesn't like. His worldview is objective nonsense that inciudes believing the Earth is 6000 years old, that climate change is a hoax, that homosexuality is responsible for gun violence, and that abortion is to blame for a labor shortage.


    @slcw Mike Johnson is not a Christian.

    He's more of a crusader — including the ruthlessness, recklessness & mental brutality.

    And he obviously totally misunderstood the actually pretty simple message of Jesus Christ "Love your neighbor like you love yourself."

    How strong is Mike Johnson's hate & disgust of himself?

    marcelias, to random avatar


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  • ArenaCops,

    @marcelias "Republicans" brazenly want to sow public distrust towards the electoral system & process they themselves are rigging (per voter suppression & -intimidation, gerrymandering & disenfranchisement & other instruments of fraud).

    #RuleOfLaw #DefendDemocracy #DefendTheConstitution #ReconstructionAmendments #DefendTheUnion #VotingRights #CivilRights #HumanRights #BanTheGOP #TakeGOPOffTheBallots #ElectoralFraud #Vigilantism #Terrorism

    marcelias, to random avatar


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  • ArenaCops,

    @marcelias 😎🤔 Fourteenth Amendment Section 3.

    Disqualify all of Trump's co-conspirators inciting & engaging in insurrection against the authority of the United States & the laws thereof, and giving aid & comfort thereto.

    johnettesnuggs, to random

    What we learned from our Florida voting rights investigation | US voting rights | The Guardian

    What we’ve always known…Republicans must cheat to win.


    @johnettesnuggs Right. And Trump officially & publicly revealed their dirty, well-known secret conspiracy — "Republicans" cannot win, if they don't manipulate/rig elections in their favor.

    “The things they had in there were crazy. They had things, levels of voting that if you’d ever agreed to it, you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again,” said Mr Trump during an interview on Fox & Friends.

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