ArenaCops, to Bulgaria

On Independence Day July 4, 1987 Trump (& Ivana) flew to Moscow, on invitation from USSR ambassador Dubinin (& the KGB), lured by the prospect of building a big hotel in Moscow (30+ years later the illusion of building big in Moscow would still be haunting Donald's clan!).

Only two months after that (recruitment?) trip Trump had a full-page declaration of his published in the New York Times, Washington Post & the Boston Globe, for the first time publicly pursuing the goal to drive wedges between the U.S. & their international allies, pretending worries about financial imbalances.
Then serving the Soviet Union (& indirectly then-communist KGB-janitor Vladimir Putin), today serving Russia & fascist Eurasianism-imperialist Vladimir Putin.

maddad, to random avatar

#Drumpf says....

He warned National Rifle Association members Friday that Democrats would change the name of Pennsylvania if their party wins at the polls in November. 😂 😂

He also ranted about taking the names of historical figures off schools as he warned about Democrats winning in November.

He is totally delusional.....

VOTE VOTE VOTE at every level of government and keep this crackpot out.


@maddad Like before the 2020, mentally most seriously illTrump is willing & trying to do literally anything legal & illegal to regain presidential DOJ protection against prosecution & indictment.

Trump is running against the laws.

But hey, there could be a solution sweeping his bonkers fantasies away:

The DOJ's notorious & corrupt OLC opinion on "A Sitting President's Amenability to Indictment and Criminal Prosecution" could:

• officially be declared void due to violating the precious & fundamental principle of the Rule of Law, that No one is above the law

• be flushed down the toilet (check water pressure first!😉)

• accidentally fall into a bucket of black paint

• be used to warm freezing DOJ employees for a couple of minutes.

#RuleOfLaw #JusticeMatters #AccountabilityMatters #Trump #NationalSecurityThreat #NationalDisgrace #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw #TrumpIsNotAboveTheLaw

ArenaCops, to random

🤔 So Trump claims he hasn't been an "Officer of the United States", who would be amenable to the provisions of the Fourteenth Amendment's Section 3, potentially disqualifying him from running for & holding public (presidential) office.
He's freaking wrong!

And he should know damn better. As he's himself officially & publicly been insisting on being treated like an "officer" in court.

Just like now-AG Garland certainly remembers his own time on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, which wrote: "President Trump removed the suit to federal court under the federal officer removal statute, 28 U.S.C. § 1442(a)(1)." in K&D LLC v. Trump Old Post Office LLC and Donald J. Trump.
#RuleOfLaw #JusticeMatters #AccountabilityMatters #Jan6 #Insurrection #14thAmendmentSection3 #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw #TrumpIsNotAboveTheLaw

Brandi_Buchman, to random avatar

Even Jefferson Davis, leader of the Confederacy — and his lawyer — knew the insurrection clause in the U.S. Constitution not only disqualified him from holding office but, importantly, that Section III of the Fourteenth Amendment “executes itself” and once that constitutional Rubicon is crossed, disqualification was his “automatic” punishment.


@Brandi_Buchman More on disqualification for insurrection in U.S. history:

Baude & Paulsen explain, that the "officer" reading distorts methodology:
"a reading that renders the document a ‘secret code’ loaded with hidden meanings discernible only by a select priesthood of illuminati is generally an unlikely one.
Gentle reader, can you seriously imagine that our 19th-century ratifier—an informed, loyal American who had just lived through a brutal war that took more than 600,000 lives for the sole reason that Southern whites would not accept that Abraham Lincoln won the 1860 election—would have understood Section 3 to mean that a traitor couldn’t be a Senator, or a Representative, or a governor, or a state legislator, or for that matter a dog-catcher—but that Robert E. Frickin’ Lee could turn his coat one more time, swear he really would support the Constitution this time, and waltz into the White House?

I cannot."

Nonilex, to Texas avatar

Texas AG seeks transgender records in Georgia as part of his wider probe

#Texas AG (& POS) #KenPaxton has requested medical records from a Georgia telehealth clinic that provides #GenderAffirmingCare, a newly discovered move that shows the #Republican ofcl is looking in multiple states for info about #transgender youths.
#HIPAA #RightWing #extremism #GOP #Republicans


@samhainnight @Nonilex I'd call it sexual persecution for Paxton's personal gain.

Besides Paxton's fanatical & corrupt attempts to illegally overturn the results of the 2020 election & his notorious role in the Jan 6 insurrection.

That's, what he very likely seeks to intentionally deflect from with his stubborn & stupid anti-LGBTQ crusade.

Paxton's still awaiting accountability.

#RuleOfLaw #JusticeMatters #AccountabilityMatters #LGBTQ #HumanityMatters #HumanRights #Paxton #Insurrection

JoeyBoughtACola, to random avatar

Have you ever noticed that the only ones with #TrumpDerangementSyndrome are
The cure requires deprogramming.

#VoteBlue unless you're deranged.


@JoeyBoughtACola A lot of complicit "lawyers", who aid(ed) & abet(ted) an individual, who incited an insurrection to overthrow the will of the majority of the people to escape justice & the laws, are queuing up in a long line to be disbarred, investigated & prosecuted.

When "MAGA" turns into "Make Attorneys GoToJail Again"...

#RuleOfLaw #JusticeMatters #AccountabilityMatters #Trump #TrumpLawyers #Insurrection #Overthrow #OrganizedCrime #ConspiracyAgainstRights #ConspiracyAgainstTheUS #Racketeering #RICO

ArenaCops, to random

Of the total penalty of $83.3 million, Trump is ordered to pay $65 million in punitive damages alone!

And it doesn't even look like including all the criming over the past 60 years.

I love it when the Rule of Law works as should be!

ArenaCops, to random
maddad, to random avatar

A crowd of fans jeered as #Trump attacked E. Jean Carroll — whom a jury found Trump liable for sexually abusing and defaming — in many of the same ways that got him sued in the first place.

Just take away his phone and wallet, then lock him up until all the trials are over..😡 😡 😡

Our justice system looks like a joke to the rest of the world.
It's like a 3rd world kangaroo court.
How many warnings does one get from a judge before something is done?


@maddad When will courts & juries stop tolerating Trump's incessant sociopathic & depraved attacks on not only E. Jean Carroll's, but countless other people's human dignity?

Is human dignity really worth less in the United States than harmful free speech?

#RuleOfLaw #AccountabilityMatters #JusticeMatters #EJeanCarroll #HumanDignity #Trump #SexualAssault #Rape #Slander #Libel #Defamation

ArenaCops, to random

Would you buy rotten & stinking meat at the grocery? No?

Why then would you buy a guy's meat with 91 charges at the ballot,
and the promise to make you eat it?

#RuleOfLaw #AccountabilityMatters #JusticeMatters #Democracy #YourVoiceMatters #YouMatter #RuleOfThePeople #WeThePeople #Trump #DefraudingAmerica

TonyStark, to random avatar

He isn't too old. He's too crimey.

Haley makes a play for New Hampshire independents by hitting Trump’s age:


@maddad @TonyStark 😎 Stunningly enough a lot of people are distinguishing between "politicians" & "human beings".

Which in hindsight isn't that much of a surprise, when you remember all the "Republican" individuals favoring handling the Coronavirus threat by letting "natural (God-chosen) immunity" & mass infection decide, who's worth to survive & who's not.

Be aware, "GOP", we'll forever remember your depraved indifference to human life!

#RuleOfLaw #AccountabilityMatters #JusticeMatters #BidenCares #Coronavirus #COVID #GOP #CriminallyNegligentManslaughter

ArenaCops, to random

It's always been clear. This account of European Commissioner Thierry Breton just reconfirms it:

Trump is serving Putin!

"You need to understand that if Europe is under attack we will never come to help you and to support you," Trump told European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in 2020, according to French European Commissioner Thierry Breton, who was also present at a meeting at the World Economic Forum in Davos.

"By the way, NATO is dead, and we will leave, we will quit NATO," Trump also said, according to Breton. "And he added, ‘and by the way, you owe me $400 billion, because you didn’t pay, you Germans, what you had to pay for defense,'" Breton said about the tense meeting, where the EU's then-trade chief Phil Hogan was also present.
#RuleOfLaw #AccountabilityMatters #JusticeMatters #Trump #Corruption #Treason #Insurrection #ObstructionOfJustice #DefraudingAmerica #ConspiracyAgainstTheUS #ConspiracyAgainstRights #ServingPutin #ServingRussia

TonyStark, to random avatar

Trump logic:
"As POTUS I have unfettered immunity.”

"I'm going to prosecute Biden and he doesn’t get any!"

And his cult, neck deep into their commitment, think this makes perfect sense.

The stupid is off the charts. And this guy’s voice is like nails on a chalkboard.

Judges skeptical of Trump's immunity claim in election subversion case | Reuters:


@TonyStark Trump is out of office, thankfully.

This means, he can well be prosecuted & indicted for criminal acts he committed while in office.

He. Is. No. Longer. Enjoying. Limited. Presidential. Immunity.

He's falsely hoping to be above the law for life — he isn't.

He's not getting a pass for past, present & future criming.

Not even Nixon's DOJ's 1973(!) legal opinion is brazenly claiming lifelong presidential immunity.
#RuleOfLaw #AccountabilityMatters #JusticeMatters #Trump #ImmunityDreams #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw

slcw, to random avatar

"This contempt filing stretches the scope of the court’s stay order beyond its plain language. The stay order says DOJ can’t try to advance the case, and their filings do no such thing. The filings are just there so that if the case gets sent back by SCOTUS there will not have been any delay on DOJ’s side."


@slcw Another strange thing about that issue:

Trump's defense is accusing Jack Smith & his team of Contempt of Court, because he passed on evidence to them.
It doesn't appear to be logical to provide them with evidence without them asking for it, a procedure they'd then be utilizing to accuse him of violating judge Chutkan's court order.
Except if it was a trap they deliberately set up for Jack Smith & his team.
A Roy-Cohn-style trick.

"Trump’s legal team said Smith and prosecutors working on the case have disregarded an order from U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan by continuing to turn over evidence to the defense and filing a legal motion, according to a court filing."

ClintBarton, to random avatar

Off the rails again:"Extreme sabotage": Trump rants about new "10,000 soldiers" conspiracy theory on Truth Social

One of the most frightening prospects of a second Trump term that hasn't been talked about much is the planned destruction of the independence of the FCC, SEC, FEC and a slew of other independent federal agencies and placing them all under direct control of the White House.



@ClintBarton Lawless career criminal is scared of justice like hell, wishing for his dictatorship to violently evade accountability, justice & the U.S. Rule of law.

His incessant incitement to violence of gullible parts of the population & especially anti-constitutional & anti-democratic militants is far beyond free speech covered by the First Amendment.

#RuleOfLaw #AccountabilityMatters #JusticeMatters #Jan6 #Insurrection #ImminentDanger #PublicDanger #NationalSecurityThreat

xs4me2, to random avatar

Trump election: Michigan supreme court rejects ballot disqualification bid


@xs4me2 😎 There's more to that decision:

Michigan's Supreme Court declined to hear the case to disqualify Trump from running in coming February's "Republican" primary.

Thus he may be hopefully spending $$$ on the primary, but still can be disqualified from running in the 2024 general election, because Michigan's Supreme Court allowed the group challenging Trump's eligibility to run for office on grounds of insurrection (Jan 6 coup attempt) & mandatory disqualification based on the 14th Amendment's Section 3 to revive their case for the 2024 general election.

Not the time to give up!

ArenaCops, to random

😎🤔 WTF made Rudy go so abysmally wrong???

Joe Biden removes"Russian pawn" Giuliani suit to federal court.

Rudy sued Biden for having said:

“His buddy Rudy Giuliani. He’s being used as a Russian pawn. He’s being fed information that is Russian — that is not true.”

See anything wrong in it?

"American intelligence agencies were not spying on Giuliani, but on the people with whom he was talking, the source said, including Andrii Derkach, who has been identified by the Treasury Department as a Russian agent. That collection led them to learn about Giuliani's dealings with Derkach and other Russian operatives who wanted to feed him information attempting to discredit Democrat Joe Biden, the source said."

TonyStark, to random avatar

One person’s fears are another person’s hopes.

Justices make a pretty good living, but if making lots of money is one's primary objective, don’t go into federal service. Resign and go into private practice. Or better yet, don't go for a federal position in the first place.

Otherwise, our system is for sale to the highest bidder: exactly why we need an actual, enforceable code of ethics for SCOTUS.

Clarence Thomas’ Money Complaints Sparked Resignation Fears —:


@TonyStark Taking public office to get rich(er) ends up in disservice to the public.
It's been a fact even since before the anti-egoistic Founders wrote & signed the Declaration of Independence & the Constitution.

The corrupt "originalism" of today's six Federalist Society justices & products of Leonard Leo is their own selfish, integrity-free creation, invented to fulfill the contracts with their wealthy donors.

America deserves better: Supreme Court justices are not above the law. No one is!

#RuleOfLaw #AccountabilityMatters #JusticeMatters #CleanSCOTUS #NoOneIsAboveTheLaw

Nonilex, to money avatar

@thepoliticalcat @Nonilex Clarence has long been identified as the most corrupt justice on SCOTUS's bench, the justices of which have always been treated like holy cows, purportedly as "infallible" as the Pope in Rome.
While also in his case no one has ever personally seen the commandment thrown down on earth by God himself, designating him & the Pope that one clerical guy, who'll never err.
#RuleOfLaw #AccountabilityMatters #JusticeMatters #CleanSCOTUS #Corruption #Bribery #Bias #ObstructionOfJustice #SeparationOfPowers #TermLimits #CodeOfConduct #SCOTUS_OIG #ExpandSCOTUS

gratefuldread, to news avatar

Trump's 'legal defense fund' didn't pay any legal fees — but splurged on Mar-a-Lago bash

marcelias, to random avatar

I hope you read my latest.

Donald Trump is plotting to overthrow American democracy. It is not a secret, and he is not subtle. The only question is whether enough people will care enough to stop it.


@oppophonist @marcelias Right! Letting Trump run for presidential office again reveals the whole absurdity of the situation, where a person charged with 91 (criminal) counts (including offenses against the U.S) abuses the candidacy to escape accountability, prosecution & justice.
Has Jan 6 not been enough of an outrageous lesson & warning, that you cannot allow a confirmed national security threat to mishandle & abuse the vast powers of presidential office or any other government/ public office ever again?
Was, what Liz Cheney said & wrote about the walking Mar-A-Lago menace so hard to understand?

All attempts to remove the constitutional order are intolerable acts of insurrection, not expressions of free speech & deserve to be treated & punished accordingly.
To preserve the constitutional order, the Rule of Law & the Rule of the People aka democracy & national security.

"National security objectively means the absence of threats to acquired values and subjectively, the absence of fear that such values will be attacked."
— Arnold Wolfers, 1960 —

#RuleOfLaw #AccountabilityMatters #JusticeMatters #DefendTheConstitution #DefendDemocracy #Jan6 #Insurrection #PostJan6Insurrection

samlitzinger, to random avatar

“Biden in recent days has accused the former Republican president of being “determined to destroy American democracy” and being out for “revenge” and “retribution.””

Hmmm… perhaps because he IS?


@samlitzinger If you're telling your child all the time it did everything right, or if you're telling a career criminal there's no reason to be held accountable, both will sooner or later have a near-apocalyptic meltdown no matter the damage, when they need to realize their own assumptions to be wrong were right, not, what they'd been told.

#RuleOfLaw #AccountabilityMatters #JusticeMatters #TruthMatters #DisqualifyTrump #NationalSecurityThreat #Sociopathy #AttackingAmerica #DefraudingAmerica

marcelias, to random avatar


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  • ArenaCops,

    @marcelias Big money, fraudulently ripped off from gullible Trump supporters, who donated to Trump's non-existent “Official Election Defense Fund”, which raked in $250 million?
    #RuleOfLaw #AccountabilityMatters #JusticeMatters #Trump #WireFraud

    ArenaCops, to random

    Joe Biden & his extraordinarily active team have initiated their leading support for 40,000 infrastructure projects!

    Remember, they did this within less than 3 years!

    While other former presidential seatholders may have merely achieved close to 20,000 bribe transfers, spiting out thousands of lies, freeing thousands of Taliban terrorists & countless domestic terrorists & criminals for dollars within about the same timeframe.

    P.S.: We need to talk more about how much Joe Biden is giving to us instead of taking only!
    It's time to be grateful for compassionate American President caring for & benefitting everyone!

    Thank you President Biden for being there & helping, where you're needed!

    RollingStone, to random

    Ohio Republicans are claiming a constitutional amendment protecting abortion rights, which was approved by voters in Tuesday’s election, doesn’t actually do that — and they’re promising to take steps to prevent the legal protection of reproductive freedom in the state.

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