evdas, to incarcerated

2020 uprising rebel and political prisoner Malik Muhammad currently being tortured in solitary at oregon state penitentiary and is now on hunger strike. support him by calling in to echo his demands!

call all these numbers any time -- you can call as much as you want during office hours to clog their lines, or leave a message after hours to stuff their voicemail.

superindendent Corey Fhuere
(503) 378-2453 then press 4

segregation unit
(503) 378-2115

inspector general Gary Ninman
(503) 602-0089


“Hello, I’m calling to demand that OSP staff end their persecution of Malik Muhammad , who is bravely on hunger strike to protest being held in torturous conditions in solitary confinement. OSP staff are violating his human rights and have a legal responsibility to provide him with adequate living conditions. OSP staff must immediately provide him with a bed, a blanket, adequate clothing, reasonable room temperature, and any other medical needs he has due to his health conditions. OSP staff must also immediately return his rightful property to him and restore his communication and visitation rights. End this injustice against Malik now!”

a profile picture of Malik with his hair in braided locs. 2020 uprising rebel and political prisoner Malik Muhammad is currently being held in solitary confinement. Prison staff took away all of his property and put him in a cell with no bed, no blanket, and no shirt. He has a slipped disk in his back and previous shoulder injuries that make sleeping on the hard floor torturously painful, and he cannot be sleeping without a bed. Prison staff have also been blasting the AC in his cell nonstop and kept it punishingly freezing. Malik has been on hunger strike since May 13 and will continue until prison staff give him a bed and blanket and return his rightful property to him.
CALL OREGON STATE PENITENTIARY! superindendent Corey Fhuere (503) 378-2453 then press 4 segregation unit (503) 378-2115 SAMPLE SCRIPT: “Hello, I’m calling to demand that OSP staff end their persecution of Malik Muhammad , who is bravely on hunger strike to protest being held in torturous conditions in solitary confinement. OSP staff are violating his human rights and have a legal responsibility to provide him with adequate living conditions. OSP staff must immediately provide him with a bed, a blanket, adequate clothing, reasonable room temperature, and any other medical needs he has due to his health conditions. OSP staff must also immediately return his rightful property to him and restore his communication and visitation rights. End this injustice against Malik now!”
You can stay in touch with Malik by: Writing him a letter at: Malik Muhammad Oregon State Penitentiary 2605 State Street Salem, OR 97310 Visiting his blog at: malikspeaks.noblogs.org

fulanigirl, to random
@fulanigirl@mstdn.social avatar

People are often unaware that survivors of domestic violence often wind up in prisons when their audacity to survive is criminalized by the criminal legal system. There's a new legislative effort under way in California to bring them some sentencing relief.
Educate yourself on the issues.

seebrueckeffm, to random German

Endlich! Gestern wurde in die Entscheidung getroffen: Es wird keine Hauptverhandlung gegen die Seenotretter*innen von @IuventaCrew, & geben. Nach fast 2 Jahre Vorverhandlungen wird die Anklage endlich fallengelassen. Staatsanwaltschaft und der Richter räumen ein, dass die Vorwürfe haltlos sind. Solidarity wins!



Neben ziviler Seenotrettung werden auch Menschen auf der Flucht selbst häufig kriminalisiert und zu unverhältnismäßigen Haftstrafen verurteilt.

Die Prozesse von Menschen auf der Flucht finden dabei in der Regel abseits des Medienrummels statt - umso wichtiger ist es, dass wir als Zivilgesellschaft auf diese Fälle aufmerksam machen!

Stoppt die Kriminalisierung von Flucht und Seenotrettung! Wir fordern:




anarchiversitario, to politica Italian
@anarchiversitario@poliversity.it avatar

Israele tiene prigionieri oltre 10.000 palestinesi. In questa Giornata dei Prigionieri Palestinesi si agisce per liberarli tutti
17 aprile 2024 – Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC) Israel holds over 10,000 Palestinians captive. This Palestinian Prisoners’ Day act to | BDS Movement Israele sta https://www.rivoluzioneanarchica.it/israele-tiene-prigionieri-oltre-10-000-palestinesi-in-questa-giornata-dei-prigionieri-palestinesi-si-agisce-per-liberarli-tutti/

rlmartstudio, to random
@rlmartstudio@mas.to avatar

Today is marked every year as , and it takes extra significance this year amidst the horrific crimes of the past months. ! Prison walls can't stop love - and neither can apartheid walls.

"Prison Walls Can't Stop Love" poster/card: https://www.rlmartstudio.com/product/prison-walls-cant-stop-love/
Solidarity with Palestine pin button: https://www.rlmartstudio.com/product/solidarity-with-palestine_button/

(2nd slide infographic by Adameer.)

An infographic about the 9500+ detainees held in Israeli prisons: 3660 administrative detainees, 56 journailsts, and more than 200 children, as well as 17 members of the legislative council.

evdas, to incarcerated

Hassan Muhammad, a.k.a. Vibez, who is serving time due to actions stemming from the 2020 uprisings, is getting out of prison in May and will need financial support to get back on their feet:


they are set to be back in the Portland area, so if you have other types of support you can offer (or just want to connect or say hi), you can write to them at:

Hassan Muhammad #19203494
Oregon State Penitentiary
2605 State Sreet
Salem, Oregon 97310

#prison #solidarity #FreeThemAll

autonomysolidarity, (edited ) to random German
@autonomysolidarity@todon.eu avatar

"Knast ist immer politisch. Egal ob Leute wegen Armut, Sucht, Rassismus oder widerständigen Aktionen eingesperrt sind."

Beitrag zum internationalen Tag der politischen Gefangenen mit Gedanken zum Thema Vorbereitung auf den Knast des @aradio_berlin


autonomysolidarity, to random German
@autonomysolidarity@todon.eu avatar

Repression statt Grundrechte

"Am 18. März ist Tag der politischen Gefangenen. Seit einigen Monaten nehmen Angriffe auf Revolutionär:innen und die Meinungsfreiheit in Deutschland zu. Ob bei Demonstrationen, zu Hause oder in den Medien: Repressionen und Hetze stehen auf der Tagesordnung...."


abcdd, to random
@abcdd@todon.nl avatar

Kundgebung an der JVA Dresden zum 18. März Tag der politischen Gefangenen

Kommt alle!

18. März 2024 17:45 Uhr
JVA Dresden Hammerweg Robinienhain
Solidarität mit den verfolgten Antifas!

18 march 2024 , 5:45 pm
Robinienhain, JVA Hammerweg
Solidarity with the persecuted antifas!

Graffity Dresden Neustadt.

Sherifazuhur, to egypt
@Sherifazuhur@sfba.social avatar

Free Them All: When you are late to visit your mother on the weekend, she may get angry with you, but in , your mother can be deprived of visits for years because you oppose undemocratic rule

@ElBaradei @egypt

echo_pbreyer, to random German
@echo_pbreyer@digitalcourage.social avatar

Stella im Interview zur drohenden Auslieferung ihres Mannes nächsten Mittwoch: „Dieser Fall ist der größte Angriff auf den internationalen , den die Welt je gesehen hat.“ https://www.freitag.de/autoren/uli-kreikebaum/julian-assange-koennte-am-tag-nach-der-anhoerung-im-flugzeug-in-die-usa-sitzen

Während Australien unterstützt, schweigt unsere Bundesregierung unter Verweis auf die britische Justiz – doch in Wahrheit liegt es genauso in der Hand des britischen Innenministeriums, ob Assange wegen politischer Verfolgung oder drohender unmenschlicher Behandlung freigelassen wird.

Schließt euch am Dienstag den -Demos in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, Köln, München gegen das feige deutsche Schweigen an! https://www.freeassange.eu/#veranstaltungen

helgenug, (edited )
@helgenug@digitalcourage.social avatar


Interviews des mit



abcdd, to random
@abcdd@todon.nl avatar

🫵 Aufruf der Soligruppe:
Schreibt Briefe an Maja in den Knast
Durchbrecht die soziale Isolation!
Mehr Infos https://abcdd.org/2024/02/08/schreibt-briefe-an-maja/

✊🏽 Call from Soligroup:
Write letters to Maja into the prison
Break the social isolation!
More information https://abcdd.org/en/2024/02/08/write-letters-to-maja/

evdas, to portland

monthly letters to prisoners is now happening on first thursdays ~

thursday, march 7 from 6:30-8:00pm
revolutions bookshop in st. john's
masks required

come by to make connections both with people in the area and across prison walls -- this is a kind, friendly space that is inviting to first-timers and the curious-but-unsure.

pmpress, to random

Rest in Power Sekou Odinga, here surrounded by comrades one year ago when Palestinian political prisoner Karim Younis was released. (L to R) David Gilbert, Sekou Odinga, Sundiata Acoli, Luis Rosa, Matt Meyer, and Meg Starr.

radicalhaifa, to random

Following her abduction by the IOF from her home two weeks ago in , the zionist courts issued PFLP leader Khalida Jarrar an administrative detention order, without charge or trial.

Khalida, 60 years old, has been imprisoned at least four times on baseless charges, most recently in 2016 and 2021. She was freed in September of 2021 after two years of administrative detention without charge or trial. Just two months before her release, the zionist entity denied her a temporary release to attend the funeral of her 31-year-old daughter, activist Suha Jarrar. Additionally, Khalida lost her father while she was imprisoned in 2021.

Khalida, a lifelong activist, intellectual, and leader, has stood defiantly in support of the prisoners' struggle. She has held many civil society positions, elected as a deputy in the Legislative Council in 2006, where she was responsible for the prisoners' file. Before her abudction, she was working as a researcher on Palestinian female prisoners at Birzeit University.

whitedove, to Israel

@TruthSandwich @whitedove @RadicalGraffiti @israel @palestine We'll see, what will be left of their capabilities to attack & kill after this ongoing campaign.

evdas, to random

call for solidarity funds from Eugene Jail Support:

Raven is a trans and Indigenous comrade, friend, student, and activist who at 19 was arrested for their participation in the George Floyd Uprisings during the summer of 2020. Three years on, as they face ongoing state repression they are required to pay many tens of thousands of dollars. Through community fundraising, they were able to pay a large chunk, but still more remains. Eugene Jail Support has generously offered to match your donations until 1/15 up to $5,000.00. To donate, Venmo @EugeneBailFund.

Raven was pressured to snitch on multiple occasions and steadfastly refused, even with the possibility of years in prison. In federal court, they faced a mandatory minimum sentence of 10 years, even though they had no criminal history. After over two years of negotiations, Raven's lawyers secured a favorable non-cooperating plea deal that dismissed Raven's federal charges while avoiding jail time.

The action isn't over until everyone is home free, and while Raven does not have to serve jail time, this high price is an enormous burden for anyone - let alone a young student. Standing with comrades near and far to the end of their struggle is an act of solidarity that proves our strength!

evdas, to philosophy

eric king left prison today wearing a "protect trans kids" shirt

MMRnmd, to France French
@MMRnmd@todon.eu avatar

La France détient le triste record du plus ancien prisonnier politique du monde (hors-USA).

Militant communiste palestinien, athée, il a été condamné par une Cour d'assises spéciale (1 juge et 4 assesseurs, secret des débats; secret défense..) pour "complicité d'assassinat".

Emprisonné en 1984 (vous avez bien lu), il est libérable selon la loi française depuis 1999.

En janvier 2012, Georges Abdallah dépose une huitième demande de libération...
Le 21 novembre 2012, le tribunal d'application des peines compétent en matière de terrorisme, réuni à Lannemezan le 23 octobre 2012, prononçait un avis favorable à la demande de libération de Georges Abdallah23. Le 10 janvier 2013, la chambre d'application des peines de Paris, qui examinait l'affaire en appel, accède à sa huitième demande de libération, en la conditionnant à un arrêté d'expulsion du territoire français24.

Laurent Fabius, ministre des Affaires étrangères, reçoit à l'époque un coup de téléphone de son homologue américaine Hillary Clinton, qui lui demande de ne pas rendre la liberté à Georges Ibrahim Abdallah25. Manuel Valls, alors ministre de l'Intérieur, refuse de signer l'arrêté d'expulsion le 14 janvier 2013.


marumorav, to random

#hungerstrike day 4 at @icegov/geogroup NWDC cages- 25 people were moved to medical isolation last night. We are coming back tonight at 7pm outside of NWDC to demand no retaliation & their immediate release. #abolishice #freethemall #chingalamigra #shutdownnwdc #immigration


evdas, to pdx

letters to prisoners happening this monday evening, november 6 at 6:30pm in st. johns.

autonomysolidarity, (edited ) to chile German
@autonomysolidarity@todon.eu avatar

Auf dem Drahtseil: Beiträge und Überlegungen aus und für den anarchistischen Kampf
Von dem in inhaftierten Anarchisten [Es/En/De/Fr]
"Dieser Text versucht ein Beitrag zur Entwicklung und Vertiefung des anarchistischen informellen Kampfes zu sein, wobei die technologischen Fortschritte betrachtet werden, die sich immer mehr auf die Kontrolle und Überwachung der Bevölkerung allgemein und vor allem derer, die sich darauf einlassen gegen das Bestehende zu rebellieren, spezialisieren.Er entspringt auch dem Bedürfnis, der Macht härtere und fortwährende Schläge zuzufügen, welche Risse erzeugen, die weiter vertieft werden können.
Niemanden überrascht der schnelle Anstieg der Überwachung durch Kameras, durch die unzähligen Kredit- und Punktekarten die wir für fast alles benutzen müssen und der beginnende aber rasante Anstieg des Gebrauchs von Drohnen zur Überwachung. Wenn wir dem noch die Kontrolle durch die Handys hinzufügen, dann verschärft sich das Panorama noch viel mehr. Dieses technologische Räderwerk übernimmt dadurch, dass es vernetzt ist fast die absolute Kontrolle über die Stadt, unserem Schlachtfeld...."


autonomysolidarity, to italy German
@autonomysolidarity@todon.eu avatar

Ten Comrades Arrested in Police Operation Against Anarchist Newspaper in Italy

"On August 8, at dawn, the public prosecutor’s office of Genoa and the Digos (antiterrorist police) of La Spezia led yet another operation of repression against the anarchist movement. Ten anarchist comrades are accused in this investigation, including five comrades from Carrara, for whom the prosecutor initially asked for detention. In addition to searches in the homes, the Anarchist Cultural Circle “Gogliardo Fiaschi”, the historic center of anarchists in Carrara, has been the subject of a descent. Magazines, books, leaflets, posters and computer supplies have been seized. The preliminary investigation judge has decided on four residential assignments with all restrictions, five house arrests with return to prison at night. One comrade is not subject to any restriction. Luigi, one of the four residential comrades had no official residence: he was therefore transferred to the Spezia prison."
via @amwenglish

autonomysolidarity, (edited )
@autonomysolidarity@todon.eu avatar

"Anarchist Luca Dolce was arrested Saturday after two years on the run.
Dolce, 37, who is now in prison at Imperia, was identified at the end of a complex investigation involving the DIGOS security police in Trento, Treviso, Trieste, Genoa and Brescia.
Dolce has several previous convictions and has been in prison in Tolmezzo, Ferrara – where he was detained together with anarchist leader Alfredo Cospito – and Modena.
He must serve 3 years, 6 months and 15 days in prison for crimes related to his political activism. The Central Security Operations Unit of the police captured Dolce in Dolceacqua, in the province of Imperia in Liguria."


autonomysolidarity, to italy German
@autonomysolidarity@todon.eu avatar

Italy is on fire 🖤

on alert amid anarchist on diplomatic missions

"The gutted remains of cars are parked following an attack claimed by an anarchist network in .
Italy has increased security around its diplomatic missions around the globe in response to what the foreign minister called “a crescendo of terroristic attacks” by an anarchist network that has been acting in solidarity with an imprisoned Italian militant. The attacks, as well as a series of protests, are in solidarity with .."


autonomysolidarity, (edited )
@autonomysolidarity@todon.eu avatar

Cospito appeal rejected, remains in #41bis

"16.45 The Rome Supervisory Court rejected the application for early revocation of the 41 bis prison term, presented by Alfredo Cospito's defence. The National Anti-Mafia and Anti-Terrorism Directorate had given a favourable opinion on the termination of the hard prison sentence for Cospito, who is held in Sassari prison. In recent months, the anarchist had staged a hunger strike against the hard prison regime."


#AlfredoLibero #AlfredoCospito #Italy #no41bis #italy #AnarchistPrisoners #FreeThemAll #Antireport

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