remixtures, to ai Portuguese avatar

: "The American Civil Liberties Union alleged in a complaint to regulators that a large consulting firm is selling AI-powered hiring tools that discriminate against job candidates on the basis of disability and race, despite marketing these services to businesses as “bias free.”

Aon Consulting, Inc., a firm that works with Fortune 500 companies and sells a mix of applicant screening software, has made false or misleading claims that its tools are “fair,” free of bias and can “increase diversity,” the ACLU alleged in a complaint to the US Federal Trade Commission on Wednesday, a copy of which was reviewed by Bloomberg.

In its complaint, the ACLU said Aon’s algorithmically driven personality test, ADEPT-15, relies on questions that adversely impact autistic and neurodivergent people, as well as people with mental health disabilities. Aon also offers an AI-infused video interviewing system and a gamified cognitive assessment service that are likely to discriminate based on race and disability, according to the complaint.

The ACLU is calling on the FTC to open an investigation into Aon’s practices, issue an injunction and provide other necessary relief to affected parties."

RConsortium, to HR avatar

🐘✨ Great news from Marcela Victoria Soto at R4HR in Buenos Aires! She recently shared updates about their dynamic activities: "Data analysis is crucial for agile decision-making in companies." Join them on June 1, 2024, for the "Data Visualization in HR" event. Perfect for Spanish-speaking R users interested in HR analytics. 📅👥 Read more:

NudelnAlDente, to HR avatar

I've been having the most surreal experience where the company's is gaslighting one of their own colleagues into believing that they are going to be managing the role they are actively hiring for. In the meantime, I've been told outright by HR that this person is not going to be the manager but doesn't know that. Oh & it's all confidential so don't let the gaslit colleague know plz. WTF? 🤨

"No I don't want to work for your company, it sounds toxic AF!"
/runs away

tomkindlon, to HR avatar

Work and vocational rehabilitation for people living with long covid

"For some people, disabling symptoms lead to complete inability to work. In less extreme cases, “work instability,” which is a mismatch between patients’ functional abilities and the demands of their work, can threaten employment if not addressed."

#LongCovid #PwLC #PostCovidSyndrome #LC #PASC #postcovid
#CovidBrain #HR
@covid19 #COVID19

remixtures, to ai Portuguese avatar

: "Job seekers, frustrated with corporate hiring software, are using artificial intelligence to craft cover letters and résumés in seconds, and deploying new automated bots to robo-apply for hundreds of jobs in just a few clicks. In response, companies are deploying more bots of their own to sort through the oceans of applications.

The result: a bot versus bot war that’s leaving both applicants and employers irritated and has made the chances of landing an interview, much less a job, even slimmer than before.

“You’re fighting AI with AI,” said Brad Rager, chief executive of Crux, a recruiting firm that matches cybersecurity specialists with employers.

The AI arms race is bad for job candidates, he said, who feel defeated when online applications come to nothing, and for employers, who are frustrated when imprecise AI tools highlight weak candidates. “There’s so much promise, but there’s a lot of crap and garbage,” Rager said of the tools used by employers."

inthehands, to random avatar

Something I tell my software students a lot when they’re looking for jobs is to remember that a shockingly large number of job descriptions are written by people in HR who have next to zero understanding of the industry, the specific team, or the business need.

All they’ve got to work with is fragments they’ve heard without comprehension, coming to them through a terrible game of corporate telephone.


mjgardner, (edited ) avatar

@inthehands I have bad news for you and your students: the #job-posting pool is full of shallow #recruiters that go far below the already low bar set by the worst #HR departments.

And company #hiring managers turn to these outfits because they don’t have firsthand knowledge about how shitty they are, but they do know that about their own HR.

/ @grimalkina @talexb

TheMetalDog, to HR avatar
OchmennoPodcast, to HR German avatar
MJCarty, to HR avatar

‘HR is not your friend’: why frustrated workers are hiring reps of their own

cdarwin, to HR avatar

‘HR is not your friend’: why frustrated workers are hiring reps of their own

Many US employees don’t trust their departments, and instead turn to independent services for help with or issues

jbzfn, to digitalnomad avatar

🏝️ US Tech Cannot Comprehend the Digital Nomad Way of Life - The New Stack

「 digital nomads are NOT “working” in another country, they’re “visiting” another country while “remote working”. Not using the words “visiting” or “remote” when conducting legal inquiries is often the difference between legal or illegal 」

#RemoteWork #DigitalNomad #HR

jbzfn, to hiring avatar

👻 Job boards are still rife with 'ghost jobs'. What's the point? - BBC

「 More than 40% of hiring managers said they list jobs they aren't actively trying to fill to give the impression that the company is growing. A similar share said the job listings are made to motivate employees, while 34% said the jobs are posted to placate overworked staff who may be hoping for additional help to be brought on 」

#JobSearch #Recruiting #Hiring #HR

bibianaprinoth, to random

We’re back with a session on planets around white dwarfs 🪐

Ryan MacDonald reminds us that in a very long time this will be the fate of our sun too. Jupiter and Saturn will probably fine but closer in… nah likely not.

This is basically what we can test by looking at white dwarf planetary systems. Killing planets in this way means there are polluted white dwarfs with planetary material in their stellar atmosphere. But for the ones that survive we can do a study of what could be.




For the last talk of today, we’ve got Tim Cunningham on accreted planetary material determined from #xray observations.

Tim starts with the #exoplanet #HR diagram and points out polluted white dwarfs. Roughly 25-50% of the WD we know show metal pollution. This is expected to be happening when the star dies and kills its planetary system + then accretes the planetary material.

The accretion rates depend on the atmospheric models of WDs. #ExSSV


BenjaminHCCarr, to OpenAI avatar

’s Is ’s Dream Tool. Tests Show There’s
Asked to rank 1,000 times, GPT favored names from some more than others, it would fail benchmarks used to assess against protected groups.This simple workflow, isolated names as source of in GPT that could affect . Interviews and experiment show using for /hiring pose serious risk: automated at scale

remixtures, to ai Portuguese avatar

#AI #GenerativeAI #OpenAI #ChatGPT #RacialBias #HR: "Lately, Tatiana Becker has been flooded with work. As the founder of the boutique US firm NIAH Recruiting, she spends her days sifting through hundreds of resumes, hoping to fill dozens of roles at companies that have hired her to find matching employees.

Companies tend to hire the most at the start of the year, mainly because of hiring budgets that have been set and go into effect in the first quarter. “Everybody came back to work, and it’s been kind of insane,” Becker said in a recent interview. In her professional groups and in forums for human resources and recruiting, everyone is buzzing about the same thing: using new artificial intelligence tools to ease the workload.

In the race to embrace artificial intelligence, some businesses are using a new crop of generative AI products that can help screen and rank candidates for jobs — and some think these tools can even evaluate candidates more fairly than humans. But a Bloomberg analysis found that the best-known generative AI tool systematically produces biases that disadvantage groups based on their names."

historyofpunkrock, to punk avatar

Happy Birthday to Paul D. Hudson aka H.R. (Human Rights), British-American lead singer of the American hardcore punk band Bad Brains, born on this day in 1956, Liverpool, England

Photo by Glen E. Friedmann

DigitalNaiv, to HR German avatar

"Man muss davon ausgehen, dass es in der -Programmdirektion Leute gibt, die die Dimension der Proteste nicht einschätzen können oder wollen. Anders scheint das beim zu sein, der am Montag um 20.15 Uhr bei "Hessenschau Extra" 25 Minuten zeigte, "warum die jetzt auf die Straße gehen".
... , war das Regionalfernsehen, wie es sein soll. Akteure und Betroffene, vor allem in kleineren Orten, wurden in den Mittelpunkt gestellt. - @altpapier

osjobhub, to opensource avatar

Featured jobs at @openuk : Unbiased database experts, is seeking a SaaS Front-End Developer and candidates for dozens of technical and non-technical roles. Check out all the positions now on

remixtures, to HR Portuguese avatar

#GigEconomy #GigWorkers #HR: "How, then, do gig workers react to being called heroes? Our research untangled some complex emotions around the “hero” label, with gig workers responding to it in unexpected ways. For businesses that want to cash in on the public’s worship of heroes, we found a risk of backlash.

Our recently published study examined how gig workers reacted to the sudden moralization of their jobs. We interviewed Instacart workers during the height of the pandemic, in mid-2020, and again six months later, after the hero narrative died down, for a total of 75 interviews. From those interviews, social media artifacts, and company materials, we determined these workers reacted in three different ways to the hero label — they became Skippers, Stallers, or Strugglers."

salixsericea, to HR avatar

Want to know how the helped to undermine Americans' feeling that no health insurance/ruinous costs, zero paid vacation time, zero maternity leave are God given freedoms?

I worked in at one of the outposts of the . One of our jobs was to familiarize US mil and civilian supervisors with the labor laws of the host country.

The effects on 20-something junior US personnel from some backwater state were nothing but stunning.


historyofpunkrock, to punk avatar

44 years ago
HR of Bad Brains at Madams Organ, Washington DC, January 1980.

Photos by Lucian Perkins


remixtures, to ai Portuguese avatar

: "If you’ve worried that candidate-screening algorithms could be standing between you and your dream job, reading Hilke Schellmann’s The Algorithm won’t ease your mind. The investigative reporter and NYU journalism professor’s new book demystifies how HR departments use automation software that not only propagate bias, but fail at the thing they claim to do: find the best candidate for the job.

Schellmann posed as a prospective job hunter to test some of this software, which ranges from résumé screeners and video-game-based tests to personality assessments that analyze facial expressions, vocal intonations, and social media behavior. One tool rated her as a high match for a job even though she spoke nonsense to it in German. A personality assessment algorithm gave her high marks for “steadiness” based on her Twitter use and a low rating based on her LinkedIn profile.

It’s enough to make you want to delete your LinkedIn account and embrace homesteading, but Schellmann has uplifting insights too. In an interview that has been edited for length and clarity, she suggested how society could rein in biased HR technology and offered practical tips for job seekers on how to beat the bots."

kagan, to random avatar

I always wonder if the people who write job postings realize that "fast-paced, dynamic environment" sounds like code for "chaotic, messy workplace with loads of pressure". I feel like some of them think it sounds cool, and so they put it in, even when the workplace actually has things under control. But I see it and I think, "Do I even want to apply there?" — and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

ajsadauskas, avatar

@joannaholman @hakirsch @kagan Here's a few more common ones:

"Fun work environment" <- Our CEO or loves talking at the staff during our monthly in-office afternoon tea. You better have a damned good excuse not to attend the "fun"!

"Tasks include report writing" <- The CEO is too dumb to find the sales figures in our CRM system. You'll need to regularly, manually copy and paste them into a pretty PowerPoint slide deck that he'll probably never look at.

"Multitasking" <- We'll make you do the work of three people.

"Fast-paced" "tight deadlines" <- We overload you with tasks with unreasonable deadlines. There's no way you can get this project completed and signed off by everyone before the end of the week. We'll expect you to have it done by the end of the hour.

"Managing offsite teams" <- We outsourced our business processes overseas. You'll have to clean up the mess.

"Staying on top of market trends" <- Our CEO looks at the ways other companies in our industry enshittify their products or gouge their customers and says "let's do that too"!

"Agile work environment" <- You'll be micromanaged using daily standup meetings, JIRA, and kanban boards.

"Engaging with consultants" <- The CEO is being paid a five-figure salary to play Solitaire on his PC. Actual management decisions have been outsourced to KPMG. You have to deal with them.

"Some manual data entry" <- All the data is already in our core business systems. Unfortunately, management decided it was too expensive to pay for a Zappier integration to move it into our e-commerce platform, or for enough IT staff to set it up. So you'll need to input it manually, or else everything breaks. We'll hold you personally accountable for any errors.

"Supporting legacy applications" <- Our critical core business systems were originally written for a VAX machine and a Z80 system running CP/M. The people who wrote them are long dead. There's 40 years of cruft code. None of it was documented. They somehow sort of interface with the obsolete SAP and Oracle systems we picked up through a long-forgotten merger.

Data integration? Well, Anne from admin uses a Visual Basic front end to manually download a spreadsheet, which she then uploads into a Salesforce system that some of our departments switched over to during a failed IT transformation project 10 years ago.

Oh, and some of our backups are on Bernoulli disks in the cupboard. If by chance you see a working OS/2 machine pop up on eBay, make sure you bid for it.

Oh, and if there's any downtime, your job's on the line.

Garwboy, to Podcast avatar

Why does this thing exist? (Podcast)

Episode 78: "Throbbing Spreadsheet - The Second Annual Report"

Once again, we begin our year with a thorough assessment of our podcasting output, from Podcast HR rep. Dave Steele

Admin has never been so chaotic!

uncanny_kate, to random avatar

I'm increasingly glad I ended up sticking with perl professionally. Yes, it's not popular. But I'm doing real work on real systems, with no crypto or AI nonsense anywhere in sight. And it's not super easy to hire perl experts these days, so the salaries have gone up. It was a tough decision with some false starts exploring options, but in the end sticking with the language I genuinely enjoy is paying off.

mjgardner, avatar

@perigrin @uncanny_kate This goes further up the stack. A lot of are obvious commodity cogs in the machine. Bottom-feeders. Avoid them too, because they’ll just waste your time and energy winding you up to pursue here-today-gone-tomorrow .

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