
FinnTheFickle, in Logitech Faces Stock Price Drop and Troll Reviews After Titan Sub Disaster
FinnTheFickle avatar

What the fuck did Logitech do wrong here? If anything, that controller was the most functional part of the sub

phantomslave avatar

Put it in a bag of rice and it probably still works! Assuming it's still whole.

Pseu avatar

It's not. When the sub collapsed, it did so with the energy of about 50kg of TNT.

This is why there will be no attempt to recover the bodies either. There just isn't anything left.

Decidable avatar

Fascinating. Where did you get those numbers, I'd like to read more.

Pseu avatar

I got them from this Scott Manley video:

He explains that the energy contained in a vessel is equal to the difference in pressure on the vessel wall, times the volume of the container.


There's a row of them along the top of the keyboard, and another block of them on the right-hand side.


help, I tried pressing the ones on the right, but my cursor just started moving all over the place. Did you hack my keyboard?


Yes. Send me bitcoin.


Ok, I've sent [up][left][left][left][down][down][down][down][right] bitcoin to the address [up][up][down][down][left][right][left][right]...[enter]. I hope you're happy now.


I think I've got 30 lives.


W = p Δ V
The Sub had a Volume of the 142 cm (56 in) internal diameter, 2.4-meter-long (7.9 ft) carbon fiber-wound cylinder
so 3.8m³ of air, should be about 3.8m³ x 4x10⁷ Pa = 152x10⁶ J, 152MJ

TNT has about 4.2x10⁶J/kg, so I get about 36kg of TNT.
But I ignored the front and back Domes, which will add a bit, and possibly have other issues as well, so the ballpark should be right.


Maybe it developed stick drift and kept bashing them into the Titanic.

I had that happen once. Only it was a Logitech flight stick and I was playing Elite Dangerous. Things can get pretty scary in space when you always yaw left.

thingsiplay, in Remove one letter from the title of a video game; what is the plot now?
thingsiplay avatar

This is such a dum post; love it. Here we go:

Ass Effect 2: Interesting aliens


With all those close ups of asses this changes surprisingly little


Yeah, no plot change on this one.


"We'll bang ok?"

Madison_rogue, in Unity cancels town hall over reported death threats
Madison_rogue avatar

He was the CEO of Electronic Arts when the controversial loot box monetization was added to FIFA 09. He made news when he called developers “fucking idiots” over some developers’ reluctance to introduce monetization schemes earlier in the development process. There’s also the infamous clip of Riccitiello talking during a shareholder call about charging Battlefield players a dollar to reload their guns.

Look at this guy...I couldn't read all of the Bloomberg article due to paywall, so I don't know if this jackass actually provided proof of these "death threats."

While I don't condone them, it seems awfully convenient that an executive who's known to stir controversy with his monetization strategies received "alleged" death threats. I have a hard time believing it without proof because this guy is a sleaze ball greedy mofo.

dojan, avatar

Gamers make death threats over anything, so I totally believe it.

Also don’t give a fuck if someone threats this guy. Seems like a net plus for the world.

napalminjello avatar

Advocating for violent threats and harassment is totally cool guys, cause I don't like this person 😎


First off: Disagree over death threats. They’re not warranted unless someone’s voice directly threatens people’s lives - not their entertainment.

On that note, I’m wondering if the threats may be more from game developers - studios that are reliant on income through the Unity engine, and may have their whole livelihood threatened by the pricing changes. (Doesn’t justify the threats, still)

StarServal avatar

There are terrible people in the gaming community who make empty death threats over any perceived slight. These people are to be reprimanded and dealt with accordingly.

That said, corpo suits and politicians have definitely started using this as a PR stunt to play victim and garner sympathy to lessen the negativity towards their wildly unpopular decisions.

I’m beyond caring anymore. Especially so for that slimy ceo. If you get death threats, report them to the proper authorities. Don’t report them over the nearest bullhorn. I’m not going to say he deserves it, but I won’t shed a tear over it either.

FreeBooteR69 avatar

In any group of people there will always be a tiny subset of the population who will pull this unhinged bullshit. It's unfortunate, but now the CEO gets to play the victim, and anyone who's against his bullshit gets to be painted with the same brush as the unhinged guy.


I never understand freaking out about death threats. If someone actually wanted to murder you, they’d be quiet and methodical about it, not grandiose. To be fair, I’ve never received a death threat so perhaps I’m not theeeeeeeeeeeee

Madison_rogue avatar

There might be a reason people freak out about death threats...

Ferk avatar

Particularly in the US, where having a gun is relatively easy... to the point that even school kids can end up getting hold of them. I'd be scared.


I can’t reply, sorry. I’m dead.

Madison_rogue avatar

RIP gullible

ripcord avatar

Not trying to justify threats, but freaking out over one 40-year old event seems like overreaction, may not be the best argument.

Madison_rogue avatar

How 'bout last year?

ThunderingJerboa avatar

I mean you are assuming the person who is trying to murder you is a rational actor but you can't really be a rational actor if you are threatening death to someone because of their shit monetization policies on your entertainment. Hell some people throw "Death threats" at people because they decide to change a reload speed by a fraction of a second. So yeah "gamers" can be quite unhinged. Hell you had idiots in Jan 6 who loudly stated their intention and beat a cop to death. Hell we have seen situations of weirdos getting close to celebrities (in their heads) then trying to kill them, and I imagine cases like that will only get worse with parasocial relationships getting a bit out of hand with modern influences and streamers.


That's the fallacy of trying to understand criminal acts. For the most part, if someone were as smart, logical, and thoughtful as you are when you imagine the best way to commit murder, the kind of person to actually try and commit the murder would not be as smart, logical, or thoughtful to have gotten into that situation in the first place.

There are exceptions, of course, but it's enough of a possibility that it's probably better to take them seriously than not.

Edit: typed all that, scrolled down, some other dude already said it

Questy, avatar

You should sort of expect to get some strong reactions when things are difficult economically and you make a statement saying, “sorry peasants, I need a shareholder bonus so your livelihood has to go. Also, fuck you.”

If the threats are to him, dunno, he’s done amazing harm. I’ll just say jury is out on how appropriate they are in his case.


Ah, the GamerGate issue. A hugely fascinating dive into consumer management & fury.

It has come up a few times in college communications courses, but it’s difficult to have a neutral discussion about.

1bluepixel, in Remove one letter from the title of a video game; what is the plot now?
1bluepixel avatar

Cyberpuk 2077: In a dystopian future where global warming has brought the planet to a boil, desperate hockey players take their game to cyberspace because ice is no longer available.

Singletona avatar

The longer I think about it the more I want this game.

KMisthebomb avatar

actually sound like fun

KbinItTogether avatar

I'm picturing a mix of Tron and Mutant Football League for hockey and the more I think about it, the more I want it.


Who here remembers Bill Lambeer's Combat Basketball?


Major solarbabies vibes.

Diplomjodler, in Baldur’s Gate 3 is Causing Some Developers to Panic

OMG OMG OMG!!! The peasants will expect quality now! We’re doomed! Doomed!

Ronno avatar

... proceeds with another yearly installment of game X that could have been released as DLC, but instead built it as "a new game", selling at 1 cent per bug.

CarolineJohnson, avatar

Not only quality, but they’ll also expect a released game to be finished at launch!


In my area of business, 'being finished" is a part of “quality”.

I.e., something that’s unfinished, cannot be said to have high quality


…from a developer that disavows micro transactions!


Lets be honest… most studios and individual devs wanna make awesome games.

A lot are just forced to release at a certain (bad) time due to shareholders etc

Metal0130, in Steam has made 6 Games Free - Get them while you can

Beacon Patrol: First Horizons


Die in the Dungeon: Origins


Age of Advent

William and Sly: Classic Collection

proper, avatar

you’re a real one 👍


Mr. Grinch.

Ganondorf avatar

I've not heard of a single one of these games :shrug:

RoboRay avatar

If you had, they wouldn't be giving them away...

stopthatgirl7, in Microsoft would buy Valve 'if opportunity arises,' said Phil Spencer in leaked email
stopthatgirl7 avatar

Microsoft wanting to buy Valve and Nintendo should tell you just how much what they really want is a monopoly on gaming.


They all want a monopoly, not just Microsoft. Microsoft are just the only ones that could afford it.

stopthatgirl7 avatar


jeebus avatar

If Microsoft loves anything, it's monopolies.

TrismegistusMx, in The Witcher producer blames Americans and social media for Netflix series' simplified plot avatar

When it flops they’ll blame Americans too. Narcissists are incapable of assuming responsibility for their own failures.

Poggervania, in Disco Elysium for $12 may be the best $12 you ever spend on games in your life
Poggervania avatar

Honestly, better to pirate the game because ZA/UM fucked over the original devs and now they don’t get any money from the game’s sales - and it ruined any potential for a sequel.

Here’s a Youtube vid on that drama.

ripcord avatar

I don't normally do this, and I'll go do some searching of my own, but any chance for a tldw on the video? What's the background? 2.5 hours is a bit much and the intro was sort of wandering and more or less.just repeated that yes, the game was stolen from them.

thatsTheCatch, (edited ) in Anita Sarkeesian is shutting down Feminist Frequency after 15 years

When I was young and dumb, I followed the anti-feminist YouTubers that used Anita Sarkeesian as their punching bag. I loved video games and bought into their idea that she was trying to ruin them. Now that I’m older and wiser, I can see that that was a load of baloney. I watched the original Tropes vs. Women in Videogames series and it was very level-headed and rational. There were a few things that the anti-feminist YouTubers said “well what about this???” and Anita actually covered that in the video but the YouTubers cherry picked and didn’t show the response. Anita has done a lot of good and has had so much hate and harassment that I feel she deserves a break.

ripcord, (edited )
ripcord avatar

The ratio of downvoted you got is...interesting.

I wonder what u/KalChoedan, /u/PizzaFeet, /u/Phrodo_00 and others dont like about your comment.

Edit:. At the time, upvotes:downvoted was nearly 1:1


Good job with the personal growth

flicker, in 70 percent of gamers avoid certain games because of 'toxic communities', study finds

I have the misfortune of being a woman, so I play absolutely zero things with voice. And when I was younger, I'd pick the most 'bro' username possible just to avoid the bullshit.

Now that I'm older I just refuse to play competitive games at all. Life is too short to be constantly insulted. (Like the above user, I played LoL maybe twice before uninstalling.)

Roundcat avatar

That's part of the reason I love Splatoon. No voice unless you are playing with friends, and it's not a total sausage fest. Though for whatever reason, the squid bagging and griefing gets cranked up to 11 during Splatfest.


It’s such a pity that it has come to this. Having women present in voice chat somehow makes gaming with strangers more comfortable, probably even more fun, for me.

kehtea avatar

I identify with this almost exactly except for the fact I played league for a few years rather than a few times. I'd say you chose the better route.

S_H_K avatar

League had a brief moment kinda from season 3 to 5 that had quite a female playerbase but they lost Lyte the guy who handled community systems and all went to shit. Throw it in the mountain of bad decisions they did. They were on the road of something good and they lost it. It's sad to see now, they have the worst image possible the por scene collapsed, their numbers are pulled up from China and Korea.
I'm very sad to think it was a good game and I'm so very sorry for the way they treated us.

kehtea avatar

That's funny because I think that was around when I played. I only ever played with at least a duo though. I'd almost never play on my own. Not because I couldn't play well enough, but because I didn't want to have to deal with people alone.

I enjoyed my time (not all of it but some) and watching Arcane made me miss it. But I don't think I'd go back to league. Maybe tft and we'll see how the mmo does.


Before the internet was mainstream, I dreamt that online games would be amazing, civilized activities. Now I want nothing to do with what it became, and this is coming from a guy. It’s like being a gamer became an identity, people take playing games too serious and there’s virtually no punishment for being a dick. I’ve seen more mature 12 year-olds than some of these adults.

Roundcat avatar

I think you hit the nail on the head. There is almost no recourse for anyone being a dick, and some people consider it part of their "strategy" to get under people's skin.


@Roundcat Is this what the Japanese call the weabos?

@wave_walnut @flicker @rivalary

Rodsterlings_cig, in Disco Elysium for $12 may be the best $12 you ever spend on games in your life

A friendly reminder that the creators in the past have asked those interested in the game to pirate it instead, though of course I do not endorse such activities.

Onii-Chan avatar

Gotcha. I'm definitely not about to fire up qBittorrent right now and use it, because that would be illegal.

Rodsterlings_cig, (edited )

I would also definitely not seed anything as well, especially when utilizing a VPN.

Edit: word

GataZapata, in Publishers need to stop announcing games that are still years away from launch, gamers agree

'Gamers agree' that would be a historical first lol


Just reading it gives me a primal desire to disagree. Please tell me what’s coming in 2035

ForTheEmperah avatar

Gamers are like Scotts in a way.


One day news media will stop reporting "Large demographic group enraged!" by citing 2 posts on a random social media platform.

But only because no news media is left.


maybe sooner than you think cuz Reddit is bots and scabs now.

Hellsadvocate avatar

Nah you'll have an AI combing through multiple sources of social media to put together a "consensus" based on overall public opinion on various social media sources. I hope, or you know they'll just reference Facebook posts.


Except those AI will eventually just be reading posts made by other AIs.

absquatulate, in Subnautica 2 will be a live service game

Much-needed clarifications from the dev:

Hello Subnauts,

A few of you noticed some information shared online by our publisher, KRAFTON 🕵

While some of the news is exciting, we’d like to clarify:

Early Access is not intended for release in 2024, but we plan to share a lot more information later this year!

In reference to “Games-as-a-Service,” we simply plan to continually update the game for many years to come, just like the previous two Subnautica games. Think our Early Access update model, expanded. No season passes. No battle passes. No subscription.

The game is not multiplayer-focused. Co-op will be an entirely optional way to play the game. You’ll be able to enjoy the game as a single-player.

As always, we are so proud and incredibly grateful to have such a passionate and engaged community, who love the Subnautica games deeply.

Thanks for keeping an eye out for any news about our progress on the next game.

We’re so excited to show you what we’ve been working on and hope that you love it as much as we do.

– The Subnautica Team


Thank you that really was a much needed clarification. I was really sad when I read the title

RandomStickman avatar

They definitely shouldn't've used the term “Games-as-a-Service”


Honestly I haven’t even considered they would do multiplayer in the next one, but now that they mentioned it I’m fully expecting at least some paid cosmetics or some form of mtx, which is on par for the course as of late. My expectations are so low these days that I just hope they don’t pull any always-online or drm bullshit, so that the game can be preserved and modded.

all-knight-party, avatar

Well, they failed to answer one more huge question when it comes to GaaS... Is it always online DRM?

On console platforms like the Switch, I can play Subnautica offline anywhere, and though the second game is likely far outside the switch's capabilities, I think DRM model is an important thing to clarify when it comes to GaaS definition.


Yeah it sounds like it would be a subscription and you’d have to subscribe to get updates.

Deceptichum avatar

It doesn't sit right, why they would use that full well knowing what it actually entails?

This feels more like PR damage control, instead of just saying its not GaaS and the claims were a mistake.

Think our Early Access update model, expanded. No season passes. No battle passes. No subscription.

No DLC, no monthly paid “expansion” content packs?

A very specific set of no’s and a very clear yes to GaaS…

verysoft, (edited )

They haven't fucked us over so far with DLC, MTX or any bullshit with their previous entries, so no reason to believe they will do here, they are very open with their development and talking to the community. So until they actually screw us over, it's unfair to pretend we are being.

It just sounds like a miscommunication/misuse of the term by KRAFTON, Unknown Worlds then came out to clarify. We will just have to wait and see, we can get actually angry once we know there's going to be some bullshit involved.

The only current downside to the next Subnautica is that it's going to be built on UE5, I just hope they manage to avoid all the shortcuts.




A lot of UE games are low performance or use shit features (like TAA). You can make something which "looks good" quickly with the engine and a lot of devs do just that instead of taking their time to tweak things for better performance or visual fidelity. So instead we get stuck with blurry messes.

peter, avatar

Live service is extremely appealing to investors and business people

captain_aggravated, avatar

All the more reason to push I ever so harshly back down their throats.


It feels like the developer and the publisher not being on the same page to me.

Romdeau4, in Remove one letter from the title of a video game; what is the plot now?
Romdeau4 avatar

Metal Ear Solid. A lore heavy game about a man dealing with tinnitus.

gunnervi avatar

Meta Gear Solid -- a game about the metal gear series


Metal Gear Sold - merchant game in the style of steampunk Stardew Valley


Meal Gear Solid: Foodtrucks of Liberty

PelicanPersuader, avatar

Metal Gar Solid: The adventures of a tanky robotic fish

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