Ground cinnamon sold at discount stores is tainted with lead, FDA warns

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration said cinnamon sold by stores including the Dollar Tree and Family Dollar contains lead at levels that could be unsafe for people, particularly children, with prolonged exposure to the spice. The agency urged suppliers to recall the products voluntarily.

Cinnamon products included in the agency’s safety alert include the La Fiesta brand sold by La Superior and SuperMercados; Marcum brand sold by Save A Lot stores; MK brands sold by SF Supermarket; Swad brand sold by Patel Brothers; El Chilar brand sold by La Joya Morelense; and Supreme Tradition brand sold by Dollar Tree and Family Dollar stores.



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  • Varyk,

    The US government does broadly limit lead in food products, and the FDA has lead regulations.

    Lead contamination in food production has been nearly eliminated since they finally realized it was a problem in the '80s.…/lead-food-and-foodwares


    And this kids, is why we have government regulations - to protect citizens.


    Idk, sounds like socialism to me- the oligarchy


    Back in my day, we’d eat lead paint chips ̸l̸i̴k̸e̸ ̷t̷h̸e̸y̷ ̵w̶e̷r̵e̶ ̴c̷a̴n̷d̷y̸ a̶̪̤̎ṅ̵̢̈́d̸̫͎̃̒ ̴̛̲͊l̵̛̦͑ỏ̶̩̘ỏ̵̬k̷̘̬͒͘ ̵̣̘̾͋ẖ̵͛́o̵̧̘̅w̶͛ͅ ̵͓̦͘Ḭ̸̫̏ ̸̠̫̒̍t̸̼̮͝u̸̼͚̐͊r̸̥̦̄͒n̴͉̬̊e̷̱̣̅̑d̸̤͒ ̴̮̊̔ó̸̬̿u̴͙̼͘t̵͙̥͌̄


    It’s always funny to me when conservatives are like “omg what’s with all the regulations?” as though we just made a bunch of regulations out of thin air… and not to address a problem that was occurring without the regulation.


    Nah, let the free market sort it out. Those kids eating that cinnamon should have done a molecular study of the spice to determine its exact contents before consuming it, so it’s their own fault.


    Because we’re barely a functioning country connected to a massive military industrial complex at this point.


    I imagine lead tainted food is covered by half a dozen other laws.

    EdibleFriend, avatar

    There is an FDA acceptable level of rat shit in food.

    And it’s not fucking zero percent.


    I mean, you can’t get the levels to zero. Food is grown outside where animals poop, and then the ingredients are stored in warehouses and silos that can’t be made entirely impermeable.

    No one sets the limit at zero because it’s almost impossible to achieve. What everyone does is look at how much is safe and then set a limit well below that.

    If you’ve eaten food from a garden you’ve eaten food that’s about as dirty as anything else the FDA allows.




    Reality mostly


    Pretty sure it’s coming from the rats

    EdibleFriend, avatar

    Where does the AP pull this bullshit from? Of course the US government has enforceable regulations in place on this issue:…/lead-food-and-foodwares


    Wonder if there is a simple way to test for this stuff at home.


    You could try getting a lead paint test kit from the hardware store.


    I guess so, although those are not home tests. You send the paint chips to a lab, and the test is on the expensive side.


    There are actually quick result tests. 3M unfortunately stopped manufacturing them last year. They’re not super accurate but might work. An alternative that I’ve seen suggested is:


    Even at the hardware store, there are different kinds: mail in type, instant result type.

    Beyond the hardware store, if you shop online there are bunches of different kinds.


    for food, probably not in a way that wouldnt waste the food. for blood, there are definitely tests


    Eat it and see if you get lead poisoning. If you do, the product may contain lead.

    GrymEdm, (edited )

    Flint Brand Cinnamon Challenge - if you’re dumb enough to try to swallow a spoonful then the lead content isn’t going to change much.

    SnotFlickerman, avatar

    I mean, we’re all being poisoned daily, what’s new? /s

    GrymEdm, (edited )

    If you ever want to shock a guy out of pollution complacency, let them know that some studies link pollutants to shrinking penis size and reduced fertility. Poisoning me = I sleep. Shrinking penises = real problem.

    girlfreddy, avatar

    And studies show that persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are often the cause of type 2 diabetes … more so than diet or weight.


    Microplastics will shrink your weiner too


    Well, I’m glad to see the FDA sent a sternly worded letter. That’ll stop 'em.

    CaptPretentious, (edited )

    I just responded to another person who basically asked the same thing. They basically ask nicely first, and then they don’t ask nicely the second time. As to why this way, legal reasons.


    They issued a recall recommendation, which basically means all these products will be thrown away by distributors. Looks like the lead contamination was pretty miniscule compared to that applesauce recall from last year, I’m glad the FDA is staying on top of this and taking any amount of lead contamination seriously.


    If they’re sending the product to a landfill, the article really buried the lead in this story.


    which basically means all these products will be thrown away by distributors. boxed and resold in foreign countries like HIV tainted blood was.

    Why would they dispose of something that they can make money on? Just sicken those other people instead.


    Source: your ass


    how is it that lead is part of the manufacturing process? is it because it tastes sweet?

    TimLovesTech, (edited ) avatar

    My understanding from the apple sauce pouch issue that uncovered the source to be cinnamon, is that most of these spices are grown/processed outside the US, and $ is based on weight. So what is an easy way to tip the scales cheaply, lead. 😩

    EDIT - here is the FDA write up about it.

    Reverendender, (edited )

    Ugh, people are awful

    roguetrick, (edited )

    Ah lead chromate. So it isn’t just to increase weight, it’s a colorant. Has a bright orange/yellow color to it. Classic school bus paint.


    As I understand it a lot of countries have a surprising amount of heavy metals in their soil, unfortunately.

    Chozo avatar

    Possibly lead-tainted soil that the cinnamon was grown on. Plants can absorb a lot of heavy metals from the soil, which is great for getting it out of the soil, but bad for whatever eats the plants.

    franklin, avatar

    Fuck all dollar stores and their predatory business models that lead to worse outcomes for the least fortunate.

    A perfect microcosm for the failures of capitalism


    I’m glad stores like that exist overall. Contamination issues can happen at any grocery store. I was just reading about something being recalled from Trader Joe’s.

    franklin, (edited ) avatar

    It’s not just this, due to the way they make money and the places they target they edge out competitors and exaserbate food deserts while providing nothing to the community.

    Wendover Predictions did an excellent video on it:


    The dollar store I shop at has great food deals.


    That’s not the point. The point is that of the sections in a regular grocery store, dried stuff is the most profitable while fresh produce is less profitable. Dollar stores usually don’t offer any or offer a very limited selection of fresh produce. They only offer dried stuff which is more profitable.

    What this means is that a regular grocery store can’t compete in areas where dollar stores already dominate, and when dollar stores move into an area, it can have the effect of stealing the grocery store’s most profitable business. Dried food sales subsidise fresh food. As a result, it doesn’t make sense for the grocery store to also be there and many choose to close up shop and leave.

    This leaves residents in the area without a place to buy fresh produce. That’s called a food desert.

    Nobody should go to a grocery store thinking “I’m going to buy 10 boxes of macaroni and cheese, three cans of refried beans, and some instant rice”. People go because they want to buy fresh fruits and vegetables, meats, bread, and other “actual food” products. But if they have no choice, they’ll subside on dried or instant junk. That has many long-term negative health effects that will end up costing us as a community.

    It’s not about access to cheap food. It’s about access to good food.


    “More profitable” in this case also means “cheaper”. As a poor person, I appreciate the cheaper part.

    Gnocchi is $1.25 at the dollar store and $3 at King Soopers. If I want produce and all the other goods at higher prices to subsidize that produce, I can walk over to King Soopers instead.

    Your model of “contributing to food deserts” assumes that the dollar store is pushing out a regular grocery store. It’s not, because they don’t even use the same kind of real estate. The dollar store exists in a strip mall, and stores large enough to carry produce use standalone big box spaces.

    As a result, these stores are not mutually exclusive and as you can see in my neighborhood, they coexist.


    Unfortunately, there are scientific studies that show a strong correlation between the presence of dollar stores and food deserts. Your anecdotal experiences cannot overturn that. It might not be true yet where you are, but it is true in general across the country.

    Dollar stores which are located in food deserts make it less likely for traditional grocery stores to move in

    The presence of dollar stores is strongly correlated with the presence of food deserts (PDF)

    When dollar stores enter an area, they “cause an exit of independent grocers and adversely affect retail employment”


    Yeah no idk why this is a hard concept. Say I live 5 mins away from a DG but 15 mins away from the grocery store. Where do you think I’m gonna go if I just got home from work and wanna make some dinner.


    Your behaviour is rational, and it explain exactly why dollar stores popping up everywhere isn’t good.


    Well if the only food I can get at said DG is unhealthy processed garbage that creates a food desert.


    Correct, because there really isn’t anything healthy to get at Dollar General. Okay, maybe a few things, but you’d have to work for it. Whereas if you walk into a grocery store, you’re immediately confronted with piles of fresh fruits and vegetables.

    franklin, (edited ) avatar

    The correct answer to the issue is to have European zoning with plenty of small groceries stores and bakeries on street corners


    Every dollar store could just be an Aldi

    franklin, avatar

    Just a PSA to any one of his confused by the non sequitural reply it got ninja edited. It originally read that the poster could get certain grocery items cheaper at dollar stores.


    Anyone else love how this guy so confidently just goes, “your scientifically backed up claims are wrong because I saw something that contradicted it once?”

    Same energy as “global warming isn’t real because I saw snow in January”


    Overreacting 101


    Agreed. They depressed me as a kid, and they depress me now. Absolutely exploiting the most impoverished among us. Vimes’ Boot Theory holds there IMHO:…/sam-vimes-boots-theory-of-so…


    The agency urged suppliers to recall the products voluntarily.

    Fuck that, FDA. Why is this optional!?

    massive_bereavement avatar

    Strong FAA (DIY certification) vibes.


    It’s not.

    girlfreddy, avatar

    Yeah, it is. The AP quoted the FDA …

    The agency is also recommending the voluntary recall of certain ground cinnamon products sold by a number of brands at six different retail chains that were found to contain elevated levels of lead. Source

    WarmSoda, (edited )

    Right. Is this the first recall you’ve ever lived through? They always “recommend” it. It’s like your mother recommending you stop watching TV right now.

    girlfreddy, avatar

    I guess you missed the word “voluntary” in that quote.


    I don’t have anymore time for idiots, sorry. Have a good one.

    CaptPretentious, (edited )

    Once the FDA has determined that the criteria for a mandatory recall have been met, the FDA must first provide the responsible party (as defined in section 417(a)(1) of the FD&C Act) with an opportunity to voluntarily cease distribution and recall the article of food. The FDA will notify the responsible party of this opportunity in writing using an expeditious method of delivery. If the responsible party refuses or does not voluntarily cease distribution and recall the article of food within the time and manner prescribed by the FDA, if so prescribed, the FDA may order the responsible party to cease distributing the article of food, order the responsible party to give notice to certain other persons to cease distributing the article of food, and give the responsible party an opportunity to request an informal hearing2 to be held not later than 2 days after the issuance of the order. After these steps are completed, the FDA may order a recall under section 423(d) of the FD&C Act if it is determined that the removal of the article from commerce is necessary. Only the FDA Commissioner has the authority to order a recall under section 423(d). If necessary, recall orders under section 423(d) shall be vacated by the Commissioner. If the FDA orders a recall under section 423 of the FD&C Act, the FDA will generally follow the process for termination of the recall in accordance with 21 C.F.R. 7.55.….


    I’d be more surprised if there wasn’t Lead in something purchased from a dollar store.


    Just a plug for buying stick cinnamon. Look for ceylon cinnamon - not as spicy as the cassia variety that most ground cinnamons Are Made From. It smoother and more subtle. You can grind it in batches so it’s ready to go and will smell and taste so much better than this lead tainted pre ground crap.


    So wait, I can just take cinnamon sticks and put them in a food processor? I love fresh ground coffee, so if it’s actually just that easy I’ll have to give it a try

    UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

    Friendly reminder that lead is sweat and that’s why its used as a cheap artificial sweetener.


    This is a handy tip for weight loss! Thanks for that!


    Chances of that product being pulled from dollar stores, even during a mandatory recall, is practically 0.

    The employees at these stores hardly have time to unbox product, let alone get it on the shelves, once it’s there the only way it’s coming off is when customers pull it.


    Yup, John Oliver did a great segment on just how shitty it is to work at a dollar store


    I worked a summer in a discount store when I was a teen. Pretty much what he described. The only good part was what we ripped off and smashed in the back after the manager left.


    Way more expensive than the dollar store, but worth it!

    Bonus: their official “fuck Republicans” page:

    SoleInvictus, avatar

    That looks amazing, I’m buying some spices (for my already bursting spice cabinet)!


    People who are already buying their spices at the dollar store aren’t going to be buying Penzeys, as good as their spices are.


    Expect issues like this to get worse as the disparity in wealth continues to grow.


    Goddamnit guys, all you had to do was not put lead in the fucking cinnamon.


    Understood. Ok guys turn off the lead dispensing machine and turn on the arsenic one!

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