@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

I don't give a flying fuck what the Forefathers wanted. Why would we let a bunch of dead sexist slave owners decide the kind of country we want to live in?

@jackcole@mstdn.social avatar

@jackcole @RickiTarr

My vote never made a difference in my life. Protection from abusers of power thanks to what the Founding Fathers created did make a difference.

Something bad doesn't equal everything bad.

@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

@inventor @jackcole I certainly don't think they were all bad at all, I'm fascinated by history, but I'm tired of it being used as an excuse to maintain the status quo



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  • RickiTarr,
    @RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

    @inventor @jackcole Yep, I decided long ago it was a bad idea to have heroes, people are flawed, doesn't mean they can't accomplish good things, but they are.

    @DavidMHarlan@mstdn.social avatar

    @RickiTarr @inventor @jackcole

    I'll tell you one of theirs I like.

    The Constitution as a living document.

    Say what you want about how times have changed; they at least acknowledged that times would change. THEY knew that they were not the be-all and end-all, even if their idolaters don't.

    jackcole, (edited )
    @jackcole@mstdn.social avatar

    @DavidMHarlan @RickiTarr @inventor

    And I'll tell you one I like: There are three co-equal branches of government. Ever since John Marshall, chief justice of the SCOTUS asserted that SCOTUS could strike down laws, SCOTUS has become the government without branches. He did this in an irrelevant case. No one every meaningfully pushed back. So no matter what the Congress or Executive do, SCOTUS can always over rule. Laws and EOs only exist if SCOTUS approves. There are no branches.

    @RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

    @DavidMHarlan @inventor @jackcole Most definitely, it was meant to be changed, and yet people fight against it constantly, it's so frustrating

    @DavidMHarlan@mstdn.social avatar

    @RickiTarr @inventor @jackcole

    They got no problem with the change from one bullet every 30 seconds to 30 bullets a second, let me tell you



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  • DavidMHarlan,
    @DavidMHarlan@mstdn.social avatar

    @inventor @RickiTarr @jackcole

    All I'm saying is they don't mind change at all if it's a change that suits them

    @paulc@mstdn.social avatar

    @jackcole @RickiTarr @Lizette603_23 Late 70s/early 80s I heard Libertarians seriously argue to limit voting to land owners.

    @DavidMHarlan@mstdn.social avatar

    @paulc @jackcole @RickiTarr @Lizette603_23

    Wow, check out all that liberty



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  • jackcole,
    @jackcole@mstdn.social avatar

    @nuncio @RickiTarr SCOTUS regularly ignores the "well-regulated militia" part. In the 1700s version of such militia, weapons were kept in an armory until issued for a particular battle. But if SCOTUS insists on the orginalism game, then everyone who wants a gun must only have a black powder, muzzle loader with no rifling, just as our forefathers had.TAkes a few minutes to reload, and there is zip accuracy. But to be faithful to those times ...

    @accretionist@techhub.social avatar


    @RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

    @accretionist Right, so even if you delve into history to prove some point, you're gonna have to ignore a whole lot of facts. It's a living document and that's It's intention, always has been. Thanks for this!

    @paninid@mastodon.world avatar

    @accretionist @RickiTarr
    Incidentally, that IS the year that the slave trade ended.

    @RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

    @paninid @accretionist Oh damn, good catch

    @paninid@mastodon.world avatar

    @RickiTarr @accretionist
    “the Constitutional compromise of 1787 had tied Federal hands from interfering with the trans-Atlantic slave trade before 1808” https://www.ccpl.org/charleston-time-machine/end-trans-atlantic-slave-trade

    @chris@coffeebean.social avatar

    @accretionist I would love to read the whole letter, do you know where I can find it?

    @accretionist@techhub.social avatar


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  • chris,
    @chris@coffeebean.social avatar

    @accretionist thank you!

    @wndlb@mas.to avatar

    @accretionist @RickiTarr He never met Alito and Thomas, so what did he know? #originalism

    @accretionist@techhub.social avatar


    @YakyuNightOwl@mastodon.world avatar


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  • wndlb,
    @wndlb@mas.to avatar

    @YakyuNightOwl @accretionist @RickiTarr I attended a breakout CLE that he 'taught' with Bryan Garner. Walked out half way through it; had had quite enough of his smirking smugness.

    @YakyuNightOwl@mastodon.world avatar


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  • RickiTarr,
    @RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

    @YakyuNightOwl @wndlb @accretionist Are we talking like immigrants who vote for Trump?

    @YakyuNightOwl@mastodon.world avatar


    @RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

    @YakyuNightOwl @wndlb @accretionist People never seem to get that they're next.

    @accretionist@techhub.social avatar


    @wndlb@mas.to avatar

    @accretionist @RickiTarr @YakyuNightOwl "first they came for..."

    @RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

    @accretionist @YakyuNightOwl @wndlb This is like women who shit on other women to gain attention from men, they still think you as an object sweetheart

    @wndlb@mas.to avatar

    @YakyuNightOwl @RickiTarr @accretionist Umm, we've never had a Native American President, so I guess a lot of people, starting with A. Hamilton, did not know 'their place.'

    @RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

    @wndlb @YakyuNightOwl @accretionist I think they mean in the sense that, they forget where they came from, like Mexican immigrants who vote for Trump. Conservatives will use minorities, women, log cabin Republicans, but they will absolutely not stand behind them in anyway when it comes down to it.

    @accretionist@techhub.social avatar


    @wndlb@mas.to avatar

    @accretionist (your second and third paras are some of my favorites to lob at my spouse 😁)

    @makkhorn@c.im avatar

    And look who’s the new American pope…Leonard Leo, he of the buying Supreme Court seats for the worst ultra conservative "Catholics" in the U S.

    @Deji@newsie.social avatar

    @accretionist @YakyuNightOwl @wndlb @RickiTarr Repugs are masters at getting stupid white people (sometimes POC as well, which i can’t fathom) with no power to believe those “under” them in society are their enemies because they are taking their jobs and/or lazy (simultaneously) when in fact the oligarchs who OWN the Repugs and the Repugs themselves are the stupid people’s REAL enemies.

    @wndlb@mas.to avatar

    @Deji @accretionist @YakyuNightOwl @RickiTarr culture wars, and tribal allegiances

    @mike@thecanadian.social avatar

    @accretionist @RickiTarr Funny there's a bit of a paradox in following wisdom from a previous generation that dictates you shouldn't follow wisdom from previous generations. Just an observation.

    @jewishreader@sfba.social avatar

    @accretionist @RickiTarr This is one of my favorite primary texts to teach, and also a clear example of when Jefferson writes something bonkers to Madison, and Madison is like 'you realize this is, from a practical standpoint, insane, right?''

    @accretionist@techhub.social avatar


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  • RickiTarr,
    @RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

    @accretionist @jewishreader They had no social media for their random thoughts

    @jewishreader@sfba.social avatar

    @RickiTarr @accretionist I said Jefferson was 'free-associating' in a prior draft of my post. I think he did this more than most, because he was the most weirdly repressed and deeply hypocritical of the Founders, and that's saying something.

    @RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

    @jewishreader @accretionist He was a dude full of contradictions, maybe didn't quite belong in the time he lived in


    @accretionist @jewishreader @RickiTarr Their formal language was right flowery wasn't it compared with today?

    @knowattitude@m.ai6yr.org avatar

    @accretionist @RickiTarr
    "We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as a civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors." - also relevant, from the Jefferson Memorial.

    @accretionist@techhub.social avatar


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  • knowattitude,
    @knowattitude@m.ai6yr.org avatar

    @accretionist @RickiTarr Unfortunately, the barbarous don't exist solely among our ancestors.

    @RacerX@mastodon.world avatar

    @RickiTarr even Thomas Jefferson and John Adams were self aware enough to admit they didn't know what they didn't know. Amendments are a necessity. That's why "the right to bear arms" is not blanket permission for Joey Donuts to play with sophisticated tools of war sans limitations.

    @RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

    @RacerX Joey Donuts is now my favorite every man name

    @RacerX@mastodon.world avatar

    @RickiTarr middle name Bagof

    @RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

    @RacerX Oh is he of Bulgarian descent lol



    Now we move on to describing why we should live by the bible.

    @RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

    @Piousunyn The irony of that is it's literally impossible, it contradicts itself. Also you will never see a Southern Baptist give up ham and cheeseburgers lol

    @davew@mastodon.online avatar

    @RickiTarr @Piousunyn or shellfish

    @RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

    @davew @Piousunyn If I can't go to Red Lobster all you can eat Shrimp after church I will definitely die

    @braveamateur@mas.to avatar

    @RickiTarr Why should today's society be dictated by the will of people who lived hundreds of years ago and not by the will of people who will live hundreds of years hence? That's seems so arbitrary.

    @RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

    @braveamateur It's such a distraction technique, they bring up any time someone makes a good point.

    @clintruin@mastodon.social avatar

    @braveamateur @RickiTarr
    "...Why should today's society be dictated by the will of people who lived hundreds of years ago and not by the will of people who will live hundreds of years hence...?"

    Even more hilarious when the rules they made are by people who lived two thousand years ago, and they continue to worship a man who they claim was his own father, and if you drink his blood and telepathically tell him you love him you go to heaven.

    @PatrickoftheG@mastodon.social avatar

    @RickiTarr Caring about what the Fathers wanted seems obvious if you also want to own people, beat women, and pay very low taxes.

    @LRRRonEarth@beige.party avatar



    @dkloke@beige.party avatar


    Related contemporaneous thread:

    @Threadbane@newsie.social avatar

    The men drafting the original Constitution tried to outlaw slavery, but because one vote could veto any Article, Massachusetts was able to keep slavery legal. All the rest voted to outlaw slavery.
    It's as if the people on this thread are unaware of the Enlightenment. At least the Founders tried to rid of the US of theocracy and the stinking Divine Right of Kings. We have anti-sexist laws on the books and in the Constitution NOW and they don't help a bit.

    @mizblueprint@mastodon.online avatar

    I just visited the portrait gallery in the Second National Bank, Philadelphia. Got to see a lot of "founders", many painted by Charles Willson Peale. The National Park Service guide stood in front of the portrait of Thomas Jefferson to extoll the abolitionist next to him. Good job! https://www.nps.gov/inde/planyourvisit/secondbankportraitgallery.htm

    @RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

    @mizblueprint LOL WOW

    @mizblueprint@mastodon.online avatar

    ...and the guide was trans. 🔥
    It was the best non-verbal put-down I've ever seen.


    @RickiTarr We need to end the billionaires.... There is no room on this planet for anyone to be worth that kind of money...



    @RickiTarr I'm surprised more people in your country don't say exactly that.

    @irlusa_gera@mastodon.social avatar

    @RickiTarr all I can say is, VOTE🇺🇸

    veirling, (edited )

    @RickiTarr We have so many great people to base our society off of. (Hint: It's not old, dead, racist, sexist, misogyinistic, white guys). And yet people keep trying.

    @Mundon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RickiTarr Especially after 200+ years of social evolution. The America of today is not the America they lived in.


    @Mundon @RickiTarr In some senses no it isn't, but what about the fundamental 'feelings' and 'beliefs' and 'behaviours'? To my eyes (as an outsider) not that much has changed in some areas.

    @eldubuu@mastodon.social avatar


    We absolutely should not!

    Not when there is a perfectly serviceable rabble of LIVING white slave-owning oligarchs & their fascist fanboi’s wanting to decide for us…


    @RickiTarr Some people are trying to find a reason for their behaviour in the American Forefathers' will... while doing something completely opposite to values behind their decisions

    @ParadeGrotesque@mastodon.sdf.org avatar


    Americans: our constitution is a sacred, God given enduring text!

    French: ah ah, Fifth Republic goes brrrrr.

    @Janef@newsie.social avatar

    @RickiTarr Because we (as a nation) agreed to do so. The problem is the courts who have co-opted the meaning of plain words for their own creepy devices and those of their financial masters.

    @Lundemo@mstdn.social avatar

    @RickiTarr @Callalily. I shudder to think what the modern Republican Party would come up with.

    @apalu@furry.engineer avatar

    @RickiTarr because their gravitas and the cultural traditions surrounding the founding documents are one of the few safeguards we have against someone like trump becoming a full dictator... They might be products of their time but there are people worse than them alive today.

    @RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

    @apalu Agreed, saying people were bad back then is ridiculous. Things were definitely worse for many people, but we have to be continually vigilant, as we've had to learn the hard way.


    @RickiTarr B-B-But in order to get South Carolina to sign the Declaration of Independence…yeah, it’s bullshit.



    Real democracy (see UN definition added below by Wikipedia) has never existed in the history of humanity. The ancient Athenian pseudo-democracy only applied to male, privileged, i.e. rich Athenian citizens, but not to women and slaves.

    The US founding fathers simply copied this. You have to imagine this: The USA, loud megaphone worldwide for "democracy", is just a misogynistic, racist, capitalist pseudo-democracy, based on federal and state constitutions, i.e. "democracy" for a white, racist, wealthy men's club according to the Athenian model, and which are currently being constantly changed in a fascist manner by the GOP in "red states".

    This is the way to autocracy, not to democracy. If the people, Democrats and "blue states" want a 21. century overhaul of the constitutions, what will happen?

    @RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

    @Raven47 They were obsessed with the ancient Greeks and Romans, fully romanticized them and it shows.

    @Lizette603_23@mastodon.social avatar

    @Raven47 Our Constitution is not a "pure" democracy, as Athenian government was, it is (intended and stated) a representative democracy. Two different things.



    Everything we say, think and create is historically determined, i.e. the socio-economic conditions at the respective time influence the result, which means, among other things, that a lot of our knowledge was acquired during the patriarchy that has ruled for thousands of years until today.

    For example, Darwin was a revolutionary thinker with his theory of evolution, but at the same time he was personally trapped in patriarchal ideas, believing that women were inherently inferior to men.
    Compared to the absolute power of a king, ancient Greek "democracy" was of course an important beginning of the democratic idea, but at the same time limited to a small, privileged elite.

    We have now reached the 21st century, and the "democratic" countries, especially the USA, should modernize their "democratic" structures, especially ensuring that ALL citizens (women, LGBTQA+ people, races, religions, etc.) have equal rights and that democratic structures also apply in the economy.

    This is not only a legitimate demand of all people who are discriminated against, but is now an existential necessity in order to prevent the extinction of humanity. What was once denounced as “extreme left” has now become vital.




    I'm just saying maybe the opinions of a bunch of dead, uneducated, toothless farmers who would be baffled by a TV remote, shit in pots, and owned human beings, shouldn't be the sole foundation for how to run a functioning society.

    @rrb@allthingstech.social avatar

    @LadyDragonfly @RickiTarr

    No birth control. Women had kids until they croaked, usually before 40. This allowed men to be serial polygamists.

    No wonder Thomas and Alito want originalism. Thomas wants to ban contraceptives, too.

    @RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

    @rrb @LadyDragonfly Keeping women pregnant and uneducated has always been a control mechanism

    @Andres@mastodon.hardcoredevs.com avatar

    @RickiTarr @rrb @LadyDragonfly
    More people = more applicants for underpay jobs = more profits for the 1%.
    It's all math.

    @rrb@allthingstech.social avatar

    @RickiTarr @LadyDragonfly

    I suspect that Thomas also secretly wants to ban miscegenation in order to get rid of Ginni on the cheap.

    @Chip_Unicorn@im-in.space avatar



    Hey, George Washington wasn't toothless! He got his teeth from enslaved people!

    (Source: https://daily.jstor.org/were-george-washingtons-teeth-taken-from-enslaved-people/ )


    @LadyDragonfly @RickiTarr

    Pretty wide brush you're painting with, there:

    • Only one of the "founding fathers" – George Washington – wasn't college educated
    • Most of the signatories to the Constitution went to college as well.
    • Similarly, a bit less than half of the signatories had slaves when they signed.

    Hope you never end up in a hospital, or you're going to get to find out what shitting in a pot is like.

    @RacerX@mastodon.world avatar

    @ferricoxide @RickiTarr @LadyDragonfly

    Recommend "John Adams" by David McCullough... a rollicking good read. Then read "1776" by the same author.

    Admittedly I'm a bit of a history nerd but these novels are highly entertaining and very accessible.

    To keep things in perspective, you can't go wrong with Howard Zinn.

    @RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

    @RacerX @ferricoxide @LadyDragonfly Since we are recommending things, basically any of Mike Duncan's history podcasts as well as books are fantastic.

    @jewishreader@sfba.social avatar

    @RickiTarr A. Yes of course screw 'em, and also B. The irony is they would be horrified by the idea anyone was treating them as oracles. There is nothing more ahistorical to the Founders' intent than 'originalism.'

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