
has been caught refusing to remove propaganda from and is now being sued in Germany, where they take these matters seriously. After being sued, the solution which chose to deal with it was to hide some nazi tweets in the lawsuit from Germans, but not to even remove those small number of tweets from Twitter as a whole. Please tell me again how Elon isn't supporting nazis. Not that anyone can see the nazi tweets for all the issues


On the plus side for , not everyone thinks is going down the toilet. The are big fans of and what he has turned Twitter into: A place where and the Taliban can freely spread their propaganda of hate.

GreenFire, avatar

Oh yeah, this post reminded me that I just changed my rating of the app from three down to one.

It sure would be cool proof of the growing power of non-profit social media if the thirteen million people on were able to lower the rating of ELoon's app.


@GreenFire I love that idea! I can't do it, since I never used the app, but I would definitely encourage others to do that!

adrianmorales, avatar

@ThomasKnight Why people continue to use Twitter and Big Social, in general, is beyond me. These platforms don't care about you. To them, you're just another user, an addict who can't quit what's hurting them.


@adrianmorales Yep, they're a disease plaguing humanity.


@ThomasKnight It is seriously time to tap out of Twitter when the Taliban touts the free-speech policies.


Apart from the issue that has dragged to when he took over, has also made it unusable as a source of information for emergency services now. Way to tank your company, Elon. Tell me again how much of a genius he is.


And although anyone on could have told you that has been taken over by bots and propagandists since took over, the story this week about subscribers never having tweets removed even if they were overt propaganda is also backed up by stories of who the handful of TwitterBlue subscribers are. The , , & misinformation apparently by and large. really knows how to choose his friends...


@ThomasKnight you're not going to mention the CIA?


@ThomasKnight Sounds like and the are the solution to government agencies looking to provide social media status updates. Run their own (agency/state/federal) platform and allow people to follow them for updates with zero risk that a private company can impact their services.


@ClickyMcTicker I agree. Government run servers are not at the whims of billionaire clowns.

LordCaramac, avatar

@ThomasKnight Emergency services should never have used a commercial platform in the first place.


@LordCaramac Yeah, I see why they did it, but it leaves them open to problems, which they are now discovering.

iuculano, avatar


The , the , the , the ....


@iuculano Yep, he's friends with all the very best people, isn't he? He sure does have no problem banning journalists for telling the truth though.


@ThomasKnight At least Germany has enough self-respect to fight Nazism. If only America would follow suit. 😔

grrrr_shark, avatar

@Brutus @ThomasKnight it's true, but even that seems more and more in danger over here :(


@Brutus You're not wrong. I remember the days when all Americans would be proud to punch a . Now a lot of them want to elect them to office. Disgraceful.


@ThomasKnight tbf, twitter has been hiding the nazi tweets in germany only since long before elon


@skye True, but when you used to report nazi propaganda, Twitter would remove it, and eventually ban the nazi. Now nothing happens, except that you get a report saying that it didn't break Twitter rules, when a nazi suggests burning all the Jews alive or something similarly heinous.

grrrr_shark, avatar

@ThomasKnight unfortunately, Twitter already had the "don't show in Germany" mechanism baked in long ago. The process of reporting tweets is/was even different if your location was Germany, as the report had some official legal consequences if it was hate speech, and you had to state under penalty of something or other that you were really you and this wasn't a false claim, etc.

grrrr_shark, avatar

@ThomasKnight though I'd imagine Elon is happy to keep that running if it saves him legal issues


@ThomasKnight @charles_ex battle Normandie wrong

gavinisdie, avatar

@ThomasKnight won't be suprised if Twitter shuts down in the EU soon


@gavinisdie Agreed- it has been skating on thin ice with them even before Elon, and now that he's gone full nazi, I doubt they are going to humour him very much. I would be surprised if it lasts anywhere for very long now, to be honest. The amount of that is happening and the deliberate throttling of tweets will drive users away, even when nazis won't.

lightninhopkins, avatar

@AnarchoNinaWrites Wait, I thought you disliked The Guardian?


@ThomasKnight I get the feeling he is a fellow traveller.


@ThomasKnight Apartheid was Naziism in a different guise, so this is simply that evil bastard's nature, as demonstrated by his fealty to the GOP and their lies, as well as his own lies, eg: about Paul Pelosi's assailant. Most people simply lack the moral clarity to see beyond that kind of man's lies, for the simple fact that they have no real concern for morality, caring simply for their belly's contents, social status, and sex life. Becoming a moral human being requires difficult, honest work.


@lpah4all I don't know about most people; I like to hope that it is a minority who are morally vacuous. Republicans, for example, are a minority in America, and not all of them are as rabid as the open nazis we see on Twitter. The problem is that the worst ones are represented the most on Twitter, making it look like they are the majority, even though they are not. There are still WAY too many of them though, that's for sure.


@ThomasKnight The world is doing as bad as it is because most people of all persuasions have no interest in ongoing moral improvement of themselves or their societies; they're just satisfied that they're "better" than those they can point to as being "worse". That's the ego's trick of self-satisfaction and looking down upon others. And we Dems, while WAY better than the GOP, still have their problems and are not as radical as we need them to be, except for a small few like AOC.


@lpah4all Totally agree. This is why reality tv is so popular; people love to watch those dumpster fires, because it makes them feel better about themselves. It's a sad situation, for sure.

admitsWrongIfProven, avatar

@ThomasKnight Go germany... /s
There was a time where we had competence to affect things, but it was used for evil.
Now, we have some set of laws against nazi shit, but no competence whatsoever.
The nazi dances in our face, we say "bad boy", but can't even fathom the nazi tweets are just hidden - just like the american police bamboozled by the bag around the alcohol.

Oh how those "anti hacking" laws have elevated us to the height of incompetence.


@ThomasKnight damn thomas i said elon hates everybody and everything blacks browns women and now you make me look like a fool because he likes nazi's oh,,,hahhahhah good stuff dude.


@marchuff See, it's true that there is someone out there for everybody!


@ThomasKnight you know i liked animals till i met you. hahhah good one.


@ThomasKnight be thankful he can’t run for president.


@biddant Believe me, I am!


@ThomasKnight If he were to remove Nazi propaganda he would have to remove the entire GOP/Nazi machine that has found it’s home on Twitter. Almost everyone left there.


@MyOpinion Think how nice Twitter would be if he did that!


@ThomasKnight The ability to hide tweets by nation is a capability Twitter implemented long ago - not long after "Arab Spring", IIRC, back in the days when the Twitter C-Suite and the Obama-Clinton State Department had each other on speed dial.

To be frank, I'm surprised Musk didn't destroy that capability, either deliberately or in one of his blunderous rages.


@AlgoCompSynth Seriously. The important difference though is that pre-Elon, when you reported heinous nazi tweets, they would get removed & the user suspended eventually. Post-Elon, it stopped doing that completely. Now the only people banned are journalists, for reporting the truth accurately. Shows us what Elon believes.


@ThomasKnight Just for fun, Germany ought to ID tweeters who are pro-Nazi & put them on a denied entry list. Including Elmo.


@Nazani I'm in favour of that!


@ThomasKnight he was born in apartheid-era south africa, what did you expect?


@clarity3747 Even more than that, he was born rich into a family who got their money by exploiting poor people to death. This happens over and over again, and almost always with the same results. It is time to take the wealth away from these sociopaths.


@ThomasKnight He is a disgusting, fascist enabling cretin who, like TFG, would be unknown if he weren’t born into wealth.


@PirateJoie Yep; it's interesting how many of the planet's problems are caused by the same small set of people who share very similar backgrounds that way...


@ThomasKnight What a coincidence, right? Looking into the history of ‘classism’, it always appears to begin with a crime of property theft. The Scottish clan that stole the sheep, the South Africans that stole the mines…Generation after generation of inbreeding produces a family without conscience as to how their wealth was obtained = sociopathy, apparently!


@PirateJoie Bingo


@ThomasKnight 🎶❤️🌹


@ThomasKnight well he in his infinite wisdom thinks that all sort of bigorty and even whatever terrorist shit he lets on twitter is free speech and leftists are after them.


@Jungekatz Yeah, his 'free speech' claims would be a lot more convincing if he didn't ban journalists for reporting the truth, and block Mastodon and Thread posts. He clearly doesn't believe in free speech. He just believes in nazi propaganda.



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  • ThomasKnight,

    @Waterloo2 Yep, he sure does. He claims he's bringing back to because he believes in free speech, but he also bans journalists for telling the truth, so it appears he doesn't actually believe in free speech at all. He just believes in propaganda.


    @ThomasKnight well, says you need to delete shit and is insufficient.

    I really hope they'll seize assets owned directly or indirectly by him in lieu of continueing to ever increase fines...


    @kkarhan Yep, or they might also ban Twitter form Germany, which would be really painful for him. Might free up some server space though so only happens a few times each day.


    @ThomasKnight Well, that wouldn't work that way as won't free one from obligations.


    @kkarhan No, and at this point I expect Twitter to collapse entirely from a number of different issues all competing with each other for the killing blow. I doubt it will be long before it follows Friendster.


    @ThomasKnight Also since Musk illegally fired the Staff in Germany, I still hope they'll legally go after him.

    That case seems very clear and I'm convinced top lawyers are willing to take it on pro-bono just because Musk will be in for paying several millions in restitutions in lieu of paychecks + severances & court fees as well as lawyer bills (cuz in Germany, the looser pays for everything unless judged otherwise)...

    but that case will take like a day or two at courts...


    @ThomasKnight cuz what & completely disregarded (as he presumably yeeted the and anyone else who said "You [legally] can't do that!" is that one can't just nilly-willy fire people in Germamy at will, espechally not under threat and duress with an employment contract offer that is flatout illegal by exceeding maximum working hours by a long shot.
    but that shit normally get's doors kicked in by cops with 3-hole-masks on and HK416 w/ safety off.


    @ThomasKnight mind you that fines - like almost all other fines - are subject to the violators global income, and that income also inclides capital gains, and in case of Musk that could be even more expensive than Twitter...

    Espechally that whole firing shit which coincided with massive wealth increase on his side.

    So I'd not be surprised if he'd personally as CEO gets the largest court fine as individual in German History by a long shot...


    @kkarhan Yep, I hope to see it happen. I can't think of many people more deserving of it.

    sangster, avatar

    @ThomasKnight I don't want to defend Elon, and I'm not, but as someone who worked at Twitter for four years:

    Twitter has always known who the Nazis were, had their accounts/tweets marked, and blocked that content in Germany. It was referred to internally as Country-Restricted-Content, IIRC. The system has been used for many countries to handle laws like this. It's always been the way that Twitter balanced laws like that of Germany with a desire not to have content blocked globally.

    sangster, avatar

    @ThomasKnight The issue in question here is that Twitter-under-Elon no longer employs enough people / prioritizing identifying and labeling the content so that it's blocked in Germany, which means that they are no longer complying with German law.

    Twitter has also separately had policies for removing questionable content and employed contractors for evaluating/handling content, and I'm sure that also is severely underfunded/deprioritized now.


    @sangster True, but another thing which has changed is that Twitter used to remove posts when they were reported and eventually suspend accounts, but that is no longer happening under Elon. Well, not to nazis, anyhow. Now it happens to journalists. For Elon, the truth is what needs to be blocked, not nazi propaganda. I used to spend half an hour or so each day to reporting nazis, so I know it used to work. After Elon took over, the reports were ignored- that's when I knew it was time to leave.

    sangster, avatar

    @ThomasKnight Oh yeah, definitely. Most of the people who used to handle those reports are gone, so the only ones who are getting "addressed" are ones who specifically get Elon's attention.

    kierkegaank, avatar

    @ThomasKnight can’t wait for the day when not only advertizers but institutional investors look at him and say not with a ten foot pole


    @kierkegaank It sounds like a lot of investors are starting to do that now. He hasn't had much luck finding new investors for Twitter although he has been trying like crazy. They are watching him burn his own money as fast as he can and they're not eager to add theirs to his pile. The more people see how incompetent and unable to control his emotions he is, the less they will want him in charge of any of their money.

    kierkegaank, avatar

    @ThomasKnight Twitter is in free fall so that’s a given. But he will drag tesla and whatever his ai company is down with his scam presentations, pump and dump activities and mercurial idiocy too


    @kierkegaank Yep, that seems to be his current trajectory. I can't say that I will feel at all bad for him after he does that. He has asked for everything he has gotten so far.

    kierkegaank, avatar

    @ThomasKnight i feel bad for all the passionate people at tesla and space x his ineptitude could be screwing over badly


    @kierkegaank Yeah, hopefully they get good jobs when he tanks those companies as well. Fortunately for them, unlike Elon, they all have skills and are productive members of society.


    @ThomasKnight I think on the whole I prefer freedom of speech to banning people you disagree with, and all that goes with that, especially having been through the toxic oppressive lockdown orthodoxy years.


    @jtb I am not a fan of banning speech people disagree with, but banning hate speech I have no problem with. Encouraging people to kill all the Jews, or people with darker skin than you, or gay people, is not useful discourse, and should not be tolerated. Not against any person or group of people. That's what nazis do nonstop, try to spread hate and encourage violence, so I have no problem banning them. That's not acceptable behaviour against anyone. We need to have learned a few things from WWII


    @jtb The problem, of course, is that doesn't really believe in free speech. He is happy to ban journalists for telling the truth and reporting on actual events, for example, and happily bans and comments from being seen on . So since bans what he doesn't like and refuses to ban propaganda, that tells us all that we need to know about his ideology.


    @jtb @ThomasKnight I believe in freedom of speech except in extreme cases (child pornography being the obvious example).

    I particularly don't like the banning/revising of books written at a point in time and reflecting the values of that time.


    @Twiglet @jtb Same, but I also think extreme hate speech should be banned. There is no reason to allow people to call for genocide against groups of people; it's not part of a healthy dialogue. We saw what happened when that nonsense was allowed, & culminated in WWII, and we shouldn't allow it again. As for revising books, publishers do that to try to boost sales; that's on them. The originals are always available still, so I don't worry about that too much. Banning books is bad though.


    @jtb @Twiglet No, that law is an example of a hate crime. It is targeted against gay people, censoring them only. And it is not worried about protecting children, only keeping gay people hidden from society. It is purely bigotry. Like I said, most censorship is bad, apart from censoring people who are spreading hate. This is using censorship to spread hate, so is clearly the exact opposite.


    @ThomasKnight @jtb

    Haven't read the book, but it sounds like an act of hate to me. The tell is whether the same story about a hetero couple would be banned.

    I would like more done to clean up the adult hetero pornography trade. Graphic depictions of consensual sex for the consumption of adults are fine, but my observation is that a lot of modern pornography seems to intentionally demean women and looks to have been created with what I consider dubious consent.



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  • ThomasKnight,

    @Mattstamatic Yeah, it's pretty impressive how quickly he is flushing his money away while he tries to become the hero to a new generation of nazis.

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