@cjpaloma@mas.to avatar



New instance, same opinionated human

Pro democracy, pro compassion, pro peace, anti social hierarchies based in false assumptions

putting pressure on people to do the right things more than half a year before an election is not traitorous

Profile pic: photo of a bunch of different animal tracks in mud

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StillIRise1963, to random
@StillIRise1963@mastodon.world avatar

The government, media and people at large lied about the motives of protesters in the Civil Rights Movement too.

@cjpaloma@mas.to avatar

@CandaceRobbAuthor @StillIRise1963 it certainly is the same dynamic over and over

It seems like in any culture touched by any version of colonialism: old school is: might makes right (power over/dominator society) vs far more people -eventually- wanting and supporting collaborative nurturing societies (power with)

Lana, to random
@Lana@beige.party avatar

"I tried to enjoy this art piece about listening to the ambient noise but was rudely interrupted by the ambient noise" is a remarkable thing to have written down and published under your own name.

@cjpaloma@mas.to avatar

@Lana so many of these chuds in ties wield logic in much the same ways as meth heads do.

RickiTarr, to random
@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

I'm going to ramble a bit, but it will hopefully come around to something. When I was growing up, I read a lot of older historical book series, a big one would be the Little House On The Prairie series. While I really enjoyed it, there are some very obviously negative portrayals of Native Americans and African Americans. I remember being angry about it as a kid, and my Dad telling me, that part of learning about history is that we have to acknowledge the people we were, and still are. But because Little House on the Prairie is only semi-autobiographical, I still have mixed feelings about this. I do think they are well written books by a female author, an interesting perspective on early American life, and as an adult I can see and acknowledge the issues with the text. If we try to get rid of every author with racist ideas there wouldn't be much left to read from the 20th Century, and it also feels like being dishonest about who we are. So, I'm very mixed, how do you all feel about it? Do you think children can handle books with racial issues like this if it's explained to them? What is our responsibility here?

@cjpaloma@mas.to avatar

@RickiTarr Kids (like the young of many species) are designed to be -mostly- sponges, they learn from what they are exposed to. If animals learn the wrong stuff, they don't survive.

The saying "garbage in, garbage out" while overly simplified, applies.

Far too many of us are already not spending enough time unlearning the garbage we were fed about racism, sexism, assumptions about how to live with others, peace, economics, how to treat the environment, etc. around us.

cjpaloma, to random
@cjpaloma@mas.to avatar

Karl fuckhead Rove was a HUGE homophobe y'all. He was one of the biggest "masterminds" behind same sex marriage BANS being passed in over 30 fucking states in in the early 2000s..

This…pig... knew EXACTLY what the fuck he was doing 20 years ago. He used hate and lies his whole career - he designed -this- fucking dystopia.

And now I see some attempts to try to rehab this pig?

IDGAF if he's "Anti MAGA" -now. So are literally hundreds of million other people. Amplify them.

cjpaloma, to random
@cjpaloma@mas.to avatar

My data's out there. I've gotten more than a half dozen letters including more than one from financial institutions, and one from my main medical organization, informing me of data breeches in the past few years…yet I have to do 2 factor bullshit every time I go to look up the amount of my gas bill?

StillIRise1963, to random
@StillIRise1963@mastodon.world avatar

Each non nazi white person needs to convert 5 white nazis.

@cjpaloma@mas.to avatar

@philip_cardella @StillIRise1963

honestly, I think there's a huge and under recognized difference between people reactively reeling from and then acting out fear/insecurity (and creating rationalizations from it)

and people having enough emotional sensitivity to accurately identify and use their emotions (capacities for compassion, ability to identify suffering, etc) sensibly.

There are a bunch of reasons why patriarchy sneers at people (especially men) developing emotional sensitivity.

seachanger, to random
@seachanger@alaskan.social avatar

if I were biden, I’d whip every single willing rep and senator into a full action plan to bring integrity to the supreme court, starting with the demand that judges whose households have documented partisan or ethics issues involving politicians must be recused from all decisions involving those leaders


@cjpaloma@mas.to avatar

@xgranade @seachanger I love this. Angry much? Yes, yes, I most certainly am.

RickiTarr, to random
@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

It is so fascinating to me, that of all the things that have changed in the world, the 60 min/sec has remained basically the same throughout recorded history. I'm talking Ancient Sumeria, so let's be real, probably before that too. Other than some real fun guys during the French Revolution, we really stuck with this.

@cjpaloma@mas.to avatar

@RickiTarr never thought of that before really…

it's amazing how -many- things people learn from being socialized into cultures that we hardly even think to question.

why would you decide that 60 of a thing would add up to a unit. And the 24 hours in a day thing? In that case, why a base of 12?

cjpaloma, to random
@cjpaloma@mas.to avatar


AOC's questioning of Michael Cohen -directly- led to Trump getting indicted, and on the hook for 355mil dollars….yet not much publicity for her in major corporately owned news groups, who seem to keep breathlessly amplifying stories that help that the aforementioned fascist.

Interview is on the long side, but good. She's says we (the US, and congress) need to go after SCOTUS.

As you wish, ma'am.

cjpaloma, to random
@cjpaloma@mas.to avatar

Hot take time: patriarchy (or any unearned privileged position) gives far too many mediocre people short term highs (like speed or crack does)

Hit that thing a few times and MOST people's judgements will become pretty impaired

Soon the users only listen to others who use the same crutches, and eventually you get a bunch of total meth heads thinking they are the bomb

Healthier people try to keep away from it.

cjpaloma, to random
@cjpaloma@mas.to avatar

Most people who aspire to being "rugged individuals" have been told in tons of ways that it is not cool to be vulnerable. Ever. In any way.

Unfortunately avoidance of vulnerability ALSO keeps tons of people in really stunted levels of emotional awareness.

Why? Because allowing a little bit of vulnerability is necessary for us to truly experience all kinds of good emotions: compassion, trust, love, generosity, etc.

@cjpaloma@mas.to avatar

This has been known in different ways and in probably almost all cultures for thousands of years.

AND ALSO throughout history: the -MOST unaware folks in those cultures (the people pushing for wars and domination and CREATING needless suffering) don't -ever- listen this.

People socialized to be compassionate just do not do as many shitty things. They don't knowingly oppress, or harm for power or profits. They just don't. This has been the real struggle for centuries.

cjpaloma, to random
@cjpaloma@mas.to avatar

Seems to me most of the things that need to be pointed out and said have already been said. Plenty of times. By POC, women, and tree hugging pinkos.

Unfortunately, far too many folks have been socialized to not listen to those demographics, and instead listen to "men of wealth and taste", as the song goes.

These pigs lie with well paid gigs, and genteel words, sounding oh so reasonable as they rob and bomb Others.

They are the real evils in the world. The well spoken apologists.

cjpaloma, to random
@cjpaloma@mas.to avatar

cannon has been corrupt from the word go, and yet so many people have let this farce continue to play out.

Much like the rottenenhouse judge (sic) who put ridiculous evidentiary rules in place so a 17 year old white regressive boy could get away with murder.

Stop being outraged by corruption and insist these assholes who. really. are. corrupt. end up really disempowered, instead.

It's broke, people, no matter what your favorite lawyer punditutes keep telling you.

cjpaloma, to random
@cjpaloma@mas.to avatar

just as science based study of gun violence was OUTLAWED in the US by Congress for 20 years, it certainly seems likely that authoritarianism was -also- highly discouraged as a thing to study, due to how damaging the findings would be to those who get and stay on executive tracks.

Folks who scramble for power (in any field) OFTEN tend towards authoritarianism. These are the exact -wrong- folks you want in charge. Authoritarians will kill off democracy due to it threatening their own success.

cjpaloma, to random
@cjpaloma@mas.to avatar

It's getting clearer and clearer to me that "conservatism" itself grows out of traditional -colonizer- values.

And while they might want to wrap themselves in righteous visions of "glory for god" and some damned flag, the major values of colonizers anywhere have always been: MY OWN SELF INTEREST AT ANY COST TO OTHERS!!!

cjpaloma, to random
@cjpaloma@mas.to avatar

I seriously have hardly ever seen -any- posts/replies telling people to "not bother" with voting.

But I often see larger liberal accounts blasting supposed lefties/progressives with "So many lefties telling people not to vote!!!" (and then in THOSE threads I'll maybe see a troll or two replying with saying "yeah, why bother??")

So my question is: have the trolls figured out how to just target the liberals? Or are the liberals more taking pot shots at the lefties? I really can't tell. Or both?

cjpaloma, to random
@cjpaloma@mas.to avatar

Post: they're all elites and all in cahoots-
Me: not arguing

Post goes on: so voting might matter to them, but doesn't necessarily matter for you

Me: uhhh... the fact that voicing my displeasure about the policies of despicable oligarchs will still be technically legal if I vote one way, vs being rounded up and sent to some concentration camp because I'm LGBT… doesn't matter?

Maybe in the minds of folks with multiple privileges, but dude, it matters for hundreds of millions of reasons.

cjpaloma, to random
@cjpaloma@mas.to avatar

grrrr, just saw someone say "I'm not criticizing the engineers for going along with the Microsoft project. Getting laid off is a valid concern."

I will criticize them. Far too many people tend to just shrug off what they KNOW are REALLY ethically problematic aspects of their work.

You're just following orders?

Fuck you.

StillIRise1963, to random
@StillIRise1963@mastodon.world avatar

"The state House majority leader, Maureen Terry, said in a statement on Friday that the Democratic-controlled Legislature would “be compelled to act in order to restore fairness,” should Nebraska’s Republican governor sign legislation that made the state a winner-take-all election in 2024.”


@cjpaloma@mas.to avatar

@StillIRise1963 @Aviva_Gary

I'm glad Maine is ready to change up their counts if necessary, and I'm sure Nebraska won't pass the Interstate Compact right now, but people in Nebraska (and other states) can still read about the efforts in their states and bug their legislators!


cjpaloma, to random
@cjpaloma@mas.to avatar

a popular news aggregator active on this site (ahem) is lamenting how many chain restaurants there are and urging people to follow their foodie accounts for metro areas

…using Eater, which is mostly owned by Vox. (Vox is owned by Comcast)

They also urge us to get "local news" from their accounts for local metro areas… great, will they use local papers, and columnists????

Nah…get local news through…axios... which is mostly owned by Cox Enterprises, a multi $bn company

no hypocrisy here!

cjpaloma, to random
@cjpaloma@mas.to avatar

earlier boosted news of a R congress guy with 7 kids, filing for divorce after cheating on his wife with another R congress gal

now we have new details about the moms for liberty exec…who obviously needs -decades- of therapy in addition to being held accountable for harms done to LGBTQ community….the source is the local NPR station. Details are …sad (and gross) due to the obvious level of self hatred seen soooo often in authoritarians.


@cjpaloma@mas.to avatar

authoritarians are cowards. every damned last one of them.

When you have folks who are so emotionally out of touch with themselves they can't handle their own desires due to fear of being rejected…you end up with self loathing people who don't have any tools for dealing with real emotions..

They hate themselves but they can't face it, so they (say it with me) PROJECT their self loathing outwards.

if they just harmed themselves, it would only be sad. But they HARM OTHERS

StillIRise1963, to random
@StillIRise1963@mastodon.world avatar

What I find most disgusting is all the people who knew Diddy was abusing Cassie and others and kept their mouths shut because of money. I have no respect for that shit. It’s INDEFENSIBLE.

@cjpaloma@mas.to avatar

@StillIRise1963 variations on it are also very very common.

So much of what ails us about modern life is far too many people chasing money/security who pretend they "can't know for sure" what's going on.

It's a variation on that same "moderate" denial that keeps all the "isms" in place.

The white moderate who still isn't sure police are routinely brutal to POC, the male who isn't sure sexism still exists.

It's utter cowardice disguised as being polite.


StillIRise1963, to random
@StillIRise1963@mastodon.world avatar

Name a search engine NG or “not google."

@cjpaloma@mas.to avatar

@StillIRise1963 lycos.com is still in business and I get better results from it than DDG, but it was bought by a digital marketing company not too many months ago, so we'll see. Ecosia gives me diddly squat answers for anything you'd need a good encyclopedia for. Same with Mojeek- good for some stuff, but <gasp> not US centric. I used DDG for a couple of years, but got a bit disillusioned by them TechDirt showed how they were being removed from results...

cjpaloma, to random
@cjpaloma@mas.to avatar

The sign is a little messy, but more people NEED to keep tapping it:

THE aim of authoritarian power is to get, expand -and keep- power consolidated among "the in group".

Authoritarian assumptions are rooted in force, not reason.

And -using coercive means- (aka: force, unjust laws (ahem), by sick cultural norms, etc) are the accepted means.

Unfortunately, it's been hugely successful for ALL colonizing cultures…so it's still pervasive

but often only really shows its teeth when threatened

@cjpaloma@mas.to avatar

Groups who already have consolidated power...like their reach and power. So large corporately owned groups like the NYT WaPo, MSNBC or any number of other groups are simply NOT going to mention this often enough. Universities "leaders" like their statuses as well, so they aren't gonna be eager to deconstruct their own authoritarian assumptions.

Same with demographics with certain privileges due to social hierarchies created by colonizing cultures.

Compassion based people will though.

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