@mariyadelano@hachyderm.io avatar



Founder of Kalyna Marketing.
Ukrainian in NYC šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¦ | ADHD + BPD | Cat mom šŸ±

Pronouns: she/her

Bigotry not allowed. I do not tolerate homophobia, transphobia, racism, misogyny, antisemitism, or fascism.

Art & creative writing account: ā€Ŗhttps://spacelase.rs/@Riakovbasaā€¬

tfr #fedi22 #marketing #content #tech #b2b #adhd

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mariyadelano, to random
@mariyadelano@hachyderm.io avatar

I admit I do often feel a bit weird as a leftist that lives near Wall Street

Then I think ā€œI occupied Wall Streetā€ and chuckle to myself

@mariyadelano@hachyderm.io avatar

@AdeptVeritatis I know haha I just like making fun of how Wall St is both a physical place and this symbolic term for capitalism

waldoj, to random
@waldoj@mastodon.social avatar

Agencies have figured out that "customized COTSā€ means "expensive custom software that you don't actually own,ā€ so vendors have started calling it "configured COTS." The problem is that some commercial software is extensively configurable by customers, and it can be tough to know which is which.

Here's the test to apply: Can the software be "configuredā€ by the customer or any vendor of their choosing? If "yes," it's legit. If "no," it's just expensive custom software that you don't own.

@mariyadelano@hachyderm.io avatar

@waldoj do you have examples of both types of COTS?

@mariyadelano@hachyderm.io avatar

@waldoj thank you! Iā€™m not fully sure how Microsoft Word counts as a legitimate COTS but maybe Iā€™m thinking about it the wrong way

@mariyadelano@hachyderm.io avatar

@waldoj aaah I kind of forgot that was a thingā€¦

mariyadelano, to ghost
@mariyadelano@hachyderm.io avatar

Yā€™all, I am so happy that will be federating with !

Full disclosure: Iā€™m a paying customer of Ghost and have spoken to @johnonolan directly multiple times - he and his non-profit fully share our vision of the open independent web and I genuinely think we should be welcoming them to the with open arms šŸ¤—


mariyadelano, to random
@mariyadelano@hachyderm.io avatar

Husband and I were sick enough over the weekend that we slept for 18 hours yesterday.

Weā€™re both attempting to work from home today. Wish us luck šŸ„²

mariyadelano, to random
@mariyadelano@hachyderm.io avatar

Basically everyone I know in marketing is at a conference here in NYC today and Iā€™m just playing video games on discord with my team hahaha

mariyadelano, to random
@mariyadelano@hachyderm.io avatar

Half the inbound leads we get these days just leave me with my jaw of the floor.

I would have never dared to send outreach to any of these companies because I thought we were too small for them. And here they are, one inbound call after another.

Our future seems very exciting aaaah

mariyadelano, (edited ) to nyc
@mariyadelano@hachyderm.io avatar

Mastodon friendsā€¦ important poll (please boost for reach!)

The tables in our nearby deli have literal dried beans as decoration (see first reply to this thread for pics)

Soā€¦. beans? šŸ¤”

@mariyadelano@hachyderm.io avatar

Beans photos

Beans 2

@mariyadelano@hachyderm.io avatar

@johnmu i know this is no ā€œJohnā€ level of poll but I tried šŸ¤£

@mariyadelano@hachyderm.io avatar

@deedeeque hahahahua

@mariyadelano@hachyderm.io avatar

@pch @johnmu yeah it really is!

@mariyadelano@hachyderm.io avatar

@pch @johnmu the beaniest

mariyadelano, to random
@mariyadelano@hachyderm.io avatar

Take the time to grieve lost business relationships.

Colleagues, collaborators, partners, customers - all of these are still people who make a mark on us when we spend time together.

When those relationships end, itā€™s okay to feel sad.

Donā€™t shame yourself for hurting.

MikeBlazer, to SEO
@MikeBlazer@mastodon.social avatar

This is one of the best travel sites I used: visitingvienna.com

I read it over and over again before and during my New Year's trip to Vienna, Austria last winter. And this site made my family vacation brilliant.

You can call it a niche site.

But it's not made to rank, it doesn't use the same tricks of over-optimizing to death. No fluff, no lame intros.

Check it out, folks.
What do you think of it? #seo


@mariyadelano@hachyderm.io avatar

@MikeBlazer i'm gonna ask a controversial question...... is this "helpful content"? šŸ‘€

@mariyadelano@hachyderm.io avatar

@MikeBlazer it's always nice to see examples that are actually good.

mariyadelano, to business
@mariyadelano@hachyderm.io avatar

Don't start an agency if you hate service-based businesses.

It won't be your path to "passive income", endless riches, fame, or whatever else you're imagining.
You can't build a great company if you hate your own business model. No amount of productizing your services, outsourcing, playing voodoo with your margins, or pretending you're happy on social media will make up for your disdain of the very business you're creating.

Service-based businesses aren't a toy. Stop acting like it.

@mariyadelano@hachyderm.io avatar

@researchbuzz Iā€™m admittedly tired and pissed off.

People are constantly painting my chosen business type as either:

  1. Soul-sucking, inherently unprofitable and terrible undertaking
  2. Easy get-rich-quick scheme

and obviously neither is even remotely accurate!

@mariyadelano@hachyderm.io avatar

@suzannealdrich well, I'm obviously just a stranger on social media but - anything I can give some quick tips or advice on? Feel free to ask here.

@mariyadelano@hachyderm.io avatar

@researchbuzz exactly! It's stuff like this:

@mariyadelano@hachyderm.io avatar

@researchbuzz what was it like?

mariyadelano, to random
@mariyadelano@hachyderm.io avatar

Something I havenā€™t talked about publicly because Iā€™m scared someone in my family will see it:

In trying to heal my and Iā€™ve had to dig deep into my childhood and look for the roots of my .

And this timeā€¦ I found them. Or rather - ā€œitā€. There is just one root for all of my many many many mental health troubles and life issues for as long as I remember.

Itā€™s my mother.

My mother, who I still maintain contact with. She was my abuser.

I donā€™t know what to do.

@mariyadelano@hachyderm.io avatar

How do you process that the person who you thought was your ā€œgoodā€ parent actually controlled, manipulated, and punished you into a completely distorted worldview where you saw everything as evil, broken, and abhorrent other than her?

How can you go on knowing your mother actively starved, physically tortured, mentally devastated, and broken you for every year of your existence?

How can you live when your own mother repeated you donā€™t deserve to exist?

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