juergen_hubert, to Germany
@juergen_hubert@thefolklore.cafe avatar

Dancing can cause all sorts of passions - some of them rather dark ones...

#MythologyMonday #Germany #folktale #folklore #ghost #ghoststory

juergen_hubert, to Switzerland
@juergen_hubert@thefolklore.cafe avatar

If you go up to the high alps in the winter, you might witness the dance of the dead!

#MythologyMonday #Switzerland #folktale #folklore #ghost #ghoststory

Flipboard, to fediverse
@Flipboard@flipboard.social avatar

If you're still using Substack for your newsletter and want to migrate to Ghost, which has announced that it will join the fediverse this year, here's a step-by-step guide by @wes. It covers costs, what you'll need, setting up Mailgun and Cloudflare, how to move over your posts and subscribers and numerous other helpful details.


juergen_hubert, to Germany
@juergen_hubert@thefolklore.cafe avatar
m0bi13, to ghost Polish
@m0bi13@pol.social avatar

Ghost wejdzie do !

to popularny system bloga z newsletterem, niektórzy twierdzą, że na odwrót, alternatywa dla WordPress, popularna za granicą, u nas mniej, bo nie wystarczy mu biedahosting z PHP (inb4: kocham PHP i tanie czy darmowe hostingi).

Chyba stwierdzili, że się jednak przyjmie, bo nie tylko zaimplementują w systemie, ale również piszą czytnik, który w końcu sensownie będzie pokazywał Artykuły (tak, Mastodon od lat NIE CHCE tego zrobić, trzyma się Notki jak Twitter i blokuje tym rozwój Fedi, tzn. jego popularność, Mastodona, w mojej ocenie).

Więcej info, w tym screenshoty znajdziecie na stronie [EN]:

juergen_hubert, to Germany
@juergen_hubert@thefolklore.cafe avatar

A rider and his horse were both decapitated near Lengfeld during the Thirty Years' War.

The ghosts of both haunt the region still.

@germany @folklore

25kV, (edited ) to photography
@25kV@mas.to avatar

#thread I visited the open day at the London Transport depot at Acton today. Wonderful collection of underground railway history, took a few photos #photography #fotografie #RailPhoto #railways #blackandwhitephotography #londonUnderground #tube #rx100

25kV, (edited )
@25kV@mas.to avatar
juergen_hubert, to Germany
@juergen_hubert@thefolklore.cafe avatar

When you see two men carrying a heavy load across a lonely mountain one evening, it's best to leave them well enough alone.

#Germany #folktale #folklore #ghost #ghoststory @germany @folklore

davidbisset, to wordpress
@davidbisset@phpc.social avatar

I'm recently bookmarking posts and podcasts that fall under the heading of "My Dream Wish List".


This one is from @kev

  • Have a flexible UI
  • Ability to proof read content
  • Be a social space
  • Cross-post to wherever I need it to
  • Integrate with Git
  • Be easily extensible

juergen_hubert, to Germany
@juergen_hubert@thefolklore.cafe avatar

Sometimes you discover that your partner's relationship goals differ from your own.

It's okay to break up under such circumstances, but that doesn't mean you should be a jerk about it.

@germany @folklore

juergen_hubert, to Germany
@juergen_hubert@thefolklore.cafe avatar

Many inns offer barber services at very affordable rates.

In fact, it's the rates for refusing their service that can be a killer.

@germany @folklore

LibrarianRA, to ghost
@LibrarianRA@worldkey.io avatar

Casper the friendly ghost

BBCRadio4, to Halloween
@BBCRadio4@social.bbc avatar

Uncanny is BACK… And we’re going on a roadtrip.

Danny Robins will be criss-crossing America, from New York to New Orleans, to interview witnesses about experiences that seem to defy logical explanation, with help from a new team of US paranormal experts and sceptics.

Uncanny USA, on BBC Sounds

Short promotional video for a BBC Radio 4 podcast. Presenter Danny Robins talks to-camera, clips of paranormal phenomena and spooky scenes

pallenberg, to ghost
@pallenberg@mastodon.social avatar

Mein Umzug von rueber zu hat mir bzgl des Wachstums von Newsletter/Podcast richtig richtig wehgetan.

Aber wenn ich das nun hier lese 👉 https://www.heise.de/news/Blogging-Plattform-Auch-Ghost-wird-komplett-ans-Fediverse-angebunden-9694569.html und dazu noch weiss, dass Substack weiter Nazi-Newsletter monetarisiert...

Ich bin manchmal schon froh, dass ich ein sturkoepfiger Idealist bin!

juergen_hubert, to Germany
@juergen_hubert@thefolklore.cafe avatar

Landlords never tell you the whole story about the apartment you are renting.

Even though things like "there is a ghost that stalks young mothers in the house" is pretty vital information!

#Germany #folktale #folklore #ghost #ghoststory @germany @folklore

raymondpert, to ghost
@raymondpert@mastodon.cloud avatar

Newsletter platform — a popular rival to the reigning — has confirmed it is joining the later this year

> This means Ghost is joining the likes of , Instagram Threads, Wordpress, Flipboard, and others, in the "federated universe", containing decentralized social networks. Ghost's founder John O’Nolan explained in a post on Threads that users have been requesting federation,

juergen_hubert, to Germany
@juergen_hubert@thefolklore.cafe avatar

Many ghosts need to be blessed by the living in order to pass on.

...a little deception to get that blessing isn't actually discouraged.

#Germany #folktale #folklore #ghost #ghoststory @germany @folklore

mariyadelano, to ghost
@mariyadelano@hachyderm.io avatar

Y’all, I am so happy that will be federating with !

Full disclosure: I’m a paying customer of Ghost and have spoken to @johnonolan directly multiple times - he and his non-profit fully share our vision of the open independent web and I genuinely think we should be welcoming them to the with open arms 🤗


Troll, to ghost French
@Troll@maly.io avatar

Wordpress 👉 Flipboard 👉 Threads 👉 #Ghost



kubikpixel, (edited ) to fediverse German
@kubikpixel@chaos.social avatar

Sieht so aus als wird ActivityPub langsam populär im Internet aber mir kommt es vor, dass viele Nutzer*innen darunter immer noch fast nur das Mastodon verstehen und nicht deren Verbindung.

»Blogging-Plattform: Auch Ghost wird komplett ans Fediverse angebunden:
Das Fediverse wächst weiter: Über das zugrundeliegende Protokoll ActivityPub soll in diesem Jahr auch die Blogging- und Newsletter-Plattform Ghost föderieren.«

🖇️ https://www.heise.de/news/Blogging-Plattform-Auch-Ghost-wird-komplett-ans-Fediverse-angebunden-9694569.html

#fediverse #ghost #activitypub #blogging #mastodon

juergen_hubert, to Germany
@juergen_hubert@thefolklore.cafe avatar
TechDesk, to fediverse
@TechDesk@flipboard.social avatar

Newsletter platform Ghost is the latest service to pledge support for ActivityPub, the open-source protocol powering the fediverse, reports @engadget.

The company announced the support would be added later n the year, in a move that could bring tens of millions of people into the fediverse.


marcelweiss, to ghost German
@marcelweiss@mastodon.social avatar

It's happening. is also joining . is already here.

Like I said, ActivityPub is going to become the social layer of blogs. We're so back.

wjmaggos, to fediverse
@wjmaggos@liberal.city avatar

When new services join the , it works best if there's an associated default app. Everything shares the protocol but an app can be designed to best deal with a certain type of content. I use by @mozilla right now for articles, but it's not federated. I wonder if @omnivore can't be the default app for our AP enabled and future.

gnulinux, to fediverse German
@gnulinux@social.anoxinon.de avatar

Ein Gespenst geht um im Fediverse?

👻 ...noch nicht, aber: Die Newsletter-Plattform "Ghost" kündigt Unterstützung für Activity Pub an.


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