@vogelchr@chaos.social avatar



Physicist, Electronics, Programming, ☢
Nuremberg area, Bavaria, .de

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jacqueline, to random
@jacqueline@chaos.social avatar

getting there!

@vogelchr@chaos.social avatar

@jacqueline can you please elaborate what this is for? Are these some kind of pipewire callbacks?

@vogelchr@chaos.social avatar

@jacqueline ah, yes! Thanks, now I remember.

psy, to random German
@psy@social.troll.academy avatar

Bin ich abgestumpft oder entlocken euch Ransomware Meldungen, meist verpackt als "böse Hacker haben $xyz gehackt und erpressen sie jetzt" auch nur noch ein müdes Lächeln?

Und warum schaffen es Medien eigentlich nicht das korrekt zu framen oder wenigstens zu erklären?

@vogelchr@chaos.social avatar

@nblr @esopriester @psy ...aber was, wenn der Hacker mit besonders viel krimineller Energie gehandelt hat?

Und noch viel wichtiger: Ist die Einheit hier auch Joule, oder kWh (weil hat ja was mit Strom zu tun), oder Kalorien (wenn der Hacker viel Pizza dabei isst)? Und ab wann ist es viel?

scy, to Bash
@scy@chaos.social avatar

Friendly reminder that

set -e

is better than

#!/bin/sh -e

because the latter stops working when you do "sh script.sh" instead of "./script.sh".

#Unix #CLI #ShellScripting #shell #bash

@vogelchr@chaos.social avatar

@scy even better:

set -euo pipefail

Catches undefined variables and failures within a pipe.

nblr, to random
@nblr@chaos.social avatar

Vollgas! "The world’s fossil-fuel producers are on track to nearly quadruple the amount of extracted oil and gas from newly approved projects by the end of this decade"

@vogelchr@chaos.social avatar

@nblr ...mit dem Einsatz smarter Zukunftstechnologien geht sich das schon aus, man muss nur die Wirtschaft machen lassen! ☝️🧐

nblr, to random
@nblr@chaos.social avatar

In Germany we don’t say „Carmageddon“,
instead we say: „Berlin ist für alle da, auch für Autofahrer“, and I think that‘s aus der Zeit gefallen.

@vogelchr@chaos.social avatar

@nblr it's a nice picture, though...

azonenberg, to random
@azonenberg@ioc.exchange avatar

Trigger crossbar front panel board is back from fab.

It looks like I mostly pulled off the 0.5mm pitch BGA, but the Vbat via looks to be insufficiently tented so I might get it failing open there. Should have moved the via slightly further away from the ball to reduce the risk of such a failure.

Good news is, I don't think this will matter for two reasons.

  1. The actual Vbat ball is not the one next to the via, it's the one to the right. The outer-ring ball is an unused GPIO that I'm just using as a route-through. The same is true of the via in the northeast corner of the array where the annular ring is eating into the BGA land.

In both cases the outer-ring ball is a route-through and so some wicking resulting in the BGA failing open at that pin won't matter whatsoever.

  1. I'm not using the backup-memory feature anyway, and when Vdd is supplied the MCU runs off that instead.

Overview of BGA footprint showing fanout

@vogelchr@chaos.social avatar

@azonenberg I understand, it's not relevant to this design, and I don't know exactly what chip you are using here, but... wouldn't vbat leak via that unused GPIO? (assuming, e.g. VDDIO, if there is such a thing, being zero when powered off, and the battery then feeding into the io-structure)

@vogelchr@chaos.social avatar

@azonenberg Assuming it's STM32L431xx in UFBGA100, the "bridging" GPIO is actually PC15, which has footnotes in the datasheet indicating that it belongs to the "backup power domain".
So, in case one would really use "Vbat" for the purpose that gave it its name it seems one would be safe.
Bug then again, when using it for a RTC, that GPIO would be consumed by the 32k-crystal 🤷‍♂️ ...

holgi, to random German
@holgi@chaos.social avatar

Ich habe ein neues Headerbild. Ich finde, es passt zu mir.

@vogelchr@chaos.social avatar

@funkylab @nblr @holgi ...oh, ich erinnere mich. Wir hatten am Lehrstuhl immer mal wieder Zuschriften von Leuten, die glaubten wahlweise Quantenmechanik oder Relativitätstheorie mit einfachen geometrischen Überlegungen widerlegt zu haben. Das war aber eigentlich immer nur komisch, und schien kein Symptom irgendwelchen Verfolgungswahns oder anderer ernster psychischer Probleme...

azonenberg, to random
@azonenberg@ioc.exchange avatar

Signs you're in Germany: the sign on the university library is so long it fills the entire face of the building and is hard to catch in one photo.

@vogelchr@chaos.social avatar

@azonenberg But of course, not having a space between "Universitätsbibliothek" and "Bochum" is incorrect, I guess it's just spelt as one word to troll foreigners ;-).

@vogelchr@chaos.social avatar

@humanhorseshoes @azonenberg I checked: It' art, and the artist has a story why it had to be flipped. Something to do with the building being initially designed so that what's now the main entrance used to be the back-entrance, or so.

There's also a similar installation (without spaces) at the collections of art of the ruhr-university... (Kunstsammlungen der Ruhruniversität Bochum).


@vogelchr@chaos.social avatar

@humanhorseshoes @azonenberg Interestingly, there are quite a few universities where the main buildings are very similar looking. There obviously was a time when university libraries, canteens, and so on were prefabricated in reinforced concrete, and dropped by transport helicopter onto unsuspecting cities.

@vogelchr@chaos.social avatar

@azonenberg @humanhorseshoes Yes, a magnificent sight. And imagine the screams of the scared students the buildings were shipped with when they were dropped! The HORROR!

kubikpixel, to random German
@kubikpixel@chaos.social avatar


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  • vogelchr,
    @vogelchr@chaos.social avatar

    @kubikpixel @hackspoiler so konzeptionell scheint es nah an der Microsoft Powershell zu liegen: diese schickt in pipes nicht (unstrukturierten) Text sondern Objekte, auf die man Formatierungen und Queries loslassen kann…

    nblr, (edited ) to random German
    @nblr@chaos.social avatar

    Deutschland im Endstadium.
    Ein von "ethischer KI" gesteuerter Ansteckpin für Kinder, der "Achtung Auto!" ruft... Satire ist tot.
    Da fällt mir nicht mal mehr ein hässiger Kommentar zu ein.


    @vogelchr@chaos.social avatar

    @nblr @buwel …große Organisationseinheiten mit kaputten Feedbackmechanismen. Die tun alle genau das, was ihnen Beförderung, Bonus, Arschkriechpunkte einbringt, auch wenn es auf einer Makroebene dem Gesamtsystem schadet.

    Sie denken nicht 1 sec. darüber nach, dass wir international von Leuten aus “Entwicklungsländern” mit “.de = dauernd EDGE” und für “bitte hier Onlineformulare Einwerfen” Briefkästen ausgelacht werden.

    Aber der Chef hört Gigabitdigitalisierungswende nun mal gerne…

    blinry, to random
    @blinry@chaos.social avatar

    I want to try the "make 50 of something" technique again!

    So this week, I'll try to find 50 things to do with a Software Defined Radio! 📻

    I'll use this simple USB dongle, which you can get for around $30.

    @vogelchr@chaos.social avatar

    @blinry all kind of 433 MHz gadgets, try rtl_433: https://github.com/merbanan/rtl_433 - why buy your own outside weather station if you could just use all your neighbors’?

    nblr, to random German
    @nblr@chaos.social avatar

    ✅ Mikrofonierung am neuen Arbeitsplatz mikrofoniert.

    @vogelchr@chaos.social avatar

    @nblr die Montierung ist auch sehr gut montiert ;-)

    jon, to random
    @jon@gruene.social avatar


    What they should do:
    Build a tram

    What they’ll likely plan to do:
    Build a maglev

    What they will actually do:

    Because they will conclude the maglev doesn't work, but in the meantime they will run out of budget, and not build the tram either


    @vogelchr@chaos.social avatar

    @slothrop @nilspickert @jon Yes, literally "Flugtaxis" (flying taxis), another crazy idea made up by ministers from the regional flavor (CSU) of the major German conservative party (CDU): Andreas Scheuer (then minister for traffic and digital infrastructure) and Dorothee Bär (then, commissioner for digitization).

    azonenberg, to random
    @azonenberg@ioc.exchange avatar

    Assembling the trigger crossbar board over lunch.

    Not thrilled with the paste print quality, very inconsistent. the top left corner was way too thick as the board flexed during printing, the middle BGA skipped some pads, and the WLCSP in the bottom right was near perfect.

    These big boards bend too much in my paste fixture, I need to find a way to prevent that before I do any more boards of this scale.

    @vogelchr@chaos.social avatar

    @azonenberg I’ve read through your planning for milling a pocket from the back to access the correct signal, and I trust that you’ll be able to do it, but…

    You can reconfigure the FPGA via JTAG, right?

    So… why not make an extremely cheap 4 layer board for $5 with any random MCU from the parts bin that just configures the FPGA via JTAG on power up?

    {edit: typo}

    ordnung, to random German
    @ordnung@chaos.social avatar

    And we've updated chaos.social to mastodon v4.2.7

    @vogelchr@chaos.social avatar

    Danke, @ordnung !

    isotopp, to random German
    @isotopp@chaos.social avatar

    Oh, und heute ist der 14. Februar 2024.

    "On February 14, 1924, the company officially changed its name to International Business Machines (IBM)."


    Herzlichen 100. Geburtstag, IBM!

    @vogelchr@chaos.social avatar

    @isotopp Darauf alle einmal "ever onward" anstimmen. 🎵 🎶🎵 🎶


    vogelchr, to random
    @vogelchr@chaos.social avatar

    IT archaeology, today an information display in the Eurocity 194 (Zürich-München).
    It got hung in a reboot loop.


    isotopp, to random German
    @isotopp@chaos.social avatar


    Ein Freund meldet sich im Signal.
    "Die Telekom hat letzte Nacht auf MEINEM SFP-Modul für FTTH ein Softwareupdate eingespielt. Ohne Rücksprache, ohne meine Einwilligung. Jetzt ist es kaputt."

    ""Müssen wir Ihnen austauschen."

    "Ich habe es damals gekauft. Das ist im Prozess offenbar nicht vorgesehen."
    Aussage der Technik: Zyxel hat das Softwareupdate wohl nur unzureichend auf anderen Geräten getestet als jenem der Telekom, in dem das SFP typischerweise zum Einsatz kommt."

    @vogelchr@chaos.social avatar

    @isotopp you had me at “Digitalisierungsbox Premium 2” … also wer denkt sich bitte diese Cringe-Namen für die Produkte aus?

    Netzheimer, haben wir die “Digitalisierungsbox Premium 2”?
    Nein, Chef, wir haben sogar die “Digitalisierungsbox Premium Ultimate 4.0”!

    nblr, (edited ) to random
    @nblr@chaos.social avatar

    I have some haunting memories of the smell of that stuff because I cleaned a set of devices for a client with it for two days straight and it really made me not enjoy any drinks with orange zests in them, leave alone orange juice... for. weeks. but! If you need to clean a surface and don't want to use heavy solvents, give WEICON Industrial Citrus Cleaner (with lemonene being the main cleaning agent) a try! It dissolves left over adhesives in the blink of an eye. (not a paid advertisement)

    @vogelchr@chaos.social avatar

    @nblr das Peakmeter ist nice :). Unnötig, aber hübsch.

    bleeptrack, to random
    @bleeptrack@vis.social avatar

    Hello little Ellert! 😍
    Let's get you some new batteries 🔋

    @vogelchr@chaos.social avatar

    @bleeptrack these things are soooo old, I know someone rode them, when I was still at Uni... So the original batteries must be ancient (in terms of technology). What does an upgrade to new batteries yield, in terms of increased range (before/after upgrade)?

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