@waltertross@mastodon.online avatar



software developer (with a degree in physics – but that was long ago). I publish in English and Italian (currently more in English), + German, French & Spanish occasionally (mainly in answers). I dream of a better world, where we can fight pain, discomfort and poverty, instead of fighting each other.
Erdős number: 4 ;-)

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elezioni, to politica Italian

Elezioni europee, le difficoltà di voto per gli italiani non residenti in Ue

A definire le regole è il Decreto-legge n. 408 del 24 giugno 1994.

"Possono votare all’estero per l’elezione dei rappresentanti al Parlamento europeo i soli cittadini italiani residenti in uno Stato membro dell’Ue". I cittadini italiani residenti nel Regno Unito "potranno votare […] esclusivamente recandosi presso il Comune di iscrizione elettorale in Italia, così come previsto per tutti i cittadini italiani residenti in un Paese non membro dell’Ue".

Ecco tutti i dettagli



@waltertross@mastodon.online avatar

L'Italia è l'unico paese dell'UE, tra quelli che permettono ai residenti all'estero di votare in ambasciata, che lo prevede soltanto per le ambasciate in paesi dell'UE. E non prevede né il voto per posta, né quello per delega. Una vergogna.


waltertross, to Israel Italian
@waltertross@mastodon.online avatar

Who am I to disagree with president #Biden? Nobody. But I do. "There is no equivalence – none – between #Israel and #Hamas". Wrong: both sides committed horrible crimes, for which their leaders can rightfully be held responsible.

gmarcosanti, to random Italian
@gmarcosanti@mastodon.uno avatar

E' più giusto dire leccòrnie oppure leccornìe?

@waltertross@mastodon.online avatar

@gmarcosanti Leccornìe. Cerca: leccornia treccani (o anche: leccornia wiktionary)

nedbat, to python
@nedbat@hachyderm.io avatar

You can use Unicode characters in identifiers if they are classified as letter-like, but that doesn't mean that you should!

(Full rules at https://docs.python.org/3/reference/lexical_analysis.html#identifiers)

@waltertross@mastodon.online avatar

@nedbat I must say, the idea of using the glottal stop sign as a question mark is great, but why use U+097D ॽ DEVANAGARI LETTER GLOTTAL STOP instead of U+0294 ʔ LATIN LETTER GLOTTAL STOP, that even appears in the IPA transliteration of some English dialects?

juc, to random
@juc@zirk.us avatar

You think you know English pretty well... then you try to describe your cat and you have to talk about their... face. But cats are animals, animals in your language don't have a "face" they have...er... a "muso", that's what you learned as a child right? Humans have a "face", animals have a "muso". Except you can't find a word to translate it because is neither "snout" nor "muzzle". It is the face of the cat ... but you can't bring yourself to actually write "face"...😑

@waltertross@mastodon.online avatar

I know someone who is both a native speaker and a lover: @ildisinformatico . He can probably solve your snout/muzzle/face dilemma. I would say snout, because in German it's Schnauze (same Germanic root), but I could be mistaken.

@waltertross@mastodon.online avatar

Thanks Paolo, I'll repeat your answer for all the people who have blocked the mastodon dot uno domain because of the unethical behaviour of its admins ("gruppo devol"):

@waltertross @juc I've never heard anyone use "snout" to refer to a cat. "Muzzle", sometimes https://www.nal.usda.gov/exhibits/speccoll/exhibits/show/2015-calendar/item/8428#:~:text=Description,below%2C%20the%20lips%20and%20chin.

Anyway, my suggestion for all mastodon dot uno (AKA mercatone uno) users is to consider moving to another mastodon instance. Should be possible pretty seamlessly.

nonfedimemes, to random
@nonfedimemes@wetdry.world avatar
@waltertross@mastodon.online avatar

the Flying Fusilli Monster...

oblomov, to random Italian
@oblomov@sociale.network avatar

Come si dice “sputtanare” in inglese?

@waltertross@mastodon.online avatar

@oblomov To drag someone's name through the mud? Però implica che il farlo sia deprecabile.

ErikJonker, (edited ) to Russia
@ErikJonker@mastodon.social avatar

The possibilities for the Moscow attack are in my view the following,
please vote what you think is most likely:

@waltertross@mastodon.online avatar

@ErikJonker @geopolitics My guess: asked the SVR for a terrorist attack that would enable him to escalate the war against with the support of the public opinion. The SVR made sure such an attack could happen, but it didn't turn out to be of exactly the kind Putin had asked for. In his 5-minute address Putin carefully chose the wording so as to redirect the anger towards Ukraine as much as he could.

nathanlovestrees, (edited ) to random
@nathanlovestrees@disabled.social avatar

is there some long German word for the guilt one feels about enjoying the unseasonably warm weather?

@waltertross@mastodon.online avatar

Klimaschadenfreude might work, but not for the guilt, just for the fact of enjoying it

@waltertross@mastodon.online avatar

Klimaschadenfreudenschuldgefühl (the feeling of guilt thereof), perhaps

Batarea, to random Italian
@Batarea@sociale.network avatar

Il fatto che, nelle scuole superiori ucraine, si insegni obbligatoriamente l'uso dei droni militari mi nausea a dismisura.

@waltertross@mastodon.online avatar

forse alle elementari è raro, ma comunque sì: basta cercare "do Russian children learn to shoot" o cose simili per trovare parecchi resoconti.

aardrian, to webdev
@aardrian@toot.cafe avatar

In “Techniques to Break Words” I quickly review:

You can play around with the demo directly:

@waltertross@mastodon.online avatar

@aardrian ­ is undervalued, especially in German (and other languages that tend to construct lengthy words). But the important question is: how do search engines deal with it?

johncarlosbaez, (edited ) to random
@johncarlosbaez@mathstodon.xyz avatar

Yesterday I showed you a bunch of cute pictures of tuning systems, like this one.

On the outside you see a 'circle of fifths' with numbers saying how sharp or flat each fifth is. Bigger positive numbers mean more sharp, and I make them brighter green. Bigger negative numbers mean more flat, and I make them brighter red.

Inside there's a 'star of thirds' saying how sharp or flat each major third is. The same rules apply.

Basically, bright colors sound bad. Black is best. You'd like all the numbers to be zero and all the arrows to be black. But that's impossible! It's like lumps in a carpet that's too big for your floor: if you make parts of it nice, other parts get lumpy.

So what's allowed?


@waltertross@mastodon.online avatar

but I've read that some squiggles on one of his scores may hint to the temperament he used

waltertross, to Israel Italian
@waltertross@mastodon.online avatar

Frankly, should be excluded from the Song Contest!
(There's no-one to exclude on the other side, unfortunately)

waltertross, to random Italian
@waltertross@mastodon.online avatar

Modo migliore per denunciare una ? Mia suocera ha ricevuto un SMS tipo "ciao mamma mi è caduto il telefono in acqua, memorizzati il mio nuovo numero" seguito da richiesta di ricarica per 997€. Come si denuncia?

@waltertross@mastodon.online avatar

Frustrazione: ci sarebbe https://www.commissariatodips.it/segnalazioni/segnala-online/index.html con "argomento" Phishing (gli altri sarebbero Defacement, Pedofilia, Social Network, Antiterrorismo Online), ma non si può inviare il form senza riempire i campi "URL del sito contraffatto" e "URL del sito originale" 😡
L'unica cosa che si può fare, con tutta calma 😡, è andare di persona in un commissariato di PS e fare una denuncia (questo è il risultato di una chiamata al 113 che ho fatto) ☹️

johncarlosbaez, (edited ) to random
@johncarlosbaez@mathstodon.xyz avatar

Some people claim that our current tuning system, where the note A is 440 Hz (cycles per second), is bad for your health. They prefer A=432 Hz. But more interesting to me is that the A=440 standard arose because 439 is a prime number!

In early Europe tuning wasn't standardized, and the pitch of organs ranged from at least A=337 to A=567. As musicians started traveling more, the desire for standardization increased. Handel expressed a fondness for A=423, Mozart for A=422. Later there was a kind of arms race toward higher and higher pitches, going up to A=450.

This became tough on singer's voices - so in 1859, the French made A=435 the law in that country. At the urging of some opera singers, this standard was adopted for a while in other parts of Europe.

In 1896, London’s Royal Philharmonic Society got around the A=435 rule in a funny way. They argued that when the French set the A=435 standard, they had not specified a frequency, but had specified 59° F as the room temperature under which a particular oboe played A at 435 cycles per second. They argued that the same instrument at normal room temperature would play an A at about 439 Hz. So they took that as the standard!

Later, in 1939, the BBC wanted to play a standard tuning note before broadcasting concerts. Their note was derived from an oscillator controlled by a piezoelectric crystal that vibrated with a frequency of one million hertz. This was reduced to a frequency of 1,000 hertz by electronic dividers. Then the frequency was multiplied by 11 and divided by 25 giving a frequency of 440 Hz. Since 439 is prime, it was inconvenient to create a frequency of 439 Hz this way.



@waltertross@mastodon.online avatar

@johncarlosbaez At first I only saw the start of that video, made some research and calculations, and was ready to write here the numbers that show what kind of BS that claim is. But then, I thought "let's check the full claim" and saw the rest of the video 😄. Adam Neely rocks!

SocraticEthics, to Ukraine
@SocraticEthics@mastodon.online avatar

⛔️🇩🇪🇺🇸Germany and the United States plan to supply Kyiv with exactly the weapons and quantities that will allow the Ukrainian army to hold the current front, but not to repel the Russian-occupied territories. - BILD (more) Press

@waltertross@mastodon.online avatar

@SocraticEthics Luckily, the Bild Zeitung is not reliable

fp, to til French

It is straightforward to sort strings in natural order in (that is, with numbers in numeric instead of lexicographic order). This is explained by @nedbat here:

@waltertross@mastodon.online avatar

@fp @nedbat Here's my try on that: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4836710/is-there-a-built-in-function-for-string-natural-sort/61640619#61640619
BTW, I don't know why the article says "z2" would sort after "z100", I would have said the opposite.

Manu, to random

Essendo attiva su mastodon da meno di una settimana, scopro solo adesso di mastodon.uno. Sto leggendo i vecchi thread e sono senza parole.
È stata davvero una botta di culo scoprire questo social a partire da e puntarella.
Scusate ora vado a vomitare.

@waltertross@mastodon.online avatar

@oblomov @eriol @AlbertoeFabio @Manu Qualcuno mi potrebbe dare un link a un riassunto della questione?

gregeganSF, to random
@gregeganSF@mathstodon.xyz avatar

The standard metric on the sphere in polar coordinates is:

dθ^2 + sin^2(θ) dφ^2

But what if we change this to:

(1 + h(cos(θ))^2 dθ^2 + sin^2(θ) dφ^2

for some function h(x) from [-1,1] that satisfies:

h(-x) = -h(x)
|h(x)| < 1

It might seem that we’ve just distorted the sphere arbitrarily, but requiring h to be an odd function means several global quantities remain unchanged.

Along geodesics of the new surface, we have:

dφ/dθ = sin θ_0 (1 + h(cos θ)) / (sin θ √[sin^2(θ) - sin^2(θ_0)])

where the geodesic is tangent to circles of latitude at θ_0 and π-θ_0. But if we integrate this between those endpoints, because h is odd we always get:

Δφ = π

So, the longitude of every geodesic changes by π as it moves between its two extremes of latitude.

Similarly, for the distance s along a geodesic:

ds/dθ = sin θ (1 + h(cos θ)) / √[sin^2(θ) - sin^2(θ_0)]

with an integral between the same circles of latitude:

Δs = π

Joining this curve to its mirror image always gives a closed curve of length 2π.

We also get an unchanged total surface area of 4π.

Reference: “Manifolds all of whose geodesics are closed” by A L Besse, Ch 4. H/T @RobJLow

A sphere deforms, while a set of geodesics on it continue to be closed loops

@waltertross@mastodon.online avatar

all of this could be even more beautiful if you replace all ^2 with ², and all _0 with ₀ (which you still can do)
@RobJLow @gregeganSF

nuncio, to random


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  • waltertross,
    @waltertross@mastodon.online avatar

    I'd rather debug that IPA transcript

    @waltertross@mastodon.online avatar

    @nuncio I'm not writing "Google is your friend", as it's not so much anymore. Anyways: International Phonetic Alphabet (or Association): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Phonetic_Alphabet

    @waltertross@mastodon.online avatar

    @nuncio OK, you are right. But it's a pity that the IPA is not taught at school. It should be.

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