cody avatar


Sometimes I do things.

cody avatar

@minnieo If the functionality still works, what is the purpose of this type of activity? Improve mood? There is, for example, another, simpler solution to this type of problem. It is enough, for example, not to look at the reputation points.

OC I designed and rendered a couple of icons for the magazines I started, and I’d like to share some behind the scenes images with y'all. I’m also open to doing a few more of these in future.

So I 3D modelled two icons (well, illustrations rather) for the communities that I created on kbin: Industrial Design and Jewelry Design. These icons are meant to reimagine kbin’s logo in a way that's relevant to each community....

cody avatar

@fearout Nice shaders and light. I like this style.

cody, to kbinDesign
cody avatar

On the occasion of buying a license for Figma and putting Adobe Xd aside, I thought about creating a kbin system design ((unofficial, for testing figma and plugins).

But the post is not about that. I've been living for a while now and I still don't understand why designers stick to a full color palette. From 100 to 900 for each variant. Practice shows that no development team is able to implement it the way the ui designer dreamed. And this is regardless of the size of the company and the money spent on it. Not to mention pallet modifications.

I can't decide whether it's the designers' lack of knowledge that in ordinary SASS you can generate a practically full palette from one base color, or maybe the attitude that everything must be in line with their vision to the letter.

After all, the average user will not even notice the difference. Anyway, monitors have different settings, brightness, contrast, technology and screen quality and the effect will still differ from the designer's vision.

cody, (edited )
cody avatar

@knoland I know chakra, in fact it's the same as what I'm writing about, only prepared and ready to work.

I'm not talking about the development side, but the masses of designers who spend days/months creating palettes, tints, shades. When in practice it doesn't really make sense. Whether the colors are generated in CSS, JavaScript or is a function built into a given framework is not so important. The point is not to do it manually because the marginal tonal differences in manual selection and generated shades will not be noticed by most users anyway.

Show article information at the top (

I think that the interface would look clearer, and it would be easier why you're seeing a given article, if the author and magazine were shown right below the title instead of all the way to the bottom. This is what I propose: Untitled.png This is what it looks like now: Screenshot from 2023-06-14 09-57-41.png

cody avatar

@bou Yesterday I decided to install Thunderbird. Although I haven't used it for several years, it has practically not changed. Interestingly, my return to using the program coincides with dynamic changes in the project.

In the discussed topic, it is worth posting the material that I watched yesterday, and containing comments on a fairly important topic:

cody avatar

Visualization of the current situation. In fact, I don't know if lemmy is more of a mouse or a rat, but it probably doesn't matter.

rodhlann, to php
rodhlann avatar

Curious if anyone here knows why PHP was chosen for kbin's implementation? I know PHP has come a long way, but there's still a lot of uncertainty / dislike for it out there. @ernest might just really like PHP, which is totally cool, but as someone who would like to contribute, but also as someone who hasn't touched PHP in almost 10 years, I'm genuinely curious!

cody avatar

@rodhlann I wonder why people think that the choice of programming language is an indicator of the quality and success of a project. It's as if or some other currently trendy solution automatically solves any problems.

BitBag acquired Sylius a few days ago, so maybe development will speed up a bit.

lol, to kbinDesign
lol avatar

Is this the place for suggestions? I'm not sure when to go

cody avatar

@lol Yes, it's a good place, as well as kbinMeta

However, it should be remembered that the project is being temporarily developed by one person and it is not possible to respond to everyone. For this reason, it is logical for the community to explore the proposal as broadly as possible. Validation and refinement of the topic will allow the developer to decide faster whether to implement changes and when, and shorten the implementation time.

bleuy007, to kbinMeta
bleuy007 avatar

I'm not sure I understand why "Threads" and "Microblogs" are separate entities in kbin. From my understanding, "Threads" are like Reddit's link/image posts and "Microblogs" are like text posts. Why are these only viewable in separate tabs? It seems like a bad thing to completely separate certain content from the same Magazine and make it unable to view everything at once. Am I misunderstanding something?

cody avatar


Microblog = smaller posts, on any topic and seriousness.

Threads - articles, more meaningful entries, longer posts. Where the OP usually expects extensive interaction with other users

For example, your post is a short question. You should get an answer and that closes the topic. In threads in this case, there should be a description of the problem, ideas for a solution, information on what causes what, etc. Or a link to such content.

cody, (edited )
cody avatar

@Pietson Yes, a microblog is something between a chat and normal entries. In short, it's built-in Twitter/Mastodon, which in this case is not the main and practically the only functionality.

What is important, or rather the most important in this type of threads (UI/UX) is a matter of time. The project is developed by one man/programmer who is both backend and frontend developer, DevOPS, CEO, CIO, CMO, helpdesk, etc. :) And the project itself, despite the rapid increase in popularity, is in the alpha phase.

For this reason, it is natural for minor and major ailments to be visible. Also conceptual. Also remember that kbin is not reddit, mastodon, twitter, lemmy or any other 1:1 platform. This project should not be considered as an attempt to copy. In which direction the development will go, I don't know.


cody, to kbinDesign
cody avatar

Picture for fun, but a store with branded gadgets launched at the right time is not a bad idea in my opinion.

cody, to kbinDesign
cody avatar

The kbin icon is now officially in the latest release of the Tabler set. I recommend using and sponsoring this project.

cody avatar

@cutitdown The matter is a bit simpler. I noticed Ernest's posts on another site and I looked at "" from time to time and followed the changes out of curiosity. Ernest did all the work himself, and while this has its advantages, it also has serious limitations, to help him a bit I made a logo for the site and some UI mockups.

Yes, I can see the issues you've been writing about for a long time, but they are code issues. It actually takes a few lines of CSS to fix it, but here's Ernest's time issue again. Also, almost no developer likes to bother with CSS.

The solution is to push the patches into the repo and then harass Ernest to accept them.

cody, to climate
cody avatar

Man lives not only in the online world, so he is preparing a slight correction for the real world as well. There is less and less water, so every drop counts, it's a shame to drain it just like that into the sewage system. However, you need a rainwater catcher to collect it. Mine will be 100% effective. At least that's the plan. How it really is will turn out after printing the prototype.

cody, to kbinDesign
cody avatar

Some thoughts on voting UI

cody avatar

@kris Upvotes and downvotes work and do the job, the problem is that they require a disciplined community and admins.

If the ratings do not affect the real ranking, users do not see the point in it, they get irritated and the service slowly but surely dies. It happened with digg, it's happening with its Polish clone,, and it's happened with several other counterparts.

Unfortunately, the natural course of things. The site becomes popular, money begins to appear, this affects the ranking through sponsored content and begins a slow decline.

upvote/downvote meets the needs you write about. If it works as it should. It is less important whether it will be an arrow, stars, hearts or any other object used to illustrate the functionality.

Though maybe thumbs up/down would be a better choice than arrows.

cody, (edited )
cody avatar

@garrettw87 Yes, detailed information would be visible in the "activity" tab or better "stats". In fact, this feature already exists.

In this example, it's not even about combining top-ups with likes, etc., it's about unifying the user interface. Instead of buttons on the left in threads, on the right in microblogs, etc., it's the same everywhere.

cody, to kbinDesign
cody avatar

Filling minor gaps in branding

cody, to kbinDesign
cody avatar

Small changes. And by the way, checking if uploading video to kbin in any form is already working. Only now I noticed that font-display works differently on firefox compared to webkit


cody, to kbinDesign
cody avatar

A small thing, but it makes me happy. It's fake at the moment, but the icon is already waiting for to reach version 1.0

Upvote vs like

Graphics/UI and #ux are one side of the project, UX that is combined with functionality and design is a slightly different story. Looking at the project from the beginning I was wondering about the sense of mixing upvotes and likes. Of course, I know that this from the functionality of federated applications, but also in them...

cody, to kbinDesign
cody avatar

A few minor stylistic changes. Or rather, suggestions for change.

cody, to kbinDesign
cody avatar

Slowly but forward. Main pages with no content, but they are there. Blog without pagination, but it works. Currently, the font jumping on swap annoys me the most.


cody avatar

@ernest After the mechanics, RWD and content, it would be good to visually diversify the home page a bit, but we'll see how with time. Parallax in the hero/header section is a few minutes of work, but taking the time for more interesting animations can be problematic.

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