
coloco, Spanish
@coloco@mstdn.social avatar

¡Esto es MARAVILLA! 😍😍

El equipo de doblaje de la familia amarilla más famosa del mundo en directo ¡y llevando a Los a Benidorm! 🏖️☀️🤣🤣

@p4g 🙂


@aracnido1969@tuiter.rocks avatar

@coloco @ElenaMusk @locomotoro @xikufrancesc @p4g

Claro! El asunto es que suelo entrar tarde, para ustedes.

@aracnido1969@tuiter.rocks avatar

@coloco @xikufrancesc @p4g @ElenaMusk @locomotoro El que más envejece es el Calvo.

radlschorsch, German

Wo bleiben die Universitäten im Fediverse?

warum betreiben Universitäten nicht schon längst eigene Mastodon-Instanzen?

Warum bekommen Studierende nicht mit der Inskription auch einen Mastodon-Handle?

Warum hosten Universitäten Vorlesungsvideos nicht über PeerTube im Fediverse?

Es gibt einiges, das für ein stärkeres Engagement von Universitäten im Fediverse spricht.

Ein Aufruf den man nur unterstützen kann! #boost
#fediverse #university


English Version
Where are the universities in the Fediverse?

Why don't universities have their own Mastodon instances yet?

Why don't students get a Mastodon handle when they enrol?

Why don't universities host lecture videos on PeerTube in the Fediverse?

There is a lot to be said for universities getting more involved in the Fediverse.

A call that can only be supported!


@wlaatje@social.edu.nl avatar



34 Dutch institutions (including all of the universities) already joined social.edu.nl, enabling all students, researchers and staff to use Mastodon with existing institutional accounts:
ℹ️ https://dashboard.surfconext.nl/apps/9977/saml20_sp/about

To enable federative login and allow user pseudonyms + group management for shared (corporate) institutional accounts:
ℹ️ https://github.com/SURFnet/slurf

2024 we will work on active promotion and adoption, would love to see more collaborations!
ℹ️ https://eua.eu/resources/expert-voices/306-the-digitally-sovereign-university-and-social-media.html

gbhnews, (edited )
@gbhnews@mastodon.social avatar

Seeing all the new people coming on board to the got me thinking: how long have you been on ?

@gbhnews@mastodon.social avatar

also if you are new, welcome! If you are a journalist, check out Mastodon 101 for Journalists (but honestly it's probably good for everybody) https://lisawilliams.github.io/lisa/tech/2022/11/28/mastodon-101-for-journalists.html



The tutorials for , , and outlets continues to be the one by @mojo

Mastodon: A Quick Start Guide for Journalists


As a bonus he's got a link that news-types can use for an account on the Newsie server which is otherwise closed to new accounts.

levampyre, German
@levampyre@chaos.social avatar

insb. IT Branche, wie/mit welcher Software dokumentiert ihr in euren Betrieben eure Arbeitszeiten? Seid ihr ok mit dem Tool/Verfahren oder ist es Horror? Erfasst ihr Überstunden und welche Anreize habt ihr, eure Überstunden überhaupt zu erfassen (z.B. Bezahlung, Freizeitausgleich)?

Der neue Referentenentwurf zur in DE ist ja da. Ich möchte mal Ideen sammeln, wie man das für seine Mitarbeitenden so angenehm und vorteilhaft wie möglich gestalten kann.


@elgolfo@chaos.social avatar

@levampyre Ups: es tut was es soll, neben Zeiterfassung geht damit auch Projekt- und Ressourcenplanung Downs: recht viel Geklicke wenn das Timetracking feingranular sein soll. Eher organisatorisches Problem: wenn es eine Menge unterschiedlicher Tasks zum Buchen gibt, weil viele Projekte, sind die Mitarbeitenden eher genervt, wo gebucht werden soll.

Irgendwo stand mal, dass es sehr häufig bei Banken und Versicherungen eingesetzt wird. So fühlt es sich auch an.

@levampyre@chaos.social avatar

@elgolfo Ja, wie gesagt, die Anforderung, Arbeitszeit auf verschiedene Projekte oder Costcenter zu buchen, haben wir nicht. Es geht wirklich nur um reine Arbeitszeiterfassung.


is super cool once you see it in action.

For instance, you can visit the new StarTrek lemmy server here: https://startrek.website/c/startrek. Looks like a reddit sub with posts, threaded comments, upvotes, &c.

OR you can follow the same server on Mastodon ‪@startrek‬.
Every thread and comment shows up as a boosted post.

Cool, right? Now, say you find a comment that you want to reply to. Post through your favorite Mastodon app, and that feeds right back to the thread on the server! 🤯


@awilbert @startrek @kat I use it that way (I am actually now writing this message on fedilab) . and it works OK here


Then you haven't been around the fedi long enough. I do not have the threads where this has happened, but the precedent was set around the time mastodon started in 2016. I might have talked about it in my podcast I can't remember

And what is “actively censors” supposed to mean?

As in, if you have things that apple does not approve it will not get approved. This includes censorship of their political opponents.

All apps go through the approval process.

Indeed, that's the problem. Don't let apple decide what software you run - use alternative platforms that don't treat you like some kind of prisoner instead.

@feditips@mstdn.social avatar

As YouTube seems to be going increasingly ad-heavy, have had many requests to do posts about how to get into .

PeerTube is an ad-free video platform on the Fediverse. You can follow and interact with PeerTube accounts from Mastodon etc. When a PeerTube account posts a video, it will appear in your Mastodon timeline just like any post, and you can like, share, reply etc.

I just did a long thread of good PeerTube accounts to follow over on @FediFollows (https://social.growyourown.services/@FediFollows/110917302291902468).

feditips, (edited )
@feditips@mstdn.social avatar

PeerTube content still has a long way to go, and YouTube's network effect is unhealthily strong, but as YouTube keeps tightening its grip there are ever-increasing numbers of publishers and viewers looking for alternatives.

If you're a viewer, you can follow, watch and interact with PeerTube accounts entirely from within Mastodon etc. You don't need to be on PeerTube yourself, your Mastodon etc account is enough.

I've posted a separate thread on how to publish videos at https://mstdn.social/@feditips/110923388035767741

feditips, (edited )
@feditips@mstdn.social avatar

p.s. I run an account at @FediVideo which boosts interesting videos from PeerTube.

Also, if you just want to browse a PeerTube site, I run a server at https://fedi.video which federates nice safe accounts from across the Fediverse (no NSFW, no conspiracy theories, no bigotry etc).

@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar
@DeltaWye@mstdn.social avatar

@RL_Dane @amatas I remember talking to people about Mastodon versus Facebook and I told them:

“The folks here, whoever they are, whatever they are, are a thousand times more ‘real’ than most of the posts I see and read on Firstname-Lastname social media.”

It’s absolutely true. It makes this an incredibly special place.


@ticktok @RL_Dane

For me, the fediverse feels like a cozy little tavern. No one cares that you know nobody. You get your ale, sit somewhere and talk to everyone about everything. And suddenly it's 2am, you're dancing on the table with 3 complete strangers and when you fall into bed, you're already looking forward to the next evening.

rolle, (edited )
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

Should there be some kind of algorithm on the #Fediverse?



Unfortunately, the problem is that for many people the concept of "there's an algorithm that improves your interaction with our social network" is equivalent to something like "give me all your data", and in some ways most of the time it is true.

Instead the idea of giving the user the possibility to choose how he wants to manage their "algorithm" can be interesting. It will be the user to choose which data to share to improve the selection of elements such as posts.

@troed@sangberg.se avatar

@simonemargio @rolle I want (actually NEED) an algorithm here that will stop me from missing content from those accounts I interact with. The more interaction, the higher the percentage of posts I will get to see.

-"But such algorithms are the whole problem! Clickbait and outrage posters will exploit them!"

Only if I interact with clickbait and outrage posts. I simply don't.

The problem comes when such algorithms are the norm - not when they're just an option for me to use for my own benefit.

cliffwade, (edited )
@cliffwade@allthingstech.social avatar

Do you pay for an email server or do you use a free email service?

Please BOOST for maximum exposure to the

If you pay for an email service, please comment with which service you use.


@cliffwade If you know the source of the image file, you can see if itself is safe or not.
That example is a tracking pixel that is undetectable even by Proton’s tracker detection. However, you can see the source using the “View HTML” code.


@cliffwade@allthingstech.social avatar

@v1rus_one Interesting to know that Fastmail doesn't have that where as Proton does.

I'm actually testing out ProtonMail as well and just trying to see which one works best for me.

A case for preemptively defederating with Threads

With Meta beginning to test federation, there's a lot of discussion as to whether we should preemptively defederate with Threads. I made a post about the question, and it seems that opinions differ a lot among people on Kbin. There were a lot of arguments for and against regarding ads, privacy, and content quality, but I don't...


Sneaky peek at what is coming... :blobcataww:

It is a Fediverse movie bot, but not a Mastodon bot... it is a specialized ActivityPub server. :fediverse:


@smallcircles @grb090423 Yes, all the source is here https://code.caric.io/FediMovies the project name is FediMovies (very creative) lol


There's now an alpha version for testing deployed at https://alpha.fedimovies.rocks

How it works? Look at any movie listed on https://www.themoviedb.org/ and copy the title plus the year and format like so:


The profile of the movie will re-toot your review for its followers. You can also look up and follow movie profiles following the same schema above.

z428, German

Serious question, no offense or provocation intended: With this stuff being baked into Hubzilla and, apparently, also design-wise into Bluesky / AT, can anyone out here involved with the outline why nomadic / easily portable identity isn't built-in here by design? Looking at the (to-be-expected) dynamics of instances going up and down, blocking each other or moving to newer, different pieces of software, this seems an absolutely obvious requirement, so I wonder why this has been left out of the standard / spec?


I provided my input to the AP spec editor and it was rejected outright. Everything I provided to the ActivityPub editor was rejected outright. If there were any questions, it had to go through the Mastodon dictator, who rejected anything he didn't invent. And then the ActivityPub editor would likewise reject it. "Mastodon has millions of users, you don't".

That's the way the process works.

The major concern was that nomadic identity is hard, and the clock was ticking on when the spec had to be finalised. The ActivityPub editor also insisted that it be done using the draft digital identity spec. So that ensured it would never make it into ActivityPub.

Here we are 5-6 years later and they still can't figure out how to do nomadic identity in a decentralised framework (outside of using torrents or centralised resolvers). Meanwhile we've had it, used it, and improved it for well over a decade.

There's a specification in the public domain. Some complain that it isn't enough, but I'm one person in a planet of 8 billion and haven't had any help developing this. The only help I ever get is with bike shed stuff - web interfaces. Not one person has offered any help polishing up the spec or improving the actual implementation code or even offered critique and discussing the subject. Just "I can't use this. Bye." [edit: apologies. That isn't entirely correct. I did get help from one person.]

I've started to pick it up and try again using did's as a proof of concept, but I'm retired now and really can't be bothered dying on the same hill over and over again.

But I will try and update Nomad (the protocol, formerly Zot) to use a did: form. It's just a replacement WebMTA for delivering JSON ActivityStreams which is nomadic aware. There's still no chance of it ever getting into ActivityPub unless it's invented by the Mastodon dictator.

Meanwhile the spec is in the public domain and there are working implementations and it federates with ActivityPub and nobody is holding a gun to anybody's head.



My interests are purely to evolve ActivityPub to the point that I don't require an alternate protocol to do all the basic things I've been doing in the fediverse for the last decade. I would like to do it all in ActivityPub. Circles, groups (public, moderated, and private), rich granular permissions including media and files, single sign-on across the network -- so we don't get asked who we are to comment on a post or follow somebody or view private media on a remote site, and nomadic identity with live data sync to all identity instances. Rich multi-media with no artificial limits. Encryption when appropriate. Oh, and intact threaded conversations at all nodes.

We have this today (if we turn off ActivityPub). Anything less is a regression.

stefan, (edited )
@stefan@stefanbohacek.online avatar

If your fediverse instance were to shut down today, where would you go?

#fediverse #mastodon #SocialMedia #poll


@stefan You can.

@ytux et. al. just decided to my post and replies amid though fans...


@stefan this already happened to us once, and we switched to a new instance after considering starting our own. I'm not actually positive I'd be prepared to start over a THIRD time, but...

@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar

Notice To New mastodon.social Users

First, welcome to open social media!

Second, you've landed on the biggest instance. Think of it like the capital city of the , but there are lots of other cities, towns and villages. Take your time looking around your new home, but also experience other instances.

There's no penalty for creating multiple accounts in the Fediverse.

Just go to [instance address]/explore (ex. https://mstdn.social/explore) click on "Create account" and give it a try.

@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar

Fediverse citizens.... If you have an instance you would like to recommend to new users please reply below with a brief description of why you love your instance and include the [instance address]/explore link.

mastodonmigration, (edited )
@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar

@mastodonmigration also has accounts:

@AstroMigration on universeodon.com https://universeodon.com/explore. This well run instance has 1000 character posts and has a text search function

@ClimateMigration on mastodon.world https://mastodon.world/explore is a very fast instance that is very well administered

Both of these are larger instances. Hopefully, others will post links and descriptions of various other large, medium, small and special interest instances below.

Happy hunting.

@panos@catodon.social avatar

Ugh, I really tried to stay out of #fediverse drama but I guess I have to say a few things. Most of you know me as a #firefish core team member, so I think I owe it to the admins of almost 500 firefish servers out there and to the almost 5000 members of firefish.social.

So, yeah, if you haven't noticed, things aren't looking good for firefish. Its owner, Kainoa, has practically abandoned the project, which had its last stable release out on July. My last message to them was a week ago, and I haven't heard back since. Firefish.social, besides the other severe technical problems it's had due to mismanagement in the last few months, now also has serious federation issues. I hope Kainoa is well irl, but this is irresponsible and unacceptable.

I hear some of you saying "but you're in the core team too, don't try to put the blame elsewhere!". So I have to explain what being a core team member in firefish meant. Kainoa invited me, Namekuji and a few others to be part of the "core team", but kept all decisions and responsibilities. We didn't co-own this. We never shared donations. We were just volunteers, who were honestly trying to make it a great project. This didn't work well due to concentration of power to one person, who didn't keep their promises. I don't mean to be harsh to Kainoa, I mean we knew they were only 19 when they started the project. Still, it's a bummer to anyone who chose to trust and support Firefish. This includes myself.

I don't know if it's early to consider firefish a dead project, but it sure seems like that for a few months now. Maybe it can be resurrected, idk. It's all up to Kainoa.

In the meantime, Namekuji and I are starting #Catodon, which will have some differences with Firefish, and will include many changes I had discussed with Kainoa but were never implemented. If you decide to stick with us, we promise to be serious about this. I strongly believe in the fediverse and its potential, and I want to build a great platform for it. This was my goal when I chose to be involved in Calckey/Firefish. It's still my goal with Catodon, only this time I can stand behind it 100%, as the project will be co-managed by Namekuji and me. If Firefish left you with a bitter aftertaste, we hope we can build a better relationship and prove ourselves worthy of your trust. Catodon will go public in a matter of days, possibly even hours. We'll have more to say about its direction then.

In the meantime, I just wanted to share my apologies for any inconvenience regarding Firefish, as I'm still technically a core team member, whatever that means. But frankly, I tried so hard to make things go differently - but there's only so much you can do when it's someone else's project. I'm really sorry for how things went.

But this is not the end of the fedi journey for me. I'm super excited about the chance to do some things right this time with Catodon. Life goes on, I guess! Hope to see you soon on our #codeberg repo, so we can start a new creative adventure together =)

​:catodon:​ xx

@panos@catodon.social avatar

OK, since this post exploded (which means there is a lot of interest in !), and since some people might have misinterpreted some of the things I said, let me point out a few things:

I am NOT saying that Firefish is necessarily dead. I hope that this post works as a wake up call for Kainoa - whenever he sees it. If nothing changes (either Kainoa getting more involved again or sharing responsibilities or whatever), yes, it will be dead. Really hope something changes drastically, a lot of people love this project.

I am also NOT saying that is a continuation of firefish, but a different project. Honestly, if that's all you're looking for, there are other project which might be more suitable - we don't want to mislead anyone. We will gradually change quite a few things, the goal is to make it a great and easier to understand all-around software for fedi communities, so for example some of the misskey-specific features will go. In a way, it will sit somewhere between Mastodon and Misskey. So our goal is NOT to replace/continue firefish but to find our people, who will be interested in what we -and not firefish- are trying to do with the platform, and maybe do it together.

Hope this clears everything up.

@amberage@eldritch.cafe avatar

@panos so Calckey split from Misskey and then Kainoa fucked something up and then Calckey changed its name to Firefish and then Firefish had a trademark problem in some countries and then Iceshrimp split from Firefish to hard fork and then Catodon split from Firefish because it was unmaintainable and now Catodon is named -todon even though it's not a Mastodon fork and also it's near-identically named to Catstodon and also Kainoa is AWOL

Shakespeare couldn't have written a better drama comedy.

@peertube@framapiaf.org avatar

Password-protected videos, video re-upload, storyboards, chapters...

We're proud and happy to present this year's work on v6!

Read and share widely: https://framablog.org/2023/11/28/peertube-v6-is-out-and-powered-by-your-ideas/


peertube, (edited )
@peertube@framapiaf.org avatar

We need your help to ensure that (and all the actions of our not-for-profit) won't be funded solely by donations from the French speaking community!

We've got 5 weeks left to raise our 2024 budget: spread the word!

➡️ https://support.framasoft.org

@peertube@framapiaf.org avatar


PeerTube is not a single website, but a federation of several videoplatforms.

There are videos in many langages, we host a search engine here : https://sepiasearch.org/

We are currently working on improving the search and recommandations engine to better support langages.

Before translating videos, we need speech-to-text transcription. We are in contact with contributors who want to bring such a feature to PeerTube so... finger crossed !

feditips, (edited )
@feditips@mstdn.social avatar

The long-running Fediverse group service Guppe (https://a.gup.pe) will shut down on 31st May 2023 if it doesn't receive enough funding to cover its costs:


If you want to support Guppe and prevent it shutting down, you can send donations through its OpenCollective at:


@DaNanner@mastodon.coffee avatar

@jeff @feditips then keep educating people until they understand Mastodon≠Fediverse.

To use a analogy; Mastodon is Vulcan and the Fediverse is full of strange new worlds that choose to join the United Federation of Planets.


You're absolutely right that most of the things being discussed in the mastodon space are already built. Search and quote posts are both controversial, but also both old news on a number of fediverse platforms.


Just read that .social defederated at least one major server (the biggest UK instance) preventing their users interacting and exchanging with each other. Not sure how this walled bubble approach fits in with the enthusiastic attempts to place calckey.social as some kind of mainstream alternative to , but the Calckey grandees may know... I am off for good, I like to make my own decisions on a server with mature and non-arbitrary admin policies. @fediversenews


This defederation and blocking mania (have a look at the blocking list of mastodon.art as a remarkable example) is a risk for the and I also believe it is conceptionally questionable, at least if you run some kind of flagship topical or geographical instance. Do what you want on a small community server but if you serve a huge community on a leading instance you need to deploy appropriate, proportionate, non-arbitrary moderation principles.

@ada@blahaj.zone avatar

@choyer @fediversenews It's not a "risk" for the fediverse. It's the killer feature of the fediverse.

The ability to federate or defederate with other instances means that people can choose their own preferred risk profiles and join a community that matches it.

My community is a queer and gender diverse focused community. So we try to make and sustain an environment where our community members can exist with their barriers down a little bit, where they don't have to live on edge all the time, worried about a hateful transphobe dropping in to their mentions.

And so, to that end, we pre-emptively block a lot of spaces where transphobes hang out.

Now that's not for everyone. Some people prefer to choose for themselves, and that's great, but it means that often, you are blocking etc after receiving abuse. That's ok for some folk, and not for others.

The strength of the fediverse is that communities that favour both approaches exist, and you can find the one that fits your preference.


This is now live - in early preview mode - full site launches in May! 🔥

Love to hear any thoughts, ideas and ways we all together build this movement to

cc: @spreadmastodon @davidslifka



@davidslifka @bloodwrites @tchambers @spreadmastodon Adding another anecdote to the pile: I’ve run across multiple people who’ve been hesitant to join on account of worrying about making the wrong choice.

People underestimate how big a stumbling block this is to adoption.

I see no problem with steering people toward a mainstream choice, provided that they know there are others and are told where to learn more.

@spreadmastodon@mastodon.social avatar

@johnc62 @tchambers @davidslifka Go for it! Love to see how that would work! ✊

@thisismissem@hachyderm.io avatar

In something that may surprise a whole bunch of people, the notion of an "instance" is something of a lie.

Instances don't technically exist: https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/#server-to-server-interactions

@thisismissem@hachyderm.io avatar

When you block a domain globally for a server, what's actually happening is that your instance:
• stops sending new activity's to that domain
• sends out Undo Follow activities for each follower that was Accept'ed from actors on that domain, and
• sends Reject Follow activities for any pending follow requests from actors on that domain

That's it. That's what happens.

There's debate about whether a Delete Actor activity should also be sent out.


@thisismissem Truth, the only notion that the core protocol has of "instances" is in origin checking of received messages

(basically: don't trust a message authenticated as https://example.com/@user to contain valid contents for any posts outside of scope of https://example.com/)

(n.b.2. this is also why you can't take "your" keys with you; having per-user keys is also a lie, and kinda pointless, and we could probably simplify the protocol if we didn't have them)

@auschwitzmuseum@mastodon.world avatar

We would be greatful if you could amplify our voice & let your followers know that the Auschwitz Memorial is present in : @auschwitzmuseum

Every day we commemorate the victims & educate about the tragic human history of .

Auschwitz is a place that shows where hatred, antisemitism and contempt for a fellow man led people decades ago.

It is also a place where we should reflect on our individual and collective responsibility for the world we live in.


@auschwitzmuseum it's the perfect time to clarify that is right now

bp, (edited )

@auschwitzmuseum I would also like to suggest that you temporarily cease the feed of Holocaust victims from the previous century and begin broadcasting the names, photos, and stories of Holocaust victims from Simhat Torah

Your organization has no other purpose than to prevent the horrors which Israel experienced on Simhat Torah. Now that you have failed in that - now that we have all failed in that - the least you can do is support the war effort with every resource you have.

@J12t@social.coop avatar

Some people prefer to talk about the "social web" instead of the "fediverse".

If you do, do you just prefer one term over another, or do you think "social web" could emcompass more functionality than what today's fediverse can do?



@J12t Okay, Whomp Triangle it is now.

Whomp Triangle: "a metaphorical descriptor for a federated network topology that incorporates ideas from Semantic Web, Social Web, and IndieWeb that rolls it all together into one uniform system of coherence. Informally referred to as Web 420.69."




Memory does not yet have a site or release, as it is in an internal development phase, but I managed to find these:


You might want to talk to @Damon directly, he'd be able to show you more than what I can.

stefan, (edited )
@stefan@stefanbohacek.online avatar

How many hashtags do you follow? Feel free to share which ones in the comments!


@marqle @stefan The probably misclicked or havent found the option yet

@stefan@stefanbohacek.online avatar

@digitalpanopticon @marqle They could also be on an older version of Mastodon.

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