
iAmTheTot, to assholedesign in Google is now moderating user's bookmarks and removing them.
iAmTheTot avatar

Nah. If you want to be outraged at Google, at least be correct.

This has to do with Google "collections", not synced bookmarks. Afaik, collections are a thing you only access on mobile through the google app, this doesn't even have anything to do with Chrome.

If you run chrome on mobile, for example, you don't have access to the collections. It's only through the google app.

Almost certain they monitor collections because they can be shared with public.


Upvote this post to stop spreading misinformation please


I think you need to boost, not upvote. But I could be wrong.


As far as I’m aware boosting is only a kbin thing. I haven’t seen it in any Lemmy client.


Wtf is a collections?

Black_Gulaman, (edited )
@Black_Gulaman@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Beats me, I only use chrome if firefox cannot display the site correctly. And it’s a case to case basis at that, it has to be that I really really need to access that site.

Also i rarely use the Google apps that came with my phone. The most probably used one is Maps.

Edit : so yeah, I forgot. I’m on Android. There’s that, no escaping from them on my part. I can’t be bothered with using and installing my own phone OS.

@LinkOpensChest_wav@beehaw.org avatar

I’m with you. I’ve disabled some of the more intrusive system apps and Google apps, but there’s no replacement for Maps atm. The best I’ve found is OsmAnd, but it is unusable for me because there’s no way to track movement while observing the convention of north = up.


I like the maps integration with Android auto so that has to stay


Basically the Google equivalent of Pocket Reader; saves a whole bunch of links from Google News/Articles for you, Google search, and general web links. It’s not the same as your Chrome bookmarks (though at one point they were considering merging them until everyone hated it).


Ok, I just checked. My collections consist almost entirely of saved maps locations of which restaurants and tourist places I want to visit. Interesting.

@ElBarto@sh.itjust.works avatar

Aww man, I was hoping google was gonna clean my bookmark up for me.


My bookmarks can also be shared with the public though

iAmTheTot avatar

I'm not aware of a way of making your bookmarks public through chrome.


Anything on my computer can be shared with the public as well.


I’m getting really sick at the amount of misinformation that gets spread here. There’s plenty of stuff to hate Google without making shit up, and resorting to misleading titles.


Crazy that I had to scroll past 9 other comments to reach this one. Maybe I oughta start sorting comments by top.


You can access through google.com/save

iAmTheTot avatar

That's not a function of chrome though, I can do that on any browser.


Thats’s what I meant by posting the link, you can access it anywhere.

iAmTheTot avatar

Okay sure but that's not a service that google is explicitly providing and hosting on their server. Bookmarks are saved locally.


They shouldn’t be monitored either way in my opinion as it’s just a bunch of links, but especially not while still private.

Ultimately I don’t think it quite matters if it technically is bookmarks or “collections”, they seem clearly used in the same manner in this case.


Some torrent sites have been ordered to be entirely blocked in some countries so they probably have to check for them to comply with local laws.


These blocks are usually the job of the ISP’s in the country, mostly via DNS.

I don’t think a simple “collection” of URLs would ever fall under any of that.


Normally, I would fully agree with you, but well, don’t underestimate the stupidity of law makers: …mozilla.org/…/sign-our-petition-to-stop-france-f…


France is always special! It’s honestly sad that they constantly try to pull so many stupid things off.


They aren’t. They are made from links that appear in Google search results. Google is notifying the person that the link you’ve saved is being removed. Therefore it will be removed from your collection as well.


Keep licking that Google boot.

KairuByte, (edited )
@KairuByte@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Eh… the ultimate question, what if it’s a collection of CSAM links?

Some moderation is fine, especially when it can be shared pretty easily. This isn’t private bookmarks, it’s “private” bookmark collections.

Edit: For those downvoting, this is the same concept as a private Reddit/facebook community. Just because it’s “invite only” doesn’t mean it’s free from following the rules of the whole site.

@ddnomad@infosec.pub avatar

Words used to have meaning, you know. Like, for example, the word “private”.

@KairuByte@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Private has various meanings in various contexts. If I take you to the private booth at a club, does it mean I’m allowed to slap around the waiter? No, of course not because rules still apply in private places hosted by a third party.

If you want privacy in the context you explicitly mean, you shouldn’t be using anyone else’s hardware to begin with. If you expect any third party company to be fine with posting anything on them, you’re gonna have a bad time.

For example, how many lemmy instances are fine with you direct linking to piracy torrents?

@ddnomad@infosec.pub avatar

I’d not expect the private booth to have the club’s employee sitting there and waiting for me to do something that is against the rules preemptively.

We mostly argue about semantics, but in this instance you are trying to excuse some very questionable behaviour by companies by saying something along the lines of “well you better go and live in a forest then”. And I don’t think that’s a good take.

For example, how many Lemmy instances are fine with you direct linking to piracy torrents?

Irrelevant, as all content on Lemmy is public in a proper sense of this word.

@KairuByte@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Irrelevant, as all content on Lemmy is public in a proper sense of this word.


How many file hosting services let you share pirated data, publicly?

Before you start in on “it’s not the same” it absolutely is. It’s private data, which is being shared through a link publicly. Just like bookmark collections.

And once that file has been identified as piracy, it is very often fingerprinted and blacklisted from not only that instance, but all instances past, present and future.

That’s essentially what is going on here.

@ddnomad@infosec.pub avatar

Scary illigal content here

I guess we test and see whether I get banned.

Also, it’s not the same. A link to a website is not “pirated content”. A link to a website in a “collection” not shared with anybody is not publicly available pirated content.

Why would Google preemptively ban a set of characters that does not constitute a slur and is perfectly legal to exist?

@LinkOpensChest_wav@beehaw.org avatar

Scary illigal content here


@KairuByte@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Why would Google preemptively ban a set of characters that does not constitute a slur and is perfectly legal to exist?

Because they can? Unless your argument is that a third party site should be forced to allow anything that isn’t illegal, or a slur, I’m not really following your train of thought here.

@ddnomad@infosec.pub avatar

My point is that you should not excuse big corporations for clearly overstepping their bounds when it comes to moderation (as in “minority report” style moderation).

For Google, it would probably be even cheaper to only check URLs in collections that were shared with anybody, at a point the owner attempts to share them. Instead, they preemptively hide them from you, because “this set of characters offends us”.

This is something people should be angry about, not find an excuse for.

@KairuByte@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

This is a publicly shared collection, which has been shared with someone.

Are you not familiar with how the collection system works?

This isn’t your browsers bookmarks being synced between browsers, this is a collection shared among others.

You’re literally describing what is more than likely happening in the photo. 🤦🏻‍♂️

@ddnomad@infosec.pub avatar

Open the link and read the thread, the author is not aware of this “collection” being shared publicly.


Yup. As an analogy, we rent apartments but that doesn’t revoke our right to privacy. We’ve decided people deserve privacy even if they’re only renting and not owning. Same should be true when one is renting space online to store things.


CSAM is never an excuse to violate everyone’s privacy.

I hate seeing people implying that it is. It’s no better then Patriot Act B.s that took away privacy in the name of catching terrorists.

@KairuByte@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

When those links are hosted on Google servers, publicly available to anyone handed the link to them?… how is that a private space?

This isn’t reaching into your phone and checking the information you store on it, this is checking links you added and shared with others using their service. They absolutely have the right to check them.


It is a private space when they are not shared publicly

@KairuByte@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Except that’s not how it works.

If I go into a public park, put up a tent, then start breaking the parks rules, I’m not “in the clear” just because I’m in a tent and didn’t invite anyone else in.

@dojan@lemmy.world avatar

This once more reminds me of the guy in Sweden who got assaulted by police, in his bed, because an American institution searched through his Yahoo mail and found pictures and videos of him and his 30 year old boyfriend and incorrectly flagged it as CSAM, and then forwarded it to Swedish authorities.

There was no justice after that. No repercussions for either the Swedish police or the American government, and no damages paid to the guy.

Could this sort of surveillance stop abuse of minors? Yeah absolutely, but at what cost?

@KairuByte@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

You’re equating a companies refusal to host links to piracy (or CSAM) and… literal assault?

@dojan@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, absolutely. That’s literally what I said. In fact CSAM should come bundled on every single electronic device. Then it won’t be a problem anymore.

Of course not. My comment was in response to the discussion about companies going through private emails and the like (which I recognise the original post isn’t about, but that’s what this conversation turned into) and how I take issue with that. You might argue that we have no right to privacy when we use products like gmail and whatnot, which would be a fair argument if they didn’t already dominate the market.

@Piecemakers3Dprints@lemmy.world avatar

The fact that you think “privacy” existed even then is telling. The only thing that changed in that regard with the so-called Patriot BS is whether the gov’t could do it without the guile that otherwise had been SoP for decades. 🤦🏼‍♂️

@Black_Gulaman@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I call them human parrots, they like to repeat words or phrases that they do not understand or lack full understanding to get the approval of their caretakers and receive treats.



iAmTheTot avatar

I don't care if you're mad about it like I said. I just care about accuracy. The person in the screenshot and this thread's title are both inaccurate.


I didn’t ever indicate I was mad, I simply stated my opinion. We already know it is inaccurate as you shared this in your original comment.

yukichigai, to memes in Defediverse
yukichigai avatar

Yes, let's enter discussion with the literal Nazis so we can try to understand them. There might be nuance to their calls for mass genocide.

Fuck off OP.


HiTlEr WaSn'T aLl BaD



  • Loading...
  • jarfil,

    He didn’t even want to kill all those people, he only wanted to exploit them and then deport everyone to Africa… but the Allies wouldn’t let him conquer enough Africa for all of them, so what was he to do? Killing then wasn’t even his idea, it was Reinhardt’s! He just signed it…

    (do I put an /s? it’s historically correct…)

    yukichigai avatar

    Hitler wasn’t all bad. After all, he did kill Hitler.

    ZILtoid1991 avatar

    Only a good Hitler with a gun can stop a bad Hitler doing genocide.


    Well, the Red Army did that.


    Just ignore the genocides perpetuated by the Soviets…


    If you want to ignore that for some reason you can, but the point is it wasn’t Hitler that stopped Hitler from commiting genocide. It was losing the war.


    The Red Army definitely did not singlehandedly win that war. They were even on Hitler's side to start with.


    There is a block button. You don’t have to scream for daddy Admin every time someone says something stupid. I, for one, want to call them out, not keep everyone from my instance from interacting with them.

    IHeartBadCode avatar

    every time someone says something stupid

    Here's a philosophical topic called emergence. Every "one" thing said by an idiot is one thing, but when pretty much every other comment becomes some asshole saying ignorant things it suddenly is something entirely different.

    I saw the very early Internet (mid-80s) and what happened when you gave people benefit of the doubt. There's been no demonstration that anyone has changed. So fuck those stupid assholes, the Internet is vast they can go carve out their own thing. That's the nice thing, they have every tool to make their own LOLverse. But they don't because they don't want to suck each other's dick, they want to be an ass to everyone else. Just as it was the case with talk.*

    Same as it was, same as it ever will be. I for one am glad this time around people are being proactive. It shows that some have actually learned something.


    You forgot the “except for Nazis” part. No one wants more nazis except nazis and they can fuck off.


    You are advocating for nazis. Fuck off.

    yukichigai avatar

    Yes, let's give the Nazis a platform to spew their bullshit. It's entirely so we can laugh at them and completely could not possibly lead to them continuing to propagate their message of hate. /s

    Fuck off. Fuck off as far as anyone has ever fucked off before, then dream the impossible dream and fuck off even further.

    Quacksalber, (edited )

    I don’t even trust you to properly define what a nazi is. People are calling Hexbar users Nazis, they are calling Lemmygrad users Nazis, and they call the lemmy.ml admins Nazis as well. Just because you say they are nazis doesn’t mean I agree with you.

    yukichigai avatar

    What, is it only Nazism if it's from the Reichstag region of WWII Germany, and otherwise it's just Sparkling Fascism?

    Maybe ask yourself why it is that when someone explicitly denounces Nazis you feel personally offended.


    The Reichstag Region of WWII Germany, eh?

    Like...from the Brandenburger Tor then?
    I get what you are trying to say but to a German this is unnecessarily reductive gobbledygook.

    yukichigai avatar

    this is unnecessarily reductive gobbledygook

    SelfAwareWolves material right here.


    Wait... What? So I'm a Nazi or something who didn't realize what they are because I told you that "the Reichstag region" is an ignorant thing to say when it comes to Nazis since the building itself is a sign of democracy and still seat of the German parliament? It burning was literally used by the Nazis to reduce democratic powers in Germany. You used the word because you happen to know it and it sounds all harsh and German to you.


    Besides: De-Federating is a mistake. That'll lead to them reinforcing their bullshit unchallenged inside of their echo chambers and draw in everyone who comes by and stays long enough. That's exactly what strengthens the AFD in Germany or certain religious groups in the US. The only chance you have against them is engaging them and hack off little chips of their construct of lies and hatred until it hopefully collapses.

    De-federating so you don't see them and then pretending that solves anything is like throwing a blanket on a unexploded bomb that has slammed into your bedroom: You can pretend it's not there all your want, until one day where the cover is being lifted rather radically.


    Exploding-heads no longer exists because they got defederated by everyone

    yukichigai avatar

    On the contrary, deplatforming works very well. In the wake of Reddit banning FatPeopleHate and CoonTown the Georgia Institute of Technology did a study on walling off and removing "safe spaces" for bigots:

    Working from over 100M Reddit posts and comments, we generate hate speech lexicons to examine variations in hate speech usage via causal inference methods. We find that the ban worked for Reddit.

    More accounts than expected discontinued using the site; those that stayed drastically decreased their hate speech usage—by at least 80%. Though many subreddits saw an influx of r/fatpeoplehate and r/CoonTown “migrants,” those subreddits saw no significant changes in hate speech usage.

    In other words, other subreddits did not inherit the problem.

    Banning an entire bigoted instance from yours, i.e. defederating, will accomplish the goal of reducing and removing bigoted behavior from your instance.


    Yes, it worked for the platform. It didn't make the bigots go away. They just withdrew. No one actually changed their mind by being banned. They will just move to ever smaller platforms until they land on a platform where they are the only crowd and there they will keep reinforcing each other, leading to more radicalization.

    That's exactly what I said: defederating will make the problem invisible to you, but the hateful bigots will still exist.


    I’m tired of people thinking that racists and bigots and morons deserve a warm shoulder to vent to. It isn’t anyone’s responsibility to make someone be something they aren’t, and it’s really suspicious anytime someone tells you that you should be nice, or hear out, or let join people that hold disgusting views.


    I'm not saying anything of the sort.


    “ The only chance you have against them is engaging them and hack off little chips of their construct of lies and hatred until it hopefully collapses.”

    That’s exactly what you’re saying.


    I didn’t make the time, but I appreciate you illustrating the point I was making.


    They will become more radical, but they will be prevented from radicalizing others. When normal people encounter the now hyper-radicalized members of the deplatformed groups, they will tend to write them off as the crazed radicals that they are.

    Convince those who you can. Exile those who are too far gone. Doing the opposite in either instance is harmful.


    Grow the fuck up and accept the fact you’re not wanted. Instance admins are allowed to associate with who they want. You are not owed anyone else’s time and attention simply because you exist.

    Also, has anybody reported this guy yet?


    What besides you reading assumptions into what I'm saying makes you think I'm... Whatever you seem to think I am?


    A tankie. We think you are a tankie.


    A... What now?

    Doesn't matter. What does matter is the weird line if reasoning "you suggest approaching the problem of dealing with people that harm society differently than I would have done, so you must be one of 'them'"

    Besides, you read some bullshit into whatever you wanted because you seem to deem it impossible that someone who has different ideas from your's is not automatically a dog whistling bigot in disguise.

    Look at my post history and tell me what would back your "talkie" theory up. Why would I need all the hidden meanings and secret agendas I'm supposed to have?

    Discussions are getting nowhere when everyone is just assuming and insinuating the shit out if everyone else instead of talking about the stuff that was said at face value.

    yukichigai avatar

    Why is it every instance admin's responsibility to fix bigots? What is it about running a Lemmy instance that obligates people to actively work to find the one glimmer of redeeming quality in these human septic tanks? Why should the targets of their hatred have to do all the work to avoid being victimized?

    Well it isn't, nothing does, and they shouldn't. Bigots are the ones in the wrong here, and kicking them out works plenty well. Bigots spread by being given platforms. Take away even one of those and it lessens the spread.

    "We shouldn't have echo chambers" is just propaganda from bigots who were upset that their soapboxes got taken away. Stop falling for it.

    @Fried_out_Kombi@lemmy.world avatar

    It’s funny how people always use play it like “oh, it’s just differing opinions” when what they’re actually defending is indefensible malarkey like nazis and tankies. They know if they made a meme saying we should “try to understand” nazis and tankies, they’d be downvoted to oblivion. And so they hide behind a shield of “differing opinions”.

    These cretins have a right to post nazi and tankie shit on their own instances – them’s the beauty of the fediverse. But I also have a right to not want hate speech, genocide denial, and Hitler/Stalin/Mao simps polluting my feed. It’s not mere “differing opinions” when one person’s opinion is “Holodomor didn’t happen, and if it did, the Ukrainians deserved it” or “Holocaust didn’t happen, and if it did, the Jews deserved it” or whatever apologia they wanna peddle.

    @Gormadt@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    Preaching facts right here friend

    I bloody hate fascist


    Another horseshoe theory take… Last I checked the “tankies” saved everyone from the Nazis. Let’s equate genocidal/colonial violence to defend capital, with the efforts to establish socialism. LOL


    Last I checked the “tankies” signed a non-aggression pact with the Nazis and only became a reluctant ally because they were betrayed.


    I can’t read the first link as it’s behind a paywall. The second link talked about how Roosevelt tried to establish cordial relations with the Soviet Union but was hampered by their refusal to acknowledge debts owed by the Tsarist government, refusal to stop spreading propaganda within the US, and the killing of Leningrad Communist party boss Sergey Kirov which " launched the first of the “Great Purges” that led to the death or imprisonment of millions of Soviet citizens as the Stalinist regime liquidated any potential critics of the government. The wide scope and public nature of the purges horrified both American diplomatic personnel stationed in the Soviet Union, and the world at large."

    Gee I wonder why the USSR had such a tough go at getting allies…


    Oppressive nations tend to have powerful armies.

    Nobody is defuting that the USSR fought off the Nazis and had the biggest hand in their destruction.

    But just because they fought a great evil, doesnt mean they were " the good guys". It just means they fought a great evil.

    @Fried_out_Kombi@lemmy.world avatar

    But just because they fought a great evil, doesnt mean they were " the good guys". It just means they fought a great evil.

    Exactly! You can’t just divide the world into “fought against the Nazis” and “didn’t fight against the Nazis” and use that as your entire basis of morality. By that same logic, America is the Good Guys™ and has absolutely zero neo-Nazi problems because they destroyed Imperial Japan and fought against the Nazis, right?

    It’s completely possible to fight against the Nazis and still be evil yourself (cough cough Stalin), or the reverse where the Finns technically cooperated with the Nazis, but only because the USSR was literally doing a colonialism against Finland and the Nazis happened to be the only ones fighting the USSR at the time.

    Morality and history are not black and white, despite these lemmygrad users’ naked attempts to coerce them into being such.


    “Better than Hitler” is really, REALLY not a great flex


    Careful where you speak such truths friend, the Pronoun Patrol would’ve thrown you to the gulags if it was in their instance.


    Found the tankie


    Oh look, tankie horseshit. How many millions died as a result of “efforts to establish socialism”? So why don’t you shove that disingenuous bullshit up your ass.

    wombatula, (edited )

    Yes the angry internet trolls on Hexbear saved everyone from the Nazis, thank you Hexbear for winning WW2 for the world what would we ever do without them.

    You realize that to someone that isn’t a terminally online political extremist you sound like those dumb Americans that try and claim the moon landing as their own accomplishment right? Your pasty ass has nothing to do with the brave soldiers that fought the Nazis, and I doubt those badasses would think much of some kid screaming into a computer about why liberals are bad.

    @Fried_out_Kombi@lemmy.world avatar

    Tankies != communists

    Tankies are the insufferable fascists who take on a red aesthetic. There are plenty of great leftists, commies, and progressives who don’t deny the Uyghur genocide or Holodomor or simp for Russia and the CCP. I’m not a communist myself (nor am I a capitalist for that matter), but I’ve got nothing against non-tankie communists aside from economic disagreements. Tankies I do have issue with, as should anyone who gives a rat’s ass about the working class and basic human rights.

    Also, lol at that Stalin profile pic. Literally fetishizing a genocidal dictator who betrayed the working class and murdered millions of innocents.


    Would you mind giving me some names of people who belive in this so-called “genocide” of the Uyghurs (who the rest of China has helped lift up as with the other groups in reality)who are communists?

    yukichigai avatar

    It’s funny how people always use play it like “oh, it’s just differing opinions” when what they’re actually defending is indefensible malarkey like nazis and tankies. They know if they made a meme saying we should “try to understand” nazis and tankies, they’d be downvoted to oblivion. And so they hide behind a shield of “differing opinions”.

    There's an actual term for this: Motte and Bailey. One of many hallmarks of disingenuous shitbirds.


    I’ve been successfully reporting troll-accounts and got them banned, I’ve blocked entire communities (mostly some niche-nsfw communities, so they don’t turn up in my local feed on my lemmynsfw.com-account). And I’ve found most community-moderators reeeeeeaaaaally don’t like fascists on their turf and if you see something and report something, most will get the boot.

    This meme presents a false choice, defederation is not the only sane reason to choose (because understanding and/or engaging nazis is decidedly not sane).

    Once an entire instance is gone though… defederate like there’s no tomorrow.


    Right… So thinking that the Tzar’s invasion of Ukraine is unjustified is Nazi shit. Thinking that the Holodomor was a genocide is Nazi shit. Cuz that’s what ur tankie buddies called me. This is what OP was referencing to.

    yukichigai avatar

    My dude, just today we had Neo-Nazis berating people outside Disney World about the supremacy of the white race and the need to eliminate all LGBTQ people. "Literal Nazi" isn't some coded terminology that takes a PhD in Cryptography to decipher. There are no hidden meanings here.

    gentleman, to kbinMeta in lemmy.ml is no longer shadowbanning kbin.

    @blightbow Thanks. I appreciate the work that the admins here do. Kbin-social is a nice landing pad for this reddit refugee. That said, I don't have an interest in posting to lemmy.ml because they seem to be a bunch of tankies, which is being generous. The question in my mind is why kbin-social hasn't returned the favor and banned them as well as their gulag archipelago instance?

    @Thteven@lemmy.world avatar

    You’re thinking of lemmygrad.ml

    Lemmy.ml is pretty diverse as far as I’m aware.

    Xathonn avatar

    Doesn't the .ml stand for marx and lenin?

    livus avatar

    That's the rumour.

    It's technically the domain for Malawi, who operate a free domain name scheme.

    But apparently those devs picked it because of Marx Lenin.

    brainfreeze avatar

    Thank you for this! I've been wondering what it was but didn't care enough to look it up.


    It stands for Marxism-Leninism, which other people would call Communism.

    -spam- avatar

    Diverse but still full of tankies.

    Alexmitter avatar

    Those are the same people.


    I think you all conflate the admins with the userbase. Lemmy.ml has a lot of regular users & communities. In that sense you would have to blanket block all Lemmy instances in general.

    Alexmitter avatar

    A community and its direction is though largely depending on the Admins.
    Just recently some tankie posted a "meme" on "meme" that just casually tried to claim the Rothschild Family was intertwined with western media and because of that western media bad, just the casual antisemitism. And the Admins did not care.


    I can guarantee you that the majority of Lemmy.ml users have absolutely no clue about the political views of their admins. There's a reason why Lemmy.ml is so much larger than Lemmygrad.ml.

    And I've seen stupid conspiracy shit on kbin and lemmy.world as well.


    The issue is not whether there is some individual occasion where some individual person posts "conspiracy shit."

    The issue is whether admins act on user reports of blatant anti-semitism.

    BaroqueInMind avatar

    Browsing any Lemmy instance is like swimming in a public pool and saying only the other half of it is filled with piss and this part is fine...

    Lemmygrad and lemmy.ml are both run by the same developers and occupied by the same users: tankies and people who are pro CCP apologists.

    Madison_rogue avatar

    PSA: All public swimming pools are filled with piss.


    It used to be filled with stingrays and Aids, so piss is tad bit better

    blightbow avatar

    Pretty much this. It still gets a lot of flack for being operated by the developers of Lemmy, but there are a large number of users and communities that exist on lemmy.ml for no other reason than it being one of the larger original instances. Most operators of high-volume instances are unlikely to take action against lemmy.ml unless a situation develops that gives them no other choice.

    sparseMatrix avatar



    I too tried to flee reddit for lemmy.ml, over a year ago now - and found it to be a far worse clusterfucked shitstorm than reddit ever was, and I mean that ideologically, philosophically, politically, and morally.

    I just didn't go back until the current exodus, mainly because I was trying to see if the account still worked, and it had been lost/purged/banned whatever

    fuck those guys and the horse they rode in on, then far as I'm concerned, they can ride it back out of here wet.

    Might as well federate with facebook.


    ...then far as I'm concerned, they can ride it back out of here wet.

    This was the most anachronistic American Southwestern burn I've yet seen on any internet comment thread to date. I can nearly hear the spitoon at the end.

    I know it sounds like I'm making fun of it, but I genuinely am not. Marvelous


    Return the favor and...not ban them? Because this thread is explaining that it was a bug and has been fixed, meaning no shadowban is occurring anymore....

    user224, to programmerhumor in Frontend vs backend

    A highly compatible design with no ads, unnecessary images, videos, animations, scripts that goes straight to point delivering you exactly the information you need and nothing else? Something that’s easily accessible even with old feature phones allowing older people to get information easily?
    Simply something that loads instantly and just works?

    Who would want that?


    Did not get the joke did you ?


    Are you trying to make a joke? Or did you not get that the comment you replied to is also a joke?


    Do we use whoosh here on lemmy or that is something from the past?


    c/whoosh ?


    No u


    No one who is going to pay you wants that. All they care about is user engagement.



  • Loading...
  • ErwinLottemann,

    basic responsiveness to support most devices

    Dude, that is the mother of responiveness. It literally supports all the devices.


    Entirely true.

    I’m currently working on a little project that’s interesting to me (a low-spoiler walkthrough system for adventure games) and after a lot of back and forth, I decided to cut all of JS out of the picture. Just get rid of all of it, and do good old 90s server-side rendered HTML with modern CSS placed on top of it.

    And that’s, honestly, a joy. The first draft of a page looks like the first screenshot, then you add some semantic classes to the html and throw some simple CSS at it and it looks acceptably neat. And I could get rid of so much janky toolchain I just fail to understand.



    @Dasnap@lemmy.world avatar

    Frontend: “Come on, this needs at least some flair. This isn’t the 90s.”

    Throws React at it


    Get outta of here !


    @vox@sopuli.xyz avatar

    yeah, just css is enough.
    you don’t need js unless you need to fetch data dynamically.
    you can do all of your animations, dropdowns and transitions in css.
    like this menu i made. no js in sight.


    also fully accessible and you can tab right into it without clicking enter or whatever
    (and respects prefers-reduced-motion)


    React ugh, everybody is using NextJs these da- …oh, what’s that? We’ve moved on already?

    Gradually_Adjusting, to memes in sToP pOsTiNg pOliTicAl mEmEs!!!
    @Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar

    We live during a critical point in history, and I am determined to laugh at it

    Tigbitties avatar

    Nailed it. This is my new motto.


    We live during a critical point in history, and I am determined to laugh at it in a society

    Viking_Hippie, (edited )
    • fascism is on the rise across the world
    • Climate change has finally caught up with us in a big way with politicians still doing almost nothing to stop it or even slow it down
    • peaceful protesters are being labeled as terrorists and sometimes murdered while ACTUAL terrorists are protected by cops and half of the ruling elite
    • income and wealth inequality and thus poverty are worse than they have been since the great depression and it’s only getting worse faster and faster
    • the financial elite and their imitators are profiteering away people’s ability to survive and people are blaming it on the government spending money to help keep the victims of said profiteering alive
    • there’s a war in Europe where the rich countries care about it and the political alliance that the aggressor belongs to has just expanded to consist of countries containing half of the people in the world
    • the least bad realistic option for US President is an octogenarian who entered politics before the invention of the pocket calculator and thinks the solution to police brutality is to throw money at cops
    • the other realistic option is the career criminal grifter leader of a Christofascist cult, who is also a malignant narcissist, a sociopath and as bright as Greenland in December

    This isn’t regular society, this is multiple crises piled on top of each other and about to explode into even worse catastrophe.


    I too think a revolution is coming.


    You don’t. It’s a time like any other and nothing will change anyways.

    @Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar

    I hear the view from orbit is rather pretty. Is Hadfield there?


    You can laugh or you can cry. Personally, I choose both.

    @Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar

    It’s called horrormirth, and it’s a Discordian tradition.


    All Hail Eris.

    All Hail Discordia.

    atlasraven31, to RedditMigration in The numbers for the r/mildlyinteresting vote haven't been openly available and I think that they are important to spread.

    Yup. Keep up the pressure.

    BuddhaBeettle avatar

    Don't really need or want my data during my time in reddit, but it was an easy form to fill, and I spent years making it (although not as many as some of those 10+ year-old accounts), and if it is a pain in the butt for them to send then screw it, its mine and I want it.


    11+ years, ran shreddit, stuff keeps popping up, sent request to see what's left.

    BolexForSoup, to assholedesign in Google deleted an open source app I love (install from F-Droid) for being "Fake"
    BolexForSoup avatar

    This is why the Web Integrity API is terrifying to me.


    Yeah and imagine if Google decided they don’t like your small business and ruins your livelihood overnight.

    In no time you’ll lose your house to a bank, all because a company that you have little association with chose to.

    BolexForSoup avatar

    I can’t even imagine what pernicious elements they can add to it to bog down someone’s website too. They don’t even have to introduce it on purpose, if it’s just a byproduct they can shrug and not worry about it. It’s shocking how much traffic you lose if your website takes three seconds to load.

    Everyone should switch to Firefox/Mullvad

    Haus, to memes in Not sure how the girl's skin tone is relevant, but apart from that...
    Haus avatar

    Basing your opinions on socialism on how Russia implemented it makes about as much sense as basing an opinion on Democracy on how Putin has implemented it.


    This entire thread is based on this. If comments are truthful.

    @sudo22@lemmy.world avatar

    Legit question, what country is a better real world example?


    Cuba, Vietnam, Allende’s Chile perhaps, but it’s not like any are perfect. There’s a wide range of socialist approaches used in different countries around the world though.

    Moderate socialist governments effectively weren’t allowed to exist, the US sponsored fascist coups and did whatever they could to remove them. So the ones that were able to survive had to be more extreme, autocratic, and isolationist.


    If your looking for modern day examples, the zapatistas are a pretty good example.

    For historical examples you can look to the Paris commune, civil war Barcelona, the original zapatista movement.


    1936 Catalonia.

    But it is actually really hard to name examples. This video explains it quite well: www.youtube.com/watch?v=3D4l_l1MedQ

    @sudo22@lemmy.world avatar

    Saved for later. Thank you!


    Communism, like capitalism, is an extreme that has certain, very difficult to achieve, requirements. Capitalism needs everyone to be morally decent in order for companies to focus on winning customers through innovation instead of propganda and lobbying, and to accept losses instead of whining. Even the transition into communism is incredibly complicated and technically what where the USSR was stuck, and once there you have to hope that the rest of the world went along with it because it’ll work either on increbily small scales(individual companies, for example) or on a global scale but not really on a mid-sized scale. Plus in both you have basic greed and people who are literally just born narcissitic or legitimately psychotic.

    Extreme ideologies are great thought experiments but rarely have any kind of well-developed protections built and are pretty fragile.

    If you want a better answer, look at the quality of life in countries with stronger regulations and more communism-according-to-North America systems. In the heavily privatised U.S. there are a lot of people who live absolutely shit lives due to an abyssmal lack of protections. Even in Canada, which is far too close to the U.S. here, at least a homeless person can recieve some level of medical assistance including major surgeries and Covid stimulus was more than a cheap joke.



    Canada’s medical assistance for the homeless is becoming just offer them an assisted suicide.


    Fact check: True

    Source: Parent’s friend went through MAID a month ago because they couldn’t get a job.


    That’s a cute meme, but not true at all. Canada spends a lot of money on health care for the homeless. In fact, the current system of NOT spending enough on basic shelter and mental health & addiction supports means that we spend far more than we should on emergency care and downstream health-related consequences.

    There is widespread agreement among those who work in social services that some form of supervised, humane institutional living is needed if we are going to solve the homelessness problem. There is hesitation to implement that because it is extremely expensive and politically fraught.

    More importantly, if we are being honest, housing people in decent conditions for free would create a huge amount of competition with private sector landlords, retirement homes, long-term care homes, etc. Unfortunately, the “system” implicitly uses the threat of homelessness or squalid accommodations as a major lever to motivate people to work at jobs that are not very stimulating. Mind you, human nature being what it is, I think the same would ultimately be true under any economic system or form of government.

    At least until our robotic AI overlords invent an unlimited energy source and take over the tedious work so we can all sit around doing whatever pleases us, lol.

    Omega_Haxors, (edited )

    Canada’s idea of dealing with the homeless is to send cops after them and then subsidize rental housing. Because that’s worked so far…

    @muad_dibber@lemmygrad.ml avatar

    How the USSR implemented socialism was pretty great in practice, the real history of it has just been hidden from you behind the thick fog of cold-war anticommunist propaganda.

    Here’s a good intro video: Michael Parenti - Reflections on the overthrow of the USSR

    @teft@startrek.website avatar

    Anyone mentions soviets suck and the tankies come out of the woodwork.

    “USsR was just misunderstood. Swearsies.”

    @Catfish@lemmygrad.ml avatar

    Learn to have a conversation.


    Yellow Parenti is best Parenti


    A lot of people don’t realize that the Soviet Union was seen as a bastion of democracy before the cold war, because it genuinely got a lot right.

    In fact, it was democratic to a fault. Ultimately it was the people who voted to bring capitalism into the country. It was all downhill from there.

    isaachernandez, to assholedesign in Google is now moderating user's bookmarks and removing them.
    @isaachernandez@lemmy.world avatar

    Get. Away. From. Google.


    It’s really that simple for much of their products. I really don’t understand why people still insist on using chrome, in particular. Google is a horrible company that would literally sell you into slavery if it was legal and they thought it’d boost their ad business somehow.


    Part of the problem is that Google has an entire ecosystem that is ridiculously useful and is designed to hook people and keep them around. And once they’re hooked it’s really hard to move away from, even if it’s in their best interest.


    Everyone says Apple’s walled garden is a problem.

    Google built something far more insidious. higher walls but glass, no garden just a swamp of ads.


    They are all part of the same walled shit hole disguised in a veneer of shiny new products and empty promises.


    Sure. It’s just funny to watch people pick Google because Apple is bad.

    At least Apple isn’t selling every price of your data to advertisers.

    Apple hatred is mostly people who have never used it.

    Everyone has used Google.

    Google is inarguably worse but people get religious about it. As long as they can think of one thing Google does better, they will justify the abuse.

    Sort of like republican voters.


    Apple is almost certainly selling your data, perhaps not to same extent as Google, but personal data is literally these companies biggest commodity.


    Yep. That’s the justification I was talking about.

    People have a blindness to Apple so they let Google take their data.


    Google has lots of problems but “a walled garden” it absolutely is not.

    There’s an open source version of Android with hundreds of forks.

    There’s an open source version of Chrome with dozens of forks.

    You can install literally any APK you want on Android without any workaround shitfuckery, rooting or jailbreaking.

    All Google apps are available on iOS and MacOS.

    People use Google products because, from a pure user standpoint, they’re a compelling option.

    You can sign up for a Google Workspace account and have virtually everything you need to run a business at a compelling price. And it all works quite well.

    None of that means they aren’t using their domination nefariously but it sure as shit is not a walled garden.


    This reads like a Google ad. I know you’re not a Google marketing shill. They don’t need it. Their users will justify their own choice to the point their literally lose the scope of the thread.


    Not so much a Google ad as it is shitting on Apple

    @doublejay1999@lemmy.world avatar

    Meth is useful for keeping me awake but I still don’t use it



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  • lemmylommy,

    Microsoft is not really an alternative lol

    @dojan@lemmy.world avatar

    Depends on your goals I think. Microsoft isn’t very likely to ever abandon their office suite, since it’s an integral part of their business. Google could do that tomorrow.

    If you want to get away from big evil corporations, then no they’re obviously not an alternative.

    I think there are Google Docs clones you could self-host.

    sab, (edited )
    sab avatar

    OnlyOffice, which is included in NextCloud and allows for co-editing, works fine in my experience. Microsoft Office Online is slightly more sophisticated, but it also feels more bloated in my experience.

    There's also a markdown editor allowing for co-authoring in Nextcloud. It lacks proper track changes, but for drafting up a document together it's great. Then you can just convert to word or latex when it's time to revise.

    For most of my co-authoring needs I use Overleaf, which is a fantastic online Latex editor.

    @dojan@lemmy.world avatar

    There are certainly options! Good old LibreOffice is still around too.

    sab avatar

    Yes! The ones I listed are just my preferred solutions for simultaneous co-authoring. Whenever I just need regular office software LibreOffice is my go to. :)


    I would argue that anything from Microsoft or Apple are not good, safe alternatives to Google.


    Unfortunately, parts of that ecosystem start deteriorating as they slowly abandon the product, until it reaches a point of being borderline useless. Then, they just deactivate it with little to no warning. Sometimes they just shut things down even if they’re popular (such as Google Poly).

    For example, their line of home security cameras are getting worse in quality and usefulness. I feel like it’s only a matter of time until the Nest service shuts down.


    I don’t think Google will shut down nest anytime soon. They gather very useful telemetry about their “customers” and use that data to train models, and ah-hoc send your front door video to law enforcement whenever they want it.


    Perhaps, but there is absolutely no development or bug fixing happening on their software. There hasn’t been a software update in years, and the hardware has been a crapshoot for just as long.

    Zorque, to privacy in Any way to listen to music (privately?)

    Do people not just download music anymore?

    BraveSirZaphod avatar

    I'm 26, and don't know anyone, myself included, who purchases and downloads music to any significant degree. Essentially everyone I know just uses streaming platforms.


    Sounds terrible for privacy.

    BraveSirZaphod avatar

    Respectfully, I think you may be drastically overestimating how much average people care about that.


    Well, considering the community this discussion is in...

    And, respectfully, the average person doesn't seem to give much of a fuck about anything other their own base desires most of the time.

    BraveSirZaphod avatar

    Sure. But the question you asked was "Do people not just download music anymore?", and the answer to that question, which you seemed unaware of, is "Not really, no".

    Do enjoy your highly refined and elevated desires, O noble one.


    How to undermine one’s own comment with a gratuitous insult.


    Wow, they got your generation good. I’m over here listening to flac files and mp3s I ripped in 2003.

    SomeAmateur, (edited )

    Part of my job is traveling by air, so I got a $30ish sandisc mp3 player with a 200+gb sd card. I have a bunch of music and sometimes podcasts on there. Saves my phone battery, has zero ads, and as a bonus it has fm radio for surfing the stations below as they fade in and out every minute or so.


    He didn’t say anything about purchasing…

    mishimaenjoyer avatar

    to be fair, to buy albums off sites like bandcamp, cutting out greedy multinational media conglomerates and give the money to the ppl actually working on it (yeah, i know, fees, welcome to distribution) and getting basically every (losslees/hr) codec in return for "name your price"-conditions makes it questionable to pirate some indie album to save like three bucks.


    This is always surprising to me. I can understand streaming video due to their high file sizes, but audio (even FLACs) is a lot smaller in general. The only reason I use spotify sometimes is to discover new stuff.


    I have my music library that I listen to, to which I add songs by getting them from youtube (it’s good enough for my cheap on the go earphones). Sometimes I tune into radio stations that offer nonstop music (like stubru tijdloze).

    Seasoned_Greetings, to RedditMigration in Coincidence that Reddit and Twitter are taking the same approaches to monetization?

    I’ve heard that moneied interests are paying Twitter and now reddit behind the scenes to ruin their respective communities. It’s because every time something happens that shakes the foundation of who’s in charge, it’s always a social media coordinated public effort behind the push for change. The most recent one I can think of is the Twitter-fueled women’s rights movement in Iran. Or even the push to get progressive names like AOC elected.

    So now we have rich interests paying CEOs to sabotage their own companies in order to better maintain the status quo.

    I know this concept falls squarely into conspiracy theory territory, but with Twitter and reddit, both once bastions of progressive organization, going to shit at the same time, and threads popping up with the messaging that they explicitly want to avoid news and politics, you can’t help but wonder if there’s a concentrated effort behind the scenes to break up communities that are actually starting to make a difference.


    Do you have even 1 source to back up that outlandish statement?

    Xeelee avatar

    It's a theory that fits the available evidence. So it's more valid than most conspiracy theories.


    They need to shut down the biggest sub on the platform, Superstonk

    @ininewcrow@lemmy.ca avatar

    For those in control … there is no more terrible thing than to have all your workers talking amongst one another to discuss how terrible their situation is and what they could all do about it.

    It’s the same in prison … if the guards and management keep everyone in control by isolating them all. Once the inmates start talking to one another, they start to conspire and plan on what to do about their situation. If they plan long enough, they’ll figure out how to do illegal activity, find specialty items or contraband … give them more time and they’ll start trying to figure out how to break out of their situation.

    Then when things go too far and all sorts of illegal activity is taking place and people are trying to break out … the guards and managers will shake up the prison and breakup the communications system they were all using.


    Just because you think they’re out to get you doesn’t mean they aren’t.

    Social media has been very disruptive to existing power structures. It absolutely makes sense that these groups who are widely known to astroturf media and information would eagerly push something like this. Especially if the alternative is less power and wealth for them personally. In fact I can only think of one other plausible and reasonable explanation for all this. And that is that owners and CEOs don’t get where they are through skill or know-how in general. They fail up to the highest ability of their generational wealth and contacts. But that doesn’t exclude the first explanation from being true as well.


    It doesn’t sound too outlandish. The destruction of Twitter seems to attract some replacement from the far-right groups, Threads is already gaining far-right pages promotion and Reddit is still in the phase of destroying a once very influencial community. And all in the same time as the beginning of the US electoral campaign. It really aligns with a concentrated effort

    HughJanus, (edited )

    I mean what makes far more sense is that interests rates have skyrocketed, which means VC money dried up, which means these platforms that haven’t made money in over a decade suddenly have to figure out how to do that.

    It’s not just Reddit and Twitter, it’s YouTube and Twitch also.


    It also might have something to do with the people running the show are now being tasked with real work and it turns out they aren’t good at their job.

    nicetriangle avatar

    Yeah I think this is the Occam’s razor explanation that makes more sense. And why might Reddit be doing such a similar thing so soon after twitter? Spez has said he’s in touch with Elon and admires his business decisions. Simple as that.

    ongofongo, to ukraine in Oleg Tsokov, Major General of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, was killed as a result of an APU strike near Berdyansk

    Good. Fuck him for invading a foreign country.

    onepinksheep, to reddit in Infamous power mod got permabanned without explanation, then have a public meltdown.
    onepinksheep avatar

    Considering that this is the most hated person on Reddit other than spez himself, no tears were shed.


    Unfamiliar with the person. What's he infamous for? What sort of chodelicious behavior defines him to you?

    Ignacio avatar

    Among other things, this happened 2 years ago.

    yunggwailo avatar

    hahahahaha thats some great trolling

    @Little8Lost@lemmy.world avatar

    what an unpleasant human


    You mean crazy misandrist power tripping feminist bitch?

    @Little8Lost@lemmy.world avatar

    yes but i tried to use more peasent words because i can


    I thought they were a guy, but then again I didn't look into that.

    yunggwailo avatar

    mask off fuck it mask off


    Why was the comment to which you replied removed by mod?


    Yeah that mod went full mask off. Sadly there were no repercussions. All men are created equal, but on Reddit, some are created more equal than others.

    yunggwailo avatar

    yeah wasnt talking bout the mod buddy

    norbert avatar

    Which part of what they said was untrue? Or is it just an issue of the words they used?


    misandry and feminism are two totally different things

    norbert avatar

    I would agree that nothing they said in that statement would lead me to believe they're a feminist.

    "crazy misandrist power tripping bitch" would've definitely been more accurate but I suspect the reaction then would've been to it being a gendered insult because "bitch."


    Sincere question, because I used Reddit frequently but I pretty much just stuck to just commenting and posting in my niche little interest subs. So I’m learning all kinds of new issues and drama about the site/company itself I was in the dark on before lol. So I’ve only seen bits and pieces of what awkwardturtle’s whole deal was, and it struck me as being so over-the-top that I assumed it was farcical, like someone who hates those kinds of social progressive ideals and wants to mock them and make them look bad. Not sure if that’s a correct read at all, though, or how likely it is.

    Like “locking so men can’t comment” it so inflammatory and petty, I do live in a very liberal city and am involved in many different areas of social progression both personally and professionally and I cannot think of anyone who would actually believe in, say, or do things like that. Not only because the majority of sincere feminists believe in equality between all genders and not “misandry” period, but also because it makes the whole movement look like garbage. No one sincere in their beliefs would play so heavily into the dumb stereotypes in such a public and visible way like that. It’s like someone who wants to make fun of feminists vs being an actual feminist.

    Not to say there aren’t people in those ideological groups who don’t totally miss the point and do actually say and believe stupid shit like that, but they are such a minority and a thorn in the side for those of us doing real work to make actual progress. So powermod could be sincere and just fully out of touch with what they are choosing to align themselves with.

    But idk. I’ve just seen so many other examples of their word choices and such that is just really inconsistent with what actual social progressives would say or do. My understanding is that he’s a man, but he mods the women’s sub. Like an actual male feminist wouldn’t insert himself in that space in such a way, spewing queer stereotypes in queer subs, etc. Seems so off the mark to me that I didn’t think it might actually be sincere lol


    someone who hates those kinds of social progressive ideals and wants to mock them and make them look bad

    Ahh, that makes more sense. Some people are shitty down to their core. Yuck!


    It was meant to be petty and inflammatory. It’s not about any kind of equality or justice or movement of any kind. Bringing those things into it just muddies the waters and makes things more complicated than it needs to be. It was 100% a mod power tripping and enjoying the fact that no matter how bullshit the reason, nothing would be done.

    @wren@lemmy.ml avatar

    This makes loads more sense than anything else. Everything they’ve said has always been a little too on the nose trying to be ‘’ ‘‘woke’’ ‘’ (is double quoting a thing? Hopefully my meaning comes across as intended)


    I mean, there's a whole huge contingent of "feminists" getting popular these days who have explicitly and extremely bioessentialist misandrist beliefs, TERFs, so sadly I'm not super sure you're right, but it's entirely possible. You do tend to have to look holistically at people's actions and speech to figure out what they really believe, oftentimes.


    I'm not gonna lie, I don't understand at all. What is in the picture? Books? Why can't men make books?? Locking the comments? What is rule 6? I can try to infer what may have happened, but people are both very sensitive but people are also very shitty so I don't want to just guess.

    Doll_Tow_Jet-ski avatar

    I have the same questions as you =/

    Ignacio avatar

    Awkwardtheturtle reacted to this post.


    The mod stickied a sexist joke and then locked the thread because people were calling them out on being sexist


    I don't think it was the initial comment, nor the rest of the context which was so terrible. It was pinning it as a mod. And then using misandrist insults to justify a mod action.

    jherazob avatar

    Here's a post from 2021 about this person giving some background. I recall even a change.org petition requesting them being banned.

    Also, you might recall them for making the news recently after banning an artist from /r/art because they said a piece by them was made by AI, and when proven otherwise they said that it was obviously based on AI and that they should find a better style, which escalated to the point that the sub was temporarily closed

    Seeing that person going down is a nice piece of justice in this shitstorm. It happened for the wrong reasons, admins should have removed this person long ago and didn't, but at least it's something.

    iAmTheTot avatar

    How can you tell it was them in that r/art debacle?

    gkd, to reddit in thanks spez
    @gkd@lemmy.ml avatar

    Wonderful news. It was honestly time for us to start moving away from Reddit anyway. This just gives us an excuse.


    It taught me one thing. Nobody uses the friends list or follow feature, aside from spammers.


    Agreed, the increased ads, detriment to user experience and general toxicity was becoming unbearable. I am very thankful to have found a new home.


    Honestly I hope it remains small enough to not attract influencers and low grade content, but also large enough to become a significant source of useful searchable info. It’s a pipe dream but hey


    One can hope.

    Right now, I love the size and the community feel. It’s as if we are all trying to make this place our home, so we are all figuring it out together, posting often and engaging. I know it won’t last forever, but I’m enjoying it while it is lasting.

    Ekybio, to politicalmemes in Do ya gotta do it? Do you really? Nah.
    @Ekybio@lemmy.world avatar

    Liberals terrified that they’ll be treated the same way they treat Palestinians.


    Tell me you live under a rock without telling me you live under a rock.


    Don’t worry, that’s what the fascist simps want. But they’re totally Leftists, don’t worry; enabling fascism is just good praxis. /s


    We’ve been telling you libs that you were enabling fascism for decades, but you just kept on simping for fascism anyway. Yet suddenly when you realize that you might be on the receiving end of it, suddenly you start to whine.


    Yes, you’re right. When given a binary choice it’s always worse to choose the side that will bring more fascism. I’m glad you recognized that at one point. Hopefully you can come back around to it.


    You’ve picked that same choice every four years for decades, and all it’s done is bring more fascism.

    Don’t complain now that that fascism might effect you

    norbert, (edited )
    norbert avatar

    I love when PEOPLE on lemmy act like THEY tried to warn everyone so THEY'RE not responsible. How many election cycles have you participated in? You haven't done shit and will continue not doing shit, congratulations.


    We know this isn’t an age-restricted reaction, so cool it with the “shaming young people” rhetoric.


    What a bizarre comment.


    Out of the three choices available to me it’s brought the least fascism one can muster through the voting process. Not voting is a way to bring about marginally more fascism (I especially hope you are voting locally right?) There are 3 years and 364 other days to do political action. Please use those. I don’t see voting as anything but an awful way to choose the lesser of two evils and as a miniscule but necessary part of mine and your capacity for political action.


    There is no genuine socialist political movement left in the US; it’s been systematically destroyed - with enthusiastic support by liberals.


    I wholeheartedly encourage you to spend your time advocating for socialism and trying to revive the movement, hell, I’ve spent time canvasing for local socialist candidates. You know what that didn’t stop me from doing? Spending 20 minutes walking to my polling place once every 4 years to vote for the least fascist out of 2 shitty candidates.


    So you agree, you’re voting for a fascist?



    Of course. I hate the system I exist in. Not voting for either fascist is saying you’re ok with either one winning, and you’re fine with the more fascist one winning, not somehow ascending yourself out of the system.

    At the end of the day one of only two candidates will win and enact their favored policies. As I said, please for the love of God be politically active in favor of socialism the other 3 years and 364 days that exist, we need to change the system.


    unsurprisingly, “yeah he’s a fascist, but” is not a convincing answer. I’m voting for the PSL. I won’t be holding my nose to vote for this octogenarian zionist again , fuck that lmao


    I mean, that’s fine. You’ve convinced yourself that both candidates are equally bad to placate yourself. That is so clearly not true but if you’re holding on to that totem there’s not a lot I can do about that.


    You have rationalized yourself into voting for fascism, as if it’s the only moral option. Nothing you could say would ever make me take you or your opinions seriously. You are not someone I would take advice from, nor someone whose thoughts would ever affect my own, in any form.

    Good luck in November!


    I figured, I hope you think on it though.

    Inaction is still a vote.


    Liberals have systematically destroyed all serious attempts at left wing organization, and put structures in place to make it impossible for them to reemerge. And they did this with a hundred times more gusto then they ever put towards stopping the rise of fascism.


    You’re right. We need a revolution 50 years ago.


    If there was a serious revolutionary effort here, you would call them Russian/Chinese backed authoritarian terrorists and beg the government to drown them in white phosphorus


    If there was a serious revolution here you would still stay home coming up with three new excuses an hour for why it isn’t your exact vintage of preferred revolution and why nothing will really change because of it.


    You’re projecting, liberal.


    Weird response.


    True though


    You’re flailing. Just read through the conversation and reflect.


    You’re still projecting, mate.


    Caught your loop.

    We call that a thought terminating cliche.


    Not what that is


    And they have just as hypocritically told you similar things. And neither of you have learned you’re both horrible.


    Just a reminder: voting for the lesser of two evils has not ever resulted in the Democratic party stopping their march to the extreme right right alongside the GOP, to the point now that in order to vote for the Democratic nominee one must accept that their vote goes to supporting a genocide.

    Frog-Brawler avatar

    Just a reminder: voting for Biden does not mean you support him.


    Yes, it does. It means you’re willing to put your name to what he does in office.

    Frog-Brawler avatar

    Who told you that? I’m sure you didn’t read that anywhere.


    No one had to tell me it, it is self-evident. He’s the representative you choose and he’s going to absolutely 100% take your vote for him as vindication that supporting genocide is politically viable, which means Dems will keep fielding zionists and taking AIPAC money.

    That’s the consequences of your choice. You need to accept that, not try to pretend you still get to have sone kind of moral high ground.

    Frog-Brawler avatar

    Well, I don’t support either one of them but it’s very clear that Trump is the worse of the two options in the two party system. I did not choose him. I really think it’s moronic for randos on the internet to try to tell me what I support. It’s not a moral issue for me, it’s a logical one.

    natural_motions, (edited )

    Voting for Biden is supporting him, yes. Sitting here arguing that people should vote for him is supporting him. You are a Biden supporter.

    Tell me, logically, what would convince democrats to stop supporting genocide?

    Frog-Brawler avatar

    Again, voting for Biden is not supporting him. I’ll acknowledge that he is one of two shitty options, but my brain works well enough to recognize that in a two party system, we’re not going to have more than two options. That’s just math.

    My memory works well enough to remember the Trump regime and its lasting impacts on our country. Not voting for Biden is an endorsement for further rollbacks to bodily autonomy, a greater division in wealth, the privatization of public services, religious indoctrination in schools, AND the continued genocide of Palestinians.


    There are three options, not two.

    It honestly still sounds like cope to me. You’re voting for Biden and the Biden agenda, but somehow think that declaring that you are not supporting him absolves you of enabling him. Take ownership of your actions.

    You’re not being honest with yourself because you like to believe you’re a moral person, but it turns out you are willing to cache in your morals out of fear. Which I guess tracks, cowardice and will lead to cowardly actions.

    Tell yourself what you need to in order to sleep at night, but your unwillingness to truly resist is why the country continues on the track it has been on, why Democrats keep following the GOP to the right.

    Frog-Brawler avatar

    The third option being doing nothing at all? Is that the third option or are you going to inform me of a new way to do electoral math?

    I am voting for Biden as a vote against Trump. I do not support Biden; I abhor Trump. I am not really sure why this is difficult to process for you.

    You keep mentioning morals after I already told you that my decision is not one based in morals; it's based in logic. Keep schilling for the right and you too will no longer need to worry about voting at all.


    I am voting for Biden as a vote against Trump

    And I’m voting Uncommitted against Trump as well as zionism and genocide being tolerated in the Democratic party.

    You might be ok with Dems being complicit in genocide, I am not and my action reflects that. It doesn’t take a whole lot to get my vote back, just don’t fund genocide. Easy, right?

    You keep mentioning morals after I already told you that my decision is not one based in morals; it’s based in logic.

    And I repeat the question you side-stepped; logically, how would one discourage Democrats from supporting genocide? Remember now, I’m not talking about Republicans, I know that they’re difficult to distinguish these days but I’m asking about Democrats. How, logically, does one stop Democrats from funding genocide and accepting AIPAC money?

    Frog-Brawler avatar

    In my state, we're not even having a primary. Again, tell me more about how to do the electoral math.

    And I repeat the question you side-stepped; logically, how would one discourage Democrats ftom supporting genocide? Remember now, I’m not talking about Republicans, I know that they’re difficult to distinguish these days but I’m asking about Democrats. How, logically, does one stop Democrats from funding genocide and accepting AIPAC money?

    Show up to the meetings in your county. Get the phone numbers of the local party leaders that you can actually speak with. Engage with them. Tell them what they need to support. I'm tired of being the youngest person in the room as a 40 year old, it doesn't bode well. All politics is local.


    Contact my representatives. Ok. And when they say “Nah, we like supporting genocide and taking AIPAC money, we’re going to keep doing that” what then?

    Frog-Brawler avatar

    Wow... ok...

    1.) I did not say to contact your representatives. I said to get in touch with your local party leaders. That means the people running the either weekly or monthly meetings that happen in your county. Depending on where you live, that might be your neighbor, or it might be someone down the street, but either way; it's going to be someone that you have a possible chance of encountering at a store in your area.

    2.) Based on how you responded, I can infer that you haven't tried contacting your representatives either. So tell me again... what have you tried other than just doing nothing?


    Ok, so the party leaders and representatives and your local city council or whoever else say "Nah, we like supporting genocide and taking AIPAC money, we’re going to keep doing that” what then?

    What’s the next step, logically, if those in power aren’t listening or interested in changing their behavior?

    Frog-Brawler avatar

    You bring your friends out, and get yourselves voted in to replace them.


    I see. Taking office myself.

    So if we extend this logic to the presidency I should…-checks notes-…just become the President of the United States.

    Frog-Brawler avatar

    Perhaps... but you also have to realize the timeline involved in such an endeavor. In the meantime, you have a two party system. Vote for the better option.

    natural_motions, (edited )

    You’re just circling back around to alluding to Republicans again. I didn’t ask about how to stop Republicans. I asked how to stop right-wing extremist Democrats from directing the party.

    You admit on one hand that getting people to vote against a genocide-supporting candidate is ultimately the way you influence the Democratic party’s support of genocide when those in power won’t listen, but then still end up at the conclusion that we should vote for the genocide-supporting candidate.

    I fail to see how this will effect the Democrats future behavior. Why wouldn’t they just continue their strategy of propping up extremist right-wing opponents to make their genocide-supporting candidates the lesser of two evils?

    What do you think, logically, I should infer then about your claim that you’re a logical decision maker?

    Frog-Brawler avatar

    Are you daft or just trolling?

    What does "alluding to Republicans" even mean? I need an explanation of that statement because I can't process that.

    I told you exactly what to do. If you missed it, scroll back up. It doesn't mean change is going to happen next week. It takes time and you've literally done nothing other than asking a bunch of questions and schilling for the right. Ask all the questions you want, and I'll answer them but you need to get off your ass and go be politically active within your community.

    If you'd like me to figure out how to do this for you, let me know your county and state, and I'll be happy to get you pointed in the right direction.


    While I’m so disaffected that I’ve had to have my fire rekindled to vote for the “least damaging option” yet again, and while I’ll be dragging my feet to the booth in November, I feel from key words in this conversation that their mastery of English is surprising to the point of suspect when I consider the errors they’re committing.

    I’d advise saving your energy for a less disingenuous conversation.

    Have a great day.

    natural_motions, (edited )

    What does “alluding to Republicans” even mean?

    I’m pointing out that in the end you still just invoke them as boogiemen. You still fall back to “Well, the reason you vote for the problematic Dems this time is…(because Republicans).” Which is what you’ll say next election and the next and the next.

    It is the exact feedback loop I’m asking how to not participate in reinforcing since that very strategy has objectively failed for decades and only moved the nation further to the right. Yet it repeats because every election cycle morons come out and vote based on fear.

    I’m explicitly not asking about kicking the can down the road again.

    I told you exactly what to do. If you missed it, scroll back up.

    You suggest asking nicely and then, if that doesn’t work, voting in local elections and hoping some day in some indeterminate future, that trickles up and effects the party leadership somehow.

    I’m looking to destroy or disable the entrenched power structure in the DNC, not continue to indefinitely play a rigged game they themselves run. I’m not looking to help them continue playing grab-ass with the other flavor of fascists, do you understand?

    I am 100% uninterested in waiting for the general public to wake up on their own, they can wake up from the slap across the face that is Donald Trump if thats what it takes to get them to actually move their dumbasses into gear. Because if that doesn’t do it then the general public will simply acclimate to the slow boil of fascism that we are currently experiencing, and that’s when things are truly done for good.

    If someone is outnumbered by ineffectual morons with lots of money and entrenched political support and voting with the morons changes nothing, but voting against them disrupts their pattern of stupidity because they need your vote to move forward, then doing the latter is a legitimate choice to make. That is being politically active.

    It’s the difference between getting on the idiot wagon or laying down in front of it.

    It doesn’t mean change is going to happen next week.

    Right, and how long do we continue empowering the lesser of two evils? How many generations before that cycle is spontaneously disrupted by “talking to your local party leadership”?

    Fear-based “Later” politics are idiotic and cowardly. I’m opting out of that.


    That’s why I only ever write in my own name. It’s the only way to be sure my vote perfectly aligns with my morals.


    A person who doesn’t vote is more to blame than a person who votes for the less insane candidate. That’s logic 101.


    Who said anything about not voting? People should vote in every election they can.


    Just a reminder: voting for the lesser of two evils has not ever resulted in the Democratic party stopping their march to the extreme right right alongside the GOP, to the point now that in order to vote for the Democratic nominee one must accept that their vote goes to supporting a genocide.

    “Their march to the extreme far right”

    Tell me you don’t know history, or remember even 10 years ago, without telling me you don’t know history or remember 10 years ago.


    Ten years, why not twenty? I wonder how Biden voted on the Iraq war and invasion of Afghanistan?

    How long have we been voting for the technically less evil for now? And where are we at this exact moment? How many times were we all promised “Just vote fascist lite onnnnne more time and next election cycle will be better.”?


    Sure, why not twenty. Please compare the state of the Democratic Party in 2004 to today, and tell me which is more right-wing.


    Well, how right-wing is genocide compared to starting an unjustfied war?

    Do you actually think that somehow you’re going to convince people that we are both on the precipice of fascism but also the Democrats have gotten better at resisting fascism?


    What lessons from history were overlooked?


    Please compare the Democratic Party in 2024 to the following periods of the Democratic Party:








    Then, subsequently, trace their ‘march to the extreme far right’.


    You didn’t answer my question


    Yes there was a massive Lurch right in the 90s. Since then the Democrats have waffled extremely hard. Flirting with moving back left slightly but often retracting back to their '90s positions. But there have been a few solid moves to the left in the last 20 years. Nowhere near enough of course. But some is always better than none.

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