
Tsoi_Zhiv, to homeimprovement in How do I get rid of the hard particulate matter embedded within my window screen

First off. This picture is vile and while I appreciate your need for assistance, you have ruined my day and I will be busy puking for the rest of the week.

To answer your actual question: I recommend just replacing it. Extra screen and cord is cheap and easy to install.


Completely agree. Takes about 5 minutes per screen and often you can re-use the bead around the edges.


It’s an incredibly large screen that goes to my back porch. I’m not sure that the window frame itself is easily removable. Would that make it tricky to install a new screen with something that large and not movable?

@krolden@lemmy.ml avatar

There are a lot of videos on YouTube about how to replace a screen. Most of them that I have seen have a pane that only works once and then when you remove it, you replace it with rubber tubing that they sell from the store. They sell a special tools kit to pry the original pane off and some rollers and clips to get the screen back in nice by pushing the tubing into place without the groove. I recommend cutting a piece of wood to the exact spacing that the screen needs to maintained since making the screen tight can warp its profile and not fit correctly.


Have you tried warm/hot vinegar in a spray bottle? If you have hard water it could be mineral buildup and some warm vinegar would help dissolve it. If it's not from hard water it may be trickier, but a super soft bristled brush and some simple gree or other cleaner may work as well.


Carefully if it's a metal screen vinegar could corrode steel screen... Though it's probably worth a shot it the alternative is replacing it.


No kidding, I stared at it for a minute going “is this going to set it off?” and when my brain finally decided it couldn’t come up with an explanation it launched hard into the skin crawling, scalp itching and nausea. It’s like visual kryptonite.

bioemerl, to piracy in Does the idea of this concern anyone else? Why is no one talking about it?

Yes, Microsoft exerting this sort of control over their operating system does deeply concern me which is why i switched to Linux and you should too

PeutMieuxFaire avatar

It is because of rumors about Windows starting to implement this type of measures that I moved to Ubuntu… That was shortly before Windows Vista came out, back in 2006.
I never went back again, except briefly on an air-gaped machine under 7 to play Skyrim and Grim Dawn.


In other words, you switched out of fear of restrictions that still haven’t manifested nearly two decades later

okawari avatar

I swapped to Linux for similar reasons many years ago. The initial idea was to hedge and get familiar with it so I had peace of mind. I ended up staying in the Linux sphere for most of my devices , except for my music production machine that still run windows.


They haven't? Yesterday my computer updated without my permission and started popping up a screen that nags me about how I need to switch to an online Microsoft account in order to continue to use the operating system.

A few weeks ago I tried to disable Windows updates using a test scheduler job and despite being an administrator and going through the command line it told me I do not have the permission to do this.

The restrictions are here and they're getting worse.


Absolutely, with TPM chips now being a requirement to install Windows, it's only a matter of time until DRM becomes a mandatory low-level part of the OS.

PeutMieuxFaire avatar

True, mostly, but other things have manifested that I'm glad I could avoid:

  • Extensive intrusive telemetry,
  • Maliciously reactivating deactivated functions when installing a system update,
  • Viruses (OK, there probably are some on Linux but not by the same order of magnitude - Never got infected in 15+ years),
  • Pushing to create a Microsoft account at every install,
  • Trying to make me pay to play files in FOSS formats (this format is not supported by Windows, click here to buy the plugin),
  • Refusing to boot if I change a part of my computer Microsoft considers important,
  • Impossible to deinstall crapware,
  • Computer getting sluggish over time, pushing me to buy a new one,
  • Deciding on which machine I am allowed to install based on the CPU model…

When I decided to move to Linux I was at a point where I spent my time fighting the OS on my computer to stop it from doing things I did not ask for or didn't want. And I had to start again after each system update. And the nightmare of individually updating each driver and software - Though I hear this has gotten better on Windows, apparently.

To be fair : not everything is fun and rainbows with Linux. Sometimes something does not work or stops to work and there is a ton of software I would be happy to use but can't for one reason or another. But at the end of the day it fits my needs at 95% and I can live without the rest.
The only things I miss are games, and since I disagree with Steam's walled-garden approach I had to find myself other hobbies, which isn't THAT bad ;p Gardening, preserving foods and sewing are a good real-life alternative to Minecraft.


And I had to start again after each system update. And the nightmare of individually updating each driver and software

I certainly didn’t have a better experience on Linux in this regard. Maybe Windows updates occasionally come with m a nagscreen or unwanted applications nowadays.

However, at least the updates usually install successfully. On Linux, depending on the distro, an update means it’s manual conflict resolution time. For other distros, users generally recommend a clean install over updating.

What I would save in nags screens would seem easily replaced by effort needed to get drivers and basic features to work correctly in Linux. Last I checked, it was still an odyssey to get lag-free 4K playback on YouTube working in the browser.

At the end of the day, I feel like it’s a lot of annoyances and effort on either platform. Now that I think about it, probably macOS comes out ahead somewhere in the middle. Less nagware but little exposure to the usual Unix complexity.


Linux Mint reporting in. I've been running it on all my machines for... over 6 years now, not sure how much longer than 6 though. Did not look back, I can do everything I want without issue.

I, too, enjoy having an OS that doesn't fsck with me.


It's just so unbelievably nice when it doesn't ask you to use Microsoft edge, and it doesn't pop up web searches when you try to find an application, and it doesn't update without your permission or pop up a screen about how Windows counts are better than local accounts every two weeks.

They've just added up so many small annoyances that when I switch to Lennox it was a genuine breath of fresh air.

And by all means Linux kind of fucking sucks too, but it sucks because of its own technicality riddled advanced user problems. It's hard to update things, they want you to use cuz the command line for half of the stuff you want to do, and it's really easy to screw up your whole install and never be able to get back.

But it's worth it, the annoyances of linux are now worth it over the annoyances of windows and the annoyances of windows are intentional.


it's really easy to screw up your whole install

NixOS has entered the chat

@ijeff@lemdro.id avatar

What distro do you run?


Ubuntu and more recently Pop!

I used to use a distro named "crunchbang"

guriinii, to dataisbeautiful in Reddit Activity 08 - 28 June [OC]

Be interesting to see what happens between this period and over the next month. I made the switch today and I'm sure many more are doing also.


Yea i wonder if it does happen how much of a panic reddit is gonna be in, cos it cant reflect positively on their IPO. I hope they get screwed

BiggestBulb avatar

Welcome to the Fediverse!

@snek@lemmy.world avatar

Too many of my favourite communities are still yet to make a switch, but I sure as hell hope they do! r/crowbro would make an excellent addition to lemmy.


Especially when 3rd party apps stop working.


Same yesterday, still adaptating to Kbin and the Fed network, but anyway it's already a breath of fresh air!

CMLVI avatar

Yup. Committing tonight; have to do it before the delete tools lose API access, ironically....I think. Not entirely sure how they work. Lol


Welcome! :)


Same with me - just joined a few hours ago! It would be great to see a viable community-run alternative to Reddit and other online services.

Maximilious avatar

Unfortunately we won't know statistically like this graph shows unless someone wants to pay the astronomical API feel to pull this data.

Welcome to the Fediverse coming from kbin.social!

dingus182, to games in remaster when?
@dingus182@lemmy.world avatar

I'll let Dave explain: https://youtu.be/ThxdvEajK8g


And here's the blog from the other guy - https://devblogs.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20121218-00/?p=5803

@dingus182@lemmy.world avatar

Hey, Dave!


If only I could be as cool as that Dave.

Blakerboy777 avatar

Best comment here, please remember to boost this post so people can see it!

Tigbitties, to chat in lemmy.world has defederated from the nazi instance
Tigbitties avatar

“in order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must be intolerant of intolerance.” - Karl Popper


Gotta love the good ole tolerance paradox

zalack avatar

Not a paradox. Tolerance is a peace treaty, not a moral precept.

We don't call it a "diplomacy paradox" when a country responds to getting invaded by killing the invaders.


Isn't that what Karl Popper, the guy they're quoting, calls it though?

be_excellent_to_each_other, (edited )
be_excellent_to_each_other avatar


  • Loading...
  • AlteredStateBlob,
    AlteredStateBlob avatar

    Not allowed. One guy said a thing and that's that now. /s


    No paradox there: tolerance is not a moral precept. Relevant quote:

    Tolerance is not a moral absolute; it is a peace treaty. Tolerance is a social norm because it allows different people to live side-by-side without being at each other’s throats. It means that we accept that people may be different from us, in their customs, in their behavior, in their dress, in their sex lives, and that if this doesn’t directly affect our lives, it is none of our business. But the model of a peace treaty differs from the model of a moral precept in one simple way: the protection of a peace treaty only extends to those willing to abide by its terms. It is an agreement to live in peace, not an agreement to be peaceful no matter the conduct of others. A peace treaty is not a suicide pact.

    @Gaywallet@beehaw.org avatar

    While I understand what you are getting at, it is literally self-defined as 'the paradox of tolerance' by Karl Popper.

    be_excellent_to_each_other avatar


  • Loading...
  • jherazob,
    @jherazob@beehaw.org avatar

    Well, not quite a "rebuttal", more of a fine-tuning to get rid of the paradox issue, but yeah :P

    sj_zero, to fediverse in lemmy.world leads the pack as the #1 most active instance, outpacing the next 5 non-bot instances combined!

    That’s great and imma let you finish but remember that decentralization is strength on the fediverse. Join or create other instances, join or create communities on other instances, thats our strength.

    On the fediverse, instances come and go. I’ve seen big instances go down either permanently or temporarily, and ive also seen big communities decide they’re turning off federation. The only way to be safe from that is to decentralize, so if something happens there’s still something worth doing on the fediverse.

    Besides that though, congratulations lemmy.world, I love to see the thrediverse Renaissance we’re in, and nothing but love for the folks running this instance and the folks participating on it.

    @kiwifoxtrot@lemmy.world avatar

    Some of us were here before it blew up... lol.

    IsThisLemmyOpen, to reddit in Awkwardturtle The banned 1000 sub mod Talks about the admins after Ban and got a message "let all burn to the ground"

    Asshole CEO and Power-tripping mods in a stand-off. I love it.


    Right ? I tooted my ass off about people facing to back mods on this .

    BettyWhiteInHD avatar

    It's not even a standoff, an asshole working at Reddit (probably not even the CEO) fired an unpaid volunteer and they're ugly crying while drinking boxed wine and freaking out about how they're gonna regret letting them go online.

    It's entirely one sided and nobody really gives a single shit about this dummy. I hope they get the help they desperately need.


    Yo there's nothing wrong with boxed wine.


    This boxed wine slander cannot be allowed here!

    Difficult_Bit_1339, to nostupidquestions in Why does it say "pending" when I try to join a community outside of my local Lemmy instance?
    @Difficult_Bit_1339@sh.itjust.works avatar

    It's not a bug. You're trying to subscribe to a Beehaw community.

    What happened is that Beehaw has de-federated Lemmy.world. They've essentially banned, from their instance, all users on the lemmy.world instance. This was due to a combination of Beehaw having very heavily moderated communities and the influx of new users onto your (and my) instance.

    Some of the new users were trolling the Beehaw communities (including user posting a picture of their penis in a Feminist community) and couldn't be banned because they could just re-create an account on these two instances as they were running with open sign-ups (Beehaw requires manual approval of user sign-ups).

    Because of these things Beehaw's moderation team de-federated lemmy.world and sh.itjust.works until they could work with the two instance owners to come up with a solution. As of last update, they had reached out to lemmy.world and sh.itjust.works' admin staff but had only heard from sh.itjust.works. They said they're confident in re-federating at some point but have not provided a timeline.

    Until then you will not be able to access Beehaw communities or see any posts from Beehaw users until the de-federation has been lifted.

    YoBuckStopsHere avatar

    Ah, so I'll delete all my requests from there. If I wanted nazi controlled boards I would have stayed on Reddit.

    @Difficult_Bit_1339@sh.itjust.works avatar

    Man, people are really over using Nazi. At this point it's basically become: 'things I don't like'.

    Beehaw is, if anything, very left and was trying to get rid of trolls that they couldn't ban because the troll would just make a new account in 5 seconds on one of our instances. I'm not at all a fan of de-federation, see our community discussions, but I understand the problem they were trying to avoid.

    It seems like a pretty defensible position to not want random trolls posting pictures of their penis on random communities. They were unable to resolve the problem with the moderator tools that they had so they were forced to de-federate. Not exactly the Third Reich.


    I just want to point out that...

    Defending and siding with people attacking and sexually harassing innocent other people, by calling the people in power acting to protect those innocents, "nazis" for acting to protect said innocent people... is arguably closer to nazism than being liberal/woke and temporarily closing your doors to outsiders as a way to protect innocent people from sexual harassment and unwanted trolls.


    It's unfortunate that a few shitty users ruin things for everyone. That being said with the influx of more users this will become a bigger problem over time. De-federation seems like the nuclear solution. Better moderation tools are going to be needed going forward as well as better communication between instances.


    I've got some "pending"s on kbin.social communities, which I don't think is defererated? Is that a bug or do some communities just set up that way?

    @solidgrue@lemmy.world avatar

    That's the bug others have mentioned.

    Sometimes it's the remote service timing out, sometimes it's the local service. Sometimes it silently fails, other times it silently succeeds but still says it failed, and many times it succeeds and does the 'Joined' thing.

    This is all a work in progress. Give it time.

    @Difficult_Bit_1339@sh.itjust.works avatar

    I've had success with waiting a day and un-clicking subscribe and trying again.

    quantum_mechanic, to nostupidquestions in Do you think the guys on the titanic submarine will be rescued?

    No, nor do I think they should be. There will be millions of wasted taxpayer dollars wasted on trying to recover rich people's dead bodies. They signed a waiver and knew what they were getting into. There's nothing to be learned from whatever happened, since the company was clearly negligent. Let them rest on the ocean floor beside the other rich assholes.

    @WhoRoger@lemmy.world avatar

    That's a bit harsh. If there's anything that works in modern society pretty reliably regardless of status, it's search and rescue. Sunk subs can also be an environmental hazard.


    Sunk subs can also be an environmental hazard.

    Just out of curiosity... how do you figure that a tiny sunken submersible would become a hazard, much less an environmental one?

    @WhoRoger@lemmy.world avatar

    Probably not a big deal at that depth, I mentioned it as only a general addendum. But it probably has a battery, and those tend to be removed from sunken ships and subs together with other risky chemicals if possible.

    I remember the case of a ship sinking with a shipment of new cars, and they recovered every one of those cars because they didn't want even one polluting the environment.

    Regardless they'll want to search for it for the human(e) reasons primarily anyway.


    I agree woth this post. Wealth has nothing to do with this. And if they survive they can easily pay the bill.


    There is no rescue in this instance, only an expensive recovery. And there are enough environmental hazards in the world at this point, that I don't think a 5m sub on the sea floor is going to matter much. Most climbers are abandoned to their fate as they made the reckless decision to ascend, just as these people made the reckless decision to descend.

    @WhoRoger@lemmy.world avatar

    It's still part of S&R. Lost swimmers, ships, small planes, or just people lost in the woods, there are always attempts for recovery long after any chance of survival is gone.

    Yea climbers may be abandoned very high up on Everest, when there's no safe way to bring them down. But subs, we do look for subs. Let's not needlessly be dicks about it.


    Let’s not needlessly be dicks about it.

    You do you. I will be whatever I want about it however.


    Jesus Christ you people are insane.


    they had to sign a waiver that mentions the possibility of death 3 times on the first page to dive in a vehicle that has never been safety certified and that was criticized years ago by almost 40 experts in a letter to the CEO. who is more insane? this safety mission will cost a fortune regardless of the outcome.


    Why? Why should the lives/recovery of bodies of very few billionaires garner more ethical weight than hundreds of poor desperately trying anything to improve their lot in life, dealt by greedy hoarders?


    I'm not the one getting in a rickety submersible and paying a quarter of a million for the displeasure.

    @AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

    Should we send rescue missions up Everest to ensure the families of rich thrill seekers get to bury their loved ones, or should we maybe put those resources into saving real, living people?

    It's unfortunate that their risky joy ride went south, but it would be an actual tragedy if we used hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of dollars of public money to maybe find a few bodies. That money should be used more efficiently helping more people who actually need it.

    Endorkend avatar

    Not only that, one look at the thing they chose to go down into the water in was enough for me to wonder what kind of hallucinogens they must've been on to accept that risk.

    @BendyLemmy@lemmy.world avatar

    4km down - I get the willies if I see more than 20 metres of water underneath me and I can't see the bottom.


    According to David Lochridge (their Director of Marine Operations who was fired and sued), the passenger viewport of the original sub (buit in 2018) was only certified for depths of up to 1,300 meters (4,265 feet), and OceanGate would not pay for the manufacturer to build a viewport certified for 4,000 meters, the depth at which the Titanic rested.

    Whether that defect was corrected in this version of the sub (built 2020-21) is anyone's guess. Meanwhile, a German entrepreneur who took a trip in this sub in 2021 reported several problems with the electrics and one dive was aborted at 1600ft. So whether these new problems were addressed (by someone who wanted to cheap out on a window) is also unknown.


    At least this method of winning the darwin award is going full circle.

    'Bringing an outside entity up to speed on every innovation before it is put into real-world testing is anathema to rapid innovation.'


    He hired a guy specifically to work on the safety of the sub and fired him when he raised too many concerns like the viewport not being rated for that depth.

    'Lochridge learned that the viewport manufacturer would only certify to a depth of 1,300 meters due to the experimental design of the viewport supplied by OceanGate, which was out of the Pressure Vessels for Human Occupancy ('PVHO') standards.

    'OceanGate refused to pay for the manufacturer to build a viewport that would meet the required depth of 4,000 meters.


    Exactly, there's enough evidence that they're just willfully negligent. Fuck them. The victims should have done even 5 mins of research on the company before getting in the sub.


    Wouldn't the governments bill OceanGate for the rescue costs? Similar to governments billing hikers/campers when they have to send a search and rescue party and/or medivac them to a hospital?


    It's kinda poetic for them to go down next to the titanic, itself a story of complacency and excess/opulance.


    Darn tootin'.

    LinkOpensChest_wav, to maliciouscompliance in r/steam (maliciously) complies with the call to open again

    This blackout has really shown which subs have actual in-touch moderators, and which ones are just the admins' puppy dogs

    A while ago, I had a comment auto-removed on WPT and got a message it was because my account was "not in good standing." When I messaged the WPT mods, they explained that they were test piloting a new tool the admins plan to use. For example, if you have a throwaway email address, no email address, or are connecting via VPN, you may be "not in good standing."

    With things like that on the horizon, even if they roll back on what they're doing now, we're still not likely to have a very good time on that site.

    I can't blame the mods who are trying to make change through protest (and who may not even be aware of the "not in good standing" BS), but I don't plan to stick around, and I don't foresee a very bright future for reddit at all.


    When did this happen? During the blackout? You say "a while ago" and I'm just curious.


    This happened 3 weeks ago, just before things really started to get ugly on reddit

    onepinksheep avatar

    Ah. So basically China's Social Credit system, but for Reddit.


    Finally putting all that karma to good use.



    Often, the SoCS is merely invoked as a metaphor: either to depict some technological threat at home or to portray a techno-dystopian China.

    This is symptomatic of a tendency to see China not as a real place with real people, but as an abstract “negative opposite” of “us”.


    Interesting article, but according to it there where some pilot studies that tried to penalize citizens based on their social score. So I don't think the meme is entirely wrong.


    It's important to identify these arbitrary lines in the sand, thanks.

    zalack avatar

    To try and be charitable to the WPT mods: that sub is a magnet for bots and bad actors. All those measures sound like a shotgun approach to combating spam to me.

    I really don't envy having to moderate a large politically oriented sub like that. I imagine it burns you out fast to being open and fair-minded in how you approach moderation due to the sheer avalanche of bullshit you're confronted with cleaning up.


    I do understand that point of view, but the fact that they're piloting a really invasive tool on behalf of the admins and subsequently refused to go black -- these make me feel far less charitable

    Nepenthe avatar

    Combating bots by banning anyone without an email is understandable and seems doable for the near future, but like it would mostly be a hiccup for the people churning them out.

    Google ignores any periods in an email address, so if you want to sign up with the same email all you have to do is fill it with differently-placed periods. What are they gonna do? Ban everyone who shares your name from having a reddit? Ban Gmail? If they did, there's still the plus trick that isn't specific to gmail


    The plus and period thing isn't difficult to filter out in their email check.

    But I do agree that requiring emails is a non-issue for spammers.

    I mean, look at any other platform that requires email, and they're all covered in spam.

    QuestioningEspecialy avatar

    A while ago, I had a comment auto-removed on WPT and got a message it was because my account was "not in good standing." When I messaged the WPT mods, they explained that they were test piloting a new tool the admins plan to use.

    I'mma need some sauce for dat pasta. That's too wild to not post screenshots.

    Synthaxx avatar
    QuestioningEspecialy avatar

    And the AutoModerator notification link: https://i.imgur.com/7Yzm2IS.jpg

    Thanks. Shit's deliciously wrong.

    edit: But you know what... having recently watched The Blackenning (2023)... it honestly feels very... White.


    Thanks. I should have done that myself.


    The mods of r/NBA continued using the sub during the blackout and discussed the NBA finals and Denver's parade.


    The moral fortitude of most pro sports fans is abysmally low, so that tracks with my expectations

    quortez avatar

    I can't imagine a website so anti-CCP it utterly internalized the social credit meme (despite it being somewhat more nuanced in reality, I still don't approve of it, just learned it gets exaggerated in the west) would take well to an invisible 'reputation system' that demands data collection and punishes privacy actions.

    The vibes continue to deteriorate.


    Honesty I think the big political subs are incredibly bot infested. Political content is an amazing way to make people mad and get them to spend more time on a platform, increasing engagement and letting reddit deliver more ads. It's not like it would be the first time they used bots to drive engagement and make communities look bigger.


    Don't forget that for many years reddit was the home of the most inciteful Donald Trump propaganda platform with r/t_d.


    and dont forget reddit is also the home of the most inciteful Chinese propaganda platform with /r/sino


    The whole site is bot infested! Especially the large subs, but I've personally had scambots pop into my posts even on smaller subreddits.

    People who say they won't leave reddit because "there's no good alternative" really have their head in the sand about how bad it really is. Nearly every alternative I've seen suggested is at least better than reddit (except for the really far-right ones like voat).


    Pretty much any big sub is totally unusable. The only reason to be on Reddit is for the niche hobby subs

    @jeremy_sylvis@midwest.social avatar

    Can confirm. You don't need to go far to find dog-piling groupthink ruining discussion.


    And unfortunately, those are the ones most difficult to find alternatives for.


    I absolutely resonate with both your comments, it's the best function reddit served imo. The big mainstream subs were just content factories to create posts to doomscroll through.

    @linearchaos@lemmy.world avatar

    Worse than bots. Active foreign influencers.


    The bot problem is probably domestic. Reddit has much more to gain from artificially driving engagement than any "foreign adversary".


    why not both?

    @Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar

    What a great idea. Just use an algorithm to ban any unprofitable user. Can't lose!


    That explains why I got banned a while back and was told I violeted the TOS, but the crime they listed (Abusing the report button) was neither in the TOS nor something I actually did.

    @Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar

    Speaking of segues, I didn’t realize I’d been on lemmy for ten months already. Huh, look at that!

    InternetPirate, (edited ) to piracy in r/piracy is now open, let's save all the useful posts



    Did not know about this site… very nice!

    IntergalacticTowel avatar

    Oh wow, that's awesome. Thanks for the link.


    You gotta edit the link and make a spacing between the / and the ; Because the link doesn't work unless you edit the link itself..

    InternetPirate, (edited )



    Oh incredible. I see some subreddits that sent my down nostalgia lane too link megalinks. How do you view zst files anyways? I've never seen that.

    @Sonotsugipaa@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    The "zst" extension is used for files that are compressed with the ZSTD algorithm, usually you see them as ".tar.zst" files in the *nix world - tl;dr, they're Linux ZIP files.

    As for how to open them on Windows or MacOS, idk.


    Ah learn something new every day. Good thing I've got I got linux on my laptop. Just never had a reason to use another archive format before and had only encountered the zip 7zip kinds.


    Thanks for the link btw

    JackSparrow, (edited )

    Sorry original comment was a bit big, I created a seperate post this at https://lemmy.dbzer0.com/post/46446


    Do you know of any good way of viewing the json data? Like a way that allows browsing it with submissions and comments connected?


    Dear googlers from the future after the-eye goes down: the archive can be easily downloaded from this magnet link assuming people are still seeding it

    BananaTrifleViolin, (edited ) to firefox in THE ONE THING that I hate about Firefox.

    That's a Linux (and similar) issue. When Linux updates via it's package managers it will update Firefox in the background even though it's open. Firefox then forces you to close it rather than open other tabs to prevent problems.

    But you don't have to install Firefox via the package managers or flathub. You can build it yourself or install a binary manually and I believe it well self update as it does on other platforms. I haven't done it for a while though.

    Otherwise manually control Linux updates so it doesn't mess with Firefox when you're in the middle of something important.

    Edit: the exception on Windows would be if some other software is handling firefox's updates or there is a group policy / system management of Firefox. I've never had this issue on windows on my own PCs

    Edit: btw I have had worse happen on windows with chrome on a work pc. An update was forced on my and chrome close itself without warning and reopened with the update. Pissed me off no end.

    @Haggunenons@lemmy.world avatar

    In 4 or 5 years on Ubuntu I have no memory of ever seeing it.

    My complaint is the roulette of sometimes being unable to reopen my last session after restarting my computer. I’d say once every 10 restarts, the “reload last session” button is grayed out and I lose all my open tabs.

    AlteredStateBlob avatar

    You could try pinning tabs you want to keep before restarting. I do the same if I really want to be sure. Pinned tabs generally survive restarts, even during updates.

    @Haggunenons@lemmy.world avatar

    That’s fantastic, I had no idea that I could pin tabs in Firefox, thanks so much!

    TrickDacy, (edited )

    I had this exact scenario (asking me to restart after an update) happen to me yesterday on pop os which is Ubuntu based. And I’ve definitely seen it other times too. Having said that, it was absolutely no big deal whatsoever.

    I don’t remember seeing the other issue you mention. I’ve literally had some tabs open several months. Have you tried looking for the “restore tabs” option in the History menu when this happens? Afaik that’s available even if you don’t have any option set to save your tabs

    @BendyLemmy@lemmy.world avatar

    If that happens, you should recover from a snapshot… I never experienced this unless the profile folder was damaged or lost.


    If you are okay with trusting an extension, I use Tab Session Manager, it takes snapshots of all your open windows and tabs, and it can restore them when, for example, you forget to restore the previous session before closing Firefox, and overwrite the previous session of dozens of tabs, with the current session that you don’t care about.

    I usually just rely on the built-in restore, but having the backup just in case is such a relief to have on those occasions when “reload last session” is grayed out.

    @Haggunenons@lemmy.world avatar

    Awesome! Thanks so much, this sounds exactly like what I need. I really appreciate you letting me know about this.

    @BendyLemmy@lemmy.world avatar

    That’s a Linux (and similar) issue. When Linux updates via it’s package managers it will update Firefox in the background even though it’s open.

    This is fundamentally wrong. If you are using Firefox on Linux, you would not update at a time when you’re working - because you KNOW that you have to restart it.

    It is considered a ‘User Error’ if they update their system and then complain later that they’re unhappy that they suddenly need to restart something.


    via its* package manager.

    pelya, to memes in Japan is on its own wavelength.

    YYYY-MM-DD is the only acceptable date format, as commanded by ISO 8601.


    “There shall be no other date formats before ISO8601. Remember this format and keep it as the system default”


    If you have years of files named similarly with the date, you will love the ISO standard and how it keeps things sorted and easy to read.





    Kata1yst avatar

    RFC3339! It's like ISO8601, but good!


    This, but all run together.

    I write files/reports to disk a lot from scripts, so that's my preferred format.


    I just go for a unix timestamp and use terminal/filemanager to sort by or display the datetime


    Are you talking epoch? I don't care for that mainly because it's not human readable. I see the use for it, but I struggle with it in practical use.


    Yep. I mostly like datetimes for simple sorting. If it needs to be human readable iso is the way to go tho.

    umbraroze avatar

    Funny thing, in ISO 8601 date isn't separated by colon. The format is "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+hh:mm". Date is separated by "-", time is separated by ":", date and time are separated by "T" (which is the bit that a lot of people miss). Time zone indicator can also be just "Z" for UTC. Many of these can be omitted if dealing with lesser precision (e.g. HH:MM is a valid timestamp, YYYY-MM is a valid datestamp if referring to just a month). (OK so apparently if you really want to split hairs, timestamps are supposed to be THH:MM etc. Now that's a thing I've never seen anyone use.) Separators can also be omitted though that's apparently not recommended if quick human legibility is of concern. There's also YYYY-Wxx for week numbers.


    Sorting by date would be so much better with yyyymmdd .


    Is that why the military uses that format?

    @scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

    Yep, you can easily sort it just because of the ordering. It’s a full standard

    @Crackhappy@lemmy.world avatar

    No. No you can’t.

    @ODuffer@lemmy.world avatar

    In a GMP laboratory it’s 22NOV2023 no ambiguity.

    seth, (edited )

    In many of them but not all, because it’s become convention and has been enshrined in their documentation policies. cGMP just requires that your quality management system has a policy in place that specifies how to document the date, and when exceptions are allowed (for instance, data printouts where YYYY-MM-DD is often the default).

    It’s also the reason some labs require you to initial/date every page of printed data, and some only require you to initial/date the first and/or last page. I’ve seen FDA auditors be okay with both, as long as you can justify it with something like: our documentation policy defines the printout as a copy of the original data, and the original data as what’s stored on machine memory with electronic signature; versus: our documentation policy defines the original signed/dated data printout as the original data. In any case, it still has to follow 21 CFR part 11 requirements for electronic records & signatures, where the only date predicate rule example they give is 58.130(e), which itself is broad and only applies to non-clinical lab studies. It’s notable that the date format 21 CFR 11 itself uses is actually Month D, YYYY, with no zero padding on the day.

    And if you don’t have IQ/OQ/PQ documentation showing how you locked down and validated the software’s ability to maintain an audit trail you can’t even use electronic records (or signatures).


    Largest to smallest unit of time. It just makes sense.


    Except the information is given least to most important, making verbal abbreviation difficult. Works great for file names though.


    There’s this really cool shorthand where you drop the year because it seldom changes. It’s called MM-DD


    Yeah and if you need to know what year, you can just add it to the end like this MM-DD-YY.

    @itslilith@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    MM-DD-YY is the worst abomination I’ve seen yet


    good luck figuring out what that is


    Wow it’s my exact birthday. Good luck figuring out my age.


    Had a coworker who used MMDDYY with no dashes. Unless you knew it was very hard to figure out, since it could also just be a number that happened to be 6 digits, too. At least YYYY-MM-DD looks like a date generally.

    CapeWearingAeroplane, (edited )

    “I can reuse this old function if I just monkey-patch this other class to work with it, no one will have any issues understanding what’s going on”

    Edit: Thought this was the programmerhumor community. For context: A monkey-patch is when you write code that changes the behaviour of some completely different code when it is running, thus making its inner workings completely incomprehensible to the poor programmer using or reading your code.

    @ByteJunk@lemmy.world avatar

    The truth. Amen


    For file names, absolutely.
    When I’m asking what date it is I typically know the current year.


    Well la-tee-dah, look at mister not-shitfaced-every-day here, bragging like a big man


    I can lie under the table, puking my guts out and still remember the year.
    You need more training, son.

    Remavas, (edited )
    @Remavas@programming.dev avatar

    Glad I can count my own country, Lithuania, among the enlightened. https://programming.dev/pictrs/image/1e398790-5848-431e-98b0-61a9e6712158.png

    EDIT: Source of the picture: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Date_format_by_country_NEW.svg

    problematicPanther, (edited )
    @problematicPanther@lemmy.world avatar

    where’s that? somewhere in africa?

    /s because apparently it’s not implied


    Lithuania is one of the Baltic States, conveniently squished between Russia & Belarus to the east and the sea to the west. Across that sea is Sweden. You’ll usually see three countries be the parts of this set. Lithuania is the southernmost of these three.

    @Default_Defect@midwest.social avatar

    Soo… yes to being in Africa?



    Are you from the US? This is a legit question…

    @problematicPanther@lemmy.world avatar

    I seem to have dropped my /s. But yes.


    Which color is which?

    @Remavas@programming.dev avatar

    (This doesn’t consider the separator) Cyan - DD/MM/YY Magenta - MM/DD/YY Yellow - YY/MM/DD The other ones are mixes of those two colors, so e.g. the US is MM/DD/YY and YY/MM/DD (apparently).

    Also just noticed I didn’t attribute this picture, I’ll edit my comment.


    Canada threw up their hands and said, “Fuck it, I don’t care, use whatever date format you like.”


    We are ridiculously inconsistent in Canada. I’ve seen all 3 of the most popular formats here (2023-11-22, 11/22/2023, and 22/11/2023) in similarish amounts. Government forms seem to be increasingly using RFC 3339 dates, but even they aren’t entirely onboard.


    ISO 8601, while great, has too many formats. May I introduce RFC 3339 instead?



    That is what I love so much about standards: there are so many to choose from.


    Huh, I’ve never noticed how much bloat was in ISO 8601. I think when most people refer to it, we’re specifically referring to the date (optionally with time) format that is shared with RFC 3339, namely 2023-11-22T20:00:18-05:00 (etc). And perhaps some fuzziness for what separates date and time.


    YES! I wish more people knew about RFC 3339. While I’m all for ISO 1601, it’s a bit too loose in its requirements at times, and people often end up surprised that it’s just not the format they picked…


    It’s alphabetically sortable too. Name backups like this.

    teft, to aboringdystopia in Jeff Bezo is now cosplaying as a working class man.
    @teft@startrek.website avatar
    @Edgarallenpwn@midwest.social avatar

    Jeff: Merman, merman!


    Stiller wore it better tbh


    Ben stiller played the greatest douchebags


    I still can’t fucking believe the same guy directed Zoolander 2 and Severance.


    I just watched Escape at Dannemora, which is also very good. He’s a talented guy.


    There's a Zoolander 2???

    lyth, to nostupidquestions in What the Hell Happened to my Cookies?

    So, too much butter and something about baking powder?


    What is wrong with the baking powder? Too much? Too little? Too expired?

    Cheesus, (edited )

    Usually cookies need baking soda, not baking powder. If they call for both, it’s at least 2x baking soda. People mix it up and add baking powder instead of soda.

    Or if the cookie requires levening from the powder and it’s expired, it will not rise and spread.

    Soda helps with browning and powder is for levening


    This is right about the mix-up, etc. But, they are both levening agents. Powder includes an acidic reactor, and soda requires one to be included separately. Using both is a way to fine tune the reaction.


    You’re right they’re both levening agents but my understanding was in cookies soda is used for browning and not levening because there is no acid for it to react with.


    Yes! It does help with browning, too. But there is lactic acid in the butter. You’ll notice a flatter cookie without soda. I like those sometimes too, flat buttery crispy bois.


    Prepend a ! and it’ll embed instead of just link:

    this classic image’s time to shine


    Op looks better

    QuestioningEspecialy avatar

    Never noticed the image icon to the left of the link could be clicked like that. Thanks.


    I’m on Boost and can’t zoom in to the embed, so I prefer links so I can actually read the text :)

    @dylanTheDeveloper@lemmy.world avatar

    Where penis

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