Purple, to Engineering
@Purple@woof.tech avatar

Anyone with memory experience here?

I'm trying to figure out the performance differences between 1Rx4 and 2Rx4 (single rank vs dual rank) memory modules.

From what I can logically conclude 2R (dual rank) should be slower, as you will have to wait a few cycles while switching between ranks, but it's incredibly hard to find information about this online.
Mostly because a lot of people confuse memory channels with memory ranks and this has poisoned the search results.

(Dual channel is faster then Single channel, but if I'm right Dual rank should be slower then Single Rank right?)

Can anyone tell me the bandwidth and latency differences between 1Rx4 and 2Rx4 DDR4 RDIMM memory?

michael, to sysadmin
@michael@thms.uk avatar
gnulinux, to linux German
@gnulinux@social.anoxinon.de avatar

IPv4, IPv6, Dual Stack und Dual Stack Lite

IPv6 ist wie Kernfusion, seit Jahrzehnten angekündigt aber immer noch nicht richtig am Start. Nach diesem Artikel wird sich das grundligend ändern.


redegelde, to random Dutch
@redegelde@mastodon.education avatar

Hey Deze nog mooi actief. 606 leden nu

muiiio, to fediverse
@muiiio@mst.muiiio.com avatar

I realize only the first part of this post seems to have propagated across the so here's a screenshot of me asking for regarding my and a bunch of weird issues that have been bugging me 🆘

Please BOOST 💥

cliffwade, to mastodon
@cliffwade@allthingstech.social avatar

@beardedtechguy and I are considering moving from fully managed to fully hosted for our Mastodon server/instance.

I'm looking for suggestions of places where other admins who run their own fully hosted server.

Who do you host with?

What are the prices like?

Have you had any issues?

The more details you can provide, the better. Just trying to get ideas of where to look before we possibly make a jump.

muiiio, to mastodon
@muiiio@mst.muiiio.com avatar

I recently moved my to a new and suddenly nobody's reacting to my toots. Is this expected behaviour? Seriously, not even a post 🙀


paco, to random

Anybody out there on good used hardware? The kind you can find on eBay? My current rig is a Cisco ucs c220 that’s kinda awesome for the price. $600 4 years ago got me 32 cores, and 256G of RAM. Bare metal OS is xcp-ng ().

The problem? The server management software is FLASH (adobe flash) based. I don’t have a way to interact with it.

If you were building something this size and this budget today, what would you search for on ? Feel free to boost.

ultramarine, to foss
@ultramarine@fedi.fyralabs.com avatar

The poll is still open! Let us know what you want for our next edition!

Boost for visibility! Even if you don't use Ultramarine we want to hear from you! (maybe we can convince you to give us a try with one of these new editions)

More Info: https://blog.fyralabs.com/um40-new-edition-vote/
Vote: https://strawpoll.com/ajnEO0dYoZW

#foss #linux #ultramarinelinux #cinnamon #xfce #sway #wayfire #sysadmin #ultramarine #server #poll

musevg, to windows

A propos und "resize Partitions":
Welches Tool nimmt man denn so, wenn man einen Windows 2019 von einer Platte zur anderen (Ziel: Neuer PC) bzw. umziehen möchte?

Die Paragon-Tools mit denen ich sonst Platten clone verweigern bei Server-Platten den Dienst und wollen nochmal €€€ für eine Pro-Variante.

SkyfaR, to Discord German
@SkyfaR@fedinerds.social avatar

Da auf dem wohl niemand Interesse hat, würde ich die Karte nochmal hier anbieten. Diese gab es wohl Exklusiv bei als für den Kauf von Boosterpacks.

Am liebsten würde die Karte tauschen gegen eine andere Holo die jemand über hat, würde sie aber auch an Sammler gegen Porto abgeben.

Das Angebot gibts zweimal.


minioctt, to telegram Italian

Prima che #Durov commettesse quel gran bel po’ di trolling, seguivo alcuni #canali #MicroBlog di varia #gente su #Telegram… 🪵

Ora che mi sto ricordando, almeno quelli #pubblici sto potendo importarli nel mio #lettore di #feed, tramite #RSSHub, che mi genera i documenti #RSS per qualunque #canale. 💬

Però… la media di #interfaccia di un #aggregatore non è granché adatta a consumare #post di quel tipo, spesso tanti e corti. E allora toh, in qualche quarto d’ora ho creato dei #tweak per la mia #istanza #FreshRSS, che tagliano di molto i pezzi inutili della #UI quando navigo nella mia cartella fatta apposta (mentre per tutte le altre fonti non c’è alcuna #modifica). 🖌️

Ecco una #dimostrazione (con il profilo #guest) di cosa ho fatto per ora, potete provare su https://feeds.octt.eu.org/ oppure rubare il #codice per il vostro #server (sono tutte modifiche #ClientSide, tramite #JS e #CSS). ✨https://octospacc.altervista.org/2024/01/12/devo-aggregare-i-microblog/

#aggregatore #canale #canali #ClientSide #codice #CSS #dimostrazione #DUROV #feed #FreshRSS #gente #guest #interfaccia #istanza #JS #lettore #MicroBlog #modifica #post #pubblici #RSS #RSSHub #server #Telegram #tweak #UI


crazy2bike, to fediverse German

Ich werde der ein oder andere Person einen auf meinen ermöglichen und habe dazu eine allgemeinere als meine eigene crazy-to-bike.de registriert.

Nun stellt sich noch die Frage nach der richtgen für die .

Gut wäre natürlich etwas, was möglichst und eine verspricht. Da fällt einem natürlich als Erstes ein.

Das gefällt mir aber im Vergleich zu anderen Möglichkeiten weder optisch, noch finde ich die gut.

Derzeit bin ich ja auf unterwegs, aber das scheint den letzen Prognosen zu Folge ein höchstwahrscheinlich totes Pferd zu sein.

als weiteren -Nachfolger teste ich gerade auch, was für mich eine mögliche Alternative zu Firefish ist. Aber auch dieses Projekt ist ja noch sehr frisch und in meinen Augen einfach nicht absehbar, wie dauerhaft das Ganze fortbesteht.

Auf war ich ja auch schon eine Zeit lang unterwegs, aber das ist optisch auch sehr angestaubt und hat bei mir auf dem Server auch datenbanktechnisch rebelliert.

Ich weiß, dass es noch eine ganze Reihe Alternativen gibt, will und kann aber nicht alles durchprobieren.

Daher hoffe ich auf gute Tipps.

Wichtig ist

  • kein, hohes oder einstellbares Zeichenlimit
  • gute Strukturierung und Kategoriesierung von Lesezeichen (wie bei Firefish und Sharkey mit den Clips)
  • Folgen von und / oder Begriffen (wie bei Firefish und Sharkey mit den Newspickern / Antennen)
  • gutes, ansprechendes und leicht bedienbares responsive Design für die Nutzung auf dem Smartphone (oder volle Unterstützung durch eine App wie bei Mastodon)

Schön wäre

  • Konfigurierbarkeit des Speicherverbrauchs durch die Föderation (was wird wie lange auf dem eigenen Server vorgehalten) wie bei Mastodon
  • automatische Löschung von Beiträgen konfigurierbar wie bei Mastodon
  • hohe Wahscheinlichkeit einer nachhaltigen Weiterentwicklung
  • Moderierte Kontoerstellung wie bei Mastodon

Je länger ich hier schreibe, denke ich, dass Mastodon für sehr vieles davon wohl die richtige Software wäre - will ich aber eigentlich aus Gründen nicht.

minioctt, (edited ) to opensource Italian

Diversi anni fa testai, con scarsi risultati, https://nebula.chat, una del di Telegram, perché ne scoprii l’esistenza ed era come concetto. A quanto pare ha cambiato nome, ora si chiama , l’ho scoperto qualche ora fa quando mi è tornato in mente questo fatto e ho voluto ritestare il . 💍

Sembra che lo sia andato parecchio avanti, ora pare che le private e i canali funzionino in modo praticamente perfetto (non ho testato i gruppi), con addirittura le vocali (credo, non ho potuto controllare se si sentisse), e anche i bot. Questo l’ho verificato sulla ufficiale di , ma in teoria è … solo che non capisco come mai sul il dica che queste ultime succose siano “enterprise” (e di contattare il tizio lì se se ne ha bisogno), e tra le c’è chi dice che non riesce appunto ad usarle, ricevendo errori che dicono proprio che siano cose di un’edizione . Cercando nei stringhe come ErrEnterpriseIsBlocked riesco a trovare qualche parte che fa riferimento a “chiave di licenza da https://teamgram.net/ richiesta per sbloccare le funzioni enterprise”, ma non vedo controlli di licenza nelle molte parti che tirano questo errore, che tralaltro sembrano fare esclusivamente quello. In sostanza, sento puzza di mancante dalle pubbliche, e se ci ho azzeccato è un peccato. 👾

In ogni caso, non so che tipo di utilità pratica possa avere. Forse giusto se si vogliono creare in contesti dove sarebbe preferibile (per abitudine, principalmente), ma quello vero per un motivo o un altro non si può usare (visto che ormai è gestito sempre peggio…), o probabilmente in collaborativi, perché altrimenti l’assenza di federazione è limitante. Comunque è giusto tenerci su un occhio. https://github.com/teamgram ✈️


DavidDarnes, to random
@DavidDarnes@mastodon.design avatar

Web mentions… as a Web Component?

@nhoizey@mamot.fr avatar

@DavidDarnes also, requesting the API from the frontend means everyone visiting the same page will request the API for the same content.

Not a good idea IMHO: https://nicolas-hoizey.com/articles/2020/05/05/jamstack-is-fast-only-if-you-make-it-so/#server-side-first


pepecyb, to fediverse


Ich habe die Gruppe "FirefishTalk" (umbenannt in "KeyTalk", wobei das leider lediglich den Titel, aber nicht das Handle änderte) geschlossen und eine neue Gruppe"MisskeyTalk" erstellt. Ich hoffe, auch hier entstehen interessante Threads, die Nutzern und Admins ggf. weiterhelfen können:

Eine Gruppe für Nutzer und Administratoren des Fediverse-Dienstes Misskey für Fragen, Diskussionen, Anleitungen, Nutzererfahrungen, Hilfsgesuche, Hilfe und mehr...

In der Gruppe sind auch Nutzer und Admins der Dienste Sharkey, Iceshrimp, Catodon, Firefish und vergleichbare willkommen.

I have closed the group "FirefishTalk" (renamed to "KeyTalk", which unfortunately only changed the title but not the handle) and created a new group "MisskeyTalk". I hope that interesting threads will also be posted here, which may help users and admins:

A group for users and administrators of the Fediverse service Misskey for questions, discussions, instructions, user experiences, help requests, help and more...

Users and admins of the services Sharkey, Iceshrimp, Catodon, Firefish and similar are also welcome in the group.

ericfreyss, to threads
@ericfreyss@mastodon.social avatar

A new question on federation...

As the current state is "pushing" some content to the , it means that it should accept incoming reports for abuse from servers, even if the accounts have been selected among employees.

Does anyone know if has implemented the features to receive and acknowledge abuse reports through federation?
If that is not the case, any status on when it will be implemented before full fledged outgoing federation?

@ericfreyss@mastodon.social avatar


So, because people are insisting on this particular topic:

In the basic ActivityPub protocol, when a new activity is created, the server ( here) sends a message into the INBOX for all its followers... using a POST request to the concerned servers. There is no other way for the servers to guess they should connect to read new content (or updates).

More detail in the protocol specification


If we could get back to my original question, would be nice :)

frehi, to music
@frehi@fosstodon.org avatar

Is there anyone who uses a hardware component to files from a or in your network (using protocols like or ) to your amplifier? If so, what are you using and what are you experiences? I would like to have a chat about this matter and it would be nice to make an overview of different solutions with exact features (and bugs!) because this information is almost impossible to find.

linuxmagazine, to linux
@linuxmagazine@fosstodon.org avatar
thomas, to infosec
@thomas@metalhead.club avatar

Are there already elegant solutions for distributing Let's Encrypt certificates to multiple hosts?

Of course, you can have each host request certificates individually, but then you run into ACME API limits at Let's Encrypt relatively quickly, depending on the number of hosts and simultaneous accesses.

I do not want to have to fiddle around.

thisismissem, to fediverse
@thisismissem@hachyderm.io avatar

In something that may surprise a whole bunch of people, the notion of an "instance" is something of a lie.

Instances don't technically exist: https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/#server-to-server-interactions

paoloredaelli, to fediverse Italian
@paoloredaelli@mastodon.uno avatar

See fediverse/delightful-fediverse-apps: A curated list of applications with support for the protocol ( network) and related standards.

Now I have a problem of too much choices!


brunty, to random
@brunty@brunty.social avatar

Just 2 more stacks to move from my old server to my new one!

I originally set the new one up as an agent connected to the old one thinking there would be a way to change an agent into a standalone server but there isn't

So the 5 stacks I'd re-created on the agent (and moved their data etc) had to be re-done!

@brunty@brunty.social avatar
mr_daemon, to homelab
@mr_daemon@untrusted.website avatar

Fun fact: you can make your PiKVM multiport by just hooking it up to a cheap four ports HDMI kvm and hooking up the control serial port to the rpi hub, and setting up macros in kvmd to make it switch ports from the Web UI.

it's everything I ever wanted and the Redfish BCMs in my SuperMicro stuff are starting to feel primitive and clumsy in comparison.

A quick video showing the GPIO menu in PiKVM, with systems in a list. Clicking on the second one changes the video feed automatically to that system.

esm, to random
@esm@wetdry.world avatar


kkarhan, (edited )
@kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

@hexaheximal @esm @hexaheximal Shit like #Discord is an abomination and #Microsoft only won because regulators are systematically dysfunctional, corrupt and staffed with #TechIlliterates, otherwise all the #GAFAMs, #Adobe and #Autodesk among others would've been forcibly disbanded the same way #StandardOil was.

Microsoft feared #Linux but nowadays they basically gave up on #Desktop and #Server OSes since #Xbox, #Office365 & #Azure make the real profits & margins!


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