foone, avatar

ugh, projects:

  • Wheel of Fortune (2010, Wii): I need to get way smarter or rewrite Dolphin. Neither is likely to happen anytime soon
  • Barbie Fashion Show: I need to write a tool to inject textures, not just extract them. This should be easy if I don't change image sizes
  • Take No Prisoners: I'm not really sure where I am with this one/what's left. I can maybe dump opcodes of the scripting system with a bit more work?
foone, avatar
  • Clash at Demonhead: I can find the text. I can't find any of the code for the expressions, and the completely non-linear way this game works means there's no easy way to possibly be sure I get all of them even if I play through the game multiple times and take endless screenshots. I may need a different NES emulator, one with better debugging tools?
foone, avatar
  • Fallout: The way this game does translucent overlays is completely impossible to understand. I have an idea for how to manually extract it out of the game, but it will require doing a lot of injection, repeatedly, with lots of restarting the game. And given how the game loves to fuck my resolution, it won't be fun. so in conclusion: UGH
foone, avatar

Heroes of Might and Magic 2: I have the font, I have the backgrounds, and the way the two combine is not simple. The injection method I wanted to try with fallout won't really work here, and the open source reimplementation just gives up and pretends it's simple, when it's not. This one is going to be incredibly manual

foone, avatar

And the last two games have the additional problem that I currently have ZERO SUPPORT for custom "lighting" in the Death Generator. It does simple alpha-blending and that's all. I would have to implement a whole dynamic-color-math system, in javascript. Ewww. I'm still going to have to do it, or do some really weird pre-baking of textures and get funky with layering and render modes.

foone, avatar

ShiftKeyBoard: I'm rebuilding it for a version 2.0 that doesn't need any custom parts, so I can distribute the code and BOM for it. The idea will be you need a Teensy 3.5+, a USB connector + hub, then a shifter+keypad. Then you program it to type how you want. I've got the parts, haven't written the code yet.

foone, avatar

Vtech Magic Star Learning Table: I need to be able to read the position of the center dial to make this into a functional keyboard. I've got an optical encoder for it and 3D printed a matching gear.
Remaining problems:

  1. writing code to talk to the optical encoder. Haven't tested this yet.
  2. Figuring out how to mount the encoder PCB so it'll stay in place
  3. Bodging the main PCB to support the numpad
dragfyre, avatar

@foone wait what

foone, avatar

Smith Corona PWP220: Since I had no luck powering it up (it won't boot), my next step would be to desolder the ROMs and dump those. I just got in a replacement tip for my hakko so that should be doable soon

foone, avatar

Laser Compumate 1: I did a partial reconstruction of the PCB in Kicad. It was pointed out that the Compumate 2 is in MAME, but it has a different memory map. I could possibly take my ROM and stuff it into mame with some adjustments to the memory map, but I haven't tried it yet.

foone, avatar

Wii scanning project: My existing collection of Wii games wasn't terribly complete, so I'm getting a different one and rewriting my scanning scripts to keep more metadata.
The first pass was very generic, for the second run I'm going to build in some checks for certain filetypes and engines (such as python and pipeworks)

foone, avatar

arg. one side-effect of not using a US-centric source of Wii ISOs is that now I'm processing games that only came out in japan.


ravenonthill, avatar

@foone snicker snicker snicker


@foone should be able to fix that

iconv -f sjis -t utf8

now you just need to find out which to convert and which not to! :P

foone, avatar

oh goody this game used visual source safe

I can tell because they left VSSVER2.SCC files everywhere

eaton, avatar

@foone dear god, the flashbacks

foone, avatar

Can't create file: extracted\Haneru no Tobira Wii - Giri Girissu
!! (Japan)/DATA/files/sound/stream/¼–ìƒP[ƒL‚̃ƒEƒ&;N.brst
!! m

yeah that's normal


@foone Man, that brings back memories of trying to play Tsukihime or Touhou games in WinXP.

foone, avatar

@neito ???????? ??????????? ??? ????????

ciatmusings, avatar

@foone @neito me with like 14: what the hell is a locale i just wanna see saber


@foone Oh... That is a commedy show in Japan "Haneru no Tobira (はねるのとびら)"

And for spinned out Wii game "Haneru no Tobira - Giri Girissu (はねるのとびら - ギリギリっす)"

But I have no idea what's in that file...

stilescrisis, avatar

@foone if you can set your system locale to Japanese temporarily it might make this go more smoothly.

foone, avatar

@stilescrisis unfortunately I'm processing a ton of files of various origins so I can't easily switch locales per-file. I'm gonna have to figure out some alternative solution

foone, avatar

looking into another game that failed, I notice it has a directory named "files\texts" containing two files: test1.txt and test2.txt

test1.txt has "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" repeated 4 times
test2.txt has "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" repeated 4 times.

clearly very important load-bearing files

foone, avatar

I wonder if the makers of this game got permission to ship Roland's general midi soundfonts or if they just yanked them out of the ESS AudioDrive drivers

foone, avatar

uhh, twice. they shipped the soundfonts TWICE on the same disc

foone, avatar

still, refreshing to see a game using MIDI, in 2008.

it's only stored on a DVD with endless room for high-quality soundtracks, why not use a sequenced format from the 80s?


My game engine also uses MIDI for its software synths, except it primarily uses the MIDI2.0 protocol, which is compatible with 1.0

I do need to come up with my own MIDI2.0 file, and I'll give it some adaptive soundtrack capabilities

6a62, avatar

@foone now just wait until you get to Dragon Quest 11, which was still using MIDI music in 2017 :blobcatSmileSweat:

deetwenty, avatar

@foone What I kinda find interesting about midi is that in the consumer space it rose and fell within a decade or so (for actual pretty good reasons), while in the (semi-)professional space it is still going strong (midi 2 is fairly recent even!). It makes for such an interesting history


@foone what about LOOM CD, where the on-disc music tracks were just recordings of midi?

foone, avatar

oh god. I just realized this game has a set of files named like tqwdata/car/car11.brres.

which is fine, sure, but there's also tqwdata/car/backup/0731/car11.brres and tqwdata/car/backup/0905/car11.brres

foone, avatar


foone, avatar

okay the problem is not just one of not properly supporting the encoding. This tool is actively corrupting the filenames by trying to turn them into UTF-8, incorrectly.

foone, avatar

Dolphin seems to be able to parse the ISO properly, so I wonder what it's doing differently?

robinsyl, avatar

@foone I don't like that they're mixing languages here, just be consistent god dammit

foone, avatar


So instead of using the perfectly fine (if a bit antiquated) Joliet extensions, which have been standard since, like, 1995?), they just hardcoded all discs to be either SHIFT-JIS or CP1252!

foone, avatar

so I think the problem is this:

the program I'm using didn't implement this code. they instead just do "cp1252_to_utf8"

which means if the filename is actually encoded in shift-jis, it gets corrupted into UTF-8 by code that assumes it's CP1252

foone, avatar

which explains why this shit makes no sense: it's not shift-jis, or utf-8, or even cp1252: It's shift-jis being interpreted as if it was cp1252, then turned into utf-8

foone, avatar

the only thing worse than no unicode support is bad unicode support

dt, avatar

@foone bah, it’s not that bad

jwarlander, avatar

@foone Well, is there any other type of unicode support? It mostly seems to range from bad to worse, with a few exceptions in the "not too bad" range.

foone, avatar

what in the shit is this encoding support.

if the character is under 128, it's as-is, otherwise it's... c0 + the top 2 bits, and then the next value is the bottom 6 bits ored with 128? HUH?


@foone this is utf8 continuation bytes.

skquinn, avatar

@foone I think it's UTF-8 encoding or something like it.

ChartreuseK, avatar

@foone C2 and C3 would be UTF-8 for the latin 1 suppliment block. And that block starts at codepoint 80 and up. So basically that's roughly turning CP-1251 to UTF-8 I believe

foone, avatar

@ChartreuseK thanks

adriano, avatar
foone, avatar

okay this seems to be a hardcoded CP1251-to-utf8 converter. Lovely. I'm not 100% sure this even produces correct output in all cases, but it's probably "close enough" for most filenames

foone, avatar

so I gotta figure out how to wedge a shift-jis-to-utf-8 encoder in here, PLUS how to plumb through the knowledge of if this is a japanese region disc, so I know when to activate this code

foone, avatar

actually I think I'm going to punt here. I can call a DUMP --show INTRO command to determine what region a disc is, then I'll just process all non-japanese discs.

THEN I'll invert the logic and set up a variant that is hardcoded to shift-jis, and then process all japanese-region discs

foone, avatar

okay my code now checks if the ISO is japanese and if it is, it marks it down under "certified japan" files, which won't be processed until later. And then it continues on to the next file

foone, avatar

this game (Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel) has lua code, but I open the first file and look at it and see this:

"if (message != nil) then"

foone, avatar

the not-equal operator for lua is ~=, not !=.

Did ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: THE SQUEAKQUEL write their own lua variant!?

foone, avatar

I also wanted to find out which games used python, so I did a grep on the output of strings of the main executable.

I'm gonna guess that Cabela's Dangerous Hunts 2009 might be a false positive. I think by "python" they just mean the snake

foone, avatar

another game with elf debugging symbols:
Adventures of Tintin, The - The Game. apparently compiled as "D:\LynProjects\Tintin\WII\LyN\Sources\Wii/LyNmainWii.cpp"

foone, avatar

Bigs 2, The - Baseball
Canada Hunt
Disney-Pixar WALL-E - Der Letzte raeumt die Erde auf

foone, avatar

Circus uses something called "Character Keep On Floor V2"

foone, avatar

you can just smell the

foone, avatar

oh god. std::ios_base::init is called.

this game might use iostreams

est, avatar

@foone sickos.jpg

hazelweakly, avatar

@foone what if the iostreams was literally only used in debug print and they didn't ifdef it out fully?

foone, avatar

@hazelweakly I'd think it wouldn't get init'd then, so it must be used SOMEWHERE

hazelweakly, avatar

@foone ahh Tru Tru

Disgusting. It actually being used somewhere? Ugh

foone, avatar


it has 1,521 files in the root directory of the disk?


foone, avatar

so Circus uses Virtools, a 3D middleware. There's some reverse engineering done on that engine because it was also used for the game Ballance.

foone, avatar

The Bigs 2 baseball definitely has a debug menu or two. doesn't look like anyone knows how to get to it

foone, avatar

I should probably check for the phrase "debug menu" in my executable strings

foone, avatar

so Bigs 2 I HOPE was put together with some kind of code generation. Their menuing system is set up in a function called cMainMenu::cMainMenu. I looked into the DWARF info to figure out how big it is, and the answer is 171 kilobytes.

foone, avatar

naturally ghidra really doesn't like trying to decompile this

foone, avatar

the original source is nearly 2000 lines

foone, avatar


I so want to get access to this menu to find out what the fuck that means

foone, avatar


foone, avatar


fellas, don't you hate it when your balls desync?

foone, avatar

this is annoying: I'm having the opposite of the usual problem. I can't find anything about how to activate the debug menu because there's just SO MUCH DEBUG STUFF in here.
I grep for "debug" and get SEVEN THOUSAND HITS

foone, avatar

okay I think I have bad news: I don't think the debug menu is actually in the released game. It's on the disc, but only in the debugging executable, not the main DOL

foone, avatar

so the debug version of the game is on the disc, but I can't get it to load. it throws "OS ERROR: This firmware is an improper version for this SDK. Please use a correct Firmware." in Dolphin

foone, avatar

possibly the debug menu can still be activated by hacking the .BIG container files, but that's a lot of work and it's too late in the day already

foone, avatar


one of the non-JP discs threw an error, because it uses the character \x81.

In CP1252, which all non-japanese Wii discs supposedly are, \x81 is... NOTHING! IT'S NOT DEFINED! so why is it being used in a filename?

foone, avatar

this isn't even valid shift-jis either! this is just WRONG

foone, avatar

I'm not even sure what character it's supposed to be. Most of the windows codesets don't have \x81 defined. It's a very underused ordinal.

foone, avatar

I bet it's CP437. The original DOS one.
Then this filename would be "GAMES2.martin.lütke.user"

And there's a programmer credited on a few other games named Martin Lütke/Lütken.

foone, avatar

"Released: 04/23/2009 for Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista and Nintendo Wii"

shout out to the one company still supporting windows 98 over a decade after it came out

foone, avatar

I had to.


@foone I've spent more time than I'd like to admit using your generators to put "YOU CAN'T CUT BACK ON $thing! YOU WILL REGRET THIS!" on non-SC2K backgrounds.

foone, avatar

@robotfactory that's why I made them! godspeed

foone, avatar

I still am not sure how I'm supposed to handle this CP437 issue.
ü is in CP1252! it's \xFC!


foone, avatar

"it has been zero days since Foone has gotten irrationally angry at german programmers"

(the entire encoding mess I'm already facing is because the extraction tool I'm using hardcodes CP1252 and doesn't support shift-jis, and it's by another german. I assume. it better not be the same guy)

foone, avatar

I will not let Die Drei Fragezeichen - Das Verfluchte Schloss defeat me. I WILL FIND A WAY TO CRUSH IT

thomasfuchs, avatar

@foone Die Drei Interrobangs

foone, avatar

I just realized that alongside "data", this game has "data_prototype", which has a bunch of Interesting Files in it, like "Prototype.project" and a bunch of DLLs.

For a Wii game.
Did they just ship half their windows executable with the wii game?


@foone wouldn't be the first time

leo, avatar

@foone at least one first party switch game stores data as .elf.zstd

wryl, avatar

@foone Wouldn't surprise me. Pikmin flashbacks.


@foone It builds, pack it all up and ship!

yrlf, avatar

@foone This is interestingly rather common: Nintendo shipped a development build of Pikmin for Windows on the final disc

foone, avatar

@yrlf yeah. one of the Alvin & the Chimpmunks games for Wii did that too

foone, avatar

it just crashed again because the game name was too long.
the folder layout has the game name twice and it's "Simple 2000 Series Wii Vol. 1 - The Table Game - Mahjong, Igo, Shougi, Card, Hanafuda, Reversi, Gomoku Narabe (Japan)" so I overflowed MAX_PATH

foone, avatar

googling how to fix max_path in python:

you need to set HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem\LongPathsEnabled to 1

I go to do that, and it's already set.

foone, avatar


foone, avatar

one annoying thing that keeps happening (in my head) is that I get hits (for "Pipeworks") on two games:

Night at the Museum - Battle of the Smithsonian
Night at the Museum 2 - The Video Game

foone, avatar

so hey, there's two games that use Pipeworks Spigot! Night at the Museum, and Night at the Museum 2!

foone, avatar

WRONG: those are the same game

foone, avatar

Night at the Museum - Battle of the Smithsonian is the US name.
Night at the Museum 2 - The Video Game is the European name.

lastofavari, avatar

@foone but... Why?

foone, avatar

okay I have finished the first pass of non-japanese games.
next step, hack the WIT tool to use shift-JIS, then re-run on all the japanese games


@foone oh no


@foone you can do \?\c:\blahblah on the path and it will use the new max path length instead of the legacy one.


@foone "simple~1"


@foone You do realize that the game’s literally called “The cursed castle/lock”… What did you expect ;)


As a german I apologize for my peoples programming incompetence. Entschuldigung!

xgranade, avatar


Tired: Tip of the Day
Wired: That Should Have Been a Clue of the Day

michaln, avatar

@foone this gives me a flashback to yesterday when I was trying to setup a Windows 95 VM. I installed it and found out it crashes because the CPU is too fast. So I tracked down an ISO that automatically fixes it. Then I tried to increase the resolution via SciTech Display Doctor, which somehow disabled the fix 😭

foone, avatar

@michaln yeah, win95 is a bit of a pain to get running in a VM. you gotta be real careful about which drivers you install and when, and I can never remember the magic order

michaln, avatar

@foone Originally I wanted to use the VBEMP driver (because that worked a few years back with Windows 98), but that failed. Anyway, today I found a more updated driver and guess what, it works flawlessly!
Here's a link:

foone, avatar

@michaln ooh, handy. I'll have to try that out, thanks!

michaln, avatar

@foone it's really simple to use, you just download the floppy image from releases and put it in the drive. Then you navigate through Control panel > Display > Settings tab > Advanced properties > Adapter tab > Change > Have Disk > Browse, and then navigate to A:\ and select vmdisp9x.inf, select the appropriate display adapter and reboot. The driver currently supports both VBoxVGA and VBoxSVGA in Virtualbox, VMWare's SVGA-II adapter and QEMU's STD VGA adapter.


@foone now I'm just imagining a programmer coming up with this as just, the easiest and best form of copy protection and feeling so proud of themselves.

daviddlevine, avatar

@foone You mean it says that in a high squeaky voice?

foone, avatar

@daviddlevine dolphins always have a high squeaky voice, don't they?


@foone @daviddlevine like Daryl Hannah in Splash

clairely_undaunted, avatar

@foone and if you don’t mind it i have some resournce links

foone, avatar

@clairely_undaunted why would you have resource links? for such things :)

clairely_undaunted, avatar

@foone sync; sync; sync; shutdown --orchi


@foone Oh that's what I'm doing wrong, I never put a MakeGameGoFaster function in.


@foone hahaha these are great. gasp reload gasp


@foone Oh cripes, I remember Ballance.

Now I wanna play Ballance.

Has reached stage 7

SnoopJ, avatar

@foone I hate the smell of preprocessor in the…well, at pretty much any time of the day actually


@foone To be fair, sometimes it can be difficult to keep the character on the floor.

kraks, avatar

@foone That looks weird. Why would they not only mess up the operator, but also avoid using the obviously superior if message then expression? Your game archaeology keeps uncovering the strangest shit, I love it.

emily, avatar

@foone honestly I can totally see myself running into this like 15 times before getting mad and patching the lua interpreter


@foone Should I be ashamed to admit I've only ever used "if not" for dfhack scripts?

eniko, avatar

@foone pico 8 also uses !=

They might just do a search and replace from != to ~= because it's pretty trivial

Craigp, avatar

@foone Space Engineers uses the same setup.

Could mean their tick loop is also used by their event system.


@foone Looks a whole lot like ISO Latin-1 to UTF-8 to me.

Rairii, avatar

@foone joliet extensions? on a wii disc? which uses a custom filesystem?

foone, avatar

@Rairii it doesn't have to be a custom filesystem!

although on the other hand, that's even less excuse. if you're designing a filesystem from scratch, why not just make it UTF-8 or UTF-32 or UTF-16 or ANYTHING?

Rairii, avatar

@foone they reused the filesystem from the gamecube basically

but still, yeah, no excuse to not use unicode.

chucklessmith, avatar

@foone “One ring to rule them all" and still we have this stupid string encoding shit to fuss around with. Good times. (?)

xorn, avatar

@foone you'd think that the backup would use cdr instead of car


@foone you don't understand, these texts are very important holy scriptures of the developers' culture,


@foone how else will you know what order the alphabet is in! Plus... redundancy, let's go with that

Ronflaix, avatar

@foone note for self: ship weird files like this in games that are actually load-bearing just to fool reverse engineers.

foone, avatar

@Ronflaix I have a gun


@foone that's where they're keeping all the letters. If you delete those files the game won't have any letters anymore

foone, avatar

@yomimono amusingly, the game is in japanese

rasur, avatar

@foone do they generate text by indexing into each of these files? that'd be awesome if they did.

foone, avatar

@rasur that would be very, very weird.
the indexes would be bigger than just encoding the characters themselves!

rasur, avatar

@foone i was only half joking ;)

trashmuppet, avatar

@foone code's haunted


@foone @wertercatt This is an amazing project 🤩


@foone you're like a mad scientist and I love it

dolmen, avatar
foone, avatar

@dolmen yes?

Taco_lad, avatar

@foone on PC or Amiga? The drawing translucents reminded me of the wat Fat Agnus does graphics

foone, avatar

@Taco_lad on PC


@foone could be you run your emulator+debugging inside a vm so it doesn't bork your resolution? You probably already thought of this because you're a genius, but I'm case you haven't it may be worth a shot

foone, avatar

@bennyfactor certainly. it's just more work. and "more work" and "dealing with resolution changes" are about the same level of barrier to getting back into this project

lunarloony, avatar

@foone There are one or two mods that make Fallout run at higher resolutions, or would that work against you?

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